blob: 172e5ad4ef9a9a902267d11da3c2e2d1fa31a125 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
package doris;
option java_package = "org.apache.doris.proto";
import "data.proto";
import "descriptors.proto";
import "types.proto";
import "olap_file.proto";
option cc_generic_services = true;
// Transmit data when process SQL query
message PTransmitDataParams {
// non-change member
required PUniqueId finst_id = 1;
required int32 node_id = 2;
// Id of this fragment in its role as a sender.
required int32 sender_id = 3;
required int32 be_number = 4;
// if set to true, indicates that no more row batches will be sent
// for this dest_node_id
required bool eos = 5;
optional PRowBatch row_batch = 6;
// different per packet
required int64 packet_seq = 7;
optional PQueryStatistics query_statistics = 8;
optional PBlock block = 9;
// transfer the RowBatch to the Controller Attachment
optional bool transfer_by_attachment = 10 [default = false];
optional PUniqueId query_id = 11;
message PTransmitDataResult {
optional PStatus status = 1;
optional int64 receive_time = 2;
message PTabletWithPartition {
required int64 partition_id = 1;
required int64 tablet_id = 2;
message PTabletInfo {
required int64 tablet_id = 1;
required int32 schema_hash = 2;
// Delta Writer will write data to local disk and then check if there are new raw values not in global dict
// if appears, then it should add the column name to this vector
repeated string invalid_dict_cols = 3;
// total rows num received by DeltaWriter
optional int64 received_rows = 4;
// open a tablet writer
message PTabletWriterOpenRequest {
required PUniqueId id = 1;
required int64 index_id = 2;
required int64 txn_id = 3;
required POlapTableSchemaParam schema = 4;
repeated PTabletWithPartition tablets = 5;
required int32 num_senders = 6;
required bool need_gen_rollup = 7; //Deprecated, not used since alter job v2
optional int64 load_mem_limit = 8;
optional int64 load_channel_timeout_s = 9;
optional bool is_high_priority = 10 [default = false];
optional string sender_ip = 11 [default = ""];
optional bool is_vectorized = 12 [default = false];
optional int64 backend_id = 13 [default = -1];
optional bool enable_profile = 14 [default = false];
message PTabletWriterOpenResult {
required PStatus status = 1;
message OpenPartitionRequest {
required PUniqueId id = 1;
required int64 index_id = 2;
repeated PTabletWithPartition tablets = 3;
message OpenPartitionResult {
required PStatus status = 1;
// add batch to tablet writer
message PTabletWriterAddBatchRequest {
required PUniqueId id = 1;
required int64 index_id = 2;
required int32 sender_id = 3;
// If this is the last batch from this sender
optional bool eos = 4;
required int64 packet_seq = 5;
repeated int64 tablet_ids = 6;
// unset if and only if when eos is true
optional PRowBatch row_batch = 7;
// only valid when eos is true
// valid partition ids that would write in this writer
repeated int64 partition_ids = 8;
// the backend which send this request
optional int64 backend_id = 9 [default = -1];
// transfer the RowBatch to the Controller Attachment
optional bool transfer_by_attachment = 10 [default = false];
optional bool is_high_priority = 11 [default = false];
optional bool write_single_replica = 12 [default = false];
map<int64, PSlaveTabletNodes> slave_tablet_nodes = 13;
message PTabletWriterAddBlockRequest {
required PUniqueId id = 1;
required int64 index_id = 2;
