blob: e95ef7708273a2b27176d3e7a364b7dd7edc2d0a [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
// Define file format struct, like data header, index header.
package doris;
option java_package = "org.apache.doris.proto";
import "olap_common.proto";
import "types.proto";
message ZoneMap {
required bytes min = 1;
required bytes max = 2;
optional bool null_flag = 3;
message DeltaPruning {
repeated ZoneMap zone_maps = 1;
// define OLAP FileVersion Message, Base, delta and cumulative delta
// are both instance of Version
// Base Version: (start_version == 0 && end_version > start_version) || [0, 0]
// Cumulative Version: (start_version >= 1 && end_version > start_version)
// Delta Version: start_version == end_version
message FileVersionMessage { // Deprecated, Use PDelta instead
required uint32 num_segments = 1 [default = 0];
required int32 start_version = 2;
required int32 end_version = 3;
required int64 version_hash = 4 [default = 0];
required int64 max_timestamp = 5 [default = 0];
required int64 index_size = 6 [default = 0];
required int64 data_size = 7 [default = 0];
optional int64 num_rows = 8 [default = 0];
required int64 creation_time = 9 [default = 0];
optional DeltaPruning delta_pruning = 10;
message PDelta {
required int64 start_version = 1; // RowsetMetaPB.start_version
required int64 end_version = 2; // RowsetMetaPB.end_version
required int64 version_hash = 3; // RowsetMetaPB.version_hash
required int64 creation_time = 4; // RowsetMetaPB.creation_time
repeated SegmentGroupPB segment_group = 5; // RowsetMetaPB.extra_properties
optional DeletePredicatePB delete_condition = 6; // RowsetMetaPB.delete_predicate
enum RowsetTypePB {
ALPHA_ROWSET = 0; // doris原有的列存格式
BETA_ROWSET = 1; // 新列存
enum RowsetStatePB {
PREPARED = 0; // 表示正在写入Rowset
COMMITTED = 1; // 表示rowset 写入完成,但是用户还不可见;这个状态下的rowset,BE不能自行判断是否删除,必须由FE的指令
VISIBLE = 2; // 表示rowset 已经对用户可见
// indicate whether date between segments of a rowset is overlappinng
enum SegmentsOverlapPB {
OVERLAP_UNKNOWN = 0; // this enum is added since Doris v0.11, so previous rowset's segment is unknown
message RowsetMetaPB {
required int64 rowset_id = 1;
optional int64 partition_id = 2;
optional int64 tablet_id = 3;
// only for pending rowset
optional int64 txn_id = 4;
// tablet id and schema hash could find tablet
optional int32 tablet_schema_hash = 5;
optional RowsetTypePB rowset_type = 6;
optional RowsetStatePB rowset_state = 7;
// only for visible rowset. For alpha rowset, it's the same as PDelta.start_version
optional int64 start_version = 8;
// only for visible rowset. For alpha rowset, it's the same as PDelta.end_version
optional int64 end_version = 9;
// only for visible rowset. For alpha rowset, it's the same as PDelta.version_hash
optional int64 version_hash = 10;
// total number of rows. For alpha rowset, it's calculated from segment group
optional int64 num_rows = 11;
// calculated by index + data
optional int64 total_disk_size = 12;
// calculated sum(segmentgroup.data_size)
optional int64 data_disk_size = 13;
// calculated sum(segmentgroup.index_size)
optional int64 index_disk_size = 14;
// rowset level column min/max/null statistics, not not used currently
repeated ZoneMap zone_maps = 15;
optional DeletePredicatePB delete_predicate = 16;
// calculated from segment group
optional bool empty = 17;
// only for pending rowset
optional PUniqueId load_id = 18;
// not set, get from olap index header msg?
