blob: e8653994829dac812fd5e5c733c4bad745ed147f [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
package org.apache.doris.common;
import org.apache.doris.PaloFe;
public class Config extends ConfigBase {
* The max size of one sys log and audit log
@ConfField public static int log_roll_size_mb = 1024; // 1 GB
* sys_log_dir:
* This specifies FE log dir. FE will produces 2 log files:
* fe.log: all logs of FE process.
* fe.warn.log all WARNING and ERROR log of FE process.
* sys_log_level:
* sys_log_roll_num:
* Maximal FE log files to be kept within an sys_log_roll_interval.
* default is 10, which means there will be at most 10 log files in a day
* sys_log_verbose_modules:
* Verbose modules. VERBOSE level is implemented by log4j DEBUG level.
* eg:
* sys_log_verbose_modules = org.apache.doris.catalog
* This will only print debug log of files in package org.apache.doris.catalog and all its sub packages.
* sys_log_roll_interval:
* DAY: log suffix is yyyyMMdd
* HOUR: log suffix is yyyyMMddHH
* sys_log_delete_age:
* default is 7 days, if log's last modify time is 7 days ago, it will be deleted.
* support format:
* 7d 7 days
* 10h 10 hours
* 60m 60 mins
* 120s 120 seconds
public static String sys_log_dir = PaloFe.DORIS_HOME_DIR + "/log";
@ConfField public static String sys_log_level = "INFO";
@ConfField public static int sys_log_roll_num = 10;
@ConfField public static String[] sys_log_verbose_modules = {};
@ConfField public static String sys_log_roll_interval = "DAY";
@ConfField public static String sys_log_delete_age = "7d";
@ConfField public static String sys_log_roll_mode = "SIZE-MB-1024";
* audit_log_dir:
* This specifies FE audit log dir.
* Audit log fe.audit.log contains all requests with related infos such as user, host, cost, status, etc.
* audit_log_roll_num:
* Maximal FE audit log files to be kept within an audit_log_roll_interval.
* audit_log_modules:
* Slow query contains all queries which cost exceed *qe_slow_log_ms*
* qe_slow_log_ms:
* If the response time of a query exceed this threshold, it will be recored in audit log as slow_query.
* audit_log_roll_interval:
* DAY: log suffix is yyyyMMdd
* HOUR: log suffix is yyyyMMddHH
* audit_log_delete_age:
* default is 30 days, if log's last modify time is 30 days ago, it will be deleted.
* support format:
* 7d 7 days
* 10h 10 hours
* 60m 60 mins
* 120s 120 seconds
@ConfField public static String audit_log_dir = PaloFe.DORIS_HOME_DIR + "/log";
@ConfField public static int audit_log_roll_num = 90;
@ConfField public static String[] audit_log_modules = {"slow_query", "query"};
@ConfField(mutable = true) public static long qe_slow_log_ms = 5000;
@ConfField public static String audit_log_roll_interval = "DAY";
@ConfField public static String audit_log_delete_age = "30d";
@ConfField public static String audit_log_roll_mode = "TIME-DAY";
* plugin_dir:
* plugin install directory
@ConfField public static String plugin_dir = System.getenv("DORIS_HOME") + "/plugins";
@ConfField(mutable = true, masterOnly = true)
public static boolean plugin_enable = false;
* Labels of finished or cancelled load jobs will be removed after *label_keep_max_second*
* The removed labels can be reused.
* Set a short time will lower the FE memory usage.
* (Because all load jobs' info is kept in memory before being removed)
@ConfField(mutable = true, masterOnly = true)
public static int label_keep_max_second = 3 * 24 * 3600; // 3 days
* The max keep time of some kind of jobs.
* like schema change job and rollup job.
@ConfField(mutable = true, masterOnly = true)
public static int history_job_keep_max_second = 7 * 24 * 3600; // 7 days
* Load label cleaner will run every *label_clean_interval_second* to clean the outdated jobs.
@ConfField public static int label_clean_interval_second = 4 * 3600; // 4 hours
* the transaction will be cleaned after transaction_clean_interval_second seconds if the transaction is visible or aborted
* we should make this interval as short as possible and each clean cycle as soon as possible
@ConfField public static int transaction_clean_interval_second = 30;
// Configurations for meta data durability
* Doris meta data will be saved here.