required int32 sender_id = 3;
// If this is the last batch from this sender
optional bool eos = 4;
optional int64 packet_seq = 5;
repeated int64 tablet_ids = 6;
// unset if and only if when eos is true
optional PBlock block = 7;
// only valid when eos is true
// valid partition ids that would write in this writer
repeated int64 partition_ids = 8;
// the backend which send this request
optional int64 backend_id = 9 [default = -1];
// transfer the vectorized::Block to the Controller Attachment
optional bool transfer_by_attachment = 10 [default = false];
optional bool is_high_priority = 11 [default = false];
optional bool write_single_replica = 12 [default = false];
map<int64, PSlaveTabletNodes> slave_tablet_nodes = 13;
optional bool is_single_tablet_block = 14 [default = false];
message PSlaveTabletNodes {
repeated PNodeInfo slave_nodes = 1;
message PNodeInfo {
optional int64 id = 1;
optional int64 option = 2;
optional string host = 3;
// used to transfer data between nodes
optional int32 async_internal_port = 4;
message PSuccessSlaveTabletNodeIds {
repeated int64 slave_node_ids = 1;
message PTabletError {
optional int64 tablet_id = 1;
optional string msg = 2;
message PTabletWriterAddBatchResult {
required PStatus status = 1;
repeated PTabletInfo tablet_vec = 2;
optional int64 execution_time_us = 3;
optional int64 wait_lock_time_us = 4;
optional int64 wait_execution_time_us = 5;
repeated PTabletError tablet_errors = 6;
map<int64, PSuccessSlaveTabletNodeIds> success_slave_tablet_node_ids = 7;
message PTabletWriterAddBlockResult {
required PStatus status = 1;
repeated PTabletInfo tablet_vec = 2;
optional int64 execution_time_us = 3;
optional int64 wait_lock_time_us = 4;
optional int64 wait_execution_time_us = 5;
repeated PTabletError tablet_errors = 6;
map<int64, PSuccessSlaveTabletNodeIds> success_slave_tablet_node_ids = 7;
optional bytes load_channel_profile = 8;
// tablet writer cancel
message PTabletWriterCancelRequest {
required PUniqueId id = 1;
required int64 index_id = 2;
required int32 sender_id = 3;
message PTabletWriterCancelResult {
enum PFragmentRequestVersion {
VERSION_1 = 1; // only one TExecPlanFragmentParams in request
VERSION_2 = 2; // multi TExecPlanFragmentParams in request
VERSION_3 = 3; // multi TPipelineFragmentParams in request
message PExecPlanFragmentRequest {
optional bytes request = 1;
optional bool compact = 2;
optional PFragmentRequestVersion version = 3 [default = VERSION_2];
message PExecPlanFragmentStartRequest {
optional PUniqueId query_id = 1;
message PExecPlanFragmentResult {
required PStatus status = 1;
message PCancelPlanFragmentRequest {
required PUniqueId finst_id = 1;
optional PPlanFragmentCancelReason cancel_reason = 2;
message PCancelPlanFragmentResult {
required PStatus status = 1;
message PFetchDataRequest {
required PUniqueId finst_id = 1;
optional bool resp_in_attachment = 2;
message PFetchDataResult {
required PStatus status = 1;
// valid when status is ok
optional int64 packet_seq = 2;
optional bool eos = 3;
optional PQueryStatistics query_statistics = 4;
optional bytes row_batch = 5;
optional bool empty_batch = 6;
message KeyTuple {
repeated string key_column_rep = 1;
message UUID {
required int64 uuid_high = 1;
required int64 uuid_low = 2;
// We use thrift definition for some structure, since TExpr,
// list<Exprs.TExpr>, Descriptors.TDescriptorTable are all thrift format.
// Modify them to protobuf is a redundant work.
