blob: 949e4f70785b2f212f5db5191f2e8afb11202409 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2002, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This file was distributed by Oracle as part of a version of Oracle Berkeley
* DB Java Edition made available at:
* Please see the LICENSE file included in the top-level directory of the
* appropriate version of Oracle Berkeley DB Java Edition for a copy of the
* license and additional information.
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
* @hidden SSL deferred
* Specifies the parameters that control replication network communication
* within a replicated environment using SSL. The parameters contained here are
* immutable.
* <p>
* To change the default settings for a replicated environment, an application
* creates a configuration object, customizes settings and uses it for {@link
* ReplicatedEnvironment} construction. Except as noted, the set methods of
* this class perform only minimal validation of configuration values when the
* method is called, and value checking is deferred until the time a
* DataChannel factory is constructed. An IllegalArgumentException is thrown
* if the value is not valid for that attribute.
* <p>
* ReplicationSSLkConfig follows precedence rules similar to those of
* {@link EnvironmentConfig}.
* <ol>
* <li>Configuration parameters specified
* in {@literal <environmentHome>/} take first precedence.</li>
* <li>Configuration parameters set in the ReplicationSSLConfig object used
* at {@code ReplicatedEnvironment} construction are next.</li>
* <li>Any configuration parameters not set by the application are set to
* system defaults, described along with the parameter name String constants
* in this class.</li>
* <p>
public class ReplicationSSLConfig extends ReplicationNetworkConfig {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
* Note: all replicated parameters should start with
* EnvironmentParams.REP_PARAMS_PREFIX, which is "je.rep.",
* see SR [#19080].
* Configures the type of communication channel to use. Valid values
* for this parameter are:
* <ul>
* <li><code>ssl</code></li>
* </ul>
* <code>ssl</code> indicates that SSL is to be used for service
* communication. Using SSL normally provides both encryption and
* authentication. This option supports numerous associated configuration
* parameters. It requires, at a minimum, that a Java keystore and
* associated keystore password be supplied. The keystore password can be
* supplied using multiple methods, considered in the following order:
* {@link #setSSLKeyStorePasswordSource}
* {@link #SSL_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD_CLASS je.rep.ssl.keyStorePasswordClass}
* {@link #setSSLKeyStorePassword}
* {@link #SSL_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD je.rep.ssl.keyStorePassword}
* The <code></code> system property
* The properties supported by the supplied SSL channel factory are:
* <pre>
* {@link #SSL_KEYSTORE_FILE je.rep.ssl.keyStoreFile}
* {@link #SSL_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD_CLASS je.rep.ssl.keyStorePasswordClass}
* {@link #SSL_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD_PARAMS je.rep.ssl.keyStorePasswordParams}
* {@link #SSL_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD je.rep.ssl.keyStorePassword}
* {@link #SSL_KEYSTORE_TYPE je.rep.ssl.keyStoreType}
* {@link #SSL_CLIENT_KEY_ALIAS je.rep.ssl.clientKeyAlias}
* {@link #SSL_SERVER_KEY_ALIAS je.rep.ssl.serverKeyAlias}
* {@link #SSL_TRUSTSTORE_FILE je.rep.ssl.trustStoreFile}
* {@link #SSL_TRUSTSTORE_TYPE je.rep.ssl.trustStoreType}
* {@link #SSL_CIPHER_SUITES je.rep.ssl.cipherSuites}
* {@link #SSL_PROTOCOLS je.rep.ssl.protocols}
* {@link #SSL_AUTHENTICATOR je.rep.ssl.authenticator}
* {@link #SSL_AUTHENTICATOR_CLASS je.rep.ssl.authenticatorClass}
* {@link #SSL_AUTHENTICATOR_PARAMS je.rep.ssl.authenticatorParams}
* {@link #SSL_HOST_VERIFIER je.rep.ssl.hostVerifier}
* {@link #SSL_HOST_VERIFIER_CLASS je.rep.ssl.hostVerifierClass}
* {@link #SSL_HOST_VERIFIER_PARAMS je.rep.ssl.hostVerifierParams}
* </pre>
* The path to the Java keystore file for SSL data channnel factories.
