blob: 37b2f86a5a9068f8bc2d59d763fd23d46029303a [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include "runtime/fragment_mgr.h"
#include <bvar/latency_recorder.h>
#include <gperftools/profiler.h>
#include <thrift/protocol/TDebugProtocol.h>
#include <memory>
#include <sstream>
#include "agent/cgroups_mgr.h"
#include "common/object_pool.h"
#include "gen_cpp/FrontendService.h"
#include "gen_cpp/PaloInternalService_types.h"
#include "gen_cpp/PlanNodes_types.h"
#include "gen_cpp/QueryPlanExtra_types.h"
#include "gen_cpp/Types_types.h"
#include "gutil/strings/substitute.h"
#include "opentelemetry/trace/scope.h"
#include "runtime/client_cache.h"
#include "runtime/datetime_value.h"
#include "runtime/descriptors.h"
#include "runtime/exec_env.h"
#include "runtime/plan_fragment_executor.h"
#include "runtime/runtime_filter_mgr.h"
#include "runtime/stream_load/load_stream_mgr.h"
#include "runtime/stream_load/stream_load_context.h"
#include "runtime/stream_load/stream_load_pipe.h"
#include "runtime/thread_context.h"
#include "service/backend_options.h"
#include "util/debug_util.h"
#include "util/doris_metrics.h"
#include "util/stopwatch.hpp"
#include "util/telemetry/telemetry.h"
#include "util/threadpool.h"
#include "util/thrift_util.h"
#include "util/uid_util.h"
#include "util/url_coding.h"
namespace doris {
DEFINE_GAUGE_METRIC_PROTOTYPE_2ARG(plan_fragment_count, MetricUnit::NOUNIT);
DEFINE_GAUGE_METRIC_PROTOTYPE_2ARG(timeout_canceled_fragment_count, MetricUnit::NOUNIT);
DEFINE_GAUGE_METRIC_PROTOTYPE_2ARG(fragment_thread_pool_queue_size, MetricUnit::NOUNIT);
bvar::LatencyRecorder g_fragmentmgr_prepare_latency("doris_FragmentMgr", "prepare");
std::string to_load_error_http_path(const std::string& file_name) {
if (file_name.empty()) {
return "";
std::stringstream url;
url << "http://" << BackendOptions::get_localhost() << ":" << config::webserver_port
<< "/api/_load_error_log?"
<< "file=" << file_name;
return url.str();
using apache::thrift::TException;
using apache::thrift::TProcessor;
using apache::thrift::transport::TTransportException;
class RuntimeProfile;
class FragmentExecState {
// Constructor by using QueryFragmentsCtx
FragmentExecState(const TUniqueId& query_id, const TUniqueId& instance_id, int backend_num,
ExecEnv* exec_env, std::shared_ptr<QueryFragmentsCtx> fragments_ctx);
FragmentExecState(const TUniqueId& query_id, const TUniqueId& instance_id, int backend_num,
ExecEnv* exec_env, const TNetworkAddress& coord_addr);
Status prepare(const TExecPlanFragmentParams& params);
// just no use now
void callback(const Status& status, RuntimeProfile* profile, bool done);
std::string to_http_path(const std::string& file_name);
Status execute();
Status cancel(const PPlanFragmentCancelReason& reason, const std::string& msg = "");
bool is_canceled() { return _cancelled; }
TUniqueId fragment_instance_id() const { return _fragment_instance_id; }
TUniqueId query_id() const { return _query_id; }
PlanFragmentExecutor* executor() { return &_executor; }
const DateTimeValue& start_time() const { return _start_time; }
void set_merge_controller_handler(
std::shared_ptr<RuntimeFilterMergeControllerEntity>& handler) {
_merge_controller_handler = handler;
// Update status of this fragment execute
Status update_status(Status status) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l(_status_lock);
if (!status.ok() && _exec_status.ok()) {
_exec_status = status;
return _exec_status;
void set_group(const TResourceInfo& info) {
_set_rsc_info = true;
_user = info.user;
_group =;
bool is_timeout(const DateTimeValue& now) const {
if (_timeout_second <= 0) {
return false;
if (now.second_diff(_start_time) > _timeout_second) {
return true;
return false;
int get_timeout_second() const { return _timeout_second; }
std::shared_ptr<QueryFragmentsCtx> get_fragments_ctx() { return _fragments_ctx; }
void set_pipe(std::shared_ptr<StreamLoadPipe> pipe) { _pipe = pipe; }
std::shared_ptr<StreamLoadPipe> get_pipe() const { return _pipe; }
void set_need_wait_execution_trigger() { _need_wait_execution_trigger = true; }
void coordinator_callback(const Status& status, RuntimeProfile* profile, bool done);
// This context is shared by all fragments of this host in a query
// NOTE: _fragments_ctx should be declared at the beginning of members so that
// it's destructed last.
