blob: e68e55aa720cf12bcb0ece7145d921c267acee28 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
// This file is copied from
// and modified by Doris
#include "runtime/runtime_state.h"
#include <fmt/format.h>
#include <gen_cpp/PaloInternalService_types.h>
#include <gen_cpp/Types_types.h>
#include <string>
#include "common/config.h"
#include "common/logging.h"
#include "common/object_pool.h"
#include "common/status.h"
#include "runtime/exec_env.h"
#include "runtime/load_path_mgr.h"
#include "runtime/memory/mem_tracker_limiter.h"
#include "runtime/memory/thread_mem_tracker_mgr.h"
#include "runtime/runtime_filter_mgr.h"
#include "runtime/thread_context.h"
#include "util/timezone_utils.h"
#include "util/uid_util.h"
#include "vec/runtime/vdatetime_value.h"
namespace doris {
using namespace ErrorCode;
// for ut only
RuntimeState::RuntimeState(const TUniqueId& fragment_instance_id,
const TQueryOptions& query_options, const TQueryGlobals& query_globals,
ExecEnv* exec_env)
: _profile("Fragment " + print_id(fragment_instance_id)),
_obj_pool(new ObjectPool()),
_runtime_filter_mgr(new RuntimeFilterMgr(TUniqueId(), this)),
_data_stream_recvrs_pool(new ObjectPool()),
_error_log_file(nullptr) {
Status status = init(fragment_instance_id, query_options, query_globals, exec_env);
RuntimeState::RuntimeState(const TPlanFragmentExecParams& fragment_exec_params,
const TQueryOptions& query_options, const TQueryGlobals& query_globals,
ExecEnv* exec_env)
: _profile("Fragment " + print_id(fragment_exec_params.fragment_instance_id)),
_obj_pool(new ObjectPool()),
_runtime_filter_mgr(new RuntimeFilterMgr(fragment_exec_params.query_id, this)),
_data_stream_recvrs_pool(new ObjectPool()),
_error_log_file(nullptr) {
if (fragment_exec_params.__isset.runtime_filter_params) {
Status status =
init(fragment_exec_params.fragment_instance_id, query_options, query_globals, exec_env);
RuntimeState::RuntimeState(const TPipelineInstanceParams& pipeline_params,
const TUniqueId& query_id, const TQueryOptions& query_options,
const TQueryGlobals& query_globals, ExecEnv* exec_env)
: _profile("Fragment " + print_id(pipeline_params.fragment_instance_id)),
_obj_pool(new ObjectPool()),
_runtime_filter_mgr(new RuntimeFilterMgr(query_id, this)),
_data_stream_recvrs_pool(new ObjectPool()),
_error_log_file(nullptr) {
if (pipeline_params.__isset.runtime_filter_params) {
Status status =
init(pipeline_params.fragment_instance_id, query_options, query_globals, exec_env);
RuntimeState::RuntimeState(const TQueryGlobals& query_globals)
: _profile("<unnamed>"),
_obj_pool(new ObjectPool()),
_data_stream_recvrs_pool(new ObjectPool()),
_per_fragment_instance_idx(0) {
_query_options.batch_size = DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE;
if (query_globals.__isset.time_zone && query_globals.__isset.nano_seconds) {
_timezone = query_globals.time_zone;
_timestamp_ms = query_globals.timestamp_ms;
_nano_seconds = query_globals.nano_seconds;
} else if (query_globals.__isset.time_zone) {
_timezone = query_globals.time_zone;
_timestamp_ms = query_globals.timestamp_ms;
_nano_seconds = 0;
} else if (!query_globals.now_string.empty()) {
_timezone = TimezoneUtils::default_time_zone;
vectorized::VecDateTimeValue dt;
dt.from_date_str(query_globals.now_string.c_str(), query_globals.now_string.size());
int64_t timestamp;
dt.unix_timestamp(&timestamp, _timezone);
_timestamp_ms = timestamp * 1000;
_nano_seconds = 0;
} else {
//Unit test may set into here
_timezone = TimezoneUtils::default_time_zone;
_timestamp_ms = 0;
_nano_seconds = 0;
TimezoneUtils::find_cctz_time_zone(_timezone, _timezone_obj);
: _profile("<unnamed>"),
_obj_pool(new ObjectPool()),
_data_stream_recvrs_pool(new ObjectPool()),
_per_fragment_instance_idx(0) {
_query_options.batch_size = DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE;
_timezone = TimezoneUtils::default_time_zone;
_timestamp_ms = 0;
_nano_seconds = 0;
TimezoneUtils::find_cctz_time_zone(_timezone, _timezone_obj);
_exec_env = ExecEnv::GetInstance();
RuntimeState::~RuntimeState() {
// close error log file
if (_error_log_file != nullptr && _error_log_file->is_open()) {
delete _error_log_file;
_error_log_file = nullptr;
Status RuntimeState::init(const TUniqueId& fragment_instance_id, const TQueryOptions& query_options,
const TQueryGlobals& query_globals, ExecEnv* exec_env) {
_fragment_instance_id = fragment_instance_id;
_query_options = query_options;
if (query_globals.__isset.time_zone && query_globals.__isset.nano_seconds) {
_timezone = query_globals.time_zone;
_timestamp_ms = query_globals.timestamp_ms;
_nano_seconds = query_globals.nano_seconds;
} else if (query_globals.__isset.time_zone) {
_timezone = query_globals.time_zone;
_timestamp_ms = query_globals.timestamp_ms;
_nano_seconds = 0;
} else if (!query_globals.now_string.empty()) {
_timezone = TimezoneUtils::default_time_zone;
vectorized::VecDateTimeValue dt;
dt.from_date_str(query_globals.now_string.c_str(), query_globals.now_string.size());
int64_t timestamp;
dt.unix_timestamp(&timestamp, _timezone);
_timestamp_ms = timestamp * 1000;