* The specified path must be absolute.
* If this parameter is not set or has an empty value, the Java system
* property <code></code> is used.
* <p><table border="1"
* summary="Information about configuration option">
* <tr><td>Name</td><td>Type</td><td>Mutable</td><td>Default</td></tr>
* <tr>
* <td>{@value}</td>
* <td>String</td>
* <td>No</td>
* <td>""</td>
* </tr>
* </table>
public static final String SSL_KEYSTORE_FILE =
EnvironmentParams.REP_PARAM_PREFIX + "ssl.keyStoreFile";
* The password for accessing the Java keystore file for SSL data channnel
* factories. If this parameter is not set or has an empty value, the Java
* system property <code></code> is used.
* <p><table border="1"
* summary="Information about configuration option">
* <tr><td>Name</td><td>Type</td><td>Mutable</td><td>Default</td></tr>
* <tr>
* <td>{@value}</td>
* <td>String</td>
* <td>No</td>
* <td>""</td>
* </tr>
* </table>
public static final String SSL_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD =
EnvironmentParams.REP_PARAM_PREFIX + "ssl.keyStorePassword";
* A class that will be instantiated in order to retrieve a password that
* allows access to the keystore file. The class must implement the
* <code></code> interface.
* <p><table border="1"
* summary="Information about configuration option">
* <tr><td>Name</td><td>Type</td><td>Mutable</td><td>Default</td></tr>
* <tr>
* <td>{@value}</td>
* <td>String</td>
* <td>No</td>
* <td>""</td>
* </tr>
* </table>
public static final String SSL_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD_CLASS =
EnvironmentParams.REP_PARAM_PREFIX + "ssl.keyStorePasswordClass";
* A string encoding the parameters for configuring the password class.
* <p><table border="1"
* summary="Information about configuration option">
* <tr><td>Name</td><td>Type</td><td>Mutable</td><td>Default</td></tr>
* <tr>
* <td>{@value}</td>
* <td>String</td>
* <td>No</td>
* <td>""</td>
* </tr>
* </table>
public static final String SSL_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD_PARAMS =
EnvironmentParams.REP_PARAM_PREFIX + "ssl.keyStorePasswordParams";
* The type of the Java keystore file. This is used to determine what
* keystore implementation should be used to manipulate the named
* keystore file. If set to a non-empty value, the value must be a valid
* keystore type for the Java environment. If this parameter is not set to
* a non-empty value, the default Java keystore type is assumed.
* <p><table border="1"
* summary="Information about configuration option">
* <tr><td>Name</td><td>Type</td><td>Mutable</td><td>Default</td></tr>
* <tr>
* <td>{@value}</td>
* <td>String</td>
* <td>No</td>
* <td>""</td>
* </tr>
* </table>
public static final String SSL_KEYSTORE_TYPE =
EnvironmentParams.REP_PARAM_PREFIX + "ssl.keyStoreType";
* The alias name of the preferred key for use by the service dispatcher
* acting in SSL server mode. When not set to a non-empty value and the
* keystore contains multiple key options, the key selection algorithm is
* unspecified.
* <p><table border="1"
* summary="Information about configuration option">
* <tr><td>Name</td><td>Type</td><td>Mutable</td><td>Default</td></tr>
* <tr>
* <td>{@value}</td>
* <td>String</td>
* <td>No</td>
* <td>""</td>
* </tr>
* </table>
public static final String SSL_SERVER_KEY_ALIAS =
EnvironmentParams.REP_PARAM_PREFIX + "ssl.serverKeyAlias";
* The alias name of the preferred key for use by a client connecting
* to the service dispatcher. When not set to a non-empty value and the
* keystore contains multiple key options, the key selection algorithm is
* unspecified.