// Because Objects create in _fragments_ctx.obj_pool maybe used during
// destruction, if _fragments_ctx is destructed too early, it will coredump.
std::shared_ptr<QueryFragmentsCtx> _fragments_ctx;
// Id of this query
TUniqueId _query_id;
// Id of this instance
TUniqueId _fragment_instance_id;
// Used to report to coordinator which backend is over
int _backend_num;
ExecEnv* _exec_env;
TNetworkAddress _coord_addr;
PlanFragmentExecutor _executor;
DateTimeValue _start_time;
std::mutex _status_lock;
Status _exec_status;
bool _set_rsc_info = false;
std::string _user;
std::string _group;
int _timeout_second;
std::atomic<bool> _cancelled {false};
std::shared_ptr<RuntimeFilterMergeControllerEntity> _merge_controller_handler;
// The pipe for data transfering, such as insert.
std::shared_ptr<StreamLoadPipe> _pipe;
// If set the true, this plan fragment will be executed only after FE send execution start rpc.
bool _need_wait_execution_trigger = false;
FragmentExecState::FragmentExecState(const TUniqueId& query_id,
const TUniqueId& fragment_instance_id, int backend_num,
ExecEnv* exec_env,
std::shared_ptr<QueryFragmentsCtx> fragments_ctx)
: _fragments_ctx(std::move(fragments_ctx)),
_executor(exec_env, std::bind<void>(std::mem_fn(&FragmentExecState::coordinator_callback),
this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2,
_timeout_second(-1) {
_start_time = DateTimeValue::local_time();
_coord_addr = _fragments_ctx->coord_addr;
FragmentExecState::FragmentExecState(const TUniqueId& query_id,
const TUniqueId& fragment_instance_id, int backend_num,
ExecEnv* exec_env, const TNetworkAddress& coord_addr)
: _query_id(query_id),
_executor(exec_env, std::bind<void>(std::mem_fn(&FragmentExecState::coordinator_callback),
this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2,
_timeout_second(-1) {
_start_time = DateTimeValue::local_time();
Status FragmentExecState::prepare(const TExecPlanFragmentParams& params) {
if (params.__isset.query_options) {
_timeout_second = params.query_options.query_timeout;
if (_fragments_ctx == nullptr) {
if (params.__isset.resource_info) {
if (_fragments_ctx == nullptr) {
return _executor.prepare(params);
} else {
return _executor.prepare(params, _fragments_ctx.get());
Status FragmentExecState::execute() {
if (_need_wait_execution_trigger) {
// if _need_wait_execution_trigger is true, which means this instance
// is prepared but need to wait for the signal to do the rest execution.
if (!_fragments_ctx->wait_for_start()) {
return cancel(PPlanFragmentCancelReason::INTERNAL_ERROR, "wait fragment start timeout");
#ifndef BE_TEST
if (_executor.runtime_state()->is_cancelled()) {
return Status::Cancelled("cancelled before execution");
int64_t duration_ns = 0;
opentelemetry::trace::Tracer::GetCurrentSpan()->AddEvent("start executing Fragment");
Status st =;
strings::Substitute("Got error while opening fragment $0, query id: $1",
print_id(_fragment_instance_id), print_id(_query_id)));
if (!st.ok()) {
cancel(PPlanFragmentCancelReason::INTERNAL_ERROR, "PlanFragmentExecutor open failed");
DorisMetrics::instance()->fragment_request_duration_us->increment(duration_ns / 1000);
return Status::OK();
Status FragmentExecState::cancel(const PPlanFragmentCancelReason& reason, const std::string& msg) {
if (!_cancelled) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l(_status_lock);
if (reason == PPlanFragmentCancelReason::LIMIT_REACH) {
_executor.cancel(reason, msg);
if (_pipe != nullptr) {
_cancelled = true;
return Status::OK();
void FragmentExecState::callback(const Status& status, RuntimeProfile* profile, bool done) {}
std::string FragmentExecState::to_http_path(const std::string& file_name) {
std::stringstream url;
url << "http://" << BackendOptions::get_localhost() << ":" << config::webserver_port
<< "/api/_download_load?"
