blob: 81a37c182cc4f17fc06ec34b151c87e9fb79d689 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include <stddef.h>
namespace doris {
inline int memcmp_sse(const void* buf1, const void* buf2, unsigned int count) {
int result ;
__asm__ __volatile__(
"cmpl $16, %%edx;"
"jb 9f;"
"16:" /* len >= 16 */
"movdqu (%%rdi), %%xmm0;"
"movdqu (%%rsi), %%xmm1;"
"pcmpeqb %%xmm1, %%xmm0;"
"pmovmskb %%xmm0,%%rcx;"
"xorl $0xffff, %%ecx;"
"jz 15f;"
"bsf %%ecx, %%ecx;" /* diff */
"movzb (%%rsi, %%rcx), %%edx;"
"movzb (%%rdi, %%rcx), %%eax;"
"subl %%edx, %%eax;"
"jmp 0f;"
"15:" /* same */
"subl $16, %%edx;"
"jbe 1f;"
"movq $16, %%rcx;"
"cmpl $16, %%edx;"
"jae 14f;"
"movl %%edx, %%ecx;"
//"addq %%rcx, %%rdi;"
"lea (%%rdi,%%rcx), %%rdi;"
"addq %%rcx, %%rsi;"
"jmp 16b;"
"9:" /* 8 =< len < 15 */
"cmpl $8, %%edx;"
"jb 5f;"
"movq (%%rdi), %%xmm0;"
"movq (%%rsi), %%xmm1;"
"pcmpeqb %%xmm1, %%xmm0;"
"pmovmskb %%xmm0, %%rcx;"
"and $0xff, %%ecx;"
"xorl $0xff, %%ecx;"
"je 7f;"
"bsf %%ecx, %%ecx;" /* diff */
"movzb (%%rsi, %%rcx), %%edx;"
"movzb (%%rdi, %%rcx), %%eax;"
"subl %%edx, %%eax;"
"jmp 0f;"
"subl $8, %%edx;"
"jz 1f;"
"movl %%edx, %%ecx;"
"movq (%%rdi, %%rcx), %%xmm0;"
"movq (%%rsi, %%rcx), %%xmm1;"
"pcmpeqb %%xmm1, %%xmm0;"
"pmovmskb %%xmm0, %%rcx;"
"and $0xff, %%ecx;"
"xorl $0xff, %%ecx;"
"je 1f;"
"bsf %%ecx, %%ecx;"
"addl %%edx, %%ecx;"
"movzb (%%rsi, %%rcx), %%edx;"
"movzb (%%rdi, %%rcx), %%eax;"
"subl %%edx, %%eax;"
"jmp 0f;"
"cmpl $4, %%edx;"
"jb 13f;"
"subl $4, %%edx;"
"movl (%%rdi), %%eax;"
"movl (%%rsi), %%ecx;"
"cmpl %%ecx, %%eax;"
"je 3f;"
"bswap %%eax;"
"bswap %%ecx;"
"cmpl %%ecx, %%eax;"
"ja 17f;"
"mov $-1, %%eax;"
"jmp 0f;"
"mov $1, %%eax;"
"jmp 0f;"
"addq $4, %%rdi;"
"lea 4(%%rsi), %%rsi;"
"cmpl $0, %%edx;"
"je 1f;"
"movzbl (%%rdi), %%eax;"
"movzbl (%%rsi), %%ecx;"
"subl %%ecx, %%eax;"
"jne 0f;"
"subl $1, %%edx;"
"jz 1f;"
"movzbl 1(%%rdi), %%eax;"
"movzbl 1(%%rsi), %%ecx;"
"subl %%ecx, %%eax;"
"jne 0f;"
"subl $1, %%edx;"
"jz 1f;"
"movzbl 2(%%rdi), %%eax;"
"movzbl 2(%%rsi), %%ecx;"
"subl %%ecx, %%eax;"
"jmp 0f;"
"xorl %%eax, %%eax;"
:"=a"(result), "=D"(buf1), "=S"(buf2), "=d"(count)
:"D"(buf1), "S"(buf2), "d"(count)
:"%rcx", "%xmm1", "%xmm0", "memory"
return result;
//count must be between 0 and 2GB
