blob: 48e3b54722cc28fc7f6bb18480e03e441bd54cbf [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2002, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This file was distributed by Oracle as part of a version of Oracle Berkeley
* DB Java Edition made available at:
* Please see the LICENSE file included in the top-level directory of the
* appropriate version of Oracle Berkeley DB Java Edition for a copy of the
* license and additional information.
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
* A Lock embodies the lock state of an LSN. It includes a set of owners and
* a list of waiters.
interface Lock {
* Get a list of waiters for debugging and error messages.
public List<LockInfo> getWaitersListClone();
* Remove this locker from the waiter list.
public void flushWaiter(Locker locker,
MemoryBudget mb,
int lockTableIndex);
* Get a new Set of the owners.
public Set<LockInfo> getOwnersClone(boolean cloneLockInfo);
* Return true if locker is an owner of this Lock for lockType,
* false otherwise.
* This method is only used by unit tests.
public boolean isOwner(Locker locker, LockType lockType);
* Return true if locker is an owner of this Lock and this is a write
* lock.
public boolean isOwnedWriteLock(Locker locker);
* Returns the LockType if the given locker owns this lock, or null if the
* lock is not owned.
public LockType getOwnedLockType(Locker locker);
* Return true if locker is a waiter on this Lock.
* This method is only used by unit tests.
public boolean isWaiter(Locker locker);
public int nWaiters();
public int nOwners();
* Attempts to acquire the lock and returns the LockGrantType.
* Assumes we hold the lockTableLatch when entering this method.
public LockAttemptResult lock(LockType requestType,
Locker locker,
boolean nonBlockingRequest,
boolean jumpAheadOfWaiters,
MemoryBudget mb,
int lockTableIndex)
throws DatabaseException;
* Releases a lock and moves the next waiter(s) to the owners.
* @return
* - null if we were not the owner,
* - a non-empty set if owners should be notified after releasing,
* - an empty set if no notification is required.
public Set<Locker> release(Locker locker,
MemoryBudget mb,
int lockTableIndex);
* Removes all owners except for the given owner (if non-null), and sets
* the Preempted property on the removed owners.
public void stealLock(Locker locker, MemoryBudget mb, int lockTableIndex)
throws DatabaseException;
* Downgrade a write lock to a read lock.
public void demote(Locker locker);
* Return the locker that has a write ownership on this lock. If no
* write owner exists, return null.
public Locker getWriteOwnerLocker();
public boolean isThin();
* Debug dumper.
public String toString();