Revert "Change static files to CDN (#37)"

This reverts commit d165736b83bc83fa655b8bf7b4f31558079e62d4.
diff --git a/config/custom-docusaurus-plugin.js b/config/custom-docusaurus-plugin.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ae9f47..0000000
--- a/config/custom-docusaurus-plugin.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-const path = require('path');
-module.exports = function (context, options) {
-    return {
-        name: 'custom-docusaurus-plugin',
-        configureWebpack(config, isServer, utils) {
-            return {
-                output: {
-                    ...config.output,
-                    publicPath:
-                        context.i18n.currentLocale === 'en'
-                            ? ''
-                            : '',
-                },
-            };
-        },
-    };
diff --git a/config/ssrTemplate.js b/config/ssrTemplate.js
deleted file mode 100644
index e2c8410..0000000
--- a/config/ssrTemplate.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-module.exports = {
-    ssrTemplate: `<!DOCTYPE html>
-<html <%~ it.htmlAttributes %>>
-  <head>
-    <meta charset="UTF-8">
-    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no">
-    <meta name="generator" content="Docusaurus v<%= it.version %>">
-    <% if (it.noIndex) { %>
-      <meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow" />
-    <% } %>
-    <%~ it.headTags %>
-    <% it.metaAttributes.forEach((metaAttribute) => { %>
-      <%~ metaAttribute %>
-    <% }); %>
-    <% it.stylesheets.forEach((stylesheet) => { %>
-      <link rel="stylesheet" href="<%= '' %><%= it.baseUrl %><%= stylesheet %>" />
-    <% }); %>
-    <% it.scripts.forEach((script) => { %>
-      <link rel="preload" href="<%= '' %><%= it.baseUrl %><%= script %>" as="script">
-    <% }); %>
-  </head>
-  <body <%~ it.bodyAttributes %>>
-    <%~ it.preBodyTags %>
-    <div id="__docusaurus">
-      <%~ it.appHtml %>
-    </div>
-    <% it.scripts.forEach((script) => { %>
-      <script src="<%= '' %><%= it.baseUrl %><%= script %>"></script>
-    <% }); %>
-    <%~ it.postBodyTags %>
-  </body>
diff --git a/docusaurus.config.js b/docusaurus.config.js
index 0e56902..9027a9d 100644
--- a/docusaurus.config.js
+++ b/docusaurus.config.js
@@ -4,8 +4,6 @@
 const versions = require('./versions.json');
 const lightCodeTheme = require('prism-react-renderer/themes/github');
 const showAllVersions = true;
-const { ssrTemplate } = require('./config/ssrTemplate');
-const customDocusaurusPlugin = require('./config/custom-docusaurus-plugin');
 /** @type {import('@docusaurus/types').Config} */
 const config = {
@@ -48,7 +46,6 @@
                 sidebarPath: require.resolve('./sidebarsCommunity.json'),
-        process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development' ? null : customDocusaurusPlugin,
@@ -117,8 +114,7 @@
                     lastVersion: 'current',
                     versions: {
                         current: {
-                            banner: 'none',
-                            label: '1.1',
+                            label: '1,1',
                             path: '',
                         '1.0': {
@@ -160,6 +156,7 @@
                 highlightSearchTermsOnTargetPage: true,
                 // indexPages: true,
                 indexDocs: true,
+                docsDir: ['docs', 'community'],
                 indexBlog: false,
                 explicitSearchResultPath: true,
@@ -172,7 +169,7 @@
                 title: '',
                 logo: {
                     alt: 'Doris',
-                    src: '',
+                    src: 'images/logo.svg',
                 items: [
                     { to: '/', label: 'Home', position: 'left', exact: true },
@@ -200,12 +197,12 @@
                         type: 'localeDropdown',
                         position: 'right',
-                    // {
-                    //     href: '',
-                    //     className: 'header-right-button-github',
-                    //     position: 'right',
-                    //     label: 'GitHub',
-                    // },
+                    //   {
+                    //     href: "",
+                    //     className: "header-right-button-github",
+                    //     position: "right",
+                    //     label: "GitHub",
+                    //   },
                         href: '/download',
                         className: 'header-right-button-primary navbar-download-mobile',
@@ -277,15 +274,14 @@
             colorMode: {
                 disableSwitch: true,
-            // metadata: [
-            //     {
-            //         name: 'viewport',
-            //         content:
-            //             'width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no',
-            //     },
-            // ],
+            metadata: [
+                {
+                    name: 'viewport',
+                    content:
+                        'width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no',
+                },
+            ],
-    ssrTemplate,
 module.exports = config;
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index 5d95b1e..d27458a 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
         "@docusaurus/core": "2.0.0-beta.21",
         "@docusaurus/plugin-pwa": "2.0.0-beta.21",
         "@docusaurus/preset-classic": "2.0.0-beta.21",
-        "@easyops-cn/docusaurus-search-local": "^0.30.2",
+        "@easyops-cn/docusaurus-search-local": "^0.28.0",
         "@mdx-js/react": "^1.6.22",
         "clsx": "^1.1.1",
         "docusaurus-plugin-sass": "^0.2.2",
diff --git a/src/scss/components/search.scss b/src/scss/components/search.scss
index 401fc36..3aa94b5 100644
--- a/src/scss/components/search.scss
+++ b/src/scss/components/search.scss
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-.dropdownMenu_jUzS {
+.dropdownMenu_qbY6 {
     padding: 0;
-    .suggestion_HjS8 {
+    .suggestion_fB_2 {
         padding: 0 1.5rem;
         &.cursor_eG29 {
@@ -12,20 +12,20 @@
-        .hitIcon_fVnR {
+        .hitIcon_a7Zy {
             display: none;
-        .hitTitle_LImS {
+        .hitTitle_vyVt {
             font-size: var(--global-font-size-medium);
-        .hitPath_zaD7 {
+        .hitPath_ieM4 {
             font-size: var(--global-font-size-small);
             color: rgba(35, 45, 62, 0.7);
-        .hitAction__La6 {
+        .hitAction_NqkB {
             svg {
                 display: none;
@@ -42,13 +42,9 @@
-    .hitFooter_QvWT a {
+    .hitFooter_E9YW a {
         text-decoration: none;
         color: rgba(35, 45, 62, 0.6);
-        &:hover {
-            color: var(--ifm-color-primary);
-        }
diff --git a/src/theme/LoadingRing/LoadingRing.module.css b/src/theme/LoadingRing/LoadingRing.module.css
deleted file mode 100644
index 2e56982..0000000
--- a/src/theme/LoadingRing/LoadingRing.module.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-/* */
-.loadingRing {
-  display: inline-block;
-  position: relative;
-  width: 20px;
-  height: 20px;
-  opacity: var(--search-local-loading-icon-opacity, 0.5);
-.loadingRing div {
-  box-sizing: border-box;
-  display: block;
-  position: absolute;
-  width: 16px;
-  height: 16px;
-  margin: 2px;
-  border: 2px solid
-    var(--search-load-loading-icon-color, var(--ifm-navbar-search-input-color));
-  border-radius: 50%;
-  animation: loading-ring 1.2s cubic-bezier(0.5, 0, 0.5, 1) infinite;
-  border-color: var(
-      --search-load-loading-icon-color,
-      var(--ifm-navbar-search-input-color)
-    )
-    transparent transparent transparent;
-.loadingRing div:nth-child(1) {
-  animation-delay: -0.45s;
-.loadingRing div:nth-child(2) {
-  animation-delay: -0.3s;
-.loadingRing div:nth-child(3) {
-  animation-delay: -0.15s;
-@keyframes loading-ring {
-  0% {
-    transform: rotate(0deg);
-  }
-  100% {
-    transform: rotate(360deg);
-  }
diff --git a/src/theme/LoadingRing/LoadingRing.tsx b/src/theme/LoadingRing/LoadingRing.tsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 166a728..0000000
--- a/src/theme/LoadingRing/LoadingRing.tsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-// istanbul ignore file
-import React from "react";
-import clsx from "clsx";
-import styles from "./LoadingRing.module.css";
-export default function LoadingRing({
-  className,
-}: {
-  className?: string;
-}): React.ReactElement {
-  return (
-    <div className={clsx(styles.loadingRing, className)}>
-      <div></div>
-      <div></div>
-      <div></div>
-      <div></div>
-    </div>
-  );
diff --git a/src/theme/SearchBar/EmptyTemplate.js b/src/theme/SearchBar/EmptyTemplate.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c67ba6..0000000
--- a/src/theme/SearchBar/EmptyTemplate.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-import { translate } from "@docusaurus/Translate";
-import { iconNoResults } from "./icons";
-import styles from "./SearchBar.module.css";
-export function EmptyTemplate() {
-    if (process.env.NODE_ENV === "production") {
-        return `<span class="${styles.noResults}"><span class="${styles.noResultsIcon}">${iconNoResults}</span><span>${translate({
-            id: "theme.SearchBar.noResultsText",
-            message: "No results",
-        })}</span></span>`;
-    }
-    return `<span class="${styles.noResults}">⚠️ The search index is only available when you run docusaurus build!</span>`;
diff --git a/src/theme/SearchBar/SearchBar.jsx b/src/theme/SearchBar/SearchBar.jsx
deleted file mode 100644
index dcef94e..0000000
--- a/src/theme/SearchBar/SearchBar.jsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,256 +0,0 @@
-import React, { useCallback, useEffect, useRef, useState, } from "react";
-import clsx from "clsx";
-import useDocusaurusContext from "@docusaurus/useDocusaurusContext";
-import ExecutionEnvironment from "@docusaurus/ExecutionEnvironment";
-import { useHistory, useLocation } from "@docusaurus/router";
-import { translate } from "@docusaurus/Translate";
-import { ReactContextError, useDocsPreferredVersion, } from "@docusaurus/theme-common";
-import { useActivePlugin } from "@docusaurus/plugin-content-docs/client";
-import { fetchIndexes } from "./fetchIndexes";
-import { SearchSourceFactory } from "../../utils/SearchSourceFactory";
-import { SuggestionTemplate } from "./SuggestionTemplate";
-import { EmptyTemplate } from "./EmptyTemplate";
-import { searchResultLimits, Mark, searchBarShortcut, searchBarShortcutHint, docsPluginIdForPreferredVersion, indexDocs, } from "../../utils/proxiedGenerated";
-import LoadingRing from "../LoadingRing/LoadingRing";
-import styles from "./SearchBar.module.css";
-async function fetchAutoCompleteJS() {
-    const autoCompleteModule = await import("@easyops-cn/autocomplete.js");
-    const autoComplete = autoCompleteModule.default;
-    if (autoComplete.noConflict) {
-        // For webpack v5 since docusaurus v2.0.0-alpha.75
-        autoComplete.noConflict();
-    }
-    else if (autoCompleteModule.noConflict) {
-        // For webpack v4 before docusaurus v2.0.0-alpha.74
-        autoCompleteModule.noConflict();
-    }
-    return autoComplete;
-const SEARCH_PARAM_HIGHLIGHT = "_highlight";
-export default function SearchBar({ handleSearchBarToggle, }) {
-    const { siteConfig: { baseUrl }, } = useDocusaurusContext();
-    // It returns undefined for non-docs pages
-    const activePlugin = useActivePlugin();
-    let versionUrl = baseUrl;
-    // For non-docs pages while using plugin-content-docs with custom ids,
-    // this will throw an error of:
-    //   > Docusaurus plugin global data not found for "docusaurus-plugin-content-docs" plugin with id "default".