/*__attribute__((always_inline))*/ inline int memcmp_sse32(const void* buf1, const void* buf2,
int count)
int result ;
__asm__ __volatile__(
//".align 8;"
"cmp $1, %%edx;"
"jbe 6f;"
"addl $16, %%edx ;"
"movl %%edx, %%eax ;"
"xor %%rcx, %%rcx ;"
"2: "
"movdqu (%%rdi), %%xmm1;"
"movdqu (%%rsi), %%xmm2;"
"subl $16, %%edx ;"
"subl $16, %%eax ;"
// " pcmpestri $0x18, %%xmm2, %%xmm1 ;"
".byte 0x66, 0x0f, 0x3a, 0x61, 0xca, 0x18;"
" lea 16(%%rsi), %%rsi ;"
" lea 16(%%rdi), %%rdi ;"
//zflag=0 and cflag=0;no diff and no end, so continue the loop
" ja 2b ;"
// if cflag=1, jmp; no end but diff
" jc 1f ;"
"xorl %%eax, %%eax;"
"jmp 0f;"
"xor %%eax, %%eax;"
"test %%edx, %%edx ;"
"jz 0f ;"
"movzbl (%%rdi), %%eax;"
"movzbl (%%rsi), %%edx;"
"subl %%edx, %%eax;"
"jmp 0f;"
"movzbl -16(%%rsi, %%rcx), %%edx ;"
"movzbl -16(%%rdi, %%rcx), %%eax ;"
"subl %%edx, %%eax ;"
//"mov %%eax, %0;"
:"=a"(result), "=D"(buf1), "=S"(buf2), "=d"(count)
:"D"(buf1), "S"(buf2), "d"(count)
:"%rcx", "memory", "xmm1", "xmm2"
return result;
/*__attribute__((always_inline))*/ inline int memcmp_sse64(const void* buf1, const void* buf2,
size_t count) {
int result ;
__asm__ __volatile__(
"cmp $1, %%rdx;"
"jbe 6f;"
"addq $16, %%rdx;"
"movq %%rdx,%%rax;"
//"xor %%rcx, %%rcx ;"
"2: "
"movdqu (%%rdi), %%xmm1;"
"movdqu (%%rsi), %%xmm2;"
"subq $16, %%rax;"
"subq $16, %%rdx;"
//"addq $16, %%rsi;"
//"addq $16, %%rdi;"
// " pcmpestri $0x18, %%xmm2, %%xmm1 ;"
".byte 0x66, 0x0f, 0x3a, 0x61, 0xca, 0x18;"
"lea 16(%%rsi), %%rsi;"
"lea 16(%%rdi), %%rdi;"
"ja 2b;" //no diff and no end, so continue the loop
"jc 1f;" // no end but diff
"xorl %%eax, %%eax;"
"jmp 0f;"
"xor %%eax, %%eax;"
"test %%edx, %%edx ;"
"jz 0f ;"
"movzbl (%%rdi), %%eax;"
"movzbl (%%rsi), %%edx;"
"subl %%edx, %%eax;"
"jmp 0f;"
"movzbl -16(%%rsi, %%rcx), %%edx ;"
"movzbl -16(%%rdi, %%rcx), %%eax ;"
"subl %%edx, %%eax ;"
//"mov %%eax, %0;"
:"=a"(result), "=D"(buf1), "=S"(buf2), "=d"(count)
:"D"(buf1), "S"(buf2), "d"(count)
:"%rcx", "memory", "xmm1", "xmm2"
return result;
/*__attribute__((always_inline))*/ inline int find_chr_from_mem(const char* s, int c, int len) {
//len : edx; c: esi; s:rdi
int index;
__asm__ __volatile__(
"and $0xff, %%esi;" //clear upper bytes
"movd %%esi, %%xmm1;"
"mov $1, %%eax;"
"add $16, %%edx;"
"mov %%rdi ,%%r8;"
"movdqu (%%rdi), %%xmm2;"
