blob: 4e346f3af550d1d3a9bcbb6e0b9b40ed94409f0c [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#pragma once
#include "gen_cpp/DataSinks_types.h"
#include "gen_cpp/Types_types.h"
#include "runtime/result_writer.h"
#include "runtime/runtime_state.h"
namespace doris {
class ExprContext;
class FileWriter;
class ParquetWriterWrapper;
class RowBatch;
class RuntimeProfile;
class TupleRow;
struct ResultFileOptions {
// [[deprecated]]
bool is_local_file;
std::string file_path;
TFileFormatType::type file_format;
std::string column_separator;
std::string line_delimiter;
size_t max_file_size_bytes = 1 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024; // 1GB
std::vector<TNetworkAddress> broker_addresses;
std::map<std::string, std::string> broker_properties;
std::string success_file_name = "";
std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> schema; //not use in outfile with parquet format
std::map<std::string, std::string> file_properties; //not use in outfile with parquet format
std::vector<TParquetSchema> parquet_schemas;
TParquetCompressionType::type parquet_commpression_type;
TParquetVersion::type parquet_version;
bool parquert_disable_dictionary;
//note: use outfile with parquet format, have deprecated 9:schema and 10:file_properties
//But in order to consider the compatibility when upgrading, so add a bool to check
//Now the code version is 1.1.2, so when the version is after 1.2, could remove this code.
bool is_refactor_before_flag = false;
std::string orc_schema;
ResultFileOptions(const TResultFileSinkOptions& t_opt) {
file_path = t_opt.file_path;
file_format = t_opt.file_format;
column_separator = t_opt.__isset.column_separator ? t_opt.column_separator : "\t";
line_delimiter = t_opt.__isset.line_delimiter ? t_opt.line_delimiter : "\n";
max_file_size_bytes =
t_opt.__isset.max_file_size_bytes ? t_opt.max_file_size_bytes : max_file_size_bytes;
is_local_file = true;
if (t_opt.__isset.broker_addresses) {
broker_addresses = t_opt.broker_addresses;
is_local_file = false;
if (t_opt.__isset.broker_properties) {
broker_properties = t_opt.broker_properties;
if (t_opt.__isset.success_file_name) {
success_file_name = t_opt.success_file_name;
if (t_opt.__isset.schema) {
schema = t_opt.schema;
is_refactor_before_flag = true;
if (t_opt.__isset.file_properties) {
file_properties = t_opt.file_properties;
if (t_opt.__isset.parquet_schemas) {
is_refactor_before_flag = false;
parquet_schemas = t_opt.parquet_schemas;
if (t_opt.__isset.parquet_compression_type) {
parquet_commpression_type = t_opt.parquet_compression_type;
if (t_opt.__isset.parquet_disable_dictionary) {
parquert_disable_dictionary = t_opt.parquet_disable_dictionary;
if (t_opt.__isset.parquet_version) {
parquet_version = t_opt.parquet_version;
if (t_opt.__isset.orc_schema) {
orc_schema = t_opt.orc_schema;
class BufferControlBlock;
// write result to file
class FileResultWriter final : public ResultWriter {
FileResultWriter(const ResultFileOptions* file_option,
const TStorageBackendType::type storage_type,
const TUniqueId fragment_instance_id,
const std::vector<ExprContext*>& output_expr_ctxs,
RuntimeProfile* parent_profile, BufferControlBlock* sinker,
RowBatch* output_batch, bool output_object_data);
virtual ~FileResultWriter();
virtual Status init(RuntimeState* state) override;
virtual Status append_row_batch(const RowBatch* batch) override;
virtual Status close() override;
// file result writer always return statistic result in one row
virtual int64_t get_written_rows() const override { return 1; }
std::string gen_types();
Status write_csv_header();
Status _write_csv_file(const RowBatch& batch);
Status _write_parquet_file(const RowBatch& batch);
Status _write_one_row_as_csv(TupleRow* row);
// if buffer exceed the limit, write the data buffered in _plain_text_outstream via file_writer
// if eos, write the data even if buffer is not full.
Status _flush_plain_text_outstream(bool eos);
void _init_profile();
Status _create_file_writer(const std::string& file_name);
Status _create_next_file_writer();
Status _create_success_file();
// get next export file name
Status _get_next_file_name(std::string* file_name);
Status _get_success_file_name(std::string* file_name);
Status _get_file_url(std::string* file_url);
std::string _file_format_to_name();
// close file writer, and if !done, it will create new writer for next file.
// if only_close is true, this method will just close the file writer and return.
Status _close_file_writer(bool done, bool only_close = false);
// create a new file if current file size exceed limit
Status _create_new_file_if_exceed_size();
// send the final statistic result
Status _send_result();
// save result into batch rather than send it
Status _fill_result_batch();
RuntimeState* _state; // not owned, set when init
const ResultFileOptions* _file_opts;
TStorageBackendType::type _storage_type;
TUniqueId _fragment_instance_id;
const std::vector<ExprContext*>& _output_expr_ctxs;
// If the result file format is plain text, like CSV, this _file_writer is owned by this FileResultWriter.
// If the result file format is Parquet, this _file_writer is owned by _parquet_writer.
std::unique_ptr<FileWriter> _file_writer;
// parquet file writer
ParquetWriterWrapper* _parquet_writer = nullptr;
// Used to buffer the export data of plain text
// TODO(cmy): I simply use a stringstrteam to buffer the data, to avoid calling
// file writer's write() for every single row.
// But this cannot solve the problem of a row of data that is too large.
// For example: bitmap_to_string() may return large volumn of data.
// And the speed is relative low, in my test, is about 6.5MB/s.
std::stringstream _plain_text_outstream;
static const size_t OUTSTREAM_BUFFER_SIZE_BYTES;
// current written bytes, used for split data
int64_t _current_written_bytes = 0;
// the suffix idx of export file name, start at 0
int _file_idx = 0;
RuntimeProfile* _parent_profile; // profile from result sink, not owned
// total time cost on append batch operation
RuntimeProfile::Counter* _append_row_batch_timer = nullptr;
// tuple convert timer, child timer of _append_row_batch_timer
RuntimeProfile::Counter* _convert_tuple_timer = nullptr;
// file write timer, child timer of _append_row_batch_timer
RuntimeProfile::Counter* _file_write_timer = nullptr;
// time of closing the file writer
RuntimeProfile::Counter* _writer_close_timer = nullptr;
// number of written rows
RuntimeProfile::Counter* _written_rows_counter = nullptr;
// bytes of written data
RuntimeProfile::Counter* _written_data_bytes = nullptr;
// _sinker and _output_batch are not owned by FileResultWriter
BufferControlBlock* _sinker = nullptr;
RowBatch* _output_batch = nullptr;
// set to true if the final statistic result is sent
bool _is_result_sent = false;
bool _header_sent = false;
} // namespace doris