message PTabletKeyLookupRequest {
required int64 tablet_id = 1;
repeated KeyTuple key_tuples = 2;
// reusable structures
// serilized from Descriptors.TDescriptorTable
optional UUID uuid = 3;
optional bytes desc_tbl = 4;
// serilized from TExprList
optional bytes output_expr = 5;
// return binary mysql row format if true
optional bool is_binary_row = 6;
message PTabletKeyLookupResponse {
required PStatus status = 1;
optional bytes row_batch = 2;
optional bool empty_batch = 3;
//Add message definition to fetch and update cache
enum PCacheStatus {
enum CacheType {
message PCacheParam {
required int64 partition_key = 1;
optional int64 last_version = 2;
optional int64 last_version_time = 3;
message PCacheValue {
required PCacheParam param = 1;
required int32 data_size = 2;
repeated bytes rows = 3;
//for update&clear return
message PCacheResponse {
required PCacheStatus status = 1;
message PUpdateCacheRequest{
required PUniqueId sql_key = 1;
repeated PCacheValue values = 2;
optional CacheType cache_type = 3;
message PFetchCacheRequest {
required PUniqueId sql_key = 1;
repeated PCacheParam params = 2;
message PFetchCacheResult {
required PCacheStatus status = 1;
repeated PCacheValue values = 2;
optional int64 all_count = 3 [default = 0];
enum PClearType {
message PClearCacheRequest {
required PClearType clear_type = 1;
optional int64 before_time = 2;
optional PUniqueId sql_key = 3;
//End cache proto definition
message PStringPair {
required string key = 1;
required string val = 2;
message PIntegerPair {
required int32 key = 1;
required int64 val = 2;
message PKafkaLoadInfo {
required string brokers = 1;
required string topic = 2;
repeated PStringPair properties = 3;
message PKafkaMetaProxyRequest {
optional PKafkaLoadInfo kafka_info = 1;
// optional for getting offsets for times
repeated PIntegerPair offset_times = 3;
// optional for getting latest offsets of partitons
repeated int32 partition_id_for_latest_offsets = 4;
message PProxyRequest {
optional PKafkaMetaProxyRequest kafka_meta_request = 1;
message PKafkaMetaProxyResult {
repeated int32 partition_ids = 1;
message PKafkaPartitionOffsets {
repeated PIntegerPair offset_times = 1;
message PProxyResult {
required PStatus status = 1;
optional PKafkaMetaProxyResult kafka_meta_result = 2;
optional PKafkaPartitionOffsets partition_offsets = 3;
message PDataColumn {
optional string value = 1;
message PDataRow {
repeated PDataColumn col = 1;
message PSendDataRequest {
required PUniqueId fragment_instance_id = 1;
repeated PDataRow data = 2;
optional PUniqueId load_id = 3; // load_id == query_id in fragment exec
message PSendDataResult {
required PStatus status = 1;
message PCommitRequest {
required PUniqueId fragment_instance_id = 1;
optional PUniqueId load_id = 2;
message PCommitResult {
required PStatus status = 1;
message PRollbackRequest {
required PUniqueId fragment_instance_id = 1;
optional PUniqueId load_id = 2;
message PRollbackResult {
required PStatus status = 1;
message PBloomFilter {
required bool always_true = 2;
required int32 filter_length = 1;
message PColumnValue {
optional bool boolVal = 1;
optional int32 intVal = 2;
optional int64 longVal = 3;
optional double doubleVal = 4;
optional bytes stringVal = 5;
optional int32 precision = 6;
optional int32 scale = 7;
enum PColumnType {
message PMinMaxFilter {
required PColumnType column_type = 1;
required PColumnValue min_val = 2;
required PColumnValue max_val = 3;
message PInFilter {
required PColumnType column_type = 1;
repeated PColumnValue values = 2;
optional string ignored_msg = 3;
enum PFilterType {
message PMergeFilterRequest {
required int32 filter_id = 1;
required PUniqueId query_id = 2;
required PUniqueId fragment_id = 3;
required PFilterType filter_type = 4;
optional PMinMaxFilter minmax_filter = 5;
optional PBloomFilter bloom_filter = 6;
optional PInFilter in_filter = 7;
optional bool is_pipeline = 8;
optional bool opt_remote_rf = 9;
message PMergeFilterResponse {
required PStatus status = 1;
message PPublishFilterRequest {