-    // It seems that we can not get the correct id for non-docs pages.
-    try {
-        // The try-catch is a hack because useDocsPreferredVersion just throws an
-        // exception when versions are not used.
-        // The same hack is used in SearchPage.tsx
-        // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/rules-of-hooks
-        const { preferredVersion } = useDocsPreferredVersion(activePlugin?.pluginId ?? docsPluginIdForPreferredVersion);
-        if (preferredVersion && !preferredVersion.isLast) {
-            versionUrl = preferredVersion.path + "/";
-        }
-    }
-    catch (e) {
-        if (indexDocs) {
-            if (e instanceof ReactContextError) {
-                /* ignore, happens when website doesn't use versions */
-            }
-            else {
-                throw e;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    const history = useHistory();
-    const location = useLocation();
-    const searchBarRef = useRef(null);
-    const indexState = useRef("empty"); // empty, loaded, done
-    // Should the input be focused after the index is loaded?
-    const focusAfterIndexLoaded = useRef(false);
-    const [loading, setLoading] = useState(false);
-    const [inputChanged, setInputChanged] = useState(false);
-    const [inputValue, setInputValue] = useState("");
-    const search = useRef(null);
-    const loadIndex = useCallback(async () => {
-        if (indexState.current !== "empty") {
-            // Do not load the index (again) if its already loaded or in the process of being loaded.
-            return;
-        }
-        indexState.current = "loading";
-        setLoading(true);
-        const [{ wrappedIndexes, zhDictionary }, autoComplete] = await Promise.all([
-            fetchIndexes(versionUrl),
-            fetchAutoCompleteJS(),
-        ]);
-        search.current = autoComplete(searchBarRef.current, {
-            hint: false,
-            autoselect: true,
-            openOnFocus: true,
-            cssClasses: {
-                root: styles.searchBar,
-                noPrefix: true,
-                dropdownMenu: styles.dropdownMenu,
-                input: styles.input,
-                hint: styles.hint,
-                suggestions: styles.suggestions,
-                suggestion: styles.suggestion,
-                cursor: styles.cursor,
-                dataset: styles.dataset,
-                empty: styles.empty,
-            },
-        }, [
-            {
-                source: SearchSourceFactory(wrappedIndexes, zhDictionary, searchResultLimits),
-                templates: {
-                    suggestion: SuggestionTemplate,
-                    empty: EmptyTemplate,
-                    footer: ({ query, isEmpty }) => {
-                        if (isEmpty) {
-                            return;
-                        }
-                        const a = document.createElement("a");
-                        const url = `${baseUrl}search?q=${encodeURIComponent(query)}`;
-                        a.href = url;
-                        a.textContent = translate({
-                            id: "theme.SearchBar.seeAll",
-                            message: "See all results",
-                        });
-                        a.addEventListener("click", (e) => {
-                            if (!e.ctrlKey && !e.metaKey) {
-                                e.preventDefault();
-                                search.current.autocomplete.close();
-                                history.push(url);
-                            }
-                        });
-                        const div = document.createElement("div");
-                        div.className = styles.hitFooter;
-                        div.appendChild(a);
-                        return div;
-                    },
-                },
-            },
-        ])
-            .on("autocomplete:selected", function (event, { document: { u, h }, tokens }) {
-            searchBarRef.current?.blur();
-            let url = u;
-            if (Mark && tokens.length > 0) {
-                const params = new URLSearchParams();
-                for (const token of tokens) {
-                    params.append(SEARCH_PARAM_HIGHLIGHT, token);
-                }
-                url += `?${params.toString()}`;
-            }
-            if (h) {
-                url += h;
-            }
-            history.push(url);
-        })
-            .on("autocomplete:closed", () => {
-            searchBarRef.current?.blur();
-        });
-        indexState.current = "done";
-        setLoading(false);
-        if (focusAfterIndexLoaded.current) {
-            const input = searchBarRef.current;
-            if (input.value) {
-      ;
-            }
-            input.focus();
-        }
-    }, [baseUrl, versionUrl, history]);
-    useEffect(() => {
-        if (!Mark) {
-            return;
-        }
-        const keywords = ExecutionEnvironment.canUseDOM
-            ? new URLSearchParams(
-            : [];
-        // A workaround to fix an issue of highlighting in code blocks.
-        // See
-        // Code blocks will be re-rendered after this `useEffect` ran.
-        // So we make the marking run after a macro task.
-        setTimeout(() => {
-            const root = document.querySelector("article");
-            if (!root) {
-                return;
-            }
-            const mark = new Mark(root);
-            mark.unmark();
-            if (keywords.length !== 0) {
-                mark.mark(keywords);
-            }
-            // Apply any keywords to the search input so that we can clear marks in case we loaded a page with a highlight in the url
-            setInputValue(keywords.join(" "));
-            search.current?.autocomplete.setVal(keywords.join(" "));
-        });
-    }, [, location.pathname]);
-    const [focused, setFocused] = useState(false);
-    const onInputFocus = useCallback(() => {
-        focusAfterIndexLoaded.current = true;
-        loadIndex();
-        setFocused(true);
-        handleSearchBarToggle?.(true);
-    }, [handleSearchBarToggle, loadIndex]);
-    const onInputBlur = useCallback(() => {
-        setFocused(false);
-        handleSearchBarToggle?.(false);
-    }, [handleSearchBarToggle]);
-    const onInputMouseEnter = useCallback(() => {
-        loadIndex();
-    }, [loadIndex]);
-    const onInputChange = useCallback((event) => {
-        setInputValue(;
-        if ( {
-            setInputChanged(true);
-        }
-    }, []);
-    // Implement hint icons for the search shortcuts on mac and the rest operating systems.
