blob: 43afed6f52a7aca7a7da84ea98ae9a4217d9d9fb [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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suite("test_hll_functions") {
sql """drop TABLE if EXISTS test_hll_func;"""
sql """
create table test_hll_func(
dt date,
id int,
name char(10),
province char(10),
os char(10),
pv hll hll_union
Aggregate KEY (dt,id,name,province,os)
distributed by hash(id) buckets 10
"replication_allocation" = "tag.location.default: 1",
"storage_format" = "V2"
sql """
insert into test_hll_func
from (
SELECT '2022-05-05' as dt,'10001' as id,'test01' as name,'beijing' as province,'windows' as os,hll_hash('windows') as pv
union all
SELECT '2022-05-05' as dt,'10002' as id,'test01' as name,'beijing' as province,'linux' as os,hll_hash('linux') as pv
union all
SELECT '2022-05-05' as dt,'10003' as id,'test01' as name,'beijing' as province,'macos' as os,hll_hash('macos') as pv
union all
SELECT '2022-05-05' as dt,'10004' as id,'test01' as name,'hebei' as province,'windows' as os,hll_hash('windows') as pv
union all
SELECT '2022-05-06' as dt,'10001' as id,'test01' as name,'shanghai' as province,'windows' as os,hll_hash('windows') as pv
union all
SELECT '2022-05-06' as dt,'10002' as id,'test01' as name,'shanghai' as province,'linux' as os,hll_hash('linux') as pv
union all
SELECT '2022-05-06' as dt,'10003' as id,'test01' as name,'jiangsu' as province,'macos' as os,hll_hash('macos') as pv
union all
SELECT '2022-05-06' as dt,'10004' as id,'test01' as name,'shanxi' as province,'windows' as os,hll_hash('windows') as pv
union all
SELECT '2022-05-07' as dt,'10005' as id,'test01' as name,'shanxi' as province,'windows' as os,hll_empty() as pv
) as a
qt_table_select "select hll_union_agg(hll_from_base64(hll_to_base64(pv))) from test_hll_func;"
qt_table_select "select province, hll_union_agg(hll_from_base64(hll_to_base64(pv))) from test_hll_func group by province order by province;"
qt_table_select "select hll_cardinality(hll_from_base64(hll_to_base64(pv))) as res from test_hll_func order by res limit 1;"
qt_const_select "select hll_cardinality(hll_from_base64(hll_to_base64(hll_hash('abc'))));"
qt_const_select "select hll_cardinality(hll_from_base64(hll_to_base64(hll_hash(''))));"
qt_const_select "select hll_cardinality(hll_from_base64(hll_to_base64(hll_hash(NULL))));"
qt_const_select "select hll_to_base64(NULL);"
qt_const_select "select hll_to_base64(hll_empty());"
qt_const_select "select hll_to_base64(hll_hash('abc'));"
qt_const_select "select hll_to_base64(hll_hash(''));"