<< "token=" << _exec_env->token() << "&file=" << file_name;
return url.str();
// There can only be one of these callbacks in-flight at any moment, because
// it is only invoked from the executor's reporting thread.
// Also, the reported status will always reflect the most recent execution status,
// including the final status when execution finishes.
void FragmentExecState::coordinator_callback(const Status& status, RuntimeProfile* profile,
bool done) {
DCHECK(status.ok() || done); // if !status.ok() => done
Status exec_status = update_status(status);
Status coord_status;
FrontendServiceConnection coord(_exec_env->frontend_client_cache(), _coord_addr, &coord_status);
if (!coord_status.ok()) {
std::stringstream ss;
UniqueId uid(_query_id.hi, _query_id.lo);
ss << "couldn't get a client for " << _coord_addr << ", reason: " << coord_status;
LOG(WARNING) << "query_id: " << uid << ", " << ss.str();
TReportExecStatusParams params;
params.protocol_version = FrontendServiceVersion::V1;
RuntimeState* runtime_state = _executor.runtime_state();
DCHECK(runtime_state != nullptr);
if (runtime_state->query_type() == TQueryType::LOAD && !done && status.ok()) {
// this is a load plan, and load is not finished, just make a brief report
} else {
if (runtime_state->query_type() == TQueryType::LOAD) {
if (profile == nullptr) {
params.__isset.profile = false;
} else {
params.__isset.profile = true;
if (!runtime_state->output_files().empty()) {
params.__isset.delta_urls = true;
for (auto& it : runtime_state->output_files()) {
if (runtime_state->num_rows_load_total() > 0 ||
runtime_state->num_rows_load_filtered() > 0) {
params.__isset.load_counters = true;
static std::string s_dpp_normal_all = "dpp.norm.ALL";
static std::string s_dpp_abnormal_all = "dpp.abnorm.ALL";
static std::string s_unselected_rows = "unselected.rows";
if (!runtime_state->get_error_log_file_path().empty()) {
if (!runtime_state->export_output_files().empty()) {
params.__isset.export_files = true;
params.export_files = runtime_state->export_output_files();
if (!runtime_state->tablet_commit_infos().empty()) {
params.__isset.commitInfos = true;
for (auto& info : runtime_state->tablet_commit_infos()) {
if (!runtime_state->error_tablet_infos().empty()) {
params.__isset.errorTabletInfos = true;
for (auto& info : runtime_state->error_tablet_infos()) {
// Send new errors to coordinator
params.__isset.error_log = (params.error_log.size() > 0);
if (_exec_env->master_info()->__isset.backend_id) {
TReportExecStatusResult res;
Status rpc_status;
VLOG_DEBUG << "reportExecStatus params is "
<< apache::thrift::ThriftDebugString(params).c_str();
if (!exec_status.ok()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "report error status: " << exec_status.to_string()
<< " to coordinator: " << _coord_addr << ", query id: " << print_id(_query_id)
<< ", instance id: " << print_id(_fragment_instance_id);
try {
try {
coord->reportExecStatus(res, params);
} catch (TTransportException& e) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Retrying ReportExecStatus. query id: " << print_id(_query_id)
<< ", instance id: " << print_id(_fragment_instance_id) << " to "
<< _coord_addr << ", err: " << e.what();
rpc_status = coord.reopen();
if (!rpc_status.ok()) {
// we need to cancel the execution of this fragment
coord->reportExecStatus(res, params);
rpc_status = Status(res.status);
} catch (TException& e) {
std::stringstream msg;
msg << "ReportExecStatus() to " << _coord_addr << " failed:\n" << e.what();
LOG(WARNING) << msg.str();
rpc_status = Status::InternalError(msg.str());
if (!rpc_status.ok()) {
// we need to cancel the execution of this fragment
FragmentMgr::FragmentMgr(ExecEnv* exec_env)
: _exec_env(exec_env),
_stop_background_threads_latch(1) {
_entity = DorisMetrics::instance()->metric_registry()->register_entity("FragmentMgr");
INT_UGAUGE_METRIC_REGISTER(_entity, timeout_canceled_fragment_count);
REGISTER_HOOK_METRIC(plan_fragment_count, [this]() { return _fragment_map.size(); });
auto s = Thread::create(
"FragmentMgr", "cancel_timeout_plan_fragment", [this]() { this->cancel_worker(); },
CHECK(s.ok()) << s.to_string();
// TODO(zc): we need a better thread-pool
// now one user can use all the thread pool, others have no resource.
s = ThreadPoolBuilder("FragmentMgrThreadPool")
[this]() { return _thread_pool->get_queue_size(); });
CHECK(s.ok()) << s.to_string();
FragmentMgr::~FragmentMgr() {
if (_cancel_thread) {
// Stop all the worker, should wait for a while?
