blob: a10ba1cc60b836c71c6295472e26e129e01f42cf [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.doris.analysis;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.doris.catalog.AggregateFunction;
import org.apache.doris.catalog.FunctionSet;
import org.apache.doris.catalog.Type;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* Base class for AggregateInfo and AnalyticInfo containing the intermediate and output
* tuple descriptors as well as their smaps for evaluating aggregate functions.
public abstract class AggregateInfoBase {
private final static Logger LOG =
// For aggregations: All unique grouping expressions from a select block.
// For analytics: Empty.
protected ArrayList<Expr> groupingExprs_;
// For aggregations: All unique aggregate expressions from a select block.
// For analytics: The results of AnalyticExpr.getFnCall() for the unique
// AnalyticExprs of a select block.
protected ArrayList<FunctionCallExpr> aggregateExprs_;
// The tuple into which the intermediate output of an aggregation is materialized.
// Contains groupingExprs.size() + aggregateExprs.size() slots, the first of which
// contain the values of the grouping exprs, followed by slots into which the
// aggregateExprs' update()/merge() symbols materialize their output, i.e., slots
// of the aggregate functions' intermediate types.
// Identical to outputTupleDesc_ if no aggregateExpr has an output type that is
// different from its intermediate type.
protected TupleDescriptor intermediateTupleDesc_;
// The tuple into which the final output of the aggregation is materialized.
// Contains groupingExprs.size() + aggregateExprs.size() slots, the first of which
// contain the values of the grouping exprs, followed by slots into which the
// aggregateExprs' finalize() symbol write its result, i.e., slots of the aggregate
// functions' output types.
protected TupleDescriptor outputTupleDesc_;
// For aggregation: indices into aggregate exprs for that need to be materialized
// For analytics: indices into the analytic exprs and their corresponding aggregate
// exprs that need to be materialized.
// Populated in materializeRequiredSlots() which must be implemented by subclasses.
protected ArrayList<Integer> materializedSlots_ = Lists.newArrayList();
protected AggregateInfoBase(ArrayList<Expr> groupingExprs,
ArrayList<FunctionCallExpr> aggExprs) {
Preconditions.checkState(groupingExprs != null || aggExprs != null);
groupingExprs_ =
groupingExprs != null ? Expr.cloneList(groupingExprs) : new ArrayList<Expr>();
Preconditions.checkState(aggExprs != null || !(this instanceof AnalyticInfo));
aggregateExprs_ =
aggExprs != null ? Expr.cloneList(aggExprs) : new ArrayList<FunctionCallExpr>();
* C'tor for cloning.
protected AggregateInfoBase(AggregateInfoBase other) {
groupingExprs_ =
(other.groupingExprs_ != null) ? Expr.cloneList(other.groupingExprs_) : null;
aggregateExprs_ =
(other.aggregateExprs_ != null) ? Expr.cloneList(other.aggregateExprs_) : null;
intermediateTupleDesc_ = other.intermediateTupleDesc_;
outputTupleDesc_ = other.outputTupleDesc_;
materializedSlots_ = Lists.newArrayList(other.materializedSlots_);
* Creates the intermediate and output tuple descriptors. If no agg expr has an
* intermediate type different from its output type, then only the output tuple
* descriptor is created and the intermediate tuple is set to the output tuple.
protected void createTupleDescs(Analyzer analyzer) {
// Create the intermediate tuple desc first, so that the tuple ids are increasing
// from bottom to top in the plan tree.
intermediateTupleDesc_ = createTupleDesc(analyzer, false);
if (requiresIntermediateTuple(aggregateExprs_)) {
outputTupleDesc_ = createTupleDesc(analyzer, true);
} else {
outputTupleDesc_ = intermediateTupleDesc_;
* Returns a tuple descriptor for the aggregation/analytic's intermediate or final
* result, depending on whether isOutputTuple is true or false.
