blob: b18467d987e068cca0f8f1ffeb3032bad1f41896 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
namespace cpp doris
namespace java org.apache.doris.thrift
include "Status.thrift"
include "Types.thrift"
include "Exprs.thrift"
include "Descriptors.thrift"
include "PlanNodes.thrift"
include "Planner.thrift"
include "DataSinks.thrift"
include "Data.thrift"
include "RuntimeProfile.thrift"
include "PaloService.thrift"
// constants for TQueryOptions.num_nodes
const i32 NUM_NODES_ALL = 0
const i32 NUM_NODES_ALL_RACKS = -1
// constants for TPlanNodeId
const i32 INVALID_PLAN_NODE_ID = -1
// Constant default partition ID, must be < 0 to avoid collisions
const i64 DEFAULT_PARTITION_ID = -1;
enum TQueryType {
enum TErrorHubType {
enum TPrefetchMode {
struct TMysqlErrorHubInfo {
1: required string host;
2: required i32 port;
3: required string user;
4: required string passwd;
5: required string db;
6: required string table;
struct TBrokerErrorHubInfo {
1: required Types.TNetworkAddress broker_addr;
2: required string path;
3: required map<string, string> prop;
struct TLoadErrorHubInfo {
1: required TErrorHubType type = TErrorHubType.NULL_TYPE;
2: optional TMysqlErrorHubInfo mysql_info;
3: optional TBrokerErrorHubInfo broker_info;
// Query options that correspond to PaloService.PaloQueryOptions,
// with their respective defaults
struct TQueryOptions {
1: optional bool abort_on_error = 0
2: optional i32 max_errors = 0
3: optional bool disable_codegen = 1
4: optional i32 batch_size = 0
5: optional i32 num_nodes = NUM_NODES_ALL
6: optional i64 max_scan_range_length = 0
7: optional i32 num_scanner_threads = 0
8: optional i32 max_io_buffers = 0
9: optional bool allow_unsupported_formats = 0
10: optional i64 default_order_by_limit = -1
11: optional string debug_action = ""
12: optional i64 mem_limit = 2147483648
13: optional bool abort_on_default_limit_exceeded = 0
14: optional i32 query_timeout = 3600
15: optional bool is_report_success = 0
16: optional i32 codegen_level = 0
// INT64::MAX
17: optional i64 kudu_latest_observed_ts = 9223372036854775807 // Deprecated
18: optional TQueryType query_type = TQueryType.SELECT
19: optional i64 min_reservation = 0
20: optional i64 max_reservation = 107374182400
21: optional i64 initial_reservation_total_claims = 2147483647 // TODO chenhao
22: optional i64 buffer_pool_limit = 2147483648
// The default spillable buffer size in bytes, which may be overridden by the planner.
// Defaults to 2MB.
23: optional i64 default_spillable_buffer_size = 2097152;
// The minimum spillable buffer to use. The planner will not choose a size smaller than
// this. Defaults to 64KB.
24: optional i64 min_spillable_buffer_size = 65536;
// The maximum size of row that the query will reserve memory to process. Processing
// rows larger than this may result in a query failure. Defaults to 512KB, e.g.
// enough for a row with 15 32KB strings or many smaller columns.
// Different operators handle this option in different ways. E.g. some simply increase
// the size of all their buffers to fit this row size, whereas others may use more
// sophisticated strategies - e.g. reserving a small number of buffers large enough to
// fit maximum-sized rows.
25: optional i64 max_row_size = 524288;
// stream preaggregation
26: optional bool disable_stream_preaggregations = false;
// multithreaded degree of intra-node parallelism
27: optional i32 mt_dop = 0;
// if this is a query option for LOAD, load_mem_limit should be set to limit the mem comsuption
// of load channel.
28: optional i64 load_mem_limit = 0;
// A scan range plus the parameters needed to execute that scan.
struct TScanRangeParams {
1: required PlanNodes.TScanRange scan_range
2: optional i32 volume_id = -1
// Specification of one output destination of a plan fragment
struct TPlanFragmentDestination {
// the globally unique fragment instance id
1: required Types.TUniqueId fragment_instance_id
// ... which is being executed on this server
2: required Types.TNetworkAddress server
3: optional Types.TNetworkAddress brpc_server
// Parameters for a single execution instance of a particular TPlanFragment
// TODO: for range partitioning, we also need to specify the range boundaries
struct TPlanFragmentExecParams {
// a globally unique id assigned to the entire query
1: required Types.TUniqueId query_id
// a globally unique id assigned to this particular execution instance of
// a TPlanFragment
2: required Types.TUniqueId fragment_instance_id
// initial scan ranges for each scan node in TPlanFragment.plan_tree
3: required map<Types.TPlanNodeId, list<TScanRangeParams>> per_node_scan_ranges
// number of senders for ExchangeNodes contained in TPlanFragment.plan_tree;
// needed to create a DataStreamRecvr
4: required map<Types.TPlanNodeId, i32> per_exch_num_senders
// Output destinations, one per output partition.
// The partitioning of the output is specified by
// TPlanFragment.output_sink.output_partition.
