blob: 853d701502166e8b93216bcacefd5ea5397e45c0 [file] [log] [blame]
"doc": "Documentation",
"community": "Community",
"join_community": "Join Community",
"join_our_community": "Join our community",
"events": "Events",
"blog": "Blog",
"use_case": "Use Cases",
"support": "Support",
"contacts": "Contacts",
"download": "Download",
"search_placeholder": "Input the search text",
"email": "Email",
"desc": "Apache DolphinScheduler is a distributed and extensible open-source workflow orchestration platform with powerful DAG visual interfaces ",
"what": "What is DolphinScheduler",
"support_hints": "Ask questions. Get answers. Select your DS version and find the related and most frequently asked questions below. If you can't find the answer you need, you can ",
"submit": "Submit",
"on_github": "on GitHub",
"support_slack": "Join our slack and send your question to channel",
"support_email": "Send an email to ",
"we_provide_more_than": "We provide more than",
"types_of_jobs_out_of_box": "types of jobs Out Of Box",
"why_1_title": "Create Your Workflow in a Minute",
"why_1_tips1": "Drag-And-Drop workflow optimizes efficiency",
"why_1_tips2": "Support coding workflow by Python, Yaml, and Open API",
"why_1_tips3": "Support executing another workflow as a sub-process task node to avoid repeated configurations",
"why_2_title": "Steadily Execute Millions Amount of Data Tasks With High Concurrency, High Throughput, and Low Latency",
"why_2_tips1": "Decentralized multi-masters/workers design",
"why_2_tips2": "Automatically cache tasks in the task queue to avoid the server jam when there are too many tasks",
"why_2_tips3": "Master and worker support dynamic online and offline",
"why_3_title": "Powerful Data Backfill & Workflow Version Control",
"why_3_tips1": "Batch running tasks according to schedule time intelligence using a special date range or using special date list",
"why_3_tips2": "Batch running tasks in serial or parallel mode",
"why_3_tips3": "Workflow instance supports modification, rollback, and rerun without affecting workflow template",
"why_4_title": "Easily Manage Complex Tasks Works",
"why_4_tips1": "Enable cross-project and cross-workflow task dependencies",
"why_4_tips2": "Support kill, pause and resume operations",
"why_4_tips3": "Tasks can run with the isolated tenant, worker groups, and environment",
"why_4_tips4": "Each task can modify the output parameters and transfer them to subsequent tasks",
"read_the_documentation": "Read the Documentation",
"quick_start": "Quick Start",
"features": "Features",
"features_1_title": "High Reliability",
"features_1_desc": "Decentralized multi-master and multi-worker, HA is supported by itself, overload processing",
"features_2_title": "User-Friendly",
"features_2_desc": "All process definition operations are visualized, Visualization process defines key information at a glance, One-click deployment",
"features_3_title": "Rich Scenarios",
"features_3_desc": "Support multi-tenant. Support many task types e.g., spark, flink, hive, Mr, shell, python, sub_process",
"features_4_title": "High Expansibility",
"features_4_desc": "Support custom task types, Distributed scheduling, and the overall scheduling capability will increase linearly with the scale of the cluster",
"learn_more": "Learn more",
"stay_connect_with_dolphinScheduler": "Stay Connect with DolphinScheduler",
"subscribe_tips": "Send an email to with any subject and content to subscribe and keep up-to-date with the community",
"email_to": "Email to",
"select_version": "Select Version",
"content": "Content",
"search": "Search",
"introduction": "Introduction to this page",
"last_updated": "Last Updated",
"not_helpful": "Not helpful?",
"get_support": "Get support",
"report_security_issue": "Report Security Issue",
"code_of_conduct": "Code of Conduct",
"review_issue_or_pull_requests": "Review issue or pull requests",
"e2e_test_contribution_guide": "E2E Test Contribution Guide",
"submit_code": "Submit Code",
"license_notice": "License Notice",
"documentation_notice": "Documentation Notice",
"issue_notice": "Issue Notice",
"pull_request_notice": "Pull Request Notice",
"commit_message_notice": "Commit Message Notice",
"micro_benchMark_notice": "Micro BenchMark Notice",
"unit_test_writing": "Unit Test Writing",
"participate_on_gitHub": "Participate in the program on GitHub",
"view_on_github": "View on Github",
"chat_slack": "Chat rooms are great for quick questions or discussions on specialized topics",
"join_slack": "Join Slack",
"twitter_tips": "Catch up on our latest news on tweets",
"follow_twitter": "Follow us Twitter",
"email_tips": "with any subject and content to subscribe and keep up-to-date with the community",
"contribute_to_dolphinScheduler": "Contribute to DolphinScheduler",
"contribute_tips": "Contributors improve the project through submission of patches and suggestions to the Members. The number of Contributors to the project is unbounded. All contributions to DolphinScheduler are greatly appreciated, whether for trivial cleanups, big new features or other material rewards.",
"participate_in_contributing": "Participate in Contributing",
"read_guides": "Read Guides",
"becoming_a_committer": "Becoming a Committer",
"committer_p": "DolphinScheduler follows the Apache way to build the community. Anyone can become a committer once they have contributed sufficiently to the project and earned the trust.",
"committer_process": "The DolphinScheduler community follows the Apache Community’s process on accepting a new committer.",
"read_community_process": "Read Apache community's process",
