blob: 5814b0ebda50f394fe9d81ab3ded107290e9db49 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2002, 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This file was distributed by Oracle as part of a version of Oracle Berkeley
* DB Java Edition made available at:
* Please see the LICENSE file included in the top-level directory of the
* appropriate version of Oracle Berkeley DB Java Edition for a copy of the
* license and additional information.
import static;
import static;
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* The BtreeStats object is used to return Btree database statistics.
public class BtreeStats extends DatabaseStats {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 298825033L;
private final StatGroup stats;
* @hidden
* Internal use only.
public BtreeStats() {
* @hidden
* Internal use only.
public BtreeStats(final StatGroup stats) {
this.stats = stats;
* Returns the number of Bottom Internal Nodes in the database btree.
public long getBottomInternalNodeCount() {
return stats.getLong(BT_COUNT_BINS);
* @deprecated as of 5.0, returns zero.
public long getDuplicateBottomInternalNodeCount() {
return 0;
* Returns the number of deleted data records in the database btree that
* are pending removal by the compressor.
public long getDeletedLeafNodeCount() {
return stats.getLong(BT_COUNT_DELETED_LNS);
* @deprecated as of 5.0, returns zero.
public long getDupCountLeafNodeCount() {
return 0;
* Returns the number of Internal Nodes in the database btree.
public long getInternalNodeCount() {
return stats.getLong(BT_COUNT_INS);
* @deprecated as of 5.0, returns zero.
public long getDuplicateInternalNodeCount() {
return 0;
* Returns the number of leaf nodes in the database tree, which can equal
* the number of records. This is calculated without locks or transactions,
* and therefore is only an accurate count of the current number of records
* when the database is quiescent.
public long getLeafNodeCount() {
return stats.getLong(BT_COUNT_LNS);
* Returns the number of levels in the database btree.
public int getMainTreeMaxDepth() {
return stats.getInt(BT_COUNT_MAINTREE_MAXDEPTH);
* @deprecated as of 5.0, returns zero.
public int getDuplicateTreeMaxDepth() {
return 0;
* Returns the count of Internal Nodes per level, indexed by level.
* @return count of Internal Nodes per level, indexed by level.
public long[] getINsByLevel() {
return stats.getLongArray(BT_COUNT_INS_BYLEVEL);
* Returns the count of Bottom Internal Nodes per level, indexed by level.
* @return count of Bottom Internal Nodes per level, indexed by level.
public long[] getBINsByLevel() {
return stats.getLongArray(BT_COUNT_BINS_BYLEVEL);
* Returns an array representing a histogram of the number of Bottom
* Internal Nodes with various percentages of non-deleted entry counts.
* The array is 10 elements and each element represents a range of 10%.
* <pre>
* element [0]: # BINs with 0% to 9% entries used by non-deleted values
* element [1]: # BINs with 10% to 19% entries used by non-deleted values
* element [2]: # BINs with 20% to 29% entries used by non-deleted values
* ...
* element [0]: # BINs with 90% to 100% entries used by non-deleted values
* </pre>
public long[] getBINEntriesHistogram() {
return stats.getLongArray(BT_COUNT_BIN_ENTRIES_HISTOGRAM);
* @deprecated as of 5.0, returns an empty array.
public long[] getDINsByLevel() {
return new long[0];
* @deprecated as of 5.0, returns an empty array.
public long[] getDBINsByLevel() {
return new long[0];
* @deprecated as of JE 18.1 and zero is always returned; use
* {@link EnvironmentStats#getRelatchesRequired()} instead.
public long getRelatches() {
return 0;
* @deprecated as of JE 18.1 and zero is always returned; use
* {@link EnvironmentStats#getRootSplits()} instead.
public int getRootSplits() {
return 0;
* Returns a String representation of the stats in the form of
* &lt;stat&gt;=&lt;value&gt;
public String toString() {
return stats.toString();
* Returns a String representation of the stats which includes stats
* descriptions in addition to &lt;stat&gt;=&lt;value&gt;
public String toStringVerbose() {
return stats.toStringVerbose();