// _thread_pool->wait_for();
// Only me can delete
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(_lock);
static void empty_function(PlanFragmentExecutor* exec) {}
void FragmentMgr::_exec_actual(std::shared_ptr<FragmentExecState> exec_state, FinishCallback cb) {
std::string func_name {"PlanFragmentExecutor::_exec_actual"};
#ifndef BE_TEST
auto span = exec_state->executor()->runtime_state()->get_tracer()->StartSpan(func_name);
auto span = telemetry::get_noop_tracer()->StartSpan(func_name);
auto scope = opentelemetry::trace::Scope {span};
span->SetAttribute("query_id", print_id(exec_state->query_id()));
span->SetAttribute("instance_id", print_id(exec_state->fragment_instance_id()));
.tag("query_id", exec_state->query_id())
.tag("instance_id", exec_state->fragment_instance_id())
.tag("pthread_id", (uintptr_t)pthread_self());
Status st = exec_state->execute();
if (!st.ok()) {
exec_state->cancel(PPlanFragmentCancelReason::INTERNAL_ERROR, "exec_state execute failed");
std::shared_ptr<QueryFragmentsCtx> fragments_ctx = exec_state->get_fragments_ctx();
bool all_done = false;
if (fragments_ctx != nullptr) {
// decrease the number of unfinished fragments
all_done = fragments_ctx->countdown();
// remove exec state after this fragment finished
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(_lock);
if (all_done && fragments_ctx) {
// Callback after remove from this id
Status FragmentMgr::exec_plan_fragment(const TExecPlanFragmentParams& params) {
if (params.txn_conf.need_txn) {
StreamLoadContext* stream_load_ctx = new StreamLoadContext(_exec_env);
stream_load_ctx->db = params.txn_conf.db;
stream_load_ctx->db_id = params.txn_conf.db_id;
stream_load_ctx->table = params.txn_conf.tbl;
stream_load_ctx->txn_id = params.txn_conf.txn_id;
stream_load_ctx->id = UniqueId(params.params.query_id);
stream_load_ctx->put_result.params = params;
stream_load_ctx->use_streaming = true;
stream_load_ctx->load_type = TLoadType::MANUL_LOAD;
stream_load_ctx->load_src_type = TLoadSourceType::RAW;
stream_load_ctx->label = params.import_label;
stream_load_ctx->format = TFileFormatType::FORMAT_CSV_PLAIN;
stream_load_ctx->timeout_second = 3600;
stream_load_ctx->auth.auth_code_uuid = params.txn_conf.auth_code_uuid;
stream_load_ctx->need_commit_self = true;
stream_load_ctx->need_rollback = true;
// total_length == -1 means read one message from pipe in once time, don't care the length.
auto pipe = std::make_shared<StreamLoadPipe>(kMaxPipeBufferedBytes /* max_buffered_bytes */,
64 * 1024 /* min_chunk_size */,
-1 /* total_length */, true /* use_proto */);
stream_load_ctx->body_sink = pipe;
stream_load_ctx->max_filter_ratio = params.txn_conf.max_filter_ratio;
RETURN_IF_ERROR(_exec_env->load_stream_mgr()->put(stream_load_ctx->id, pipe));
set_pipe(params.params.fragment_instance_id, pipe);
return Status::OK();
} else {
return exec_plan_fragment(params, std::bind<void>(&empty_function, std::placeholders::_1));
Status FragmentMgr::start_query_execution(const PExecPlanFragmentStartRequest* request) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(_lock);
TUniqueId query_id;
auto search = _fragments_ctx_map.find(query_id);
if (search == _fragments_ctx_map.end()) {
return Status::InternalError(
"Failed to get query fragments context. Query may be "
"timeout or be cancelled. host: {}",
return Status::OK();
void FragmentMgr::set_pipe(const TUniqueId& fragment_instance_id,
std::shared_ptr<StreamLoadPipe> pipe) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(_lock);
auto iter = _fragment_map.find(fragment_instance_id);
if (iter != _fragment_map.end()) {
