blob: b0d1dbd8f2be87ca556c4f25dde4ab98e0723fb5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
// This file is copied from
// and modified by Doris
#include "runtime/data_stream_mgr.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include "gen_cpp/BackendService.h"
#include "gen_cpp/PaloInternalService_types.h"
#include "gen_cpp/types.pb.h" // PUniqueId
#include "runtime/data_stream_recvr.h"
#include "runtime/raw_value.h"
#include "runtime/row_batch.h"
#include "runtime/runtime_state.h"
#include "util/doris_metrics.h"
namespace doris {
DEFINE_GAUGE_METRIC_PROTOTYPE_2ARG(data_stream_receiver_count, MetricUnit::NOUNIT);
DEFINE_GAUGE_METRIC_PROTOTYPE_2ARG(fragment_endpoint_count, MetricUnit::NOUNIT);
using std::mutex;
using std::shared_ptr;
using std::unique_lock;
using std::lock_guard;
DataStreamMgr::DataStreamMgr() {
REGISTER_HOOK_METRIC(data_stream_receiver_count, [this]() {
// lock_guard<mutex> l(_lock);
return _receiver_map.size();
REGISTER_HOOK_METRIC(fragment_endpoint_count, [this]() {
// lock_guard<mutex> l(_lock);
return _fragment_stream_set.size();
DataStreamMgr::~DataStreamMgr() {
inline uint32_t DataStreamMgr::get_hash_value(const TUniqueId& fragment_instance_id,
PlanNodeId node_id) {
uint32_t value = RawValue::get_hash_value(&fragment_instance_id.lo, TYPE_BIGINT, 0);
value = RawValue::get_hash_value(&fragment_instance_id.hi, TYPE_BIGINT, value);
value = RawValue::get_hash_value(&node_id, TYPE_INT, value);
return value;
shared_ptr<DataStreamRecvr> DataStreamMgr::create_recvr(
RuntimeState* state, const RowDescriptor& row_desc, const TUniqueId& fragment_instance_id,
PlanNodeId dest_node_id, int num_senders, int buffer_size, RuntimeProfile* profile,
bool is_merging, std::shared_ptr<QueryStatisticsRecvr> sub_plan_query_statistics_recvr) {
DCHECK(profile != nullptr);
VLOG_FILE << "creating receiver for fragment=" << fragment_instance_id
<< ", node=" << dest_node_id;
shared_ptr<DataStreamRecvr> recvr(
new DataStreamRecvr(this, row_desc, fragment_instance_id, dest_node_id, num_senders,
is_merging, buffer_size, profile, sub_plan_query_statistics_recvr));
uint32_t hash_value = get_hash_value(fragment_instance_id, dest_node_id);
lock_guard<mutex> l(_lock);
_fragment_stream_set.insert(std::make_pair(fragment_instance_id, dest_node_id));
_receiver_map.insert(std::make_pair(hash_value, recvr));
return recvr;
shared_ptr<DataStreamRecvr> DataStreamMgr::find_recvr(const TUniqueId& fragment_instance_id,
PlanNodeId node_id, bool acquire_lock) {
VLOG_ROW << "looking up fragment_instance_id=" << fragment_instance_id << ", node=" << node_id;
size_t hash_value = get_hash_value(fragment_instance_id, node_id);
if (acquire_lock) {
std::pair<StreamMap::iterator, StreamMap::iterator> range =
while (range.first != range.second) {
shared_ptr<DataStreamRecvr> recvr = range.first->second;
if (recvr->fragment_instance_id() == fragment_instance_id &&
recvr->dest_node_id() == node_id) {
if (acquire_lock) {
return recvr;
if (acquire_lock) {
return shared_ptr<DataStreamRecvr>();
Status DataStreamMgr::transmit_data(const PTransmitDataParams* request,
::google::protobuf::Closure** done) {
const PUniqueId& finst_id = request->finst_id();
TUniqueId t_finst_id;
t_finst_id.hi = finst_id.hi();
t_finst_id.lo = finst_id.lo();
shared_ptr<DataStreamRecvr> recvr = find_recvr(t_finst_id, request->node_id());
if (recvr == nullptr) {
// The receiver may remove itself from the receiver map via deregister_recvr()
// at any time without considering the remaining number of senders.
// As a consequence, find_recvr() may return an innocuous nullptr if a thread
// calling deregister_recvr() beat the thread calling find_recvr()
// in acquiring _lock.
// TODO: Rethink the lifecycle of DataStreamRecvr to distinguish
// errors from receiver-initiated teardowns.
return Status::OK();
// request can only be used before calling recvr's add_batch or when request
// is the last for the sender, because request maybe released after it's batch
// is consumed by ExchangeNode.
if (request->has_query_statistics()) {
recvr->add_sub_plan_statistics(request->query_statistics(), request->sender_id());
bool eos = request->eos();
if (request->has_row_batch()) {
recvr->add_batch(request->row_batch(), request->sender_id(), request->be_number(),
request->packet_seq(), eos ? nullptr : done);
if (eos) {
recvr->remove_sender(request->sender_id(), request->be_number());
return Status::OK();
Status DataStreamMgr::deregister_recvr(const TUniqueId& fragment_instance_id, PlanNodeId node_id) {
std::shared_ptr<DataStreamRecvr> targert_recvr;
VLOG_QUERY << "deregister_recvr(): fragment_instance_id=" << fragment_instance_id
<< ", node=" << node_id;
size_t hash_value = get_hash_value(fragment_instance_id, node_id);
lock_guard<mutex> l(_lock);
std::pair<StreamMap::iterator, StreamMap::iterator> range =
while (range.first != range.second) {
const shared_ptr<DataStreamRecvr>& recvr = range.first->second;
if (recvr->fragment_instance_id() == fragment_instance_id &&
recvr->dest_node_id() == node_id) {
targert_recvr = recvr;
std::make_pair(recvr->fragment_instance_id(), recvr->dest_node_id()));
// Notify concurrent add_data() requests that the stream has been terminated.
// cancel_stream maybe take a long time, so we handle it out of lock.
if (targert_recvr) {
return Status::OK();
} else {
std::stringstream err;
err << "unknown row receiver id: fragment_instance_id=" << fragment_instance_id
<< " node_id=" << node_id;
LOG(ERROR) << err.str();
return Status::InternalError(err.str());
void DataStreamMgr::cancel(const TUniqueId& fragment_instance_id) {
VLOG_QUERY << "cancelling all streams for fragment=" << fragment_instance_id;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<DataStreamRecvr>> recvrs;
lock_guard<mutex> l(_lock);
FragmentStreamSet::iterator i =
_fragment_stream_set.lower_bound(std::make_pair(fragment_instance_id, 0));
while (i != _fragment_stream_set.end() && i->first == fragment_instance_id) {
shared_ptr<DataStreamRecvr> recvr = find_recvr(i->first, i->second, false);
if (recvr == nullptr) {
// keep going but at least log it
std::stringstream err;
err << "cancel(): missing in stream_map: fragment=" << i->first
<< " node=" << i->second;
LOG(ERROR) << err.str();
} else {
// cancel_stream maybe take a long time, so we handle it out of lock.
for (auto& it : recvrs) {
} // namespace doris