optional bool delete_flag = 19;
// For alpha rowset, it's the same as PDelta.creation_time
optional int64 creation_time = 20;
optional PUniqueId tablet_uid = 21;
// total number of segments
optional int64 num_segments = 22;
// rowset id definition, it will replace required rowset id
optional string rowset_id_v2 = 23;
// spare field id for future use
optional AlphaRowsetExtraMetaPB alpha_rowset_extra_meta_pb = 50;
// to indicate whether the data between the segments overlap
optional SegmentsOverlapPB segments_overlap_pb = 51 [default = OVERLAP_UNKNOWN];
message AlphaRowsetExtraMetaPB {
repeated SegmentGroupPB segment_groups = 1;
message SegmentGroupPB {
required int32 segment_group_id = 1;
required int32 num_segments = 2;
required int64 index_size = 3;
required int64 data_size = 4;
required int64 num_rows = 5;
repeated ZoneMap zone_maps = 6;
optional bool empty = 7;
optional PUniqueId load_id = 8;
message PPendingDelta {
required int64 partition_id = 1; // RowsetMetaPB.partition_id
required int64 transaction_id = 2; // RowsetMetaPB.txn_id
required int64 creation_time = 3; // RowsetMetaPB.creation_time
repeated PendingSegmentGroupPB pending_segment_group = 4; // RowsetMetaPB.extra_properties
optional DeletePredicatePB delete_condition = 5; // RowsetMetaPB.delete_predicate
message PendingSegmentGroupPB {
required int32 pending_segment_group_id = 1;
required int32 num_segments = 2;
required PUniqueId load_id = 3;
repeated ZoneMap zone_maps = 4;
optional bool empty = 5;
message SchemaChangeStatusMessage {
required int64 related_tablet_id = 1;
required int32 related_schema_hash = 2;
repeated FileVersionMessage versions_to_be_changed = 3; // Deprecated. Use PDelta instead
required int32 schema_change_type = 4;
repeated PDelta versions_to_changed = 5;
enum DataFileType {
OLAP_DATA_FILE = 0; //Deprecated. Only columnar-wise format is supported.
enum KeysType {
message DeletePredicatePB {
required int32 version = 1;
repeated string sub_predicates = 2;
message OLAPHeaderMessage {
required uint32 num_rows_per_data_block = 1; // TabletSchemaPB.num_rows_per_row_block
repeated FileVersionMessage file_version = 2; // Deprecated. Use PDelta instead after stream load
required int32 cumulative_layer_point = 3; // TabletMetaPB.cumulative_layer_point
required uint32 num_short_key_fields = 4; // TabletSchemaPB.num_short_key_columns
repeated ColumnMessage column = 5; // TabletSchemaPB.column
required int64 creation_time = 6; // TabletMetaPB.creation_time
repeated int32 selectivity = 7; // Deprecated.
optional SchemaChangeStatusMessage schema_change_status = 8; // TabletMetaPB.alter_task
optional DataFileType data_file_type = 9 [default = OLAP_DATA_FILE]; // ? only column oriented
optional uint32 next_column_unique_id = 10 [default = 0]; // TabletSchemaPB.next_column_unique_id
optional CompressKind compress_kind = 11 [default = COMPRESS_LZO]; // TabletSchemaPB.compress_kind
optional uint32 segment_size = 12 [default = 4292870144]; // ? not used
repeated DeletePredicatePB delete_data_conditions = 13; // not serialized any more, just read from PDelta
// bloom filter false positive probability
optional double bf_fpp = 14; // TabletSchemaPB.bf_fpp
optional KeysType keys_type = 15; // TabletSchemaPB.keys_type
repeated PDelta delta = 16; // TabletMetaPB.rs_metas
repeated PPendingDelta pending_delta = 17; // need write to olap meta store
repeated PDelta incremental_delta = 18; // TabletMetaPB.inc_rs_metas
// if true, this tablet will not do compaction,
// and does not create init version
optional bool in_restore_mode = 19 [default = false]; // TabletMetaPB.is_restore_mode
optional int64 tablet_id = 20; // TabletMetaPB.tablet_id
optional int32 schema_hash = 21; // TabletMetaPB.schema_hash? int32 vs int64
optional uint64 shard = 22; // TabletMetaPB.shard_id? int64 vs int32
enum AlterTabletState {
enum AlterTabletType {
message AlterTabletPB {
optional AlterTabletState alter_state = 1;
required int64 related_tablet_id = 2;
optional int32 related_schema_hash = 3;
optional AlterTabletType alter_type = 4;
enum ColumnType {
INT = 2;
FLOAT = 5;
CHAR = 8;
HLL = 10;
DATE = 11;
message ColumnPB {
required int32 unique_id = 1; // ColumnMessage.unique_id
optional string name = 2; //
required string type = 3; // ColumnMessage.type
optional bool is_key = 4; // ColumnMessage.is_key
optional string aggregation = 5; // ColumnMessage.aggregation
optional bool is_nullable = 6; // ColumnMessage.is_allow_null
optional bytes default_value = 7; // ColumnMessage.default_value ?