std::shared_ptr<StreamLoadPipe> FragmentMgr::get_pipe(const TUniqueId& fragment_instance_id) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(_lock);
auto iter = _fragment_map.find(fragment_instance_id);
if (iter != _fragment_map.end()) {
return _fragment_map[fragment_instance_id]->get_pipe();
} else {
return nullptr;
Status FragmentMgr::exec_plan_fragment(const TExecPlanFragmentParams& params, FinishCallback cb) {
auto tracer = telemetry::is_current_span_valid() ? telemetry::get_tracer("tracer")
: telemetry::get_noop_tracer();
START_AND_SCOPE_SPAN(tracer, span, "FragmentMgr::exec_plan_fragment");
const TUniqueId& fragment_instance_id = params.params.fragment_instance_id;
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(_lock);
auto iter = _fragment_map.find(fragment_instance_id);
if (iter != _fragment_map.end()) {
// Duplicated
return Status::OK();
std::shared_ptr<FragmentExecState> exec_state;
std::shared_ptr<QueryFragmentsCtx> fragments_ctx;
if (params.is_simplified_param) {
// Get common components from _fragments_ctx_map
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(_lock);
auto search = _fragments_ctx_map.find(params.params.query_id);
if (search == _fragments_ctx_map.end()) {
return Status::InternalError(
"Failed to get query fragments context. Query may be "
"timeout or be cancelled. host: {}",
fragments_ctx = search->second;
} else {
// This may be a first fragment request of the query.
// Create the query fragments context.
fragments_ctx.reset(new QueryFragmentsCtx(params.fragment_num_on_host, _exec_env));
fragments_ctx->query_id = params.params.query_id;
RETURN_IF_ERROR(DescriptorTbl::create(&(fragments_ctx->obj_pool), params.desc_tbl,
fragments_ctx->coord_addr = params.coord;
LOG(INFO) << "query_id: "
<< UniqueId(fragments_ctx->query_id.hi, fragments_ctx->query_id.lo)
<< " coord_addr " << fragments_ctx->coord_addr
<< " total fragment num on current host: " << params.fragment_num_on_host;
fragments_ctx->query_globals = params.query_globals;
if (params.__isset.resource_info) {
fragments_ctx->user = params.resource_info.user;
fragments_ctx->group =;
fragments_ctx->set_rsc_info = true;
fragments_ctx->timeout_second = params.query_options.query_timeout;
_set_scan_concurrency(params, fragments_ctx.get());
bool has_query_mem_tracker =
params.query_options.__isset.mem_limit && (params.query_options.mem_limit > 0);
int64_t bytes_limit = has_query_mem_tracker ? params.query_options.mem_limit : -1;
if (bytes_limit > MemInfo::mem_limit()) {
VLOG_NOTICE << "Query memory limit " << PrettyPrinter::print(bytes_limit, TUnit::BYTES)
<< " exceeds process memory limit of "
<< PrettyPrinter::print(MemInfo::mem_limit(), TUnit::BYTES)
<< ". Using process memory limit instead";
bytes_limit = MemInfo::mem_limit();
if (params.query_options.query_type == TQueryType::SELECT) {
fragments_ctx->query_mem_tracker = std::make_shared<MemTrackerLimiter>(
fmt::format("Query#Id={}", print_id(fragments_ctx->query_id)), bytes_limit);
} else if (params.query_options.query_type == TQueryType::LOAD) {
fragments_ctx->query_mem_tracker = std::make_shared<MemTrackerLimiter>(
fmt::format("Load#Id={}", print_id(fragments_ctx->query_id)), bytes_limit);
} else { // EXTERNAL
fragments_ctx->query_mem_tracker = std::make_shared<MemTrackerLimiter>(
fmt::format("External#Id={}", print_id(fragments_ctx->query_id)), bytes_limit);
if (params.query_options.__isset.is_report_success &&
params.query_options.is_report_success) {
// Find _fragments_ctx_map again, in case some other request has already
// create the query fragments context.