* <p><table border="1"
* summary="Information about configuration option">
* <tr><td>Name</td><td>Type</td><td>Mutable</td><td>Default</td></tr>
* <tr>
* <td>{@value}</td>
* <td>String</td>
* <td>No</td>
* <td>""</td>
* </tr>
* </table>
public static final String SSL_CLIENT_KEY_ALIAS =
EnvironmentParams.REP_PARAM_PREFIX + "ssl.clientKeyAlias";
* The path to the Java truststore file for SSL data channel factories.
* The specified path must be absolute.
* If this parameter is not set to a non-empty value, the Java system
* property <code></code> is used.
* <p><table border="1"
* summary="Information about configuration option">
* <tr><td>Name</td><td>Type</td><td>Mutable</td><td>Default</td></tr>
* <tr>
* <td>{@value}</td>
* <td>String</td>
* <td>No</td>
* <td>""</td>
* </tr>
* </table>
public static final String SSL_TRUSTSTORE_FILE =
EnvironmentParams.REP_PARAM_PREFIX + "ssl.trustStoreFile";
* The type of the Java truststore file. This is used to determine what
* keystore implementation should be used to manipulate the named
* keystore file. If set to a non-empty value, the value must be a valid
* keystore type for the Java environment. If this parameter is not set to
* a non-empty value, the default Java keystore type is assumed.
* <p><table border="1"
* summary="Information about configuration option">
* <tr><td>Name</td><td>Type</td><td>Mutable</td><td>Default</td></tr>
* <tr>
* <td>{@value}</td>
* <td>String</td>
* <td>No</td>
* <td>"JKS"</td>
* </tr>
* </table>
public static final String SSL_TRUSTSTORE_TYPE =
EnvironmentParams.REP_PARAM_PREFIX + "ssl.trustStoreType";
* The list of SSL cipher suites that are acceptable for SSL data channel
* factories. The cipher suite list must be in comma-delimited form.
* If this parameter is not set to a non-empty value, the Java default
* set of enabled cipher suites is allowed.
* <p><table border="1"
* summary="Information about configuration option">
* <tr><td>Name</td><td>Type</td><td>Mutable</td><td>Default</td></tr>
* <tr>
* <td>{@value}</td>
* <td>String</td>
* <td>No</td>
* <td>""</td>
* </tr>
* </table>
public static final String SSL_CIPHER_SUITES =
EnvironmentParams.REP_PARAM_PREFIX + "ssl.cipherSuites";
* The list of SSL protocols that are acceptable for SSL data channel
* factories. The protocol list must be in comma-delimited form.
* If not specified, the default type selected is TBD: TLSv1.
* <p><table border="1"
* summary="Information about configuration option">
* <tr><td>Name</td><td>Type</td><td>Mutable</td><td>Default</td></tr>
* <tr>
* <td>{@value}</td>
* <td>String</td>
* <td>No</td>
* <td>""</td>
* </tr>
* </table>
public static final String SSL_PROTOCOLS =
EnvironmentParams.REP_PARAM_PREFIX + "ssl.protocols";
* The specification for an SSL authenicator.
* The authenticator can be configured in one of the following ways:
* <ul>
* <li><code>mirror</code></li>
* <li><code>dnmatch(</code>&lt;Regular Expression&gt;<code>)</code></li>
* </ul>
* The <code>mirror</code> option causes the authenticator to check that the
* Distinguished Name(DN) in the certificate of the incoming client
* connection matches the DN of the certificate that this server presents
* when connecting as a client to another server.
* The <code>dnmatch()</code> option causes the authenticator to check that
* the DN in the certificate of the incoming client connection matches the
* regular expression provided in the dnmatch() specification.
* Do not configure both the SSL authenticator and the SSL authenticator
* class, or an exception will be thrown during DataChannelFactory
* instantiation.
