blob: 5abd18f74631f5cfaf75c2d6624636a97c7a461f [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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// under the License.
package org.apache.doris.analysis;
import org.apache.doris.catalog.Column;
import org.apache.doris.catalog.Env;
import org.apache.doris.catalog.FunctionUtil;
import org.apache.doris.catalog.ScalarType;
import org.apache.doris.common.AnalysisException;
import org.apache.doris.common.ErrorCode;
import org.apache.doris.common.ErrorReport;
import org.apache.doris.common.UserException;
import org.apache.doris.datasource.InternalCatalog;
import org.apache.doris.mysql.privilege.PrivPredicate;
import org.apache.doris.qe.ConnectContext;
import org.apache.doris.qe.ShowResultSetMetaData;
public class ShowFunctionsStmt extends ShowStmt {
private static final ShowResultSetMetaData META_DATA =
.addColumn(new Column("Signature", ScalarType.createVarchar(256)))
.addColumn(new Column("Return Type", ScalarType.createVarchar(32)))
.addColumn(new Column("Function Type", ScalarType.createVarchar(16)))
.addColumn(new Column("Intermediate Type", ScalarType.createVarchar(16)))
.addColumn(new Column("Properties", ScalarType.createVarchar(16)))
private String dbName;
private boolean isBuiltin;
private boolean isVerbose;
private String wild;
private Expr expr;
private SetType type = SetType.DEFAULT;
public ShowFunctionsStmt(String dbName, boolean isBuiltin, boolean isVerbose, String wild,
Expr expr) {
this.dbName = dbName;
this.isBuiltin = isBuiltin;
this.isVerbose = isVerbose;
this.wild = wild;
this.expr = expr;
public ShowFunctionsStmt(boolean isVerbose, String wild, Expr expr) {
this.type = SetType.GLOBAL;
this.isVerbose = isVerbose;
this.wild = wild;
this.expr = expr;
public String getDbName() {
return dbName;
public boolean getIsBuiltin() {
return isBuiltin;
public boolean getIsVerbose() {
return isVerbose;
public String getWild() {
return wild;
public Expr getExpr() {
return expr;
public SetType getType() {
return type;
public boolean like(String str) {
str = str.toLowerCase();
return str.matches(wild.replace(".", "\\.").replace("?", ".").replace("%", ".*").toLowerCase());
public void analyze(Analyzer analyzer) throws UserException {
if (!FunctionUtil.isGlobalFunction(this.type)) {
this.dbName = FunctionUtil.reAcquireDbName(analyzer, dbName);
if (!FunctionUtil.isGlobalFunction(this.type) && !Env.getCurrentEnv().getAccessManager()
.checkDbPriv(ConnectContext.get(), InternalCatalog.INTERNAL_CATALOG_NAME, dbName, PrivPredicate.SHOW)) {
ErrorCode.ERR_DBACCESS_DENIED_ERROR, ConnectContext.get().getQualifiedUser(), dbName);
if (expr != null) {
throw new AnalysisException("Only support like 'function_pattern' syntax.");
public ShowResultSetMetaData getMetaData() {
return META_DATA;
public String toSql() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("SHOW ");
if (FunctionUtil.isGlobalFunction(this.type)) {
sb.append("GLOBAL ");
if (isVerbose) {
sb.append("FULL ");
if (isBuiltin) {
sb.append("BUILTIN ");
sb.append("FUNCTIONS FROM ");
if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(dbName)) {
sb.append("`").append(dbName).append("` ");
if (wild != null) {
sb.append("LIKE ").append("`").append(wild).append("`");
return sb.toString();
public String toString() {
return toSql();