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(_lock);
auto search = _fragments_ctx_map.find(params.params.query_id);
if (search == _fragments_ctx_map.end()) {
_fragments_ctx_map.insert(std::make_pair(fragments_ctx->query_id, fragments_ctx));
LOG(INFO) << "Register query/load memory tracker, query/load id: "
<< print_id(fragments_ctx->query_id)
<< " limit: " << PrettyPrinter::print(bytes_limit, TUnit::BYTES);
} else {
// Already has a query fragments context, use it
fragments_ctx = search->second;
exec_state.reset(new FragmentExecState(fragments_ctx->query_id,
params.params.fragment_instance_id, params.backend_num,
_exec_env, fragments_ctx));
if (params.__isset.need_wait_execution_trigger && params.need_wait_execution_trigger) {
// set need_wait_execution_trigger means this instance will not actually being executed
// until the execPlanFragmentStart RPC trigger to start it.
int64_t duration_ns = 0;
g_fragmentmgr_prepare_latency << (duration_ns / 1000);
std::shared_ptr<RuntimeFilterMergeControllerEntity> handler;
_runtimefilter_controller.add_entity(params, &handler, exec_state->executor()->runtime_state());
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(_lock);
_fragment_map.insert(std::make_pair(params.params.fragment_instance_id, exec_state));
auto st = _thread_pool->submit_func(
[this, exec_state, cb, parent_span = opentelemetry::trace::Tracer::GetCurrentSpan()] {
OpentelemetryScope scope {parent_span};
_exec_actual(exec_state, cb);
if (!st.ok()) {
// Remove the exec state added
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(_lock);
"push plan fragment to thread pool failed");
return Status::InternalError(
"push plan fragment {} to thread pool failed. err = {}, BE: {}",
print_id(params.params.fragment_instance_id), st.to_string(),
return Status::OK();
void FragmentMgr::_set_scan_concurrency(const TExecPlanFragmentParams& params,
QueryFragmentsCtx* fragments_ctx) {
#ifndef BE_TEST
// set thread token
// the thread token will be set if
// 1. the cpu_limit is set, or
// 2. the limit is very small ( < 1024)
// If the token is set, the scan task will use limited_scan_pool in scanner scheduler.
// Otherwise, the scan task will use local/remote scan pool in scanner scheduler
int concurrency = 1;
bool is_serial = false;
bool need_token = false;
if (params.query_options.__isset.resource_limit &&
params.query_options.resource_limit.__isset.cpu_limit) {
concurrency = params.query_options.resource_limit.cpu_limit;
need_token = true;
} else {
concurrency = config::doris_scanner_thread_pool_thread_num;
if (params.__isset.fragment && params.fragment.__isset.plan &&
params.fragment.plan.nodes.size() > 0) {
for (auto& node : params.fragment.plan.nodes) {
// Only for SCAN NODE
if (!_is_scan_node(node.node_type)) {
if (node.__isset.conjuncts && !node.conjuncts.empty()) {
// If the scan node has where predicate, do not set concurrency
if (node.limit > 0 && node.limit < 1024) {
concurrency = 1;
is_serial = true;
need_token = true;
if (need_token) {
fragments_ctx->set_thread_token(concurrency, is_serial);
bool FragmentMgr::_is_scan_node(const TPlanNodeType::type& type) {
return type == TPlanNodeType::OLAP_SCAN_NODE || type == TPlanNodeType::MYSQL_SCAN_NODE ||
type == TPlanNodeType::SCHEMA_SCAN_NODE || type == TPlanNodeType::META_SCAN_NODE ||
type == TPlanNodeType::BROKER_SCAN_NODE || type == TPlanNodeType::ES_SCAN_NODE ||
type == TPlanNodeType::ES_HTTP_SCAN_NODE || type == TPlanNodeType::ODBC_SCAN_NODE ||
type == TPlanNodeType::DATA_GEN_SCAN_NODE || type == TPlanNodeType::FILE_SCAN_NODE ||
type == TPlanNodeType::JDBC_SCAN_NODE;
Status FragmentMgr::cancel(const TUniqueId& fragment_id, const PPlanFragmentCancelReason& reason,
const std::string& msg) {
std::shared_ptr<FragmentExecState> exec_state;
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(_lock);
auto iter = _fragment_map.find(fragment_id);
if (iter == _fragment_map.end()) {
// No match
return Status::OK();
exec_state = iter->second;
exec_state->cancel(reason, msg);
return Status::OK();
void FragmentMgr::cancel_query(const TUniqueId& query_id, const PPlanFragmentCancelReason& reason,
const std::string& msg) {
std::vector<TUniqueId> cancel_fragment_ids;
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(_lock);
