blob: 678bbc15f13e1eb03328c0a1f95e4833233e610c [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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namespace java org.apache.doris.thrift
namespace cpp doris
include "Exprs.thrift"
include "Opcodes.thrift"
include "Status.thrift"
include "Types.thrift"
// A result set column descriptor.
// this definition id different from column desc in palo, the column desc in palo only support scalar type, does not support map, array
// so that should convert palo column desc into ExtColumnDesc
struct TExtColumnDesc {
// The column name as given in the Create .. statement. Always set.
1: optional string name
// The column type. Always set.
2: optional Types.TTypeDesc type
// Metadata used to describe the schema (column names, types, comments)
// of result sets.
struct TExtTableSchema {
// List of columns. Always set.
1: optional list<TExtColumnDesc> cols
struct TExtLiteral {
1: required Exprs.TExprNodeType node_type
2: optional Exprs.TBoolLiteral bool_literal
3: optional Exprs.TDateLiteral date_literal
4: optional Exprs.TFloatLiteral float_literal
5: optional Exprs.TIntLiteral int_literal
6: optional Exprs.TStringLiteral string_literal
7: optional Exprs.TDecimalLiteral decimal_literal
8: optional Exprs.TLargeIntLiteral large_int_literal
// Binary predicates that can be pushed to the external data source and
// are of the form <col> <op> <val>. Sources can choose to accept or reject
// predicates via the return value of prepare(), see TPrepareResult.
// The column and the value are guaranteed to be type compatible in Impala,
// but they are not necessarily the same type, so the data source
// implementation may need to do an implicit cast.
// > < = != >= <=
struct TExtBinaryPredicate {
// Column on which the predicate is applied. Always set.
1: optional TExtColumnDesc col
// Comparison operator. Always set.
2: optional Opcodes.TExprOpcode op
// Value on the right side of the binary predicate. Always set.
3: optional TExtLiteral value
struct TExtInPredicate {
1: optional bool is_not_in
// Column on which the predicate is applied. Always set.
2: optional TExtColumnDesc col
// Value on the right side of the binary predicate. Always set.
3: optional list<TExtLiteral> values
struct TExtLikePredicate {
1: optional TExtColumnDesc col
2: optional TExtLiteral value
struct TExtIsNullPredicate {
1: optional bool is_not_null
2: optional TExtColumnDesc col
struct TExtFunction {
1: optional string func_name
// input parameter column descs
2: optional list<TExtColumnDesc> cols
// input parameter column literals
3: optional list<TExtLiteral> values
// a union of all predicates
struct TExtPredicate {
1: required Exprs.TExprNodeType node_type
2: optional TExtBinaryPredicate binary_predicate
3: optional TExtInPredicate in_predicate
4: optional TExtLikePredicate like_predicate
5: optional TExtIsNullPredicate is_null_predicate
6: optional TExtFunction ext_function
// A union over all possible return types for a column of data
// Currently only used by ExternalDataSource types
struct TExtColumnData {
// One element in the list for every row in the column indicating if there is
// a value in the vals list or a null.
1: required list<bool> is_null;
// Only one is set, only non-null values are set. this indicates one column data for a row batch
2: optional list<bool> bool_vals;
3: optional list<byte> byte_vals;
4: optional list<i16> short_vals;
5: optional list<i32> int_vals;
6: optional list<i64> long_vals;
7: optional list<double> double_vals;
8: optional list<string> string_vals;
9: optional list<binary> binary_vals;
// Serialized batch of rows returned by getNext().
// one row batch contains mult rows, and the result is arranged in column style
struct TExtRowBatch {
// Each TColumnData contains the data for an entire column. Always set.
1: optional list<TExtColumnData> cols
// The number of rows returned. For count(*) queries, there may not be
// any materialized columns so cols will be an empty list and this value
// will indicate how many rows are returned. When there are materialized
// columns, this number should be the same as the size of each
// TColumnData.is_null list.
2: optional i64 num_rows
// Parameters to prepare().
struct TExtPrepareParams {
// The name of the table. Always set.
1: optional string table_name
// A string specified for the table that is passed to the external data source.
// Always set, may be an empty string.
2: optional string init_string
// A list of conjunctive (AND) clauses, each of which contains a list of
// disjunctive (OR) binary predicates. Always set, may be an empty list.
3: optional list<list<TExtPredicate>> predicates
// Returned by prepare().
struct TExtPrepareResult {
1: required Status.TStatus status
// Estimate of the total number of rows returned when applying the predicates indicated
// by accepted_conjuncts. Not set if the data source does not support providing
// this statistic.
2: optional i64 num_rows_estimate
// Accepted conjuncts. References the 'predicates' parameter in the prepare()
// call. It contains the 0-based indices of the top-level list elements (the
// AND elements) that the library will be able to apply during the scan. Those
// elements that aren’t referenced in accepted_conjuncts will be evaluated by
// Impala itself.
3: optional list<i32> accepted_conjuncts
// Parameters to open().
struct TExtOpenParams {
// A unique identifier for the query. Always set.
1: optional Types.TUniqueId query_id
// The name of the table. Always set.
2: optional string table_name
// A string specified for the table that is passed to the external data source.
// Always set, may be an empty string.
3: optional map<string,string> properties
// The authenticated user name. Always set.
4: optional string authenticated_user_name
// The schema of the rows that the scan needs to return. Always set.
5: optional TExtTableSchema row_schema
// The expected size of the row batches it returns in the subsequent getNext() calls.
// Always set.
6: optional i32 batch_size
7: optional list<list<TExtPredicate>> predicates
// The query limit, if specified.
8: optional i64 limit
// Returned by open().
struct TExtOpenResult {
1: required Status.TStatus status
// An opaque handle used in subsequent getNext()/close() calls. Required.
2: optional string scan_handle
3: optional list<i32> accepted_conjuncts
// Parameters to getNext()
struct TExtGetNextParams {
// The opaque handle returned by the previous open() call. Always set.
1: optional string scan_handle // es search context id
2: optional i64 offset // es should check the offset to prevent duplicate rpc calls
// Returned by getNext().
struct TExtGetNextResult {
1: required Status.TStatus status
// If true, reached the end of the result stream; subsequent calls to
// getNext() won’t return any more results. Required.
2: optional bool eos
// A batch of rows to return, if any exist. The number of rows in the batch
// should be less than or equal to the batch_size specified in TOpenParams.
3: optional TExtRowBatch rows
// Parameters to close()
struct TExtCloseParams {
// The opaque handle returned by the previous open() call. Always set.
1: optional string scan_handle
// Returned by close().
struct TExtCloseResult {
1: required Status.TStatus status
// 这个data source可以认为是palo统一的外部data source的入口
service TExtDataSourceService {
// 1. palo be call this api to send index, type, shard id to es
// 2. es will open a search context and prepare data, will return a context id
TExtOpenResult open(1: TExtOpenParams params);
// 1. palo be will send a search context id to es
// 2. es will find the search context and find a batch rows and send to palo
// 3. palo will run the remaining predicates when receving data
// 4. es should check the offset when receive the request
TExtGetNextResult getNext(1: TExtGetNextParams params);
// 1. es will release the context when receiving the data
TExtCloseResult close(1: TExtCloseParams params);