* <p><table border="1"
* summary="Information about configuration option">
* <tr><td>Name</td><td>Type</td><td>Mutable</td><td>Default</td></tr>
* <tr>
* <td>{@value}</td>
* <td>String</td>
* <td>No</td>
* <td>""</td>
* </tr>
* </table>
public static final String SSL_AUTHENTICATOR =
EnvironmentParams.REP_PARAM_PREFIX + "ssl.authenticator";
* The string identifying a class to be instantiated to check whether
* incoming client SSL connections are to be trusted. If specified, the
* string must be a fully qualified Java class name for a class that
* implements the {@link SSLAuthenticator}
* interface and provides a public constructor with an argument list of
* the form
* ( {@link InstanceParams} ).
* <p>
* Do not configure both the SSL authenticator and the SSL authenticator
* class, or an exception will be thrown during DataChannelFactory
* instantiation.
* <p><table border="1"
* summary="Information about configuration option">
* <tr><td>Name</td><td>Type</td><td>Mutable</td><td>Default</td></tr>
* <tr>
* <td>{@value}</td>
* <td>String</td>
* <td>No</td>
* <td>""</td>
* </tr>
* </table>
public static final String SSL_AUTHENTICATOR_CLASS =
EnvironmentParams.REP_PARAM_PREFIX + "ssl.authenticatorClass";
* A string encoding the parameters for configuring the authenticator class.
* <p><table border="1"
* summary="Information about configuration option">
* <tr><td>Name</td><td>Type</td><td>Mutable</td><td>Default</td></tr>
* <tr>
* <td>{@value}</td>
* <td>String</td>
* <td>No</td>
* <td>""</td>
* </tr>
* </table>
public static final String SSL_AUTHENTICATOR_PARAMS =
EnvironmentParams.REP_PARAM_PREFIX + "ssl.authenticatorParams";
* The configuration to be used for verifying the certificate of
* a server when a connection is made.
* The verifier can be configured in one of the following ways:
* <ul>
* <li><code>hostname</code></li>
* <li><code>mirror</code></li>
* <li><code>dnmatch(</code>&lt;Regular Expression&gt;<code>)</code></li>
* </ul>
* <p>
* The <code>hostname</code> option causes the verifier to check that the
* Distinguished Name(DN) or one of the Subject Alternative Names in the
* certificate presented by the server contains the hostname that
* was the target of the connection attempt. This assumes that server
* certificates are unique per server.
* <p>
* The <code>mirror</code> option causes the verifier to check that the
* Distinguished Name(DN) in the certificate of the server matches the DN
* of the certificate that this server presents to incoming client
* connections. This assumes that all servers have equivalent certificates.
* <p>
* The <code>dnmatch()</code> option causes the verifier to check that
* the DN in the certificate of the server matches the regular expression
* string provided in the dnmatch() specification.
* <p>
* Do not configure both the SSL host verifier and the SSL host verifier
* class, or an exception will be thrown during DataChannelFactory
* instantiation.
* <p><table border="1"
* summary="Information about configuration option">
* <tr><td>Name</td><td>Type</td><td>Mutable</td><td>Default</td></tr>
* <tr>
* <td>{@value}</td>
* <td>String</td>
* <td>No</td>
* <td>""</td>
* </tr>
* </table>
public static final String SSL_HOST_VERIFIER =
EnvironmentParams.REP_PARAM_PREFIX + "ssl.hostVerifier";
* The class to be instantiated to check whether the target host of a
* connection initiated by a client is to be trusted. If specified, the
* string must be a fully qualified Java class name for a class that
* implements the <code></code> interface
* and provides a public constructor with an argument list of the form
* ({@link InstanceParams}).
* <p>
* Do not configure both the SSL host verifier and the SSL host verifier
* class, or an exception will be thrown during DataChannelFactory
* instantiation.
* <p><table border="1"
* summary="Information about configuration option">
* <tr><td>Name</td><td>Type</td><td>Mutable</td><td>Default</td></tr>
* <tr>
* <td>{@value}</td>
* <td>String</td>
* <td>No</td>
* <td>""</td>
* </tr>
* </table>
public static final String SSL_HOST_VERIFIER_CLASS =
EnvironmentParams.REP_PARAM_PREFIX + "ssl.hostVerifierClass";
* A string encoding the parameters for configuring the host verifier
* class, if needed.
* <p><table border="1"
* summary="Information about configuration option">
* <tr><td>Name</td><td>Type</td><td>Mutable</td><td>Default</td></tr>
* <tr>
* <td>{@value}</td>
* <td>String</td>
* <td>No</td>
* <td>""</td>
* </tr>
* </table>
public static final String SSL_HOST_VERIFIER_PARAMS =
EnvironmentParams.REP_PARAM_PREFIX + "ssl.hostVerifierParams";
/* The set of Replication properties specific to this class */
private static Set<String> repSSLProperties;
static {
repSSLProperties = new HashSet<String>();
/* Nail the set down */
repSSLProperties = Collections.unmodifiableSet(repSSLProperties);
static {
* Force loading when a ReplicationNetworkConfig is used and an
* environment has not been created.
final ConfigParam forceLoad = RepParams.CHANNEL_TYPE;
/* The possibly null password source for keystore access */
private transient PasswordSource sslKeyStorePasswordSource;
* Constructs a ReplicationSSLConfig initialized with the system default
* settings. Defaults are documented with the string constants in this
* class.
public ReplicationSSLConfig() {
* Creates an ReplicationSSLConfig which includes the properties
* specified in the properties parameter.
* @param properties Supported properties are described as the string
* constants in this class.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If any properties read from the
* properties parameter are invalid.
public ReplicationSSLConfig(Properties properties)
throws IllegalArgumentException {
* Get the channel type setting for the replication service.
* @return the channel type
public String getChannelType() {
return "ssl";
* Returns the name of the Java KeyStore file to be used for SSL key pair
* retrieval.
* @return the KeyStore file name
public String getSSLKeyStore() {
return DbConfigManager.getVal(props, RepParams.SSL_KEYSTORE_FILE);
* Sets the name of the Java KeyStore file to be used when creating
* SSL connections.
* @param filename the KeyStore filename
* @return this
public ReplicationNetworkConfig setSSLKeyStore(String filename) {
return this;
* @hidden
* The void return setter for use by Bean editors.
public void setSSLKeyStoreVoid(String filename) {
DbConfigManager.setVal(props, RepParams.SSL_KEYSTORE_FILE, filename,
* Returns the type of the Java Keystore file to be used for SSL key pair
* retrieval.
* @return the KeyStore type
public String getSSLKeyStoreType() {
return DbConfigManager.getVal(props, RepParams.SSL_KEYSTORE_TYPE);
* Sets the type of the Java KeyStore file to be used when creating
* SSL connections.
* @param keyStoreType the Keystore type
* @return this
public ReplicationNetworkConfig setSSLKeyStoreType(String keyStoreType) {
return this;
* @hidden
* The void return setter for use by Bean editors.
public void setSSLKeyStoreTypeVoid(String keyStoreType) {
DbConfigManager.setVal(props, RepParams.SSL_KEYSTORE_TYPE,
keyStoreType, validateParams);
* Returns the password for the Java KeyStore file to be used for SSL key
* pair retrieval.
* @return the KeyStore password
public String getSSLKeyStorePassword() {
return DbConfigManager.getVal(props, RepParams.SSL_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD);
* Sets the password for the Java KeyStore file to be used when creating
* SSL connections.
* @param password the KeyStore password
* @return this
public ReplicationNetworkConfig setSSLKeyStorePassword(String password) {
return this;
* @hidden
* The void return setter for use by Bean editors.
public void setSSLKeyStorePasswordVoid(String password) {
DbConfigManager.setVal(props, RepParams.SSL_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD, password,
* Returns the name of a class that should be instantiated to retrieve the
* password for the Java KeyStore file.