-    const isMac = ExecutionEnvironment.canUseDOM
-        ? /mac/i.test(navigator.userAgentData?.platform ?? navigator.platform)
-        : false;
-    useEffect(() => {
-        if (!searchBarShortcut) {
-            return;
-        }
-        // Add shortcuts command/ctrl + K
-        const handleShortcut = (event) => {
-            if ((isMac ? event.metaKey : event.ctrlKey) && event.code === "KeyK") {
-                event.preventDefault();
-                searchBarRef.current?.focus();
-                onInputFocus();
-            }
-        };
-        document.addEventListener("keydown", handleShortcut);
-        return () => {
-            document.removeEventListener("keydown", handleShortcut);
-        };
-    }, [isMac, onInputFocus]);
-    const onClearSearch = useCallback(() => {
-        const params = new URLSearchParams(;
-        params.delete(SEARCH_PARAM_HIGHLIGHT);
-        const paramsStr = params.toString();
-        const searchUrl = location.pathname +
-            (paramsStr != "" ? `?${paramsStr}` : "") +
-            location.hash;
-        if (searchUrl != location.pathname + + location.hash) {
-            history.push(searchUrl);
-        }
-        // We always clear these here because in case no match was selected the above history push wont happen
-        setInputValue("");
-        search.current?.autocomplete.setVal("");
-    }, [location.pathname,, location.hash, history]);
-    return (<div className={clsx("navbar__search", styles.searchBarContainer, {
-            [styles.searchIndexLoading]: loading && inputChanged,
-            [styles.focused]: focused,
-        })}>
-      <input placeholder={translate({
-            id: "theme.SearchBar.label",
-            message: "Search",
-            description: "The ARIA label and placeholder for search button",
-        })} aria-label="Search" className="navbar__search-input" onMouseEnter={onInputMouseEnter} onFocus={onInputFocus} onBlur={onInputBlur} onChange={onInputChange} ref={searchBarRef} value={inputValue}/>
-      <LoadingRing className={styles.searchBarLoadingRing}/>
-      {searchBarShortcut &&
-            searchBarShortcutHint &&
-            (inputValue !== "" ? (<button className={styles.searchClearButton} onClick={onClearSearch}>
-            ✕
-          </button>) : (<div className={styles.searchHintContainer}>
-            <kbd className={styles.searchHint}>{isMac ? "⌘" : "ctrl"}</kbd>
-            <kbd className={styles.searchHint}>K</kbd>
-          </div>))}
-    </div>);
diff --git a/src/theme/SearchBar/SearchBar.module.css b/src/theme/SearchBar/SearchBar.module.css
deleted file mode 100644
index 1777c86..0000000
--- a/src/theme/SearchBar/SearchBar.module.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,256 +0,0 @@
-.searchBar .dropdownMenu {
-  left: auto !important;
-  right: 0 !important;
-  background: var(--search-local-modal-background, #f5f6f7);
-  border-radius: 6px;
-  box-shadow: var(
-    --search-local-modal-shadow,
-    inset 1px 1px 0 0 hsla(0, 0%, 100%, 0.5),
-    0 3px 8px 0 #555a64
-  );
-  margin-top: 8px;
-  width: var(--search-local-modal-width, 560px);
-  position: relative;
-  padding: var(--search-local-spacing, 12px);
-@media (max-width: 576px) {
-  :global(.navbar__search-input):not(:focus) {
-    width: 2rem;
-  }
-  .searchBar .dropdownMenu {
-    width: var(--search-local-modal-width-sm, 340px);
-    max-width: calc(100vw - var(--ifm-navbar-padding-horizontal) * 2);
-  }
-html[data-theme="dark"] .searchBar .dropdownMenu {
-  background: var(--search-local-modal-background, var(--ifm-background-color));
-  box-shadow: var(
-    --search-local-modal-shadow,
-    inset 1px 1px 0 0 #2c2e40,
-    0 3px 8px 0 #000309
-  );
-.searchBar .dropdownMenu .suggestion {
-  cursor: pointer;
-  background: var(--search-local-hit-background, #fff);
-  border-radius: 4px;
-  box-shadow: var(--search-local-hit-shadow, 0 1px 3px 0 #d4d9e1);
-  padding: 0 var(--search-local-spacing, 12px);
-  width: 100%;
-  align-items: center;
-  color: var(--search-local-hit-color, #444950);
-  display: flex;
-  flex-direction: row;
-  height: var(--search-local-hit-height, 56px);
-html[data-theme="dark"] .dropdownMenu .suggestion {
-  background: var(--search-local-hit-background, var(--ifm-color-emphasis-100));
-  box-shadow: var(--search-local-hit-shadow, none);
-  color: var(--search-local-hit-color, var(--ifm-font-color-base));
-.searchBar .dropdownMenu .suggestion:not(:last-child) {
-  margin-bottom: 4px;
-.searchBar .dropdownMenu .suggestion.cursor {
-  background-color: var(
-    --search-local-highlight-color,
-    var(--ifm-color-primary)
-  );
-.hitFooter a {
-  color: var(--search-local-muted-color, #969faf);
-html[data-theme="dark"] .hitTree,
-html[data-theme="dark"] .hitIcon,
-html[data-theme="dark"] .hitPath,
-html[data-theme="dark"] .noResultsIcon {
-  color: var(--search-local-muted-color, var(--ifm-color-secondary-darkest));
-.hitTree {
-  display: flex;
-  align-items: center;
-.hitTree > svg {
-  height: var(--search-local-hit-height, 56px);
-  opacity: 0.5;
-  stroke-width: var(--search-local-icon-stroke-width, 1.4);
-  width: 24px;
-.hitIcon {
-  stroke-width: var(--search-local-icon-stroke-width, 1.4);
-  height: 20px;
-  width: 20px;
-.hitWrapper {
-  flex: 1 1 auto;
-  display: flex;
-  flex-direction: column;
-  font-weight: 500;
-  justify-content: center;
-  margin: 0 8px;
-  overflow-x: hidden;
-  width: 80%;
-.hitWrapper mark {
-  background: none;
-  color: var(--search-local-highlight-color, var(--ifm-color-primary));
-.hitTitle {
-  font-size: 0.9em;
-.hitPath {
-  font-size: 0.75em;
-.hitTitle {
-  white-space: nowrap;
-  overflow-x: hidden;
-  text-overflow: ellipsis;
-.hitAction {
-  height: 20px;
-  width: 20px;
-.hideAction > svg {
-  display: none;
-.noResults {
-  display: flex;
-  flex-direction: column;
-  align-items: center;
-  justify-content: center;
-  padding: var(--search-local-spacing, 12px) 0;
-.noResultsIcon {
-  margin-bottom: var(--search-local-spacing, 12px);
-.hitFooter {
-  text-align: center;
-  margin-top: var(--search-local-spacing, 12px);
-  font-size: 0.85em;
-.hitFooter a {
-  text-decoration: underline;
-.cursor .hideAction > svg {
-  display: block;
-.suggestion.cursor mark,
-.suggestion.cursor .hitTree,
-.suggestion.cursor .hitIcon,
-.suggestion.cursor .hitPath {
-  color: var(
-    --search-local-hit-active-color,
-    var(--ifm-color-white)
-  ) !important;
-.suggestion.cursor mark {
-  text-decoration: underline;
-.searchBarContainer {
-  margin-left: 16px;
-.searchBarContainer .searchBarLoadingRing {
-  display: none;
-  position: absolute;
-  left: 10px;
-  top: 6px;
-.searchBarContainer .searchClearButton {
-  position: absolute;
-  right: 0.8rem;
-  top: 50%;
-  transform: translate(0, -50%);
-  padding: 0;
-  background: none;
-  border: none;
-  line-height: 1rem;
-:global(.navbar__search) {
-  position: relative;
-.searchIndexLoading :global(.navbar__search-input) {
-  background-image: none;
-.searchBarContainer.searchIndexLoading .searchBarLoadingRing {
-  display: inline-block;
-.searchHintContainer {
-  position: absolute;
-  right: 10px;
-  top: 0px;
-  display: flex;
-  align-items: center;
-  justify-content: center;
-  height: 100%;
-  pointer-events: none;
-  gap: 4px;
-.searchHint {
-  color: var(--ifm-navbar-search-input-placeholder-color);
-  background-color: var(--ifm-navbar-search-input-background-color);
-  border: 1px solid var(--ifm-color-emphasis-500);
-  box-shadow: inset 0 -1px 0 var(--ifm-color-emphasis-500);
-@media (max-width: 576px) {
-  .searchBarContainer:not(.focused) .searchClearButton,
-  .searchHintContainer {
-    display: none;
-  }
-.input {
-.hint {
-.suggestions {
-.dataset {
-.empty {
diff --git a/src/theme/SearchBar/SuggestionTemplate.js b/src/theme/SearchBar/SuggestionTemplate.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d11f8c7..0000000
--- a/src/theme/SearchBar/SuggestionTemplate.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-import { concatDocumentPath } from "../../utils/concatDocumentPath";
-import { getStemmedPositions } from "../../utils/getStemmedPositions";
-import { highlight } from "../../utils/highlight";
-import { highlightStemmed } from "../../utils/highlightStemmed";
-import { explicitSearchResultPath } from "../../utils/proxiedGenerated";
-import { iconAction, iconContent, iconHeading, iconTitle, iconTreeInter, iconTreeLast, } from "./icons";
-import styles from "./SearchBar.module.css";
-export function SuggestionTemplate({ document, type, page, metadata, tokens, isInterOfTree, isLastOfTree, }) {
-    const isTitle = type === 0;
-    const isHeading = type === 1;
-    const tree = [];
-    if (isInterOfTree) {
-        tree.push(iconTreeInter);
-    }
-    else if (isLastOfTree) {
-        tree.push(iconTreeLast);
-    }
-    const treeWrapper = => `<span class="${styles.hitTree}">${item}</span>`);
-    const icon = `<span class="${styles.hitIcon}">${isTitle ? iconTitle : isHeading ? iconHeading : iconContent}</span>`;
-    const wrapped = [
-        `<span class="${styles.hitTitle}">${highlightStemmed(document.t, getStemmedPositions(metadata, "t"), tokens)}</span>`,
-    ];
-    const needsExplicitHitPath = !isInterOfTree && !isLastOfTree && explicitSearchResultPath;
-    if (needsExplicitHitPath) {
-        const pathItems = page
-            ? (page.b ?? [])
-                .concat(page.t)
-                .concat(!document.s || document.s === page.t ? [] : document.s)
-            : document.b;
-        wrapped.push(`<span class="${styles.hitPath}">${concatDocumentPath(pathItems ?? [])}</span>`);
-    }
-    else if (!isTitle) {
-        wrapped.push(`<span class="${styles.hitPath}">${highlight(page.t ||
-            // Todo(weareoutman): This is for EasyOps only.
-            // istanbul ignore next
-            (document.u.startsWith("/docs/api-reference/")
-                ? "API Reference"
-                : ""), tokens)}</span>`);
-    }
-    const action = `<span class="${styles.hitAction}">${iconAction}</span>`;
-    return [
-        ...treeWrapper,
-        icon,
-        `<span class="${styles.hitWrapper}">`,
-        ...wrapped,
-        "</span>",
-        action,
-    ].join("");
diff --git a/src/theme/SearchBar/fetchIndexes.js b/src/theme/SearchBar/fetchIndexes.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 3696771..0000000
--- a/src/theme/SearchBar/fetchIndexes.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-import lunr from 'lunr';
-import { searchIndexUrl } from '../../utils/proxiedGenerated';
-export async function fetchIndexes(baseUrl) {
-    if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') {
-        // const json = await (await fetch(`${baseUrl}${searchIndexUrl}`)).json();
-        const json = await (await fetch(`${baseUrl}${searchIndexUrl}`)).json();
-        const wrappedIndexes ={ documents, index }, type) => ({
-            type: type,
-            documents,
-            index: lunr.Index.load(index),
-        }));
-        const zhDictionary = json.reduce((acc, item) => {
-            for (const tuple of item.index.invertedIndex) {
-                if (/\p{Unified_Ideograph}/u.test(tuple[0][0])) {
-                    acc.add(tuple[0]);
-                }
-            }
-            return acc;
-        }, new Set());
-        return {
-            wrappedIndexes,
-            zhDictionary: Array.from(zhDictionary),
-        };
-    }
-    // The index does not exist in development, therefore load a dummy index here.