* The storage of this dir is highly recommended as to be:
* 1. High write performance (SSD)
* 2. Safe (RAID)
@ConfField public static String meta_dir = PaloFe.DORIS_HOME_DIR + "/doris-meta";
* temp dir is used to save intermediate results of some process, such as backup and restore process.
* file in this dir will be cleaned after these process is finished.
@ConfField public static String tmp_dir = PaloFe.DORIS_HOME_DIR + "/temp_dir";
* Edit log type.
* BDB: write log to bdbje
* LOCAL: deprecated.
public static String edit_log_type = "BDB";
* bdbje port
public static int edit_log_port = 9010;
* Master FE will save image every *edit_log_roll_num* meta journals.
@ConfField(mutable = true, masterOnly = true)
public static int edit_log_roll_num = 50000;
* Non-master FE will stop offering service
* if meta data delay gap exceeds *meta_delay_toleration_second*
@ConfField public static int meta_delay_toleration_second = 300; // 5 min
* Master FE sync policy of bdbje.
* If you only deploy one Follower FE, set this to 'SYNC'. If you deploy more than 3 Follower FE,
* you can set this and the following 'replica_sync_policy' to WRITE_NO_SYNC.
* more info, see:
@ConfField public static String master_sync_policy = "SYNC"; // SYNC, NO_SYNC, WRITE_NO_SYNC
* Follower FE sync policy of bdbje.
@ConfField public static String replica_sync_policy = "SYNC"; // SYNC, NO_SYNC, WRITE_NO_SYNC
* Replica ack policy of bdbje.
* more info, see:
@ConfField public static String replica_ack_policy = "SIMPLE_MAJORITY"; // ALL, NONE, SIMPLE_MAJORITY
* The heartbeat timeout of bdbje between master and follower.
* the default is 30 seconds, which is same as default value in bdbje.
* If the network is experiencing transient problems, of some unexpected long java GC annoying you,
* you can try to increase this value to decrease the chances of false timeouts
@ConfField public static int bdbje_heartbeat_timeout_second = 30;
* The lock timeout of bdbje operation
* If there are many LockTimeoutException in FE WARN log, you can try to increase this value
public static int bdbje_lock_timeout_second = 1;
* the max txn number which bdbje can rollback when trying to rejoin the group
@ConfField public static int txn_rollback_limit = 100;
* Specified an IP for frontend, instead of the ip get by *InetAddress.getByName*.
* This can be used when *InetAddress.getByName* get an unexpected IP address.
* Default is "", which means not set.
* CAN NOT set this as a hostname, only IP.
@ConfField public static String frontend_address = "";
* Declare a selection strategy for those servers have many ips.
* Note that there should at most one ip match this list.
* this is a list in semicolon-delimited format, in CIDR notation, e.g.
* If no ip match this rule, will choose one randomly.
@ConfField public static String priority_networks = "";
* If true, FE will reset bdbje replication group(that is, to remove all electable nodes info)
* and is supposed to start as Master.
* If all the electable nodes can not start, we can copy the meta data
* to another node and set this config to true to try to restart the FE.
@ConfField public static String metadata_failure_recovery = "false";
* If true, non-master FE will ignore the meta data delay gap between Master FE and its self,
* even if the metadata delay gap exceeds *meta_delay_toleration_second*.
* Non-master FE will still offer read service.
* This is helpful when you try to stop the Master FE for a relatively long time for some reason,
* but still wish the non-master FE can offer read service.
@ConfField(mutable = true)
public static boolean ignore_meta_check = false;
* Set the maximum acceptable clock skew between non-master FE to Master FE host.
* This value is checked whenever a non-master FE establishes a connection to master FE via BDBJE.
* The connection is abandoned if the clock skew is larger than this value.
@ConfField public static long max_bdbje_clock_delta_ms = 5000; // 5s
* Fe http port
* Currently, all FEs' http port must be same.