"commiter_tips1": "Start the discussion and vote in @private. Only current PMC member could nominate.",
"commiter_tips2": "If the vote passes, send an offer to become a committer with @private CC’ed.",
"commiter_tips3": "Setup committer rights",
"see_apache_events": "See Apache Events",
"watch_now": "Watch Now",
"view_post": "View Post",
"all_events": "All Events",
"coming_soon": "Coming Soon",
"blog_subtitle": "Resources to help you keep up to date with the latest news, version releases, industry insights, and our use cases.",
"filter": "Filter",
"clear_all": "Clear All",
"results": "Results",
"user_title": "DolphinScheduler is Trusted by Various Industry Leaders",
"show_more": "Show More",
"explore_the_story": "Explore The Story",
"by_deployment_environment": "By Deployment Environment",
"choose_by_your_deployment_requirement": "Choose by your deployment requirement",
"by_released_versions": "By Released Versions",
"see_all_released_versions": "See all released versions",
"view_all_release": "View all release",
"deployment": "Deployment",
"release_tips": "is the latest release. The current stable version is",
"read_documentation": "Read documentation",
"download_total_source_code": "Download total source code:",
"verify": "Verify:",
"download_total_binary_distribution": "Download total binary distribution:",
"or": "or",
"standalone_title": "Standalone deployment only for quick experience for DolphinScheduler.",
"standalone_user": "Recommend user: New beginner",
"standalone_demo": "Only for people who want to experience dolphinScheduler demo.",
"standalone_tips1": "If you want to experience full functions and schedule massive tasks,try",
"standalone_tips2": "If you want to deploy it in production, try",
"cloud_title": "One-click deployment of high availability DolphinScheduler clusters through the Cloud native application management platform. ",
"cloud_user": "Recommend user: Need to quick deploy in cloud",
"cloud_demo": "For users who don't know much about complex technologies such as Kubernetes, lowering the threshold for deploying DolphinScheduler in Kubernetes mode.",
"cloud_tips1": "If you want to quick experience DolphinScheduler demo, try",
"cloud_tips2": "If you want to experience full functions and deploy on single machine in production, try",
"cloud_tips3": "If you want to deploy it in production and schedule massive tasks, try",
"cluster_title": "Cluster deployment is to deploy the DolphinScheduler on multiple machines for running massive tasks in production.",
"cluster_user": "Recommend user: Need to deploy DolphinScheduler in production (multiple machines)",
"cluster_demo": "For user who wants to deploy DolphinScheduler in production.",
"cluster_tips1": "If you want to quick experience DolphinScheduler demo, try",
"cluster_tips2": "If you want to quick deploy it in cloud environment, try",
"cluster_tips3": "If you want to experience more complete functions and deploy DolphinScheduler on single machine in production, we recommend you install follow",
"cluster_tips4": "If you want to deploy DolphinScheduler on multiple machines in production with massive tasks, you can also try",
"kubernetes_title": "Kubernetes deployment is DolphinScheduler deployment in a Kubernetes cluster, which can schedule massive tasks and can be used in production.",
"kubernetes_user": "Recommend user: Need to deploy DolphinScheduler in production (massive tasks)",
"kubernetes_tips1": "If you are a new hand and want to experience DolphinScheduler functions, we recommend you install follow",
"kubernetes_tips2": "If you want to quick deploy it in cloud environment, try",
"kubernetes_tips3": "If you want to experience more complete functions and deploy DolphinScheduler on single machine in production, we recommend you install follow",
"kubernetes_tips4": "If you want to deploy DolphinScheduler on multiple machines in production with massive tasks, you can also try",
"pseudo_cluster_title": "The purpose of the pseudo-cluster deployment is to deploy the DolphinScheduler service on a single machine. In this mode, DolphinScheduler's master, worker, API server, are all on the same machine.",
"pseudo_cluster_user": "Recommend user: Need to deploy DolphinScheduler in production (single machine)",
"pseudo_cluster_demo": "For user who wants to deploy DolphinScheduler in production.",
"pseudo_cluster_tips1": "If you are a new hand and want to experience DolphinScheduler functions, we recommend you install follow",
"pseudo_cluster_tips2": "If you want to quick deploy it in cloud environment, try",
"pseudo_cluster_tips3": "If you want to deploy DolphinScheduler on multiple machines in production and require to schedule massive tasks, you can try",
"released_versions": "Released Versions",
"version_subtitle": "Use the links below to download the Apache DolphinScheduler from one of our mirrors.",
"release_date": "Release Date:",
"change_log": "Change Log",
"full_changlog": "Full changlog",
"supported_deployment_environment": "Supported Deployment Environment",
"checksums": "Checksums",
"signature": "Signature",
"show_more_versions": "Show more versions",
"source_code_download": "Source code download",
"binary_download": "Binary download",
"join_our_slack": "Join our Slack",
"contact_emails": " Contact Emails",
"docs_title": "DolphinScheduler | DolphinsScheduler Documentation",
"community_title": "DolphinScheduler | DolphinScheduler Community",
"events_title": "DolphinScheduler | DolphinScheduler Event",
"blog_title": "DolphinScheduler | DolphinScheduler Blog",
"use_case_title": "DolphinScheduler | DolphinScheduler Use Cