blob: 2c9c730ad0195195c8356733422d739c19de91c4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include <future>
#include "olap/olap_common.h"
#include "olap/olap_define.h"
#include "olap/tablet.h"
#include "util/batch_process_thread_pool.hpp"
#define FETCH_DATA true
#define NOT_FETCH_DATA false
namespace doris {
enum MetaOpType {
struct FetchRowsetMetaTask {
int priority;
TabletSharedPtr tablet;
int64_t txn_id;
Version version;
bool load_data;
std::shared_ptr<std::promise<OLAPStatus>> pro;
bool operator< (const FetchRowsetMetaTask& o) const {
return priority < o.priority;
FetchRowsetMetaTask& operator++() {
priority += 2;
return *this;
}; // FetchRowsetMetaTask
struct PushRowsetMetaTask {
int priority;
MetaOpType op_type;
RowsetMetaPB rowset_meta_pb;
std::shared_ptr<std::promise<OLAPStatus>> pro;
bool operator< (const PushRowsetMetaTask& o) const {
return priority < o.priority;
PushRowsetMetaTask& operator++() {
priority += 2;
return *this;
}; // PushRowsetMetaTask
struct FetchTabletMetaTask {
int priority;
TabletSharedPtr tablet;
bool load_data;
std::shared_ptr<std::promise<OLAPStatus>> pro;
bool operator< (const FetchTabletMetaTask& o) const {
return priority < o.priority;
FetchTabletMetaTask& operator++() {
priority += 2;
return *this;
}; // FetchTabletMetaTask
struct PushTabletMetaTask {
int priority;
TabletMetaPB tablet_meta_pb;
std::shared_ptr<std::promise<OLAPStatus>> pro;
bool operator< (const PushTabletMetaTask& o) const {
return priority < o.priority;
PushTabletMetaTask& operator++() {
priority += 2;
return *this;
}; // PushTabletMetaTask
// sync meta and data from remote meta store to local meta store
// all method should consider dedup duplicate calls
// for example, thread1 call sync meta and thread2 call sync meta, if they are the same
// should not sync twice
class TabletSyncService {
// fetch rowset meta and data to local metastore
// when add a task, should check if the task already exist
// if the rowset meta is not published, should commit it to local meta store
// if it is already visible, then just add it to tablet
// tablet_id + txn_id could find a unique rowset
// return a future object, caller could using it to wait the task to finished
// and check the status
std::future<OLAPStatus> fetch_rowset(TabletSharedPtr tablet, int64_t txn_id, bool load_data);
// fetch rowset meta and data using version
std::future<OLAPStatus> fetch_rowset(TabletSharedPtr tablet, Version& version, bool load_data);
// save the rowset meta pb to remote meta store
// !!!! the caller should not own tablet map lock or tablet lock because
// this method will call tablet manager to get tablet info
std::future<OLAPStatus> push_rowset_meta(RowsetMetaPB& rowset_meta);
std::future<OLAPStatus> delete_rowset_meta(RowsetMetaPB& rowset_meta);
// fetch both tablet meta and all rowset meta
// when create a tablet, if it's eco_mode and term > 1 then should fetch
// all rowset and tablet meta from remote meta store
// Maybe, it's better to add a callback function here
std::future<OLAPStatus> fetch_tablet_meta(TabletSharedPtr tablet, bool load_data);
// save the tablet meta pb to remote meta store
std::future<OLAPStatus> push_tablet_meta(TabletMetaPB& tablet_meta);
void _fetch_rowset_meta_thread(std::vector<FetchRowsetMetaTask> tasks);
void _push_rowset_meta_thread(std::vector<PushRowsetMetaTask> tasks);
void _fetch_tablet_meta_thread(std::vector<FetchTabletMetaTask> tasks);
void _push_tablet_meta_thread(std::vector<PushTabletMetaTask> tasks);
BatchProcessThreadPool<FetchRowsetMetaTask>* _fetch_rowset_pool = nullptr;
BatchProcessThreadPool<PushRowsetMetaTask>* _push_rowset_pool = nullptr;
BatchProcessThreadPool<FetchTabletMetaTask>* _fetch_tablet_pool = nullptr;
BatchProcessThreadPool<PushTabletMetaTask>* _push_tablet_pool = nullptr;
}; // TabletSyncService
} // doris