"sub $16, %%edx;"
"addq $16, %%rdi;"
//"pcmpestri $0x0, %%xmm2,%%xmm1;"
".byte 0x66 ,0x0f ,0x3a ,0x61 ,0xca ,0x00;"
//"lea 16(%%rdi), %%rdi;"
"ja 1b;" //Res2==0:no match and zflag==0: s is not end
"jc 3f;" //Res2==1: match and s is not end
"mov $0xffffffff, %%eax;"//no match
"jmp 0f;"
"sub %%r8, %%rdi;"
"lea -16(%%edi,%%ecx),%%eax;"
// "mov %%eax, %0;"
:"=a"(index), "=D"(s), "=S"(c), "=d"(len)
:"D"(s), "S"(c), "d"(len)
:"rcx", "r8", "memory", "xmm1", "xmm2"
return index;
/*__attribute__((always_inline))*/ inline int find_chr_from_str(const char* s, int c, int len) {
//s:rdi; c:rsi; len:rdx
int index;
__asm__ __volatile__(
"and $0xff, %%esi;" //clear upper bytes
"movd %%esi, %%xmm1;"
"xor %%r8d,%%r8d;"
"movdqu (%%rdi), %%xmm2;"
"add $16, %%r8d;"
"addq $16, %%rdi;"
// "pcmpistri $0x0, %%xmm2,%%xmm1;"
".byte 0x66 ,0x0f ,0x3a ,0x63 ,0xca ,0x00;"
//"lea 16(%%rdi), %%rdi;"
"ja 4f;" // not null and no match, so clarify whether over the end
"jc 2f;" //match
"jmp 3f;" //null and no match
"cmp %%r8d,%%edx;"
"ja 1b;"
"mov $0xffffffff, %%eax;" // the end and no match
"jmp 0f;"
"lea -16(%%r8d, %%ecx), %%eax;"
"cmp %%edx, %%eax;"
"jae 3b;"
// "mov %%eax, %0;"
:"=a"(index), "=D"(s), "=S"(c), "=d"(len)
:"D"(s), "S"(c), "d"(len)
:"rcx", "r8", "memory", "xmm1", "xmm2"
return index;
/*__attribute__((always_inline))*/ inline char* strchr_sse(const char* s, int c) {
//s:rdi; c:rsi
char* ret;
__asm__ __volatile__(
"and $0xff, %%esi;" //clear upper bytes
"test %%esi, %%esi;"
"jnz 0f ;"
"movq %%rdi, %%rax;"
"pxor %%xmm1, %%xmm1;"
"movdqu (%%rdi), %%xmm2;"
"addq $16, %%rdi;"
// "pcmpistri $0x8, %%xmm2,%%xmm1;"
".byte 0x66, 0x0f, 0x3a, 0x63, 0xca, 0x08;"
"jnz 3b;"
"leaq -16(%%rdi,%%rcx), %%rax;"
"jmp 2f;"
"movd %%esi, %%xmm1;"
//"xor %%rcx, %%rcx;"
"xor %%rax, %%rax;"
"movdqu (%%rdi), %%xmm2;"
"addq $16, %%rdi;"
// "pcmpistri $0x0, %%xmm2,%%xmm1;"
".byte 0x66 ,0x0f ,0x3a ,0x63 ,0xca ,0x00;"
"ja 1b;"
"jnc 2f;"
"lea -16(%%rdi, %%rcx), %%rax;"
:"=a"(ret), "=D"(s), "=S"(c)
:"D"(s), "S"(c)
:"rcx", "memory", "xmm1", "xmm2"
return ret;
/*__attribute__((always_inline))*/ inline char* strrchr_sse(const char* s, int c) {
//s:rdi; c:rsi
char* ret;
__asm__ __volatile__(
"and $0xff, %%esi;" //clear upper bytes
"test %%esi, %%esi;"
"jnz 0f ;"
"movq %%rdi, %%rax;"