-    return {
-        wrappedIndexes: [],
-        zhDictionary: [],
-    };
diff --git a/src/theme/SearchBar/icons.js b/src/theme/SearchBar/icons.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d538021..0000000
--- a/src/theme/SearchBar/icons.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-export const iconTitle = '<svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><path d="M17 6v12c0 .52-.2 1-1 1H4c-.7 0-1-.33-1-1V2c0-.55.42-1 1-1h8l5 5zM14 8h-3.13c-.51 0-.87-.34-.87-.87V4" stroke="currentColor" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd" stroke-linejoin="round"></path></svg>';
-export const iconHeading = '<svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><path d="M13 13h4-4V8H7v5h6v4-4H7V8H3h4V3v5h6V3v5h4-4v5zm-6 0v4-4H3h4z" stroke="currentColor" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"></path></svg>';
-export const iconContent = '<svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><path d="M17 5H3h14zm0 5H3h14zm0 5H3h14z" stroke="currentColor" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd" stroke-linejoin="round"></path></svg>';
-export const iconAction = '<svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20"><g stroke="currentColor" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"><path d="M18 3v4c0 2-2 4-4 4H2"></path><path d="M8 17l-6-6 6-6"></path></g></svg>';
-export const iconNoResults = '<svg width="40" height="40" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd" stroke="currentColor" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"><path d="M15.5 4.8c2 3 1.7 7-1 9.7h0l4.3 4.3-4.3-4.3a7.8 7.8 0 01-9.8 1m-2.2-2.2A7.8 7.8 0 0113.2 2.4M2 18L18 2"></path></svg>';
-export const iconTreeInter = '<svg viewBox="0 0 24 54"><g stroke="currentColor" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"><path d="M8 6v42M20 27H8.3"></path></g></svg>';
-export const iconTreeLast = '<svg viewBox="0 0 24 54"><g stroke="currentColor" fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"><path d="M8 6v21M20 27H8.3"></path></g></svg>';
diff --git a/src/theme/SearchBar/index.js b/src/theme/SearchBar/index.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 369df71..0000000
--- a/src/theme/SearchBar/index.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-import "../../utils/proxiedGenerated";
-import SearchBar from "./SearchBar";
-export default SearchBar;
diff --git a/src/utils/SearchSourceFactory.spec.ts b/src/utils/SearchSourceFactory.spec.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index bdba394..0000000
--- a/src/utils/SearchSourceFactory.spec.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-import lunr from "lunr";
-import { SearchDocument } from "../../shared/interfaces";
-import { SearchSourceFactory } from "./SearchSourceFactory";
-// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires
-// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires
-// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires
-describe("SearchSourceFactory", () => {
-  const documentsOfTitles: SearchDocument[] = [
-    {
-      i: 1,
-      t: "First Page Title",
-      u: "/1",
-    },
-    {
-      i: 4,
-      t: "Second Page Title > peace",
-      u: "/2",
-    },
-  ];
-  const documentsOfHeadings: SearchDocument[] = [
-    {
-      i: 2,
-      t: "First heading > peace",
-      u: "/1#2",
-      p: 1,
-    },
-  ];
-  const documentsOfContents: SearchDocument[] = [
-    {
-      i: 3,
-      t: "First content. > peace",
-      u: "/1#2",
-      p: 1,
-    },
-  ];
-  const getIndex = (documents: SearchDocument[]) =>
-    lunr(function () {
-      this.ref("i");
-      this.field("t");
-      this.metadataWhitelist = ["position"];
-      documents.forEach((doc) => {
-        this.add({
-          ...doc,
-          // The ref must be a string.
-          i: doc.i.toString(),
-        });
-      });
-    });
-  const searchSource = SearchSourceFactory(
-    [
-      {
-        documents: documentsOfTitles,
-        index: getIndex(documentsOfTitles),
-        type: 0,
-      },
-      {
-        documents: documentsOfHeadings,
-        index: getIndex(documentsOfHeadings),
-        type: 1,
-      },
-      {
-        documents: documentsOfContents,
-        index: getIndex(documentsOfContents),
-        type: 2,
-      },
-    ],
-    [],
-    2
-  );
-  const callback = jest.fn();
-  test.each<[string, number[]]>([
-    [",", []],
-    ["nothing", []],
-    ["peace", [4, 2]],
-  ])(
-    "SearchSourceFactory('%s', zhDictionary) should return %j",
-    (input, results) => {
-      searchSource(input, callback);
-      expect(callback).toBeCalledWith(
- =>
-          expect.objectContaining({
-            document: expect.objectContaining({
-              i,
-            }),
-          })
-        )
-      );
-    }
-  );
diff --git a/src/utils/SearchSourceFactory.ts b/src/utils/SearchSourceFactory.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index e2dfa37..0000000
--- a/src/utils/SearchSourceFactory.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-import { tokenize } from "./tokenize";
-import { smartQueries } from "./smartQueries";
-import {
-  MatchMetadata,
-  WrappedIndex,
-  SearchResult,
-  SearchDocument,
-  InitialSearchResult,
-} from "../../shared/interfaces";
-import { sortSearchResults } from "./sortSearchResults";
-import { processTreeStatusOfSearchResults } from "./processTreeStatusOfSearchResults";
-import { language } from "./proxiedGenerated";
-export function SearchSourceFactory(
-  wrappedIndexes: WrappedIndex[],
-  zhDictionary: string[],
-  resultsLimit: number
-) {
-  return function searchSource(
-    input: string,
-    callback: (results: SearchResult[]) => void
-  ): void {
-    const rawTokens = tokenize(input, language);
-    if (rawTokens.length === 0) {
-      callback([]);
-      return;
-    }
-    const queries = smartQueries(rawTokens, zhDictionary);
-    const results: InitialSearchResult[] = [];
-    search: for (const { term, tokens } of queries) {
-      for (const { documents, index, type } of wrappedIndexes) {
-        results.push(
-          ...index
-            .query((query) => {
-              for (const item of term) {
-                query.term(item.value, {
-                  wildcard: item.wildcard,
-                  presence: item.presence,
-                });
-              }
-            })
-            .slice(0, resultsLimit)
-            // Remove duplicated results.
-            .filter(
-              (result) =>
-                !results.some(
-                  (item) => item.document.i.toString() === result.ref
-                )
-            )
-            .slice(0, resultsLimit - results.length)
-            .map((result) => {
-              const document = documents.find(
-                (doc) => doc.i.toString() === result.ref
-              ) as SearchDocument;
-              return {
-                document,
-                type,
-                page:
-                  type !== 0 &&
-                  wrappedIndexes[0].documents.find(
-                    (doc) => doc.i === document.p
-                  ),
-                metadata: result.matchData.metadata as MatchMetadata,
-                tokens,
-                score: result.score,
-              };
-            })
-        );
-        if (results.length >= resultsLimit) {
-          break search;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    sortSearchResults(results);
-    processTreeStatusOfSearchResults(results);
-    callback(results as SearchResult[]);
-  };
diff --git a/src/utils/__mocks__/proxiedGenerated.ts b/src/utils/__mocks__/proxiedGenerated.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 35fc2ba..0000000
--- a/src/utils/__mocks__/proxiedGenerated.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-export let language = ["en", "zh"];
-export let removeDefaultStopWordFilter = false;
-export let removeDefaultStemmer = false;
-export const searchIndexUrl = "search-index.json?_=abc";
-export const searchResultLimits = 8;
-export const searchResultContextMaxLength = 50;
-export const explicitSearchResultPath = false;
-export const docsPluginIdForPreferredVersion = undefined;
-export const indexDocs = true;
-export function __setLanguage(value: string[]): void {
-  language = value;
-export function __setRemoveDefaultStopWordFilter(value: boolean): void {
-  removeDefaultStopWordFilter = value;
-export function __setRemoveDefaultStemmer(value: boolean): void {
-  removeDefaultStemmer = value;
diff --git a/src/utils/concatDocumentPath.ts b/src/utils/concatDocumentPath.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 77af154..0000000
--- a/src/utils/concatDocumentPath.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-export function concatDocumentPath(pathItems: string[]): string {
-  return pathItems.join(" › ");
diff --git a/src/utils/cutZhWords.spec.ts b/src/utils/cutZhWords.spec.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 9dae8c9..0000000
--- a/src/utils/cutZhWords.spec.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-import { cutZhWords } from "./cutZhWords";
-const zhDictionary = ["研究生", "研究", "生命", "科学", "生命科学"];
-describe("cutZhWords", () => {
-  test.each<[string, string[][]]>([
-    [
-      "研究生命科学",
-      [
-        ["研究", "生命科学"],
-        ["研究", "生命", "科学"],
-        ["研究生", "科学"],
-      ],
-    ],
-    [
-      "研究生命科",
-      [
-        ["研究", "生命科*"],
-        ["研究", "生命", "科*"],
-        ["研究生", "科*"],
-      ],
-    ],
-    ["研究生", [["研究生"], ["研究", "生*"]]],
-    [
-      "研究生科",
-      [
-        ["研究生", "科*"],
-        ["研究", "生*", "科*"],
-      ],
-    ],
-    ["我研究生", [["研究生"], ["研究", "生*"]]],
-    ["研究生我", [["研究生"], ["研究", "生*"]]],
-    ["我", []],
-    ["命", []],
-  ])("cutZhWords('%s', zhDictionary) should work", (token, terms) => {
-    expect(
-      cutZhWords(token, zhDictionary).map((term) =>
- => `${item.value}${item.trailing ? "*" : ""}`)
-      )
-    ).toEqual(terms);
-  });
diff --git a/src/utils/cutZhWords.ts b/src/utils/cutZhWords.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c7cf1f..0000000
--- a/src/utils/cutZhWords.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-import { SmartTerm, WrappedTerm } from "../../shared/interfaces";
- * Get all possible terms for a string of consecutive Chinese words,
- * by a words dictionary.
- *
- * @remarks
- *
- * Terms are sorted in ascending order by the count of words.