required int32 filter_id = 1;
required PUniqueId query_id = 2;
required PUniqueId fragment_id = 3;
required PFilterType filter_type = 4;
optional PMinMaxFilter minmax_filter = 5;
optional PBloomFilter bloom_filter = 6;
optional PInFilter in_filter = 7;
optional bool is_pipeline = 8;
message PPublishFilterRequestV2 {
required int32 filter_id = 1;
required PUniqueId query_id = 2;
repeated PUniqueId fragment_instance_ids = 3;
required PFilterType filter_type = 4;
optional PMinMaxFilter minmax_filter = 5;
optional PBloomFilter bloom_filter = 6;
optional PInFilter in_filter = 7;
optional bool is_pipeline = 8;
optional int64 merge_time = 9;
message PPublishFilterResponse {
required PStatus status = 1;
message PExprResult {
required PScalarType type = 1;
required string content = 2;
required bool success = 3;
message PExprResultMap {
map<string, PExprResult> map = 1;
message PConstantExprRequest {
optional bytes request = 1;
message PConstantExprResult {
required PStatus status = 1;
map<string, PExprResultMap> expr_result_map = 2;
message PCheckRPCChannelRequest {
optional bytes data = 1;
optional uint32 size = 2;
optional string md5 = 3;
message PCheckRPCChannelResponse {
required PStatus status = 1;
message PResetRPCChannelRequest {
required bool all = 1;
repeated string endpoints = 2;
message PResetRPCChannelResponse {
required PStatus status = 1;
repeated string channels = 2;
message PEmptyRequest {};
message PTabletWriteSlaveRequest {
message IndexSize {
required int64 indexId = 1;
required int64 size = 2;
message IndexSizeMap{
repeated IndexSize index_sizes = 1;
optional RowsetMetaPB rowset_meta = 1;
optional string rowset_path = 2;
map<int64, int64> segments_size = 3;
optional string host = 4;
optional int32 http_port = 5;
optional int32 brpc_port = 6;
optional string token = 7;
optional int32 node_id = 8;
map<int64, IndexSizeMap> inverted_indices_size = 9;
message PTabletWriteSlaveResult {
optional PStatus status = 1;
message PTabletWriteSlaveDoneRequest {
optional int64 txn_id = 1;
optional int64 tablet_id = 2;
optional int64 node_id = 3;
optional bool is_succeed = 4 [default = false];
message PTabletWriteSlaveDoneResult {
optional PStatus status = 1;
message PFetchTableSchemaRequest {
optional bytes file_scan_range = 1;
message PFetchTableSchemaResult {
optional PStatus status = 1;
optional int32 column_nums = 2;
repeated string column_names = 3;
repeated PTypeDesc column_types = 4;
message PRowLocation {
optional int64 tablet_id = 1;
optional string rowset_id = 2;
optional uint64 segment_id = 3;
optional uint64 ordinal_id = 4;
message PMultiGetRequest {
repeated PRowLocation row_locs = 1;
optional PTupleDescriptor desc = 2;
repeated PSlotDescriptor slots = 3;
// for compability
optional int32 be_exec_version = 4;
optional bool fetch_row_store = 5;
optional PUniqueId query_id = 6;
repeated ColumnPB column_desc = 7;
message PMultiGetResponse {
optional PBlock block = 1;
optional PStatus status = 2;
// more effecient serialization fields for row store
enum RowFormat {
JSONB = 0;
optional RowFormat format = 3;
repeated bytes binary_row_data = 4;
// for sorting rows
repeated PRowLocation row_locs = 5;
message PFetchColIdsRequest {
message PFetchColIdParam {
required int64 indexId = 1;
repeated int64 tablet_ids = 2;
repeated PFetchColIdParam params = 1;
message PFetchColIdsResponse {
message PFetchColIdsResultEntry {
required int64 index_id = 1;
map<string, int32> col_name_to_id = 2;
optional PStatus status = 1;
repeated PFetchColIdsResultEntry entries = 2;
message PGetTabletVersionsRequest {
required int64 tablet_id = 1;
message PGetTabletVersionsResponse {
message PVersion {
required int64 first = 1;
required int64 second = 2;
required PStatus status = 1;
repeated PVersion versions = 2;
service PBackendService {
rpc transmit_data(PTransmitDataParams) returns (PTransmitDataResult);
rpc transmit_data_by_http(PEmptyRequest) returns (PTransmitDataResult);
// If #fragments of a query is < 3, use exec_plan_fragment directly.