@ConfField public static int http_port = 8030;
* The backlog_num for netty http server
* When you enlarge this backlog_num, you should ensure it's value larger than
* the linux /proc/sys/net/core/somaxconn config
@ConfField public static int http_backlog_num = 1024;
* The backlog_num for thrift server
* When you enlarge this backlog_num, you should ensure it's value larger than
* the linux /proc/sys/net/core/somaxconn config
@ConfField public static int thrift_backlog_num = 1024;
* FE thrift server port
@ConfField public static int rpc_port = 9020;
* FE mysql server port
@ConfField public static int query_port = 9030;
* mysql service nio option.
@ConfField public static boolean mysql_service_nio_enabled = false;
* num of thread to handle io events in mysql.
@ConfField public static int mysql_service_io_threads_num = 4;
* Cluster name will be shown as the title of web page
@ConfField public static String cluster_name = "Baidu Palo";
* node(FE or BE) will be considered belonging to the same Palo cluster if they have same cluster id.
* Cluster id is usually a random integer generated when master FE start at first time.
* You can also sepecify one.
@ConfField public static int cluster_id = -1;
* Cluster token used for internal authentication.
@ConfField public static String auth_token = "";
// Configurations for load, clone, create table, alter table etc. We will rarely change them
* Maximal waiting time for creating a single replica.
* eg.
* if you create a table with #m tablets and #n replicas for each tablet,
* the create table request will run at most (m * n * tablet_create_timeout_second) before timeout.
@ConfField(mutable = true, masterOnly = true)
public static int tablet_create_timeout_second = 1;
* In order not to wait too long for create table(index), set a max timeout.
@ConfField(mutable = true, masterOnly = true)
public static int max_create_table_timeout_second = 60;
* Maximal waiting time for all publish version tasks of one transaction to be finished
@ConfField(mutable = true, masterOnly = true)
public static int publish_version_timeout_second = 30; // 30 seconds
* minimal intervals between two publish version action
@ConfField public static int publish_version_interval_ms = 10;
* Maximal wait seconds for straggler node in load
* eg.
* there are 3 replicas A, B, C
* load is already quorum finished(A,B) at t1 and C is not finished
* if (current_time - t1) > 300s, then palo will treat C as a failure node
* will call transaction manager to commit the transaction and tell transaction manager
* that C is failed
* This is also used when waiting for publish tasks
* TODO this parameter is the default value for all job and the DBA could specify it for separate job
@ConfField(mutable = true, masterOnly = true)
public static int load_straggler_wait_second = 300;
* Maximal memory layout length of a row. default is 100 KB.
* In BE, the maximal size of a RowBlock is 100MB(Configure as max_unpacked_row_block_size in be.conf).
* And each RowBlock contains 1024 rows. So the maximal size of a row is approximately 100 KB.
* eg.
* schema: k1(int), v1(decimal), v2(varchar(2000))
* then the memory layout length of a row is: 8(int) + 40(decimal) + 2000(varchar) = 2048 (Bytes)
* See memory layout length of all types, run 'help create table' in mysql-client.
* If you want to increase this number to support more columns in a row, you also need to increase the
* max_unpacked_row_block_size in be.conf. But the performance impact is unknown.
@ConfField(mutable = true, masterOnly = true)
public static int max_layout_length_per_row = 100000; // 100k
* The load scheduler running interval.
* A load job will transfer its state from PENDING to LOADING to FINISHED.
* The load scheduler will transfer load job from PENDING to LOADING
* while the txn callback will transfer load job from LOADING to FINISHED.
* So a load job will cost at most one interval to finish when the concurrency has not reached the upper limit.
@ConfField public static int load_checker_interval_second = 5;
* Concurrency of HIGH priority pending load jobs.
* Load job priority is defined as HIGH or NORMAL.
* All mini batch load jobs are HIGH priority, other types of load jobs are NORMAL priority.
* Priority is set to avoid that a slow load job occupies a thread for a long time.
* This is just a internal optimized scheduling policy.
* Currently, you can not specified the job priority manually,
* and do not change this if you know what you are doing.
@ConfField public static int load_pending_thread_num_high_priority = 3;
* Concurrency of NORMAL priority pending load jobs.
* Do not change this if you know what you are doing.
@ConfField public static int load_pending_thread_num_normal_priority = 10;
* Concurrency of HIGH priority etl load jobs.
* Do not change this if you know what you are doing.
@ConfField public static int load_etl_thread_num_high_priority = 3;
* Concurrency of NORMAL priority etl load jobs.