- *
- * @param token - A string of consecutive Chinese words.
- * @param zhDictionary - A Chinese words dictionary.
- *
- * @returns A smart term list.
- */
-export function cutZhWords(token: string, zhDictionary: string[]): SmartTerm[] {
-  const wrappedTerms: WrappedTerm[] = [];
-  function cut(subToken: string, carry: WrappedTerm): void {
-    let matchedLastIndex = 0;
-    let matched = false;
-    for (const words of zhDictionary) {
-      if (subToken.substr(0, words.length) === words) {
-        const nextCarry = {
-          missed: carry.missed,
-          term: carry.term.concat({
-            value: words,
-          }),
-        };
-        if (subToken.length > words.length) {
-          cut(subToken.substr(words.length), nextCarry);
-        } else {
-          wrappedTerms.push(nextCarry);
-        }
-        matched = true;
-      } else {
-        for (
-          let lastIndex = words.length - 1;
-          lastIndex > matchedLastIndex;
-          lastIndex -= 1
-        ) {
-          const subWords = words.substr(0, lastIndex);
-          if (subToken.substr(0, lastIndex) === subWords) {
-            matchedLastIndex = lastIndex;
-            const nextCarry = {
-              missed: carry.missed,
-              term: carry.term.concat({
-                value: subWords,
-                trailing: true,
-              }),
-            };
-            if (subToken.length > lastIndex) {
-              cut(subToken.substr(lastIndex), nextCarry);
-            } else {
-              wrappedTerms.push(nextCarry);
-            }
-            matched = true;
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    if (!matched) {
-      if (subToken.length > 0) {
-        cut(subToken.substr(1), {
-          missed: carry.missed + 1,
-          term: carry.term,
-        });
-      } else if (carry.term.length > 0) {
-        wrappedTerms.push(carry);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  cut(token, {
-    missed: 0,
-    term: [],
-  });
-  return wrappedTerms
-    .sort((a, b) => {
-      const aMissed = a.missed > 0 ? 1 : 0;
-      const bMissed = b.missed > 0 ? 1 : 0;
-      if (aMissed !== bMissed) {
-        // Put all no-words-missed terms before words-missed terms.
-        return aMissed - bMissed;
-      }
-      // Put terms with less words before those with more words.
-      return a.term.length - b.term.length;
-    })
-    .map((item) => item.term);
diff --git a/src/utils/escapeHtml.ts b/src/utils/escapeHtml.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e5008d..0000000
--- a/src/utils/escapeHtml.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
- * Escape html special chars.
- *
- * @param unsafe - A unsafe string.
- *
- * @returns A safe string can be injected as innerHTML.
- */
-export function escapeHtml(unsafe: string): string {
-  return unsafe
-    .replace(/&/g, "&amp;")
-    .replace(/</g, "&lt;")
-    .replace(/>/g, "&gt;")
-    .replace(/"/g, "&quot;")
-    .replace(/'/g, "&#039;");
diff --git a/src/utils/getStemmedPositions.spec.ts b/src/utils/getStemmedPositions.spec.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index f5070c8..0000000
--- a/src/utils/getStemmedPositions.spec.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-import { getStemmedPositions } from "./getStemmedPositions";
-describe("getStemmedPositions", () => {
-  test("flatten and sort positions", () => {
-    expect(
-      getStemmedPositions(
-        {
-          dr: {
-            body: {
-              position: [
-                [9, 2],
-                [24, 2],
-              ],
-            },
-          },
-          dream: {
-            body: {
-              position: [
-                [9, 5],
-                [24, 5],
-              ],
-            },
-          },
-          true: {
-            body: {
-              position: [[36, 4]],
-            },
-          },
-          unknown: {},
-        },
-        "body"
-      )
-    ).toEqual([
-      [9, 5],
-      [9, 2],
-      [24, 5],
-      [24, 2],
-      [36, 4],
-    ]);
-  });
diff --git a/src/utils/getStemmedPositions.ts b/src/utils/getStemmedPositions.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 52f4ec5..0000000
--- a/src/utils/getStemmedPositions.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-import { MatchMetadata, MetadataPosition } from "../../shared/interfaces";
-export function getStemmedPositions(
-  metadata: MatchMetadata,
-  field: string
-): MetadataPosition[] {
-  const positions: MetadataPosition[] = [];
-  for (const match of Object.values(metadata)) {
-    if (match[field]) {
-      positions.push(...match[field].position);
-    }
-  }
-  // Put positions with lower start pos before those with higher start pos.
-  // Put longer positions before shorter positions when they are the same in start pos.
-  return positions.sort((a, b) => a[0] - b[0] || b[1] - a[1]);
diff --git a/src/utils/highlight.spec.ts b/src/utils/highlight.spec.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 0bd97e6..0000000
--- a/src/utils/highlight.spec.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-import { highlight } from "./highlight";
-describe("highlight", () => {
-  test.each<[string, string[], boolean, string]>([
-    [
-      "I Have A Dream. And the dream comes true",
-      ["dream", "have", "true", "i"],
-      false,
-      "<mark>I</mark> <mark>Have</mark> A <mark>Dream</mark>. And the <mark>dream</mark> comes <mark>true</mark>",
-    ],
-    [
-      "<b>The</b> dream comes <em>true</em>",
-      ["dream"],
-      false,
-      "&lt;b&gt;The&lt;/b&gt; <mark>dream</mark> comes &lt;em&gt;true&lt;/em&gt;",
-    ],
-    [
-      "query jQuery",
-      ["jquery", "query"],
-      false,
-      "<mark>query</mark> <mark>jQuery</mark>",
-    ],
-    ["dream", ["dreams"], true, "<mark>dream</mark>"],
-    ["<b>dream</b>", ["dreams"], true, "<mark>&lt;b&gt;dream&lt;/b&gt;</mark>"],
-  ])(
-    "highlight('%s', %j) should return '%s'",
-    (text, tokens, matched, result) => {
-      expect(highlight(text, tokens, matched)).toEqual(result);
-    }
-  );
diff --git a/src/utils/highlight.ts b/src/utils/highlight.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a193d7..0000000
--- a/src/utils/highlight.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-import { escapeHtml } from "./escapeHtml";
- * Highlight specified tokens in text content.
- *
- * @param content - Text content.
- * @param tokens - Tokens to be highlighted (in lower-case and sorted by descending of length).
- * @param forceMatched - Whether to force matched.
- *
- * @returns A html string with marked tokens.
- */
-export function highlight(
-  content: string,
-  tokens: string[],
-  forceMatched?: boolean
-): string {
-  const html: string[] = [];
-  for (const token of tokens) {
-    const index = content.toLowerCase().indexOf(token);
-    if (index >= 0) {
-      if (index > 0) {
-        html.push(highlight(content.substr(0, index), tokens));
-      }
-      html.push(
-        `<mark>${escapeHtml(content.substr(index, token.length))}</mark>`
-      );
-      const end = index + token.length;
-      if (end < content.length) {
-        html.push(highlight(content.substr(end), tokens));
-      }
-      break;
-    }
-  }
-  if (html.length === 0) {
-    return forceMatched
-      ? `<mark>${escapeHtml(content)}</mark>`
-      : escapeHtml(content);
-  }
-  return html.join("");
diff --git a/src/utils/highlightStemmed.spec.ts b/src/utils/highlightStemmed.spec.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 43997e5..0000000
--- a/src/utils/highlightStemmed.spec.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
-import { MetadataPosition, HighlightChunk } from "../../shared/interfaces";
-import { highlightStemmed, splitIntoChunks } from "./highlightStemmed";
-describe("highlightStemmed", () => {
-  test.each<[string, MetadataPosition[], string[], number | undefined, string]>(
-    [
-      [
-        "I Have A Dream. And the dream comes true",
-        //1   5    0    5    0    5    0    5    0
-        [
-          [9, 5], // dream
-          [24, 5], // dream
-          [36, 4], // true
-        ],
-        ["dream", "true"],
-        undefined,
-        "I Have A <mark>Dream</mark>. And the <mark>dream</mark> comes <mark>true</mark>",
-      ],
-      [
-        "I Have A Dream. And the dream comes true",
-        //1   5    0    5    0    5    0    5    0
-        [
-          [9, 5], // dream
-          [24, 5], // dream
-          [36, 4], // true
-        ],
-        ["dream", "true"],
-        16,
-        "… A <mark>Dream</mark>. And …",
-      ],
-    ]
-  )(
-    "highlightStemmed('%s', %j, %j, %j) should return '%s'",
-    (text, positions, tokens, maxLength, result) => {
-      expect(highlightStemmed(text, positions, tokens, maxLength)).toEqual(
-        result
-      );
-    }
-  );
-describe("splitIntoChunks", () => {
-  test.each<[string, MetadataPosition[], string[], HighlightChunk[], number]>([
-    [
-      "I Have A Dream. And the dream comes true.<br />",
-      //1   5    10   15   20   25   30   35   40
-      [
-        [9, 5], // dream
-        [12, 2], // am
-        [24, 5], // dream
-        [27, 2], // am
-        [36, 4], // true
-      ],
-      ["dream", "true", "am"],
-      [
-        {
-          html: "I",
-          textLength: 1,
-        },
-        {
-          html: " ",
-          textLength: 1,
-        },
-        {
-          html: "Have",
-          textLength: 4,
-        },
-        {
-          html: " ",
-          textLength: 1,
-        },
-        {
-          html: "A",
-          textLength: 1,