"pxor %%xmm1, %%xmm1;"
"movdqu (%%rdi), %%xmm2;"
"addq $16, %%rdi;"
// "pcmpistri $0x8, %%xmm2,%%xmm1;"
".byte 0x66, 0x0f, 0x3a, 0x63, 0xca, 0x08;"
"jnz 3b;"
"leaq -16(%%rdi,%%rcx), %%rax;"
"jmp 3f;"
"movd %%esi, %%xmm1;"
//"xor %%rcx, %%rcx;"
"xor %%rax, %%rax;"
"movdqu (%%rdi), %%xmm2;"
"addq $16, %%rdi;"
// "pcmpistri $0x40, %%xmm2,%%xmm1;"
".byte 0x66 ,0x0f ,0x3a ,0x63 ,0xca ,0x40;"
"ja 1b;" //zflag =0 and cflag =0, it means no end and no match
"jz 2f;" //zflag =1, the end of string
"lea -16(%%rdi, %%rcx), %%rax;" //cflag =1
"jmp 1b;"
"jnc 3f;"
"lea -16(%%rdi, %%rcx), %%rax;"
//"mov %%rax, %0;"
:"=a"(ret), "=D"(s), "=S"(c)
:"D"(s), "S"(c)
:"rcx", "memory", "xmm1", "xmm2"
return ret;
inline char* strrchr_end_sse(char const* b, char const* e, char c) {
//b:rdi; e:rsi; c:rdx
char* ret;
__asm__ __volatile__(
// "movzbq %5, %%rdx;"
// "mov %%rdx, %%r8;"
"movzbq %5, %%r8;"
"cmp $0, %%rdi;"
"jbe 1f;"
//calculate rdx, decide where to go
"mov %%rsi, %%rdx;"
"subq %%rdi, %%rdx;"
"jbe 1f;" // if begin >= end, return
"cmp $7, %%rdx;"
"jna 2f;"
// rdx >= 8
"movd %%r8, %%xmm1;"
"mov $1, %%rax;"
"cmp $16, %%rdx;"
"ja 3f;" // if rdx > 16, jmp to 3f
// 8 <= rdx <= 16
"subq %%rdx, %%rsi;"
"movdqu (%%rsi), %%xmm2;"
// "pcmpestri $0x40, %%xmm2, %%xmm1;"
".byte 0x66, 0x0f, 0x3a, 0x61, 0xca, 0x40;"
"jnc 1f; " // if cflag=0, not match, jmp to 1f
"lea (%%rsi, %%rcx), %%rax;" // matched
"jmp 0f;"
// after 16-bytes compare
"subq $16, %%rdx;"
"cmp $7, %%rdx;"
"jna 2f;" // if rdx < 8, jmp to 2f
"cmp $16, %%rdx;"
"jna 5b;"
"subq $16, %%rsi;"
"movdqu (%%rsi), %%xmm2;"
// "pcmpestri $0x40, %%xmm2, %%xmm1;"
".byte 0x66, 0x0f, 0x3a, 0x61, 0xca, 0x40;"
"ja 4b;" // cflag = 0:not match && zflag = 0:not end >>> loopback
"lea (%%rsi, %%rcx), %%rax;" // rdx > 16, zflag always = 0, match
"jmp 0f;"
// 0 < rdx < 8
"mov %%r8, %%rax;"
// switch rdx;
"cmpb -1(%%rsi), %%al;"
"jne 11f;"
"lea -1(%%rsi), %%rax;"
"jmp 0f;"
"cmp $1, %%rdx;"
"je 1f;"
"cmpb -2(%%rsi), %%al;"
"jne 12f;"
"lea -2(%%rsi), %%rax;"
"jmp 0f;"
"cmp $2, %%rdx;"
"je 1f;"
"cmpb -3(%%rsi), %%al;"
"jne 13f;"
"lea -3(%%rsi), %%rax;"
"jmp 0f;"
"cmp $3, %%rdx;"
"je 1f;"
"cmpb -4(%%rsi), %%al;"
"jne 14f;"
"lea -4(%%rsi), %%rax;"
"jmp 0f;"
"cmp $4, %%rdx;"
"je 1f;"
"cmpb -5(%%rsi), %%al;"
"jne 15f;"