* Do not change this if you know what you are doing.
@ConfField public static int load_etl_thread_num_normal_priority = 10;
* Not available.
@ConfField(mutable = true, masterOnly = true)
public static int load_input_size_limit_gb = 0; // GB, 0 is no limit
* Not available.
@ConfField(mutable = true, masterOnly = true)
public static int load_running_job_num_limit = 0; // 0 is no limit
* Default broker load timeout
@ConfField(mutable = true, masterOnly = true)
public static int broker_load_default_timeout_second = 14400; // 4 hour
* Default non-streaming mini load timeout
@ConfField(mutable = true, masterOnly = true)
public static int mini_load_default_timeout_second = 3600; // 1 hour
* Default insert load timeout
@ConfField(mutable = true, masterOnly = true)
public static int insert_load_default_timeout_second = 3600; // 1 hour
* Default stream load and streaming mini load timeout
@ConfField(mutable = true, masterOnly = true)
public static int stream_load_default_timeout_second = 600; // 600s
* Max load timeout applicable to all type of load
@ConfField(mutable = true, masterOnly = true)
public static int max_load_timeout_second = 259200; // 3days
* Min stream load timeout applicable to all type of load
@ConfField(mutable = true, masterOnly = true)
public static int min_load_timeout_second = 1; // 1s
* Default hadoop load timeout
@ConfField(mutable = true, masterOnly = true)
public static int hadoop_load_default_timeout_second = 86400 * 3; // 3 day
* Default number of waiting jobs for routine load and version 2 of load
* This is a desired number.
* In some situation, such as switch the master, the current number is maybe more then desired_max_waiting_jobs
@ConfField(mutable = true, masterOnly = true)
public static int desired_max_waiting_jobs = 100;
* maximun concurrent running txn num including prepare, commit txns under a single db
* txn manager will reject coming txns
@ConfField(mutable = true, masterOnly = true)
public static int max_running_txn_num_per_db = 100;
* The load task executor pool size. This pool size limits the max running load tasks.
* Currently, it only limits the load task of broker load, pending and loading phases.
* It should be less than 'max_running_txn_num_per_db'
@ConfField(mutable = false, masterOnly = true)
public static int async_load_task_pool_size = 10;
* Same meaning as *tablet_create_timeout_second*, but used when delete a tablet.
@ConfField(mutable = true, masterOnly = true)
public static int tablet_delete_timeout_second = 2;
* Clone checker's running interval.
@ConfField public static int clone_checker_interval_second = 300;
* Default timeout of a single clone job. Set long enough to fit your replica size.
* The larger the replica data size is, the more time is will cost to finish clone.
@ConfField(mutable = true, masterOnly = true)
public static int clone_job_timeout_second = 7200; // 2h
* Concurrency of LOW priority clone jobs.
* Concurrency of High priority clone jobs is currently unlimit.
@ConfField(mutable = true, masterOnly = true)
public static int clone_max_job_num = 100;
* LOW priority clone job's delay trigger time.
* A clone job contains a tablet which need to be cloned(recovery or migration).
* If the priority is LOW, it will be delayed *clone_low_priority_delay_second*
* after the job creation and then be executed.
* This is to avoid a large number of clone jobs running at same time only because a host is down for a short time.
* NOTICE that this config(and *clone_normal_priority_delay_second* as well)
* will not work if it's smaller then *clone_checker_interval_second*
@ConfField(mutable = true, masterOnly = true)
public static int clone_low_priority_delay_second = 600;
* NORMAL priority clone job's delay trigger time.
@ConfField(mutable = true, masterOnly = true)
public static int clone_normal_priority_delay_second = 300;
* HIGH priority clone job's delay trigger time.
@ConfField(mutable = true, masterOnly = true)
public static int clone_high_priority_delay_second = 0;
* the minimal delay seconds between a replica is failed and fe try to recovery it using clone.
@ConfField(mutable = true, masterOnly = true)
public static int replica_delay_recovery_second = 0;
* Balance threshold of data size in BE.
* The balance algorithm is:
* 1. Calculate the average used capacity(AUC) of the entire cluster. (total data size / total backends num)
* 2. The high water level is (AUC * (1 + clone_capacity_balance_threshold))
* 3. The low water level is (AUC * (1 - clone_capacity_balance_threshold))
* The Clone checker will try to move replica from high water level BE to low water level BE.