-        },
-        {
-          html: " ",
-          textLength: 1,
-        },
-        {
-          html: "<mark>Dream</mark>",
-          textLength: 5,
-        },
-        {
-          html: ". ",
-          textLength: 2,
-        },
-        {
-          html: "And",
-          textLength: 3,
-        },
-        {
-          html: " ",
-          textLength: 1,
-        },
-        {
-          html: "the",
-          textLength: 3,
-        },
-        {
-          html: " ",
-          textLength: 1,
-        },
-        {
-          html: "<mark>dream</mark>",
-          textLength: 5,
-        },
-        {
-          html: " ",
-          textLength: 1,
-        },
-        {
-          html: "comes",
-          textLength: 5,
-        },
-        {
-          html: " ",
-          textLength: 1,
-        },
-        {
-          html: "<mark>true</mark>",
-          textLength: 4,
-        },
-        {
-          html: ".&lt;",
-          textLength: 2,
-        },
-        {
-          html: "br",
-          textLength: 2,
-        },
-        {
-          html: " /&gt;",
-          textLength: 3,
-        },
-      ],
-      6,
-    ],
-    [
-      "研究生",
-      [
-        [0, 3],
-        [0, 2],
-      ],
-      ["研究生", "研究"],
-      [
-        {
-          html: "<mark>研究生</mark>",
-          textLength: 3,
-        },
-      ],
-      0,
-    ],
-  ])(
-    "splitIntoChunks('%s', %j, %j, 0, 0) should return %j",
-    (text, positions, tokens, chunks, chunkIndex) => {
-      expect(splitIntoChunks(text, positions, tokens)).toEqual({
-        chunkIndex,
-        chunks,
-      });
-    }
-  );
diff --git a/src/utils/highlightStemmed.ts b/src/utils/highlightStemmed.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index b015805..0000000
--- a/src/utils/highlightStemmed.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-import { HighlightChunk, MetadataPosition } from "../../shared/interfaces";
-import { escapeHtml } from "./escapeHtml";
-import { highlight } from "./highlight";
-import { looseTokenize } from "./looseTokenize";
-import { searchResultContextMaxLength } from "./proxiedGenerated";
-export function highlightStemmed(
-  content: string,
-  positions: MetadataPosition[],
-  tokens: string[],
-  maxLength = searchResultContextMaxLength
-): string {
-  const { chunkIndex, chunks } = splitIntoChunks(content, positions, tokens);
-  const leadingChunks = chunks.slice(0, chunkIndex);
-  const firstChunk = chunks[chunkIndex];
-  const html: string[] = [firstChunk.html];
-  const trailingChunks = chunks.slice(chunkIndex + 1);
-  let currentLength = firstChunk.textLength;
-  let leftPadding = 0;
-  let rightPadding = 0;
-  let leftOverflowed = false;
-  let rightOverflowed = false;
-  while (currentLength < maxLength) {
-    if (
-      (leftPadding <= rightPadding || trailingChunks.length === 0) &&
-      leadingChunks.length > 0
-    ) {
-      const chunk = leadingChunks.pop() as HighlightChunk;
-      if (currentLength + chunk.textLength <= maxLength) {
-        html.unshift(chunk.html);
-        leftPadding += chunk.textLength;
-        currentLength += chunk.textLength;
-      } else {
-        leftOverflowed = true;
-        leadingChunks.length = 0;
-      }
-    } else if (trailingChunks.length > 0) {
-      const chunk = trailingChunks.shift() as HighlightChunk;
-      if (currentLength + chunk.textLength <= maxLength) {
-        html.push(chunk.html);
-        rightPadding += chunk.textLength;
-        currentLength += chunk.textLength;
-      } else {
-        rightOverflowed = true;
-        trailingChunks.length = 0;
-      }
-    } else {
-      break;
-    }
-  }
-  if (leftOverflowed || leadingChunks.length > 0) {
-    html.unshift("…");
-  }
-  if (rightOverflowed || trailingChunks.length > 0) {
-    html.push("…");
-  }
-  return html.join("");
-export function splitIntoChunks(
-  content: string,
-  positions: MetadataPosition[],
-  tokens: string[]
-): {
-  chunkIndex: number;
-  chunks: HighlightChunk[];
-} {
-  const chunks: HighlightChunk[] = [];
-  let positionIndex = 0;
-  let cursor = 0;
-  let chunkIndex = -1;
-  while (positionIndex < positions.length) {
-    const [start, length] = positions[positionIndex];
-    positionIndex += 1;
-    if (start < cursor) {
-      continue;
-    }
-    if (start > cursor) {
-      const leadingChunks = looseTokenize(content.substring(cursor, start)).map(
-        (token) => ({
-          html: escapeHtml(token),
-          textLength: token.length,
-        })
-      );
-      for (const item of leadingChunks) {
-        chunks.push(item);
-      }
-    }
-    if (chunkIndex === -1) {
-      chunkIndex = chunks.length;
-    }
-    cursor = start + length;
-    chunks.push({
-      html: highlight(content.substring(start, cursor), tokens, true),
-      textLength: length,
-    });
-  }
-  if (cursor < content.length) {
-    const trailingChunks = looseTokenize(content.substring(cursor)).map(
-      (token) => ({
-        html: escapeHtml(token),
-        textLength: token.length,
-      })
-    );
-    for (const item of trailingChunks) {
-      chunks.push(item);
-    }
-  }
-  return {
-    chunkIndex,
-    chunks,
-  };
diff --git a/src/utils/looseTokenize.spec.ts b/src/utils/looseTokenize.spec.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 33f39bc..0000000
--- a/src/utils/looseTokenize.spec.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-import { looseTokenize } from "./looseTokenize";
-describe("looseTokenize", () => {
-  test.each<[string, string[]]>([
-    ["I have a 梦想。", ["I", " ", "have", " ", "a", " ", "梦", "想", "。"]],
-  ])("looseTokenize('%s') should return %j", (content, tokens) => {
-    expect(looseTokenize(content)).toEqual(tokens);
-  });
diff --git a/src/utils/looseTokenize.ts b/src/utils/looseTokenize.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 48b9535..0000000
--- a/src/utils/looseTokenize.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-const singleMatchOfWord = /\w+|\p{Unified_Ideograph}/u;
-export function looseTokenize(content: string): string[] {
-  const tokens: string[] = [];
-  let start = 0;
-  let text = content;
-  while (text.length > 0) {
-    const match = text.match(singleMatchOfWord);
-    if (!match) {
-      tokens.push(text);
-      break;
-    }
-    if ((match.index as number) > 0) {
-      tokens.push(text.substring(0, match.index));
-    }
-    tokens.push(match[0]);
-    start += (match.index as number) + match[0].length;
-    text = content.substring(start);
-  }
-  return tokens;
diff --git a/src/utils/processTreeStatusOfSearchResults.spec.ts b/src/utils/processTreeStatusOfSearchResults.spec.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 019aa84..0000000
--- a/src/utils/processTreeStatusOfSearchResults.spec.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-import { InitialSearchResult } from "../../shared/interfaces";
-import { processTreeStatusOfSearchResults } from "./processTreeStatusOfSearchResults";
-describe("processTreeStatusOfSearchResults", () => {
-  test("should work", () => {
-    const pageTitles = [
-      {
-        document: {
-          i: 100,
-        },
-        type: 0,
-        page: undefined,
-      },
-      {
-        document: {
-          i: 200,
-        },
-        type: 0,
-        page: undefined,
-      },
-    ] as InitialSearchResult[];
-    const results = [
-      {
-        document: {
-          i: 1,
-        },
-        type: 2,
-        page: {},
-      },
-      {
-        document: {
-          i: 2,
-        },
-        type: 1,
-        page: {},
-      },
-      pageTitles[0],
-      {
-        document: {
-          i: 101,
-        },
-        type: 2,
-        page: pageTitles[0].document,
-      },
-      {
-        document: {
-          i: 3,
-        },
-        type: 1,
-        page: {},
-      },
-      pageTitles[1],
-      {
-        document: {
-          i: 201,
-        },
-        type: 1,
-        page: pageTitles[1].document,
-      },
-      {
-        document: {
-          i: 202,
-        },
-        type: 2,
-        page: pageTitles[1].document,
-      },
-    ] as InitialSearchResult[];
-    processTreeStatusOfSearchResults(results);
-    const statuses: [boolean, boolean][] = [
-      [undefined, undefined],
-      [undefined, undefined],
-      [undefined, undefined],
-      [undefined, true],
-      [undefined, undefined],
-      [undefined, undefined],
-      [true, undefined],
-      [undefined, true],
-    ];
-    results.forEach((item, i) => {
-      expect([item.isInterOfTree, item.isLastOfTree]).toEqual(statuses[i]);
-    });
-  });
diff --git a/src/utils/processTreeStatusOfSearchResults.ts b/src/utils/processTreeStatusOfSearchResults.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 9cd2960..0000000
--- a/src/utils/processTreeStatusOfSearchResults.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-import { InitialSearchResult } from "../../shared/interfaces";
-export function processTreeStatusOfSearchResults(
-  results: InitialSearchResult[]
-): void {
-  results.forEach((item, i) => {
-    if (
-      i > 0 &&
- &&
-      results.some((prev) => prev.document ===
-    ) {
-      if (i < results.length - 1 && results[i + 1].page === {
-        item.isInterOfTree = true;
-      } else {
-        item.isLastOfTree = true;
-      }
-    }
-  });
diff --git a/src/utils/proxiedGenerated.ts b/src/utils/proxiedGenerated.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 8fd1ada..0000000
--- a/src/utils/proxiedGenerated.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-// This file is auto generated while building.