* @return the KeyStore password source class name
public String getSSLKeyStorePasswordClass() {
return DbConfigManager.getVal(props,
* Sets the name of a class that should be instantiated to retrieve the
* password for the Java KeyStore file.
* @param className the name of the class
* @return this
public ReplicationNetworkConfig setSSLKeyStorePasswordClass(
String className) {
return this;
* @hidden
* The void return setter for use by Bean editors.
public void setSSLKeyStorePasswordClassVoid(String className) {
DbConfigManager.setVal(props, RepParams.SSL_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD_CLASS,
className, validateParams);
* Returns a string to be used in the constructor for a keystore password
* source instance.
* @return the parameter values
public String getSSLKeyStorePasswordParams() {
return DbConfigManager.getVal(props,
* Sets the string to be used in the constructor for a keystore password
* source instance.
* @param params a string that is to be passed to the constructor
* @return this
public ReplicationNetworkConfig setSSLKeyStorePasswordParams(
String params) {
return this;
* @hidden
* The void return setter for use by Bean editors.
public void setSSLKeyStorePasswordParamsVoid(String params) {
DbConfigManager.setVal(props, RepParams.SSL_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD_PARAMS,
params, validateParams);
* Returns the Java KeyStore alias associated with the key that should be
* used to accept incoming SSL connections.
* @return the KeyStore alias
public String getSSLServerKeyAlias() {
return DbConfigManager.getVal(props, RepParams.SSL_SERVER_KEY_ALIAS);
* Sets the alias associated with the key in the Java KeyStore file to be
* used when accepting incoming SSL connections.
* @param alias the KeyStore alias
* @return this
public ReplicationNetworkConfig setSSLServerKeyAlias(String alias) {
return this;
* @hidden
* The void return setter for use by Bean editors.
public void setSSLServerKeyAliasVoid(String alias) {
DbConfigManager.setVal(props, RepParams.SSL_SERVER_KEY_ALIAS, alias,
* Returns the Java KeyStore alias associated with the key that should be
* used when initiating SSL connections .
* @return the KeyStore alias
public String getSSLClientKeyAlias() {
return DbConfigManager.getVal(props, RepParams.SSL_CLIENT_KEY_ALIAS);
* Sets the alias associated with the key in the Java KeyStore file to be
* used when initiating SSL connections.
* @param alias the KeyStore alias
* @return this
public ReplicationNetworkConfig setSSLClientKeyAlias(String alias) {
return this;
* @hidden
* The void return setter for use by Bean editors.
public void setSSLClientKeyAliasVoid(String alias) {
DbConfigManager.setVal(props, RepParams.SSL_CLIENT_KEY_ALIAS, alias,
* Returns the name of the Java TrustStore file to be used for SSL
* certificate validation.
* @return the TrustStore file name
public String getSSLTrustStore() {
return DbConfigManager.getVal(props, RepParams.SSL_TRUSTSTORE_FILE);
* Sets the name of the Java TrustStore file to be used when validating
* SSL certificates.
* @param filename the TrustStore filename
* @return this
public ReplicationNetworkConfig setSSLTrustStore(String filename) {
return this;
* @hidden
* The void return setter for use by Bean editors.
public void setSSLTrustStoreVoid(String filename) {
DbConfigManager.setVal(props, RepParams.SSL_TRUSTSTORE_FILE, filename,
* Returns the type of the Java Truststore file to be used for SSL key pair
* retrieval.
* @return the Truststore type
public String getSSLTrustStoreType() {
return DbConfigManager.getVal(props, RepParams.SSL_TRUSTSTORE_TYPE);
* Sets the type of the Java Truststore file to be used when creating
* SSL connections.