_nano_seconds = 0;
} else {
//Unit test may set into here
_timezone = TimezoneUtils::default_time_zone;
_timestamp_ms = 0;
_nano_seconds = 0;
TimezoneUtils::find_cctz_time_zone(_timezone, _timezone_obj);
if (query_globals.__isset.load_zero_tolerance) {
_load_zero_tolerance = query_globals.load_zero_tolerance;
_exec_env = exec_env;
if (_query_options.max_errors <= 0) {
// TODO: fix linker error and uncomment this
//_query_options.max_errors = config::max_errors;
_query_options.max_errors = 100;
if (_query_options.batch_size <= 0) {
_query_options.batch_size = DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE;
_db_name = "insert_stmt";
_import_label = print_id(fragment_instance_id);
return Status::OK();
Status RuntimeState::init_mem_trackers(const TUniqueId& query_id) {
_query_mem_tracker = std::make_shared<MemTrackerLimiter>(
MemTrackerLimiter::Type::QUERY, fmt::format("TestQuery#Id={}", print_id(query_id)));
return Status::OK();
bool RuntimeState::log_error(const std::string& error) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l(_error_log_lock);
if (_error_log.size() < _query_options.max_errors) {
return true;
return false;
void RuntimeState::get_unreported_errors(std::vector<std::string>* new_errors) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l(_error_log_lock);
if (_unreported_error_idx < _error_log.size()) {
new_errors->assign(_error_log.begin() + _unreported_error_idx, _error_log.end());
_unreported_error_idx = _error_log.size();
Status RuntimeState::set_mem_limit_exceeded(const std::string& msg) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l(_process_status_lock);
if (_process_status.ok()) {
_process_status = Status::MemoryLimitExceeded(msg);
return _process_status;
Status RuntimeState::check_query_state(const std::string& msg) {
// TODO: it would be nice if this also checked for cancellation, but doing so breaks
// cases where we use Status::Cancelled("Cancelled") to indicate that the limit was reached.
// If the thread MemTrackerLimiter exceeds the limit, an error status is returned.
// Usually used after SCOPED_ATTACH_TASK, during query execution.
if (thread_context()->thread_mem_tracker()->limit_exceeded() &&
!config::enable_query_memory_overcommit) {
auto failed_msg = thread_context()->thread_mem_tracker()->query_tracker_limit_exceeded_str(
thread_context()->thread_mem_tracker_mgr->last_consumer_tracker(), msg);
return Status::MemoryLimitExceeded(failed_msg);
return query_status();
const std::string ERROR_FILE_NAME = "error_log";
const int64_t MAX_ERROR_NUM = 50;
Status RuntimeState::create_error_log_file() {
_db_name, _import_label, _fragment_instance_id, &_error_log_file_path);
// std::stringstream ss;
// ss << load_dir() << "/" << ERROR_FILE_NAME
// << "_" << std::hex << fragment_instance_id().hi
// << "_" << fragment_instance_id().lo;
// _error_log_file_path = ss.str();
std::string error_log_absolute_path =
_error_log_file = new std::ofstream(error_log_absolute_path, std::ifstream::out);
if (!_error_log_file->is_open()) {
std::stringstream error_msg;
error_msg << "Fail to open error file: [" << _error_log_file_path << "].";
LOG(WARNING) << error_msg.str();
return Status::InternalError(error_msg.str());
VLOG_FILE << "create error log file: " << _error_log_file_path;
return Status::OK();
Status RuntimeState::append_error_msg_to_file(std::function<std::string()> line,
std::function<std::string()> error_msg,
bool* stop_processing, bool is_summary) {
*stop_processing = false;
if (query_type() != TQueryType::LOAD) {
return Status::OK();
// If file haven't been opened, open it here
if (_error_log_file == nullptr) {
Status status = create_error_log_file();
if (!status.ok()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Create error file log failed. because: " << status;
if (_error_log_file != nullptr) {
delete _error_log_file;
_error_log_file = nullptr;
return status;
// if num of printed error row exceeds the limit, and this is not a summary message,
// if _load_zero_tolerance, return Error to stop the load process immediately.
if (_num_print_error_rows.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_relaxed) > MAX_ERROR_NUM &&
!is_summary) {
if (_load_zero_tolerance) {
*stop_processing = true;
return Status::OK();
fmt::memory_buffer out;
if (is_summary) {
fmt::format_to(out, "Summary: {}", error_msg());
} else {
if (_error_row_number < MAX_ERROR_NUM) {
// Note: export reason first in case src line too long and be truncated.
fmt::format_to(out, "Reason: {}. src line [{}]; ", error_msg(), line());
} else if (_error_row_number == MAX_ERROR_NUM) {
fmt::format_to(out, "TOO MUCH ERROR! already reach {}. show no more next error.",
if (out.size() > 0) {
(*_error_log_file) << fmt::to_string(out) << std::endl;
return Status::OK();
int64_t RuntimeState::get_load_mem_limit() {
// TODO: the code is abandoned, it can be deleted after v1.3
if (_query_options.__isset.load_mem_limit && _query_options.load_mem_limit > 0) {
return _query_options.load_mem_limit;
} else {
return _query_mem_tracker->limit();
} // end namespace doris