@ConfField(mutable = true, masterOnly = true)
public static double clone_capacity_balance_threshold = 0.2;
* Balance threshold of num of replicas in Backends.
@ConfField(mutable = true, masterOnly = true)
public static double clone_distribution_balance_threshold = 0.2;
* The high water of disk capacity used percent.
* This is used for calculating load score of a backend.
@ConfField(mutable = true, masterOnly = true)
public static double capacity_used_percent_high_water = 0.75;
* Maximal timeout of ALTER TABLE request. Set long enough to fit your table data size.
@ConfField(mutable = true, masterOnly = true)
public static int alter_table_timeout_second = 86400; // 1day
* If a backend is down for *max_backend_down_time_second*, a BACKEND_DOWN event will be triggered.
* Do not set this if you know what you are doing.
@ConfField(mutable = true, masterOnly = true)
public static int max_backend_down_time_second = 3600; // 1h
* When create a table(or partition), you can specify its storage medium(HDD or SSD).
* If not set, this specifies the default medium when creat.
@ConfField public static String default_storage_medium = "HDD";
* When create a table(or partition), you can specify its storage medium(HDD or SSD).
* If set to SSD, this specifies the default duration that tablets will stay on SSD.
* After that, tablets will be moved to HDD automatically.
* You can set storage cooldown time in CREATE TABLE stmt.
@ConfField public static long storage_cooldown_second = 30 * 24 * 3600L; // 30 days
* After dropping database(table/partition), you can recover it by using RECOVER stmt.
* And this specifies the maximal data retention time. After time, the data will be deleted permanently.
@ConfField(mutable = true, masterOnly = true)
public static long catalog_trash_expire_second = 86400L; // 1day
* Maximal bytes that a single broker scanner will read.
* Do not set this if you know what you are doing.
@ConfField(mutable = true, masterOnly = true)
public static long min_bytes_per_broker_scanner = 67108864L; // 64MB
* Maximal concurrency of broker scanners.
* Do not set this if you know what you are doing.
@ConfField(mutable = true, masterOnly = true)
public static int max_broker_concurrency = 10;
* Export checker's running interval.
@ConfField public static int export_checker_interval_second = 5;
* Limitation of the concurrency of running export jobs.
* Default is 5.
* 0 is unlimited
@ConfField(mutable = true, masterOnly = true)
public static int export_running_job_num_limit = 5;
* Default timeout of export jobs.
@ConfField(mutable = true, masterOnly = true)
public static int export_task_default_timeout_second = 2 * 3600; // 2h
* Number of tablets per export query plan
@ConfField(mutable = true, masterOnly = true)
public static int export_tablet_num_per_task = 5;
// Configurations for consistency check
* Consistency checker will run from *consistency_check_start_time* to *consistency_check_end_time*.
* Default is from 23:00 to 04:00
@ConfField(mutable = true, masterOnly = true)
public static String consistency_check_start_time = "23";
@ConfField(mutable = true, masterOnly = true)
public static String consistency_check_end_time = "4";
* Default timeout of a single consistency check task. Set long enough to fit your tablet size.
@ConfField(mutable = true, masterOnly = true)
public static long check_consistency_default_timeout_second = 600; // 10 min
// Configurations for query engine
* Maximal number of connections per FE.
@ConfField public static int qe_max_connection = 1024;
* Maximal number of connections per user, per FE.
@ConfField public static int max_conn_per_user = 100;
* The memory_limit for colocote join PlanFragment instance =
* exec_mem_limit / min (query_colocate_join_memory_limit_penalty_factor, instance_num)
@ConfField(mutable = true)
public static int query_colocate_join_memory_limit_penalty_factor = 8;
* Deprecated after 0.10
public static boolean disable_colocate_join = false;
* The default user resource publishing timeout.
@ConfField public static int meta_publish_timeout_ms = 1000;
@ConfField public static boolean proxy_auth_enable = false;
@ConfField public static String proxy_auth_magic_prefix = "x@8";
* Limit on the number of expr children of an expr tree.
* Exceed this limit may cause long analysis time while holding database read lock.