* @param trustStoreType the Truststore type
* @return this
public ReplicationNetworkConfig setSSLTrustStoreType(String trustStoreType) {
return this;
* @hidden
* The void return setter for use by Bean editors.
public void setSSLTrustStoreTypeVoid(String trustStoreType) {
DbConfigManager.setVal(props, RepParams.SSL_TRUSTSTORE_TYPE,
trustStoreType, validateParams);
* Returns the list of SSL cipher suites that are acceptable
* @return the list of SSL cipher suites in comma-delimited form
public String getSSLCipherSuites() {
return DbConfigManager.getVal(props, RepParams.SSL_CIPHER_SUITES);
* Sets the list of SSL cipher suites that are acceptable
* @param cipherSuites a comma-delimited list of SSL cipher suites
* @return this
public ReplicationNetworkConfig setSSLCipherSuites(String cipherSuites) {
return this;
* @hidden
* The void return setter for use by Bean editors.
public void setSSLCipherSuitesVoid(String cipherSuites) {
DbConfigManager.setVal(props, RepParams.SSL_CIPHER_SUITES, cipherSuites,
* Returns the list of SSL protocols that are acceptable
* @return the list of SSL protocols in comma-delimited form
public String getSSLProtocols() {
return DbConfigManager.getVal(props, RepParams.SSL_PROTOCOLS);
* Sets the list of SSL protocols that are acceptable
* @param protocols a comma-delimited list of SSL protocols
* @return this
public ReplicationNetworkConfig setSSLProtocols(String protocols) {
return this;
* @hidden
* The void return setter for use by Bean editors.
public void setSSLProtocolsVoid(String protocols) {
DbConfigManager.setVal(props, RepParams.SSL_PROTOCOLS, protocols,
* Returns the SSLAuthenticator configuration to be used for authenticating
* incoming client connections.
* @return the authentication configuration, if configured
public String getSSLAuthenticator() {
return DbConfigManager.getVal(props, RepParams.SSL_AUTHENTICATOR);
* Sets the authenticator configuration to be used for authenticating
* incoming client connections.
* See {@link #SSL_AUTHENTICATOR} for a complete description of this
* parameter.
* @param authenticator the authentication configuration to use
* @return this
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the authenticator specification
* is not syntactically valid
public ReplicationNetworkConfig setSSLAuthenticator(String authenticator)
throws IllegalArgumentException {
return this;
* @hidden
* The void return setter for use by Bean editors.
public void setSSLAuthenticatorVoid(String authenticator)
throws IllegalArgumentException {
DbConfigManager.setVal(props, RepParams.SSL_AUTHENTICATOR,
authenticator, validateParams);
* Returns the SSLAuthenticator factory class to be used for creating
* new Authenticator instances
* @return the SSLAuthenticator factory class name, if configured
public String getSSLAuthenticatorClass() {
return DbConfigManager.getVal(
* Sets the authenticator class to be instantiated for creation of
* new SSL Authenticator instances.
* @param authenticatorClass the class name to use
* @return this
public ReplicationNetworkConfig setSSLAuthenticatorClass(
String authenticatorClass) {
return this;
* @hidden
* The void return setter for use by Bean editors.
public void setSSLAuthenticatorClassVoid(String authenticatorClass)
throws IllegalArgumentException {
DbConfigManager.setVal(props, RepParams.SSL_AUTHENTICATOR_CLASS,
authenticatorClass, validateParams);
* Returns the SSLAuthenticator parameters to be used for creating
* new Authenticator instances
* @return the SSLAuthenticator factory params name, if configured
public String getSSLAuthenticatorParams() {
return DbConfigManager.getVal(
* Sets the Authenticator parameters to be passed to the
* SSL server Authenticator class when instantiated.
* @param authenticatorParams the parameter value to use
* @return this
public ReplicationNetworkConfig setSSLAuthenticatorParams(
String authenticatorParams) {
return this;
* @hidden
* The void return setter for use by Bean editors.
public void setSSLAuthenticatorParamsVoid(String authenticatorParams) {
DbConfigManager.setVal(props, RepParams.SSL_AUTHENTICATOR_PARAMS,
authenticatorParams, validateParams);
* Returns the HostnameVerifier factory class to be used for creating
* new host verifier instances for client-mode operation
* @return the HostnameVerifier factory class name, if configured
public String getSSLHostVerifier() {
return DbConfigManager.getVal(
props, RepParams.SSL_HOST_VERIFIER);
* Sets the configuration to be used for verifying the certificate of
* a server when a connection is made.
