blob: afa323719379f7c27f7cc1639788ed17b7f5a203 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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// distributed with this work for additional information
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suite("test_infer_predicate") {
sql 'set enable_nereids_planner=true'
sql 'set enable_fallback_to_original_planner=false'
sql 'drop table if exists infer_tb1;'
sql 'drop table if exists infer_tb2;'
sql 'drop table if exists infer_tb3;'
sql '''create table infer_tb1 (k1 int, k2 int) distributed by hash(k1) buckets 3 properties('replication_num' = '1');'''
sql '''create table infer_tb2 (k1 tinyint, k2 smallint, k3 int, k4 bigint, k5 largeint, k6 date, k7 datetime, k8 float, k9 double) distributed by hash(k1) buckets 3 properties('replication_num' = '1');'''
sql '''create table infer_tb3 (k1 varchar(100), k2 int) distributed by hash(k1) buckets 3 properties('replication_num' = '1');'''
explain {
sql "select * from infer_tb1 inner join infer_tb2 where infer_tb2.k1 = infer_tb1.k2 and infer_tb2.k1 = 1;"
contains "PREDICATES: (k2"
explain {
sql "select * from infer_tb1 inner join infer_tb2 where infer_tb1.k2 = infer_tb2.k1 and infer_tb2.k1 = 1;"
contains "PREDICATES: (k2"
explain {
sql "select * from infer_tb1 inner join infer_tb2 where cast(infer_tb2.k4 as int) = infer_tb1.k2 and infer_tb2.k4 = 1;"
contains "PREDICATES: (CAST(k2"
explain {
sql "select * from infer_tb1 inner join infer_tb3 where infer_tb3.k1 = infer_tb1.k2 and infer_tb3.k1 = '123';"
notContains "PREDICATES: (k2"
explain {
sql "select * from infer_tb1 left join infer_tb2 on infer_tb1.k1 = infer_tb2.k3 left join infer_tb3 on " +
"infer_tb2.k3 = infer_tb3.k2 where infer_tb1.k1 = 1;"
contains "PREDICATES: (k3"
contains "PREDICATES: (k2"