-export * from "@generated/@easyops-cn/docusaurus-search-local/default/generated.js";
diff --git a/src/utils/smartQueries.spec.ts b/src/utils/smartQueries.spec.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index c0ac728..0000000
--- a/src/utils/smartQueries.spec.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,285 +0,0 @@
-import lunr from "lunr";
-import { smartQueries } from "./smartQueries";
-import {
-  __setLanguage,
-  __setRemoveDefaultStopWordFilter,
-  __setRemoveDefaultStemmer,
-} from "./proxiedGenerated";
-import { SmartQuery } from "../../shared/interfaces";
-// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires
-// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires
-// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires
-(lunr as any).fake = {};
-const zhDictionary = ["研究生", "研究", "生命", "科学", "生命科学"];
-interface TestQuery {
-  tokens: string[];
-  keyword: string;
-describe("smartQueries", () => {
-  beforeEach(() => {
-    __setLanguage(["en", "zh"]);
-    __setRemoveDefaultStopWordFilter(false);
-    __setRemoveDefaultStemmer(false);
-  });
-  test.each<[string[], TestQuery[]]>([
-    [
-      ["hello"],
-      [
-        {
-          tokens: ["hello"],
-          keyword: "+hello",
-        },
-        {
-          tokens: ["hello"],
-          keyword: "+hello*",
-        },
-      ],
-    ],
-    [
-      ["hello", "world"],
-      [
-        {
-          tokens: ["hello", "world"],
-          keyword: "+hello +world",
-        },
-        {
-          tokens: ["hello", "world"],
-          keyword: "+hello +world*",
-        },
-      ],
-    ],
-    [
-      ["研究生命科学"],
-      [
-        {
-          tokens: ["研究", "生命科学"],
-          keyword: "+研究 +生命科学",
-        },
-        {
-          tokens: ["研究", "生命", "科学"],
-          keyword: "+研究 +生命 +科学",
-        },
-        {
-          tokens: ["研究生", "科学"],
-          keyword: "+研究生 +科学",
-        },
-        {
-          tokens: ["研究", "生命科学"],
-          keyword: "+研究 +生命科学*",
-        },
-        {
-          tokens: ["研究", "生命", "科学"],
-          keyword: "+研究 +生命 +科学*",
-        },
-        {
-          tokens: ["研究生", "科学"],
-          keyword: "+研究生 +科学*",
-        },
-        {
-          tokens: ["研究", "生命"],
-          keyword: "+研究 +生命",
-        },
-        {
-          tokens: ["研究", "科学"],
-          keyword: "+研究 +科学",
-        },
-        {
-          tokens: ["生命", "科学"],
-          keyword: "+生命 +科学",
-        },
-        {
-          tokens: ["研究", "科学"],
-          keyword: "+研究 +科学*",
-        },
-        {
-          tokens: ["生命", "科学"],
-          keyword: "+生命 +科学*",
-        },
-      ],
-    ],
-    [
-      ["研究生"],
-      [
-        {
-          tokens: ["研究生"],
-          keyword: "+研究生",
-        },
-        {
-          tokens: ["研究", "生"],
-          keyword: "+研究 +生*",
-        },
-        {
-          tokens: ["研究生"],
-          keyword: "+研究生*",
-        },
-      ],
-    ],
-    /* [
-      ["生命科学", "研究生"],
-      [
-        {
-          tokens: ["生命科学", "研究生"],
-          keyword: "+生命科学 +研究生",
-        },
-        {
-          tokens: ["生命科学", "研究", "生"],
-          keyword: "+生命科学 +研究 +生*",
-        },
-        {
-          tokens: ["生命", "科学", "研究生"],
-          keyword: "+生命 +科学 +研究生",
-        },
-        {
-          tokens: ["生命", "科学", "研究", "生"],
-          keyword: "+生命 +科学 +研究 +生*",
-        },
-        {
-          tokens: ["生命科学", "研究生"],
-          keyword: "+生命科学 +研究生*",
-        },
-        {
-          tokens: ["生命", "科学", "研究生"],
-          keyword: "+生命 +科学 +研究生*",
-        },
-      ],
-    ], */
-    [
-      ["a", "hello", "world"],
-      [
-        {
-          tokens: ["a", "hello", "world"],
-          keyword: "+a +hello +world",
-        },
-        {
-          tokens: ["hello", "world"],
-          keyword: "+hello +world",
-        },
-        {
-          tokens: ["a", "hello", "world"],
-          keyword: "+a +hello +world*",
-        },
-        {
-          tokens: ["hello", "world"],
-          keyword: "+hello +world*",
-        },
-      ],
-    ],
-    [
-      ["hello", "a"],
-      [
-        {
-          tokens: ["hello", "a"],
-          keyword: "+hello +a",
-        },
-        {
-          tokens: ["hello"],
-          keyword: "+hello",
-        },
-        {
-          tokens: ["hello", "a"],
-          keyword: "+hello +a*",
-        },
-      ],
-    ],
-    [
-      ["a"],
-      [
-        {
-          tokens: ["a"],
-          keyword: "+a",
-        },
-        {
-          tokens: ["a"],
-          keyword: "+a*",
-        },
-      ],
-    ],
-    [
-      ["hello", "world", "命"],
-      [
-        {
-          tokens: ["hello", "world", "命"],
-          keyword: "+*hello* +*world* +*命*",
-        },
-      ],
-    ],
-    [
-      ["termos", "alfabetização"],
-      [
-        {
-          tokens: ["termos", "alfabetização"],
-          keyword: "+termos +alfabetização",
-        },
-        {
-          tokens: ["termos", "alfabetização"],
-          keyword: "+termos +alfabetização*",
-        },
-      ],
-    ],
-  ])("smartQueries(%j, zhDictionary) should work", (tokens, queries) => {
-    expect(smartQueries(tokens, zhDictionary).map(transformQuery)).toEqual(
-      queries
-    );
-  });
-describe("smartQueries with no stop words filter", () => {
-  beforeEach(() => {
-    __setLanguage(["en", "fake"]);
-    __setRemoveDefaultStopWordFilter(true);
-    __setRemoveDefaultStemmer(false);
-  });
-  test.each<[string[], TestQuery[]]>([
-    [
-      ["a", "hello"],
-      [
-        {
-          tokens: ["a", "hello"],
-          keyword: "+a +hello",
-        },
-        {
-          tokens: ["a", "hello"],
-          keyword: "+a +hello*",
-        },
-      ],
-    ],
-  ])("smartQueries(%j, zhDictionary) should work", (tokens, queries) => {
-    expect(smartQueries(tokens, zhDictionary).map(transformQuery)).toEqual(
-      queries
-    );
-  });
-function transformQuery(query: SmartQuery): TestQuery {
-  return {
-    tokens: query.tokens,
-    keyword: query.term
-      .map(
-        (item) =>
-          `${item.presence === lunr.Query.presence.REQUIRED ? "+" : ""}${
-            (item.wildcard & lunr.Query.wildcard.LEADING) ===
-            lunr.Query.wildcard.LEADING
-              ? "*"
-              : ""
-          }${item.value}${
-            (item.wildcard & lunr.Query.wildcard.TRAILING) ===
-            lunr.Query.wildcard.TRAILING
-              ? "*"
-              : ""
-          }`
-      )
-      .join(" "),
-  };
diff --git a/src/utils/smartQueries.ts b/src/utils/smartQueries.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 29fe8d7..0000000
--- a/src/utils/smartQueries.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
-import lunr from "lunr";
-import { SmartQuery, SmartTerm } from "../../shared/interfaces";
-import { smartTerms } from "./smartTerms";
-import { language, removeDefaultStopWordFilter } from "./proxiedGenerated";
- * Get all possible queries for a list of tokens consists of words mixed English and Chinese,
- * by a Chinese words dictionary.
- *
- * @param tokens - Tokens consists of English words or strings of consecutive Chinese words.
- * @param zhDictionary - A Chinese words dictionary.
- *
- * @returns A smart query list.
- */
-export function smartQueries(
-  tokens: string[],
-  zhDictionary: string[]
-): SmartQuery[] {
-  const terms = smartTerms(tokens, zhDictionary);
-  if (terms.length === 0) {
-    // There are no matched terms.
-    // All tokens are considered required and with wildcard.
-    return [
-      {
-        tokens,
-        term: => ({
-          value,
-          presence: lunr.Query.presence.REQUIRED,
-          wildcard: lunr.Query.wildcard.LEADING | lunr.Query.wildcard.TRAILING,
-        })),
-      },
-    ];
-  }
-  // The last token of a term maybe incomplete while user is typing.
-  for (const term of terms) {
-    term[term.length - 1].maybeTyping = true;
-  }
-  // Try to append terms without stop words,
-  // since they are removed in the index.
-  const stopWordPipelines: lunr.PipelineFunction[] = [];
-  for (const lang of language) {
-    if (lang === "en") {
-      if (!removeDefaultStopWordFilter) {
-        stopWordPipelines.unshift(lunr.stopWordFilter);
-      }
-    } else {
-      const lunrLang = (lunr as any)[lang] as typeof lunr;
-      if (lunrLang.stopWordFilter) {
-        stopWordPipelines.unshift(lunrLang.stopWordFilter);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  let refinedTerms: SmartTerm[];
-  if (stopWordPipelines.length > 0) {
-    const pipe = (term: SmartTerm) =>
-      stopWordPipelines.reduce(
-        (term, p) =>
-          term.filter((item) =>
-            (p as unknown as (str: string) => string | undefined)(item.value)
-          ),
-        term
-      );
-    refinedTerms = [];
-    const newTerms: SmartTerm[] = [];
-    for (const term of terms) {
-      const filteredTerm = pipe(term);
-      refinedTerms.push(filteredTerm);
-      // Add extra terms only if some stop words are removed,
-      // and some non-stop-words exist too.
-      if (filteredTerm.length < term.length && filteredTerm.length > 0) {
-        newTerms.push(filteredTerm);
-      }
-    }
-    terms.push(...newTerms);
-  } else {
-    refinedTerms = terms.slice();
-  }
-  // Also try to add extra terms which miss one of the searched tokens,
-  // when the term contains 3 or more tokens,
-  // to improve the search precision.
-  const extraTerms: SmartTerm[] = [];
-  for (const term of refinedTerms) {
-    if (term.length > 2) {
-      for (let i = term.length - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) {
-        extraTerms.push(term.slice(0, i).concat(term.slice(i + 1)));
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  return getQueriesMaybeTyping(terms).concat(getQueriesMaybeTyping(extraTerms));
-function getQueriesMaybeTyping(terms: SmartTerm[]): SmartQuery[] {
-  return termsToQueries(terms).concat(
-    termsToQueries(
-      // Ignore terms whose last token already has a trailing wildcard,
-      // or the last token is not `maybeTyping`.