optional int32 precision = 8; // ColumnMessage.precision
optional int32 frac = 9; // ColumnMessage.frac
optional int32 length = 10; // ColumnMessage.length
optional int32 index_length = 11; // ColumnMessage.index_length
optional bool is_bf_column = 12; // ColumnMessage.is_bf_column
optional int32 referenced_column_id = 13; //
optional string referenced_column = 14; // ColumnMessage.referenced_column?
optional bool has_bitmap_index = 15 [default=false]; // ColumnMessage.has_bitmap_index
message TabletSchemaPB {
optional KeysType keys_type = 1; // OLAPHeaderMessage.keys_type
repeated ColumnPB column = 2; // OLAPHeaderMessage.column
optional int32 num_short_key_columns = 3; // OLAPHeaderMessage.num_short_key_fields
optional int32 num_rows_per_row_block = 4; // OLAPHeaderMessage.num_rows_per_data_block
optional CompressKind compress_kind = 5; // OLAPHeaderMessage.compress_kind
optional double bf_fpp = 6; // OLAPHeaderMessage.bf_fpp
optional uint32 next_column_unique_id = 7; // OLAPHeaderMessage.next_column_unique_id
optional bool is_in_memory = 8 [default=false];
enum TabletStatePB {
PB_NOTREADY = 0; // under alter table, rollup, clone
message TabletMetaPB {
optional int64 table_id = 1; // ?
optional int64 partition_id = 2; // ?
optional int64 tablet_id = 3; // OlapHeaderMessage.tablet_id
optional int32 schema_hash = 4; // OlapHeaderMessage.schema_hash
optional int32 shard_id = 5; // OlapHeaderMessage.shard
optional int64 creation_time = 6; // OlapHeaderMessage.creation_time
optional int64 cumulative_layer_point = 7; // OlapHeaderMessage.cumulative_layer_point
optional TabletStatePB tablet_state = 8;
optional TabletSchemaPB schema = 9;
repeated RowsetMetaPB rs_metas = 10;
repeated RowsetMetaPB inc_rs_metas = 11;
optional AlterTabletPB alter_task = 12;
// if true, this tablet will not do compaction,
// and does not create init version
optional bool in_restore_mode = 13 [default = false]; // OlapHeaderMessage.in_restore_mode
// a uniqued id to identified tablet with same tablet_id and schema hash
optional PUniqueId tablet_uid = 14;
optional int64 end_rowset_id = 15;
optional RowsetTypePB preferred_rowset_type = 16;
message OLAPIndexHeaderMessage {
required int32 start_version = 1;
required int32 end_version = 2;
required int64 cumulative_version_hash = 3;
required uint32 segment = 4;
required uint32 num_rows_per_block = 5;
optional bool null_supported = 6;
optional bool delete_flag = 7;
message OLAPDataHeaderMessage {
required uint32 segment = 2;
message OLAPRawDeltaHeaderMessage {
required int32 schema_hash = 2;