auto ctx = _fragments_ctx_map.find(query_id);
if (ctx != _fragments_ctx_map.end()) {
cancel_fragment_ids = ctx->second->fragment_ids;
for (auto it : cancel_fragment_ids) {
cancel(it, reason, msg);
bool FragmentMgr::query_is_canceled(const TUniqueId& query_id) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(_lock);
auto ctx = _fragments_ctx_map.find(query_id);
if (ctx != _fragments_ctx_map.end()) {
for (auto it : ctx->second->fragment_ids) {
auto exec_state_iter = _fragment_map.find(it);
if (exec_state_iter != _fragment_map.end() && exec_state_iter->second) {
return exec_state_iter->second->is_canceled();
return true;
void FragmentMgr::cancel_worker() {
LOG(INFO) << "FragmentMgr cancel worker start working.";
do {
std::vector<TUniqueId> to_cancel;
std::vector<TUniqueId> to_cancel_queries;
DateTimeValue now = DateTimeValue::local_time();
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(_lock);
for (auto& it : _fragment_map) {
if (it.second->is_timeout(now)) {
for (auto it = _fragments_ctx_map.begin(); it != _fragments_ctx_map.end();) {
if (it->second->is_timeout(now)) {
it = _fragments_ctx_map.erase(it);
} else {
for (auto& id : to_cancel) {
cancel(id, PPlanFragmentCancelReason::TIMEOUT);
LOG(INFO) << "FragmentMgr cancel worker going to cancel timeout fragment "
<< print_id(id);
} while (!_stop_background_threads_latch.wait_for(std::chrono::seconds(1)));
LOG(INFO) << "FragmentMgr cancel worker is going to exit.";
void FragmentMgr::debug(std::stringstream& ss) {
// Keep things simple
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(_lock);
ss << "FragmentMgr have " << _fragment_map.size() << " jobs.\n";
ss << "job_id\t\tstart_time\t\texecute_time(s)\n";
DateTimeValue now = DateTimeValue::local_time();
for (auto& it : _fragment_map) {
ss << it.first << "\t" << it.second->start_time().debug_string() << "\t"
<< now.second_diff(it.second->start_time()) << "\n";
* 1. resolve opaqued_query_plan to thrift structure
* 2. build TExecPlanFragmentParams
Status FragmentMgr::exec_external_plan_fragment(const TScanOpenParams& params,
const TUniqueId& fragment_instance_id,
std::vector<TScanColumnDesc>* selected_columns) {
const std::string& opaqued_query_plan = params.opaqued_query_plan;
std::string query_plan_info;
// base64 decode query plan
if (!base64_decode(opaqued_query_plan, &query_plan_info)) {
LOG(WARNING) << "open context error: base64_decode decode opaqued_query_plan failure";
std::stringstream msg;
msg << "query_plan_info: " << query_plan_info
<< " validate error, should not be modified after returned Doris FE processed";
return Status::InvalidArgument(msg.str());
TQueryPlanInfo t_query_plan_info;
const uint8_t* buf = (const uint8_t*);
uint32_t len = query_plan_info.size();
// deserialize TQueryPlanInfo
auto st = deserialize_thrift_msg(buf, &len, false, &t_query_plan_info);
if (!st.ok()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "open context error: deserialize TQueryPlanInfo failure";
std::stringstream msg;
msg << "query_plan_info: " << query_plan_info
<< " deserialize error, should not be modified after returned Doris FE processed";
return Status::InvalidArgument(msg.str());
// set up desc tbl
DescriptorTbl* desc_tbl = nullptr;
ObjectPool obj_pool;
st = DescriptorTbl::create(&obj_pool, t_query_plan_info.desc_tbl, &desc_tbl);
if (!st.ok()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "open context error: extract DescriptorTbl failure";
std::stringstream msg;
msg << "query_plan_info: " << query_plan_info
<< " create DescriptorTbl error, should not be modified after returned Doris FE "
return Status::InvalidArgument(msg.str());
TupleDescriptor* tuple_desc = desc_tbl->get_tuple_descriptor(0);
if (tuple_desc == nullptr) {
LOG(WARNING) << "open context error: extract TupleDescriptor failure";
std::stringstream msg;
msg << "query_plan_info: " << query_plan_info
<< " get TupleDescriptor error, should not be modified after returned Doris FE "
return Status::InvalidArgument(msg.str());
// process selected columns form slots
for (const SlotDescriptor* slot : tuple_desc->slots()) {
TScanColumnDesc col;
VLOG_QUERY << "BackendService execute open() TQueryPlanInfo: "
<< apache::thrift::ThriftDebugString(t_query_plan_info);