* Do not set this if you know what you are doing.
@ConfField(mutable = true)
public static int expr_children_limit = 10000;
* Limit on the depth of an expr tree.
* Exceed this limit may cause long analysis time while holding db read lock.
* Do not set this if you know what you are doing.
@ConfField(mutable = true)
public static int expr_depth_limit = 3000;
// Configurations for backup and restore
* Plugins' path for BACKUP and RESTORE operations. Currently deprecated.
@ConfField public static String backup_plugin_path = "/tools/trans_file_tool/";
// Configurations for hadoop dpp
* The following configurations are not available.
@ConfField public static String dpp_hadoop_client_path = "/lib/hadoop-client/hadoop/bin/hadoop";
@ConfField public static long dpp_bytes_per_reduce = 100 * 1024 * 1024L; // 100M
@ConfField public static String dpp_default_cluster = "palo-dpp";
@ConfField public static String dpp_default_config_str = ""
+ "{"
+ "hadoop_configs : '"
+ "mapred.job.priority=NORMAL;"
+ ";"
+ "mapred.job.reduce.capacity=50;"
+ "mapred.hce.replace.streaming=false;"
+ "abaci.long.stored.job=true;"
+ "dce.shuffle.enable=false;"
+ "dfs.client.authserver.force_stop=true;"
+ "dfs.client.auth.method=0"
+ "'}";
@ConfField public static String dpp_config_str = ""
+ "{palo-dpp : {"
+ "hadoop_palo_path : '/dir',"
+ "hadoop_configs : '"
+ ";"
+ "mapred.job.tracker=host:port;"
+ "hadoop.job.ugi=user,password"
+ "'}"
+ "}";
// For forward compatibility, will be removed later.
// check token when download image file.
@ConfField public static boolean enable_token_check = true;
* Set to true if you deploy Palo using thirdparty deploy manager
* Valid options are:
* disable: no deploy manager
* k8s: Kubernetes
* ambari: Ambari
* local: Local File (for test or Boxer2 BCC version)
@ConfField public static String enable_deploy_manager = "disable";
// If use k8s deploy manager locally, set this to true and prepare the certs files
@ConfField public static boolean with_k8s_certs = false;
// Set runtime locale when exec some cmds
@ConfField public static String locale = "zh_CN.UTF-8";
// default timeout of backup job
@ConfField(mutable = true, masterOnly = true)
public static int backup_job_default_timeout_ms = 86400 * 1000; // 1 day
* 'storage_high_watermark_usage_percent' limit the max capacity usage percent of a Backend storage path.
* 'storage_min_left_capacity_bytes' limit the minimum left capacity of a Backend storage path.
* If both limitations are reached, this storage path can not be chose as tablet balance destination.
* But for tablet recovery, we may exceed these limit for keeping data integrity as much as possible.
@ConfField(mutable = true, masterOnly = true)
public static int storage_high_watermark_usage_percent = 85;
@ConfField(mutable = true, masterOnly = true)
public static long storage_min_left_capacity_bytes = 2 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024; // 2G
* If capacity of disk reach the 'storage_flood_stage_usage_percent' and 'storage_flood_stage_left_capacity_bytes',
* the following operation will be rejected:
* 1. load job
* 2. restore job
@ConfField(mutable = true, masterOnly = true)
public static int storage_flood_stage_usage_percent = 95;
@ConfField(mutable = true, masterOnly = true)
public static long storage_flood_stage_left_capacity_bytes = 1 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024; // 100MB
// update interval of tablet stat
// All frontends will get tablet stat from all backends at each interval
@ConfField public static int tablet_stat_update_interval_second = 300; // 5 min
// May be necessary to modify the following BRPC configurations in high concurrency scenarios.
// The number of concurrent requests BRPC can processed
@ConfField public static int brpc_number_of_concurrent_requests_processed = 4096;
// BRPC idle wait time (ms)
@ConfField public static int brpc_idle_wait_max_time = 10000;
* if set to false, auth check will be disable, in case some goes wrong with the new privilege system.
@ConfField public static boolean enable_auth_check = true;
* Max bytes a broker scanner can process in one broker load job.
* Commonly, each Backends has one broker scanner.