-      terms.filter((term) => {
-        const token = term[term.length - 1];
-        return !token.trailing && token.maybeTyping;
-      }),
-      true
-    )
-  );
-function termsToQueries(
-  terms: SmartTerm[],
-  maybeTyping?: boolean
-): SmartQuery[] {
-  return => ({
-    tokens: => item.value),
-    term: => ({
-      value: item.value,
-      presence: lunr.Query.presence.REQUIRED,
-      // The last token of a term maybe incomplete while user is typing.
-      // So append more queries with trailing wildcard added.
-      wildcard: (
-        maybeTyping ? item.trailing || item.maybeTyping : item.trailing
-      )
-        ? lunr.Query.wildcard.TRAILING
-        : lunr.Query.wildcard.NONE,
-    })),
-  }));
diff --git a/src/utils/smartTerms.spec.ts b/src/utils/smartTerms.spec.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 1eadc54..0000000
--- a/src/utils/smartTerms.spec.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-import { smartTerms } from "./smartTerms";
-const zhDictionary = ["研究生", "研究", "生命", "科学", "生命科学"];
-describe("smartTerms", () => {
-  test.each<[string[], string[][]]>([
-    [["hello"], [["hello"]]],
-    [["hello", "world"], [["hello", "world"]]],
-    [
-      ["hello", "world", "研究生命科学"],
-      [
-        ["hello", "world", "研究", "生命科学"],
-        ["hello", "world", "研究", "生命", "科学"],
-        ["hello", "world", "研究生", "科学"],
-      ],
-    ],
-    [
-      ["生命科学", "研究生"],
-      [
-        ["生命科学", "研究生"],
-        ["生命科学", "研究", "生*"],
-        ["生命", "科学", "研究生"],
-        ["生命", "科学", "研究", "生*"],
-      ],
-    ],
-    [["hello", "world", "命"], []],
-    [["alfabetização"], [["alfabetização"]]],
-  ])("smartTerms(%j, zhDictionary) should work", (tokens, terms) => {
-    expect(
-      smartTerms(tokens, zhDictionary).map((term) =>
- => `${item.value}${item.trailing ? "*" : ""}`)
-      )
-    ).toEqual(terms);
-  });
diff --git a/src/utils/smartTerms.ts b/src/utils/smartTerms.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 9787caf..0000000
--- a/src/utils/smartTerms.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-import { SmartTerm } from "../../shared/interfaces";
-import { cutZhWords } from "./cutZhWords";
- * Get all possible terms for a list of tokens consists of words mixed in Chinese and non-Chinese,
- * by a Chinese words dictionary.
- *
- * @param tokens - Tokens consists of English words or strings of consecutive Chinese words.
- * @param zhDictionary - A Chinese words dictionary.
- *
- * @returns A smart term list.
- */
-export function smartTerms(
-  tokens: string[],
-  zhDictionary: string[]
-): SmartTerm[] {
-  const terms: SmartTerm[] = [];
-  function cutMixedWords(subTokens: string[], carry: SmartTerm): void {
-    if (subTokens.length === 0) {
-      terms.push(carry);
-      return;
-    }
-    const token = subTokens[0];
-    if (/\p{Unified_Ideograph}/u.test(token)) {
-      const terms = cutZhWords(token, zhDictionary);
-      for (const term of terms) {
-        const nextCarry = carry.concat(...term);
-        cutMixedWords(subTokens.slice(1), nextCarry);
-      }
-    } else {
-      const nextCarry = carry.concat({
-        value: token,
-      });
-      cutMixedWords(subTokens.slice(1), nextCarry);
-    }
-  }
-  cutMixedWords(tokens, []);
-  return terms;
diff --git a/src/utils/sortSearchResults.spec.ts b/src/utils/sortSearchResults.spec.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 952ce29..0000000
--- a/src/utils/sortSearchResults.spec.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-import { InitialSearchResult } from "../../shared/interfaces";
-import { sortSearchResults } from "./sortSearchResults";
-describe("sortSearchResults", () => {
-  test("should work", () => {
-    const pageTitles = [
-      {
-        document: {
-          i: 100,
-        },
-        type: 0,
-        page: undefined,
-      },
-      {
-        document: {
-          i: 200,
-        },
-        type: 0,
-        page: undefined,
-      },
-    ] as InitialSearchResult[];
-    const results = [
-      {
-        document: {
-          i: 1,
-        },
-        type: 2,
-        page: {},
-      },
-      {
-        document: {
-          i: 2,
-        },
-        type: 1,
-        page: {},
-      },
-      pageTitles[0],
-      {
-        document: {
-          i: 3,
-        },
-        type: 1,
-        page: {},
-      },
-      {
-        document: {
-          i: 201,
-        },
-        type: 1,
-        page: pageTitles[1].document,
-      },
-      {
-        document: {
-          i: 202,
-        },
-        type: 2,
-        page: pageTitles[1].document,
-      },
-      pageTitles[1],
-      {
-        document: {
-          i: 101,
-        },
-        type: 2,
-        page: pageTitles[0].document,
-      },
-    ] as InitialSearchResult[];
-    sortSearchResults(results);
-    expect( => item.document.i)).toEqual([
-      1, 2, 100, 101, 3, 200, 201, 202,
-    ]);
-  });
diff --git a/src/utils/sortSearchResults.ts b/src/utils/sortSearchResults.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 41509cc..0000000
--- a/src/utils/sortSearchResults.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-import { InitialSearchResult, SearchResult } from "../../shared/interfaces";
-export function sortSearchResults(results: InitialSearchResult[]): void {
-  results.forEach((item, index) => {
-    item.index = index;
-  });
-  // Put search results of headings and contents just after
-  // their belonged page's title, if existed.
-  (results as SearchResult[]).sort((a, b) => {
-    let aPageIndex =
-      a.type > 0 &&
-        ? results.findIndex((item) => item.document ===
-        : a.index;
-    let bPageIndex =
-      b.type > 0 &&
-        ? results.findIndex((item) => item.document ===
-        : b.index;
-    if (aPageIndex === -1) {
-      aPageIndex = a.index;
-    }
-    if (bPageIndex === -1) {
-      bPageIndex = b.index;
-    }
-    if (aPageIndex === bPageIndex) {
-      if (a.type === 0) {
-        return -1;
-      }
-      if (b.type === 0) {
-        return 1;
-      }
-      return a.index - b.index;
-    }
-    return aPageIndex - bPageIndex;
-  });
diff --git a/src/utils/tokenize.spec.ts b/src/utils/tokenize.spec.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 62dcb37..0000000
--- a/src/utils/tokenize.spec.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-import lunr from "lunr";
-// The `require`s below are required for testing `ja`.
-// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires
-// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires
-// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires
-import { tokenize } from "./tokenize";
-describe("tokenize", () => {
-  test.each<[string, string[]]>([
-    ["Hello-World", ["hello", "world"]],
-    ["Hello World 「世界和平」", ["hello", "world", "世界和平"]],
-    [
-      "a1b2很好c3_d4更好56也好,不错。",
-      ["a1b2", "很好", "c3_d4", "更好", "56", "也好", "不错"],
-    ],
-    ["…", []],
-  ])("tokenize('%s', ['en', 'zh']) should return %j", (text, tokens) => {
-    expect(tokenize(text, ["en", "zh"])).toEqual(tokens);
-  });
-  test.each<[string, string[]]>([
-    [
-      "População portuguesa é composta",
-      ["população", "portuguesa", "é", "composta"],
-    ],
-  ])("tokenize('%s', ['en', 'pt']) should return %j", (text, tokens) => {
-    expect(tokenize(text, ["en", "pt"])).toEqual(tokens);
-  });
-  test.each<[string, string[]]>([
-    ["私は電車が好きです。", ["私", "は", "電車", "が", "好き", "です", "。"]],
-  ])("tokenize('%s', ['ja']) should return %j", (text, tokens) => {
-    expect(tokenize(text, ["ja"])).toEqual(tokens);
-  });
diff --git a/src/utils/tokenize.ts b/src/utils/tokenize.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 63755bc..0000000
--- a/src/utils/tokenize.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-import lunr from "lunr";
- * Split a sentence to tokens, considering a sequence of consecutive Chinese words as a single token.
- *
- * @param text - Text to be tokenized.
- * @param language - Languages used.
- *
- * @returns Tokens.
- */
-export function tokenize(text: string, language: string[]): string[] {
-  // Some languages have their own tokenizer.
-  if (language.length === 1 && ["ja", "jp", "th"].includes(language[0])) {
-    return ((lunr as any)[language[0]] as typeof lunr)
-      .tokenizer(text)
-      .map((token) => token.toString());
-  }
-  let regExpMatchWords = /[^-\s]+/g;
-  // Especially optimization for `zh`.
-  if (language.includes("zh")) {
-    // Currently only works fine with letters in Latin alphabet and Chinese.
-    //
-    regExpMatchWords = /\w+|\p{Unified_Ideograph}+/gu;
-    // regExpMatchWords = /\p{Unified_Ideograph}+|[^-\s\p{Unified_Ideograph}]+/gu;
-    //
-    // regExpMatchWords = /\w+|[\u3400-\u4DBF\u4E00-\u9FFC\uFA0E\uFA0F\uFA11\uFA13\uFA14\uFA1F\uFA21\uFA23\uFA24\uFA27-\uFA29\u{20000}-\u{2A6DD}\u{2A700}-\u{2B734}\u{2B740}-\u{2B81D}\u{2B820}-\u{2CEA1}\u{2CEB0}-\u{2EBE0}\u{30000}-\u{3134A}]+/gu
-  }
-  return text.toLowerCase().match(regExpMatchWords) || [];