blob: ded383b1b64638a9c6af16c788a7db481699a5df [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
namespace cpp doris
namespace java org.apache.doris.thrift
include "AgentService.thrift"
include "PaloInternalService.thrift"
include "Types.thrift"
include "Status.thrift"
struct TTabletInfo {
1: required Types.TTabletId tablet_id
2: required Types.TSchemaHash schema_hash
3: required Types.TVersion version
4: required Types.TVersionHash version_hash
5: required Types.TCount row_count
6: required Types.TSize data_size
7: optional Types.TStorageMedium storage_medium
8: optional list<Types.TTransactionId> transaction_ids
9: optional i64 version_count
10: optional i64 path_hash
11: optional bool version_miss
12: optional bool used
13: optional Types.TPartitionId partition_id
14: optional bool is_in_memory
struct TFinishTaskRequest {
1: required Types.TBackend backend
2: required Types.TTaskType task_type
3: required i64 signature
4: required Status.TStatus task_status
5: optional i64 report_version
6: optional list<TTabletInfo> finish_tablet_infos
7: optional i64 tablet_checksum
8: optional i64 request_version
9: optional i64 request_version_hash
10: optional string snapshot_path
11: optional list<Types.TTabletId> error_tablet_ids
12: optional list<string> snapshot_files
13: optional map<Types.TTabletId, list<string>> tablet_files
14: optional list<Types.TTabletId> downloaded_tablet_ids
15: optional i64 copy_size
16: optional i64 copy_time_ms
struct TTablet {
1: required list<TTabletInfo> tablet_infos
struct TDisk {
1: required string root_path
2: required Types.TSize disk_total_capacity
3: required Types.TSize data_used_capacity
4: required bool used
5: optional Types.TSize disk_available_capacity
6: optional i64 path_hash
7: optional Types.TStorageMedium storage_medium
struct TPluginInfo {
1: required string plugin_name
2: required i32 type
struct TReportRequest {
1: required Types.TBackend backend
2: optional i64 report_version
3: optional map<Types.TTaskType, set<i64>> tasks // string signature
4: optional map<Types.TTabletId, TTablet> tablets
5: optional map<string, TDisk> disks // string root_path
6: optional bool force_recovery
7: optional list<TTablet> tablet_list
// the max compaction score of all tablets on a backend,
// this field should be set along with tablet report
8: optional i64 tablet_max_compaction_score
struct TMasterResult {
// required in V1
1: required Status.TStatus status
// Now we only support CPU share.
enum TResourceType {
struct TResourceGroup {
1: required map<TResourceType, i32> resourceByType
// Resource per user
struct TUserResource {
1: required TResourceGroup resource
// Share in this user quota; Now only support High, Normal, Low
2: required map<string, i32> shareByGroup
struct TFetchResourceResult {
// Master service not find protocol version, so using agent service version
1: required AgentService.TAgentServiceVersion protocolVersion
2: required i64 resourceVersion
3: required map<string, TUserResource> resourceByUser