@ConfField(mutable = true, masterOnly = true)
public static long max_bytes_per_broker_scanner = 3 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024L; // 3G
* Max number of load jobs, include PENDING、ETL、LOADING、QUORUM_FINISHED.
* If exceed this number, load job is not allowed to be submitted.
@ConfField(mutable = true, masterOnly = true)
public static long max_unfinished_load_job = 1000;
* If set to true, Planner will try to select replica of tablet on same host as this Frontend.
* This may reduce network transmission in following case:
* 1. N hosts with N Backends and N Frontends deployed.
* 2. The data has N replicas.
* 3. High concurrency queries are sent to all Frontends evenly
* In this case, all Frontends can only use local replicas to do the query.
@ConfField(mutable = true)
public static boolean enable_local_replica_selection = false;
* The timeout of executing async remote fragment.
* In normal case, the async remote fragment will be executed in a short time. If system are under high load
* condition,try to set this timeout longer.
@ConfField(mutable = true)
public static long remote_fragment_exec_timeout_ms = 5000; // 5 sec
* The number of query retries.
* A query may retry if we encounter RPC exception and no result has been sent to user.
* You may reduce this number to void Avalanche disaster.
@ConfField(mutable = true)
public static int max_query_retry_time = 2;
* The tryLock timeout configuration of catalog lock.
* Normally it does not need to change, unless you need to test something.
@ConfField(mutable = true)
public static long catalog_try_lock_timeout_ms = 5000; // 5 sec
* if this is set to true
* all pending load job will failed when call begin txn api
* all prepare load job will failed when call commit txn api
* all committed load job will waiting to be published
@ConfField(mutable = true, masterOnly = true)
public static boolean disable_load_job = false;
* Load using hadoop cluster will be deprecated in future.
* Set to true to disable this kind of load.
@ConfField(mutable = true, masterOnly = true)
public static boolean disable_hadoop_load = false;
* fe will call es api to get es index shard info every es_state_sync_interval_secs
public static long es_state_sync_interval_second = 10;
* the factor of delay time before deciding to repair tablet.
* if priority is VERY_HIGH, repair it immediately.
* HIGH, delay tablet_repair_delay_factor_second * 1;
* NORMAL: delay tablet_repair_delay_factor_second * 2;
* LOW: delay tablet_repair_delay_factor_second * 3;
@ConfField(mutable = true, masterOnly = true)
public static long tablet_repair_delay_factor_second = 60;
* the default slot number per path in tablet scheduler
* TODO(cmy): remove this config and dynamically adjust it by clone task statistic
@ConfField public static int schedule_slot_num_per_path = 2;
* Deprecated after 0.10
@ConfField public static boolean use_new_tablet_scheduler = true;
* the threshold of cluster balance score, if a backend's load score is 10% lower than average score,
* this backend will be marked as LOW load, if load score is 10% higher than average score, HIGH load
* will be marked.
@ConfField(mutable = true, masterOnly = true)
public static double balance_load_score_threshold = 0.1; // 10%
* if set to true, TabletScheduler will not do balance.
@ConfField(mutable = true, masterOnly = true)
public static boolean disable_balance = false;
// if the number of scheduled tablets in TabletScheduler exceed max_scheduling_tablets
// skip checking.
@ConfField(mutable = true, masterOnly = true)
public static int max_scheduling_tablets = 2000;
// if the number of balancing tablets in TabletScheduler exceed max_balancing_tablets,
// no more balance check
@ConfField(mutable = true, masterOnly = true)
public static int max_balancing_tablets = 100;
// This threshold is to avoid piling up too many report task in FE, which may cause OOM exception.
// In some large Doris cluster, eg: 100 Backends with ten million replicas, a tablet report may cost
// several seconds after some modification of metadata(drop partition, etc..).
// And one Backend will report tablets info every 1 min, so unlimited receiving reports is unacceptable.
// TODO(cmy): we will optimize the processing speed of tablet report in future, but now, just discard
// the report if queue size exceeding limit.
