blob: 96b7c70a36e06f879dd907f097b524c5b5fd4319 [file] [log] [blame]
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suite("test_external_yandex", "p2") {
def formats = ["_parquet", "_orc", ""]
def duplicateAggregationKeys = "SELECT URL, EventDate, max(URL) FROM hitsSUFFIX WHERE CounterID = 1704509 AND UserID = 4322253409885123546 GROUP BY URL, EventDate, EventDate ORDER BY URL, EventDate;"
def like1 = """SELECT count() FROM hitsSUFFIX WHERE URL LIKE '%/avtomobili_s_probegom/_%__%__%__%';"""
def like2 = """SELECT count() FROM hitsSUFFIX WHERE URL LIKE '/avtomobili_s_probegom/_%__%__%__%';"""
def like3 = """SELECT count() FROM hitsSUFFIX WHERE URL LIKE '%_/avtomobili_s_probegom/_%__%__%__%';"""
def like4 = """SELECT count() FROM hitsSUFFIX WHERE URL LIKE '%avtomobili%';"""
def loyalty = """SELECT loyalty, count() AS c
SELECT UserID, CAST(((if(yandex > google, yandex / (yandex + google), 0 - google / (yandex + google))) * 10) AS TINYINT) AS loyalty
SELECT UserID, sum(if(SearchEngineID = 2, 1, 0)) AS yandex, sum(if(SearchEngineID = 3, 1, 0)) AS google
WHERE SearchEngineID = 2 OR SearchEngineID = 3 GROUP BY UserID HAVING yandex + google > 10
) t1
) t2
GROUP BY loyalty
ORDER BY loyalty;"""
def maxStringIf = """SELECT CounterID, count(), max(if(SearchPhrase != "", SearchPhrase, "")) FROM hitsSUFFIX GROUP BY CounterID ORDER BY count() DESC LIMIT 20;"""
def minMax = """SELECT CounterID, min(WatchID), max(WatchID) FROM hitsSUFFIX GROUP BY CounterID ORDER BY count() DESC LIMIT 20;"""
def monotonicEvaluationSegfault = """SELECT max(0) FROM visitsSUFFIX WHERE (CAST(CAST(StartDate AS DATETIME) AS INT)) > 1000000000;"""
def subqueryInWhere = """SELECT count() FROM hitsSUFFIX WHERE UserID IN (SELECT UserID FROM hitsSUFFIX WHERE CounterID = 800784);"""
def where01 = """SELECT CounterID, count(distinct UserID) FROM hitsSUFFIX WHERE 0 != 0 GROUP BY CounterID;"""
def where02 = """SELECT CounterID, count(distinct UserID) FROM hitsSUFFIX WHERE CAST(0 AS BOOLEAN) AND CounterID = 1704509 GROUP BY CounterID;"""
String enabled = context.config.otherConfigs.get("enableExternalHiveTest")
if (enabled != null && enabled.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) {
String extHiveHmsHost = context.config.otherConfigs.get("extHiveHmsHost")
String extHiveHmsPort = context.config.otherConfigs.get("extHiveHmsPort")
String catalog_name = "external_yandex"
sql """drop catalog if exists ${catalog_name};"""
sql """
create catalog if not exists ${catalog_name} properties (
'hive.exec.orc.split.strategy' = 'BI',
'hive.metastore.uris' = 'thrift://${extHiveHmsHost}:${extHiveHmsPort}'
""""catalog " + catalog_name + " created")
sql """switch ${catalog_name};""""switched to catalog " + catalog_name)
sql """use multi_catalog;""""use multi_catalog")
for (String format in formats) {"Process format " + format)
qt_01 duplicateAggregationKeys.replace("SUFFIX", format)
qt_02 like1.replace("SUFFIX", format)
qt_03 like2.replace("SUFFIX", format)
qt_04 like3.replace("SUFFIX", format)
qt_05 like4.replace("SUFFIX", format)
qt_06 loyalty.replace("SUFFIX", format)
qt_07 maxStringIf.replace("SUFFIX", format)
qt_08 minMax.replace("SUFFIX", format)
qt_09 monotonicEvaluationSegfault.replace("SUFFIX", format)
qt_10 subqueryInWhere.replace("SUFFIX", format)
qt_11 where01.replace("SUFFIX", format)
qt_12 where02.replace("SUFFIX", format)