// If #fragments of a query is >=3, use exec_plan_fragment_prepare + exec_plan_fragment_start
rpc exec_plan_fragment(PExecPlanFragmentRequest) returns (PExecPlanFragmentResult);
rpc exec_plan_fragment_prepare(PExecPlanFragmentRequest) returns (PExecPlanFragmentResult);
rpc exec_plan_fragment_start(PExecPlanFragmentStartRequest) returns (PExecPlanFragmentResult);
rpc cancel_plan_fragment(PCancelPlanFragmentRequest) returns (PCancelPlanFragmentResult);
rpc fetch_data(PFetchDataRequest) returns (PFetchDataResult);
rpc tablet_writer_open(PTabletWriterOpenRequest) returns (PTabletWriterOpenResult);
rpc open_partition(OpenPartitionRequest) returns (OpenPartitionResult);
rpc tablet_writer_add_block(PTabletWriterAddBlockRequest) returns (PTabletWriterAddBlockResult);
rpc tablet_writer_add_block_by_http(PEmptyRequest) returns (PTabletWriterAddBlockResult);
rpc tablet_writer_cancel(PTabletWriterCancelRequest) returns (PTabletWriterCancelResult);
rpc get_info(PProxyRequest) returns (PProxyResult);
rpc update_cache(PUpdateCacheRequest) returns (PCacheResponse);
rpc fetch_cache(PFetchCacheRequest) returns (PFetchCacheResult);
rpc clear_cache(PClearCacheRequest) returns (PCacheResponse);
rpc send_data(PSendDataRequest) returns (PSendDataResult);
rpc commit(PCommitRequest) returns (PCommitResult);
rpc rollback(PRollbackRequest) returns (PRollbackResult);
rpc merge_filter(PMergeFilterRequest) returns (PMergeFilterResponse);
rpc apply_filter(PPublishFilterRequest) returns (PPublishFilterResponse);
rpc apply_filterv2(PPublishFilterRequestV2) returns (PPublishFilterResponse);
rpc fold_constant_expr(PConstantExprRequest) returns (PConstantExprResult);
rpc transmit_block(PTransmitDataParams) returns (PTransmitDataResult);
rpc transmit_block_by_http(PEmptyRequest) returns (PTransmitDataResult);
rpc check_rpc_channel(PCheckRPCChannelRequest) returns (PCheckRPCChannelResponse);
rpc reset_rpc_channel(PResetRPCChannelRequest) returns (PResetRPCChannelResponse);
rpc hand_shake(PHandShakeRequest) returns (PHandShakeResponse);
rpc request_slave_tablet_pull_rowset(PTabletWriteSlaveRequest) returns (PTabletWriteSlaveResult);
rpc response_slave_tablet_pull_rowset(PTabletWriteSlaveDoneRequest) returns (PTabletWriteSlaveDoneResult);
rpc fetch_table_schema(PFetchTableSchemaRequest) returns (PFetchTableSchemaResult);
rpc multiget_data(PMultiGetRequest) returns (PMultiGetResponse);
rpc tablet_fetch_data(PTabletKeyLookupRequest) returns (PTabletKeyLookupResponse);
rpc get_column_ids_by_tablet_ids(PFetchColIdsRequest) returns (PFetchColIdsResponse);
rpc get_tablet_rowset_versions(PGetTabletVersionsRequest) returns (PGetTabletVersionsResponse);