// Some online time cost:
// 1. disk report: 0-1 ms
// 2. task report: 0-1 ms
// 3. tablet report
// 10000 replicas: 200ms
@ConfField(mutable = true, masterOnly = true)
public static int report_queue_size = 100;
* If set to true, metric collector will be run as a daemon timer to collect metrics at fix interval
@ConfField public static boolean enable_metric_calculator = true;
* the max routine load job num, including NEED_SCHEDULED, RUNNING, PAUSE
@ConfField(mutable = true, masterOnly = true)
public static int max_routine_load_job_num = 100;
* the max concurrent routine load task num of a single routine load job
@ConfField(mutable = true, masterOnly = true)
public static int max_routine_load_task_concurrent_num = 5;
* the max concurrent routine load task num per BE.
* This is to limit the num of routine load tasks sending to a BE, and it should also less
* than BE config 'routine_load_thread_pool_size'(default 10),
* which is the routine load task thread pool size on BE.
@ConfField(mutable = true, masterOnly = true)
public static int max_routine_load_task_num_per_be = 5;
* The max number of files store in SmallFileMgr
@ConfField(mutable = true, masterOnly = true)
public static int max_small_file_number = 100;
* The max size of a single file store in SmallFileMgr
@ConfField(mutable = true, masterOnly = true)
public static int max_small_file_size_bytes = 1024 * 1024; // 1MB
* Save small files
@ConfField public static String small_file_dir = PaloFe.DORIS_HOME_DIR + "/small_files";
* The following 2 configs can set to true to disable the automatic colocate tables's relocate and balance.
* if 'disable_colocate_relocate' is set to true, ColocateTableBalancer will not relocate colocate tables when Backend unavailable.
* if 'disable_colocate_balance' is set to true, ColocateTableBalancer will not balance colocate tables.
@ConfField(mutable = true, masterOnly = true) public static boolean disable_colocate_relocate = false;
@ConfField(mutable = true, masterOnly = true) public static boolean disable_colocate_balance = false;
* If set to true, the insert stmt with processing error will still return a label to user.
* And user can use this label to check the load job's status.
* The default value is false, which means if insert operation encounter errors,
* exception will be thrown to user client directly without load label.
@ConfField(mutable = true, masterOnly = true) public static boolean using_old_load_usage_pattern = false;
* This will limit the max recursion depth of hash distribution pruner.
* eg: where a in (5 elements) and b in (4 elements) and c in (3 elements) and d in (2 elements).
* a/b/c/d are distribution columns, so the recursion depth will be 5 * 4 * 3 * 2 = 120, larger than 100,
* So that distribution pruner will no work and just return all buckets.
* Increase the depth can support distribution pruning for more elements, but may cost more CPU.
@ConfField(mutable = true, masterOnly = false)
public static int max_distribution_pruner_recursion_depth = 100;
* If the jvm memory used percent(heap or old mem pool) exceed this threshold, checkpoint thread will
* not work to avoid OOM.
@ConfField(mutable = true, masterOnly = true)
public static long metadata_checkopoint_memory_threshold = 60;
* If set to true, the checkpoint thread will make the checkpoint regardless of the jvm memory used percent.
@ConfField(mutable = true, masterOnly = true)
public static boolean force_do_metadata_checkpoint = false;
* The multi cluster feature will be deprecated in version 0.12
* set this config to true will disable all operations related to cluster feature, include:
* create/drop cluster
* add free backend/add backend to cluster/decommission cluster balance
* change the backends num of cluster
* link/migration db
@ConfField(mutable = true)
public static boolean disable_cluster_feature = true;
* Decide how often to check dynamic partition
@ConfField(mutable = true, masterOnly = true)
public static int dynamic_partition_check_interval_seconds = 600;
* If set to true, dynamic partition feature will open
@ConfField(mutable = true, masterOnly = true)
public static boolean dynamic_partition_enable = false;
* control rollup job concurrent limit
@ConfField(mutable = true, masterOnly = true)
public static int max_running_rollup_job_num_per_table = 1;
* If set to true, Doris will check if the compiled and running versions of Java are compatible
public static boolean check_java_version = true;
* control materialized view
@ConfField(mutable = true, masterOnly = true)
public static boolean enable_materialized_view = false;
* it can't auto-resume routine load job as long as one of the backends is down
@ConfField(mutable = true, masterOnly = true)
public static int max_tolerable_backend_down_num = 0;
* a period for auto resume routine load
@ConfField(mutable = true, masterOnly = true)
public static int period_of_auto_resume_min = 5;