* Also updates the appropriate substitution map, and creates and registers auxiliary
* equality predicates between the grouping slots and the grouping exprs.
private TupleDescriptor createTupleDesc(Analyzer analyzer, boolean isOutputTuple) {
TupleDescriptor result =
tupleDebugName() + (isOutputTuple ? "-out" : "-intermed"));
List<Expr> exprs = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(
groupingExprs_.size() + aggregateExprs_.size());
int aggregateExprStartIndex = groupingExprs_.size();
for (int i = 0; i < exprs.size(); ++i) {
Expr expr = exprs.get(i);
SlotDescriptor slotDesc = analyzer.addSlotDescriptor(result);
if (i < aggregateExprStartIndex) {
// register equivalence between grouping slot and grouping expr;
// do this only when the grouping expr isn't a constant, otherwise
// it'll simply show up as a gratuitous HAVING predicate
// (which would actually be incorrect if the constant happens to be NULL)
if (!expr.isConstant()) {
analyzer.createAuxEquivPredicate(new SlotRef(slotDesc), expr.clone());
} else {
Preconditions.checkArgument(expr instanceof FunctionCallExpr);
FunctionCallExpr aggExpr = (FunctionCallExpr)expr;
if (aggExpr.isMergeAggFn()) {
} else {
// COUNT(), NDV() and NDV_NO_FINALIZE() are non-nullable. The latter two are used
// by compute stats and compute incremental stats, respectively.
if (aggExpr.getFnName().getFunction().equals("count")
|| aggExpr.getFnName().getFunction().equals("ndv")
|| aggExpr.getFnName().getFunction().equals(FunctionSet.BITMAP_UNION_INT)
|| aggExpr.getFnName().getFunction().equals("ndv_no_finalize")) {
// TODO: Consider making nullability a property of types or of builtin agg fns.
// row_number(), rank(), and dense_rank() are non-nullable as well.
if (!isOutputTuple) {
Type intermediateType = ((AggregateFunction)aggExpr.fn).getIntermediateType();
if (intermediateType != null) {
// Use the output type as intermediate if the function has a wildcard decimal.
if (!intermediateType.isWildcardDecimal()) {
} else {
Preconditions.checkState(expr.getType().isDecimal() || expr.getType().isDecimalV2());
if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {
String prefix = (isOutputTuple ? "result " : "intermediate ");
LOG.trace(prefix + " tuple=" + result.debugString());
return result;
* Marks the slots required for evaluating an Analytic/AggregateInfo by
* resolving the materialized aggregate/analytic exprs against smap,
* and then marking their slots.
public abstract void materializeRequiredSlots(Analyzer analyzer,
ExprSubstitutionMap smap);
public ArrayList<Expr> getGroupingExprs() { return groupingExprs_; }
public ArrayList<FunctionCallExpr> getAggregateExprs() { return aggregateExprs_; }
public TupleDescriptor getOutputTupleDesc() { return outputTupleDesc_; }
public TupleDescriptor getIntermediateTupleDesc() { return intermediateTupleDesc_; }
public TupleId getIntermediateTupleId() { return intermediateTupleDesc_.getId(); }
public TupleId getOutputTupleId() { return outputTupleDesc_.getId(); }
public boolean requiresIntermediateTuple() {
return intermediateTupleDesc_ != outputTupleDesc_;
* Returns true if evaluating the given aggregate exprs requires an intermediate tuple,
* i.e., whether one of the aggregate functions has an intermediate type different from
* its output type.
public static <T extends Expr> boolean requiresIntermediateTuple(List<T> aggExprs) {
for (Expr aggExpr: aggExprs) {
Type intermediateType = ((AggregateFunction) aggExpr.fn).getIntermediateType();
if (intermediateType != null) return true;
return false;
public String debugString() {
StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder();
.add("grouping_exprs", Expr.debugString(groupingExprs_))
.add("aggregate_exprs", Expr.debugString(aggregateExprs_))
.add("intermediate_tuple", (intermediateTupleDesc_ == null)
? "null" : intermediateTupleDesc_.debugString())
.add("output_tuple", (outputTupleDesc_ == null)
? "null" : outputTupleDesc_.debugString())
return out.toString();
protected abstract String tupleDebugName();