"lea -5(%%rsi), %%rax;"
"jmp 0f;"
"cmp $5, %%rdx;"
"je 1f;"
"cmpb -6(%%rsi), %%al;"
"jne 16f;"
"lea -6(%%rsi), %%rax;"
"jmp 0f;"
"cmp $6, %%rdx;"
"je 1f;"
"cmpb -7(%%rsi), %%al;"
"jne 1f;"
"lea -7(%%rsi), %%rax;"
"jmp 0f;"
// failed return
"xor %%rax, %%rax;" // return null
// success return
:"=a"(ret), "=D"(b), "=S"(e) //,"=d"(c)
:"D"(b), "S"(e), "r"(c)
:"r8", "rcx", "memory", "xmm1", "xmm2", "rdx"
return ret;
/*__attribute__((always_inline))*/ inline void* memchr_sse(const void* s, int c, size_t n) {
//s:rdi; c:rsi; n:rdx
void* ret;
__asm__ __volatile__(
"and $0xff, %%esi;" //clear upper bytes
"movd %%esi, %%xmm1;"
"mov $1, %%rax;"
"add $16, %%rdx;"
"movdqu (%%rdi), %%xmm2;"
"sub $16, %%rdx;"
"addq $16, %%rdi;"
//"pcmpestri $0x0, %%xmm2,%%xmm1;"
".byte 0x66 ,0x0f ,0x3a ,0x61 ,0xca ,0x00;"
//"lea 16(%%rdi), %%rdi;"
"ja 1b;" //Res2==0:no match and zflag==0: s is not end
"jc 3f;" //Res2==1: match and s is not end
"mov $0x0, %%rax;"//no match
"jmp 0f;"
"lea -16(%%rdi,%%rcx),%%rax;"
//"mov %%rax, %0;"
:"=a"(ret), "=D"(s), "=S"(c), "=d"(n)
:"D"(s), "S"(c), "d"(n)
:"rcx", "memory", "xmm1", "xmm2"
return ret;
/*__attribute__((always_inline))*/ inline size_t strlen_sse(const char* s) {
size_t ret ;
__asm__ __volatile__(
"movq $-16, %%rax;"
//"xor %%rcx, %%rcx;"
"pxor %%xmm0, %%xmm0;"
"movdqu (%%rdi), %%xmm1;"
"addq $16, %%rax;"
"addq $16, %%rdi;"
//"pcmpistri $0x8, %%xmm1,%%xmm0;"
".byte 0x66, 0x0f, 0x3a, 0x63, 0xc1, 0x08;"
//"lea 16(%%rdi), %%rdi ;"
//"lea 16(%%rax), %%rax ;"
"jnz 1b;"
"addq %%rcx, %%rax;"
//"mov %%rax, %0;"
:"=a"(ret), "=D"(s)
:"rcx", "memory", "xmm0", "xmm1"
return ret;
/*__attribute__((always_inline))*/ inline int strcmp_sse(const char* s1, const char* s2)
//s1:rdi; s2:rsi
int result ;
__asm__ __volatile__(
"xor %%rax, %%rax ;"
//"xor %%rcx, %%rcx ;"
"movdqu (%%rdi), %%xmm1;"
"movdqu (%%rsi), %%xmm2;"
"addq $16, %%rsi;"
"addq $16, %%rdi;"
// " pcmpistri $0x18, %%xmm2, %%xmm1 ;"
".byte 0x66 ,0x0f ,0x3a ,0x63 ,0xca ,0x18;"
" ja 1b ;"
"jnc 0f;"
"movzbq -16(%%rsi, %%rcx), %%rdx ;"
"movzbq -16(%%rdi, %%rcx), %%rax ;"
// "sub %%rdx, %%rax ;"
"movl $1, %%ecx;"
"movl $-1, %%edi;"
"cmp %%rdx, %%rax;"
"cmova %%ecx, %%eax;"
"cmovb %%edi, %%eax;"
//"mov %%eax, %0;"
:"=a"(result), "=D"(s1), "=S"(s2)
:"D"(s1), "S"(s2)