// assign the param used to execute PlanFragment
TExecPlanFragmentParams exec_fragment_params;
exec_fragment_params.protocol_version = (PaloInternalServiceVersion::type)0;
// assign the param used for executing of PlanFragment-self
TPlanFragmentExecParams fragment_exec_params;
fragment_exec_params.query_id = t_query_plan_info.query_id;
fragment_exec_params.fragment_instance_id = fragment_instance_id;
std::map<::doris::TPlanNodeId, std::vector<TScanRangeParams>> per_node_scan_ranges;
std::vector<TScanRangeParams> scan_ranges;
std::vector<int64_t> tablet_ids = params.tablet_ids;
TNetworkAddress address;
address.hostname = BackendOptions::get_localhost();
address.port = doris::config::be_port;
std::map<int64_t, TTabletVersionInfo> tablet_info = t_query_plan_info.tablet_info;
for (auto tablet_id : params.tablet_ids) {
TPaloScanRange scan_range;
scan_range.db_name = params.database;
scan_range.table_name = params.table;
auto iter = tablet_info.find(tablet_id);
if (iter != tablet_info.end()) {
TTabletVersionInfo info = iter->second;
scan_range.tablet_id = tablet_id;
scan_range.version = std::to_string(info.version);
// Useless but it is required field in TPaloScanRange
scan_range.version_hash = "0";
scan_range.schema_hash = std::to_string(info.schema_hash);
} else {
std::stringstream msg;
msg << "tablet_id: " << tablet_id << " not found";
LOG(WARNING) << "tablet_id [ " << tablet_id << " ] not found";
return Status::NotFound(msg.str());
TScanRange doris_scan_range;
TScanRangeParams scan_range_params;
scan_range_params.scan_range = doris_scan_range;
per_node_scan_ranges.insert(std::make_pair((::doris::TPlanNodeId)0, scan_ranges));
fragment_exec_params.per_node_scan_ranges = per_node_scan_ranges;
// batch_size for one RowBatch
TQueryOptions query_options;
query_options.batch_size = params.batch_size;
query_options.query_timeout = params.query_timeout;
query_options.mem_limit = params.mem_limit;
query_options.query_type = TQueryType::EXTERNAL;
VLOG_ROW << "external exec_plan_fragment params is "
<< apache::thrift::ThriftDebugString(exec_fragment_params).c_str();
return exec_plan_fragment(exec_fragment_params);
Status FragmentMgr::apply_filter(const PPublishFilterRequest* request,
butil::IOBufAsZeroCopyInputStream* attach_data) {
UniqueId fragment_instance_id = request->fragment_id();
TUniqueId tfragment_instance_id = fragment_instance_id.to_thrift();
std::shared_ptr<FragmentExecState> fragment_state;
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(_lock);
if (!_fragment_map.count(tfragment_instance_id)) {
VLOG_NOTICE << "wait for fragment start execute, fragment-id:" << fragment_instance_id;
_cv.wait_for(lock, std::chrono::milliseconds(1000),
[&] { return _fragment_map.count(tfragment_instance_id); });
auto iter = _fragment_map.find(tfragment_instance_id);
if (iter == _fragment_map.end()) {
VLOG_CRITICAL << "unknown.... fragment-id:" << fragment_instance_id;
return Status::InvalidArgument("fragment-id: {}", fragment_instance_id.to_string());
fragment_state = iter->second;
DCHECK(fragment_state != nullptr);
RuntimeFilterMgr* runtime_filter_mgr =
Status st = runtime_filter_mgr->update_filter(request, attach_data);
return st;
Status FragmentMgr::merge_filter(const PMergeFilterRequest* request,
butil::IOBufAsZeroCopyInputStream* attach_data) {
UniqueId queryid = request->query_id();
std::shared_ptr<RuntimeFilterMergeControllerEntity> filter_controller;
RETURN_IF_ERROR(_runtimefilter_controller.acquire(queryid, &filter_controller));
auto fragment_instance_id = filter_controller->instance_id();
TUniqueId tfragment_instance_id = fragment_instance_id.to_thrift();
std::shared_ptr<FragmentExecState> fragment_state;
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(_lock);
auto iter = _fragment_map.find(tfragment_instance_id);
if (iter == _fragment_map.end()) {
VLOG_CRITICAL << "unknown fragment-id:" << fragment_instance_id;
return Status::InvalidArgument("fragment-id: {}", fragment_instance_id.to_string());
// hold reference to fragment_state, or else runtime_state can be destroyed
// when filter_controller->merge is still in progress
fragment_state = iter->second;
RETURN_IF_ERROR(filter_controller->merge(request, attach_data));
return Status::OK();
} // namespace doris