* See {@link #SSL_HOST_VERIFIER} for a complete description of this
* parameter.
* @param hostVerifier the verifier configuration to use
* @return this
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the authenticator specification
* is not syntactically valid
public ReplicationNetworkConfig setSSLHostVerifier(String hostVerifier)
throws IllegalArgumentException {
return this;
* @hidden
* The void return setter for use by Bean editors.
public void setSSLHostVerifierVoid(String hostVerifier)
throws IllegalArgumentException {
DbConfigManager.setVal(props, RepParams.SSL_HOST_VERIFIER,
hostVerifier, validateParams);
* Returns the HostnameVerifier factory class to be used for creating
* new host verifier instances for client-mode operation
* @return the HostnameVerifier factory class name, if configured
public String getSSLHostVerifierClass() {
return DbConfigManager.getVal(
* Sets the host verifier class to be instantiated for creation of
* new SSL host verifier instances.
* @param hostVerifierClass the class name to use
* @return this
public ReplicationNetworkConfig setSSLHostVerifierClass(
String hostVerifierClass) {
return this;
* @hidden
* The void return setter for use by Bean editors.
public void setSSLHostVerifierClassVoid(String hostVerifierClass) {
DbConfigManager.setVal(props, RepParams.SSL_HOST_VERIFIER_CLASS,
hostVerifierClass, validateParams);
* Returns the SSLHostVerifier parameters to be used for creating
* new host verifier instances for operation in client mode, if needed.
* @return the SSLHostVerifier factory params name, if configured
public String getSSLHostVerifierParams() {
return DbConfigManager.getVal(
* Sets the host verifier parameters to be passed to the SSL host verifier
* class when instantiated.
* @param hostVerifierParams the parameter value to use
* @return this
public ReplicationNetworkConfig setSSLHostVerifierParams(
String hostVerifierParams) {
return this;
* @hidden
* The void return setter for use by Bean editors.
public void setSSLHostVerifierParamsVoid(String hostVerifierParams) {
DbConfigManager.setVal(props, RepParams.SSL_HOST_VERIFIER_PARAMS,
hostVerifierParams, validateParams);
* Returns a copy of this configuration object.
public ReplicationSSLConfig clone() {
return (ReplicationSSLConfig) super.clone();
* Gets the password source provided for KeyStore access by the SSL
* implementation.
public PasswordSource getSSLKeyStorePasswordSource() {
return sslKeyStorePasswordSource;
* Sets the password source for KeyStore access by the SSL implementation.
* If not set to a non-empty value, the SSL implementation uses the
* {@link #SSL_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD je.rep.ssl.keyStorePassword}
* property instead.
* This setting is not included in the serialized representation.
public ReplicationNetworkConfig
setSSLKeyStorePasswordSource(PasswordSource passwordSource) {
return this;
* @hidden
* For bean editors.
public void setSSLKeyStorePasswordSourceVoid(
PasswordSource passwordSource) {
sslKeyStorePasswordSource = passwordSource;
* @hidden
* Enumerate the subset of configuration properties that are intended to
* control network access.
static Set<String> getRepSSLPropertySet() {
return repSSLProperties;
* Checks whether the named parameter is valid for this configuration type.
* @param paramName the configuration parameter name, one of the String
* constants in this class
* @return true if the named parameter is a valid parameter name
protected boolean isValidConfigParam(String paramName) {
if (repSSLProperties.contains(paramName)) {
return true;
return super.isValidConfigParam(paramName);
static {
* Force loading when a ReplicationNetworkConfig is used and an
* environment has not been created.
final ConfigParam forceLoad = RepParams.CHANNEL_TYPE;