:"rcx", "rdx", "memory", "xmm1", "xmm2"
return result;
/*__attribute__((always_inline))*/ inline int strncmp_sse(const char* s1, const char* s2, size_t n)
//s1:rdi; s2:rsi; n:rdx
int result ;
__asm__ __volatile__(
"cmp $1, %%rdx;"
"jbe 3f;"
"xor %%rax, %%rax ;"
"movdqu (%%rdi), %%xmm1;"
"movdqu (%%rsi), %%xmm2;"
"addq $16, %%rdi;"
"addq $16, %%rsi;"
// " pcmpistri $0x18, %%xmm2, %%xmm1 ;"
".byte 0x66 ,0x0f ,0x3a ,0x63 ,0xca ,0x18;"
// "lea 16(%%rsi), %%rsi;"
// "lea 16(%%rdi), %%rdi;"
"ja 2f ;" //both 16Byte data elements are valid and identical
"jnc 0f;" //Both 16byte data elements have EOS and identical
//the following situation is Both 16byte data elements differ at offset X (ecx).
"cmp %%rdx, %%rcx;"
"jae 0f;" // X is out of n
"movzbq -16(%%rsi, %%rcx), %%rdx ;" // X is in the range of n
"movzbq -16(%%rdi, %%rcx), %%rax ;"
"subq %%rdx, %%rax ;"
"jmp 0f;"
"subq $16, %%rdx;"
"jbe 0f;"
"ja 1b;"
"xor %%eax, %%eax;"
"test %%rdx, %%rdx ;"
"jz 0f ;"
"movzbl (%%rdi), %%eax;"
"movzbl (%%rsi), %%edx;"
"subl %%edx, %%eax;"
// "mov %%eax, %0;"
:"=a"(result), "=D"(s1), "=S"(s2), "=d"(n)
:"D"(s1), "S"(s2), "d"(n)
:"rcx", "memory", "xmm1", "xmm2"
return result;
/*__attribute__((always_inline))*/ inline int baidu_crc32_byte(char const* src, int crc,
int length) {
int crc_out ;
__asm__ __volatile__(
"movzbl (%%rdi), %%ecx;"
//"crc32b %%cl, %%esi;"
".byte 0xf2, 0xf, 0x38, 0xf0, 0xf1;"
"add $1, %%rdi;"
"sub $1, %%edx;"
"jnz 1b;"
"movl %%esi,%%eax;"
:"=a"(crc_out), "=D"(src), "=S"(crc), "=d"(length)
:"D"(src), "S"(crc), "d"(length)
:"memory", "ecx"
return crc_out;
inline int crc32c_qw(char const* src, int crc, unsigned int qwlen) {
int crc_out ;
__asm__ __volatile__(
// "crc32q (%%rdi), %%rsi;"
".byte 0xf2 ,0x48 ,0x0f ,0x38 ,0xf1, 0x37;"
"addq $8, %%rdi;"
"subl $1, %%edx;"
"jnz 1b;"
"mov %%esi,%%eax;"
:"=a"(crc_out), "=D"(src), "=S"(crc), "=d"(qwlen)
:"D"(src), "S"(crc), "d"(qwlen)
return crc_out;
inline int baidu_crc32_qw(char const* src, int crc, unsigned int length) {
unsigned int iquotient = length >> 3;
unsigned int iremainder = length & 0x7;
char const* p ;
if (iquotient) {
crc = crc32c_qw(src, crc, iquotient);
if (iremainder) {
p = src + (length - iremainder);
crc = baidu_crc32_byte(p, crc, iremainder);
return crc;
} // namespace doris