// The number of output partitions is destinations.size().
5: list<TPlanFragmentDestination> destinations
// Debug options: perform some action in a particular phase of a particular node
6: optional Types.TPlanNodeId debug_node_id
7: optional PlanNodes.TExecNodePhase debug_phase
8: optional PlanNodes.TDebugAction debug_action
// Id of this fragment in its role as a sender.
9: optional i32 sender_id
10: optional i32 num_senders
11: optional bool send_query_statistics_with_every_batch
// Global query parameters assigned by the coordinator.
struct TQueryGlobals {
// String containing a timestamp set as the current time.
// Format is yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
1: required string now_string
// To support timezone in Doris. timestamp_ms is the millisecond uinix timestamp for
// this query to calculate time zone relative function
2: optional i64 timestamp_ms
// time_zone is the timezone this query used.
// If this value is set, BE will ignore now_string
3: optional string time_zone
// Service Protocol Details
enum PaloInternalServiceVersion {
// ExecPlanFragment
struct TExecPlanFragmentParams {
1: required PaloInternalServiceVersion protocol_version
// required in V1
2: optional Planner.TPlanFragment fragment
// required in V1
3: optional Descriptors.TDescriptorTable desc_tbl
// required in V1
4: optional TPlanFragmentExecParams params
// Initiating coordinator.
// TODO: determine whether we can get this somehow via the Thrift rpc mechanism.
// required in V1
5: optional Types.TNetworkAddress coord
// backend number assigned by coord to identify backend
// required in V1
6: optional i32 backend_num
// Global query parameters assigned by coordinator.
// required in V1
7: optional TQueryGlobals query_globals
// options for the query
// required in V1
8: optional TQueryOptions query_options
// Whether reportd when the backend fails
// required in V1
9: optional bool is_report_success
// required in V1
10: optional Types.TResourceInfo resource_info
// load job related
11: optional string import_label
12: optional string db_name
13: optional i64 load_job_id
14: optional TLoadErrorHubInfo load_error_hub_info
struct TExecPlanFragmentResult {
// required in V1
1: optional Status.TStatus status
// CancelPlanFragment
struct TCancelPlanFragmentParams {
1: required PaloInternalServiceVersion protocol_version
// required in V1
2: optional Types.TUniqueId fragment_instance_id
struct TCancelPlanFragmentResult {
// required in V1
1: optional Status.TStatus status
// TransmitData
struct TTransmitDataParams {
1: required PaloInternalServiceVersion protocol_version
// required in V1
2: optional Types.TUniqueId dest_fragment_instance_id
// for debugging purposes; currently ignored
//3: optional Types.TUniqueId src_fragment_instance_id
// required in V1
4: optional Types.TPlanNodeId dest_node_id
// required in V1
5: optional Data.TRowBatch row_batch
// if set to true, indicates that no more row batches will be sent
// for this dest_node_id
6: optional bool eos
7: optional i32 be_number
8: optional i64 packet_seq
// Id of this fragment in its role as a sender.
9: optional i32 sender_id
struct TTransmitDataResult {
// required in V1
1: optional Status.TStatus status
2: optional i64 packet_seq
3: optional Types.TUniqueId dest_fragment_instance_id
4: optional Types.TPlanNodeId dest_node_id
struct TTabletWithPartition {
1: required i64 partition_id
2: required i64 tablet_id
// open a tablet writer
struct TTabletWriterOpenParams {
1: required Types.TUniqueId id
2: required i64 index_id
3: required i64 txn_id
4: required Descriptors.TOlapTableSchemaParam schema
5: required list<TTabletWithPartition> tablets
6: required i32 num_senders
struct TTabletWriterOpenResult {
1: required Status.TStatus status
// add batch to tablet writer
struct TTabletWriterAddBatchParams {
1: required Types.TUniqueId id
2: required i64 index_id
3: required i64 packet_seq
4: required list<Types.TTabletId> tablet_ids
5: required Data.TRowBatch row_batch
6: required i32 sender_no
struct TTabletWriterAddBatchResult {
1: required Status.TStatus status
struct TTabletWriterCloseParams {
1: required Types.TUniqueId id
2: required i64 index_id
3: required i32 sender_no
struct TTabletWriterCloseResult {
1: required Status.TStatus status
struct TTabletWriterCancelParams {
1: required Types.TUniqueId id
2: required i64 index_id
3: required i32 sender_no
struct TTabletWriterCancelResult {
struct TFetchDataParams {
1: required PaloInternalServiceVersion protocol_version
// required in V1
// query id which want to fetch data
2: required Types.TUniqueId fragment_instance_id
struct TFetchDataResult {
// result batch
1: required Data.TResultBatch result_batch
// end of stream flag
2: required bool eos
// packet num used check lost of packet
3: required i32 packet_num
// Operation result
4: optional Status.TStatus status
struct TCondition {
1: required string column_name
2: required string condition_op
3: required list<string> condition_values
struct TExportStatusResult {
1: required Status.TStatus status
2: required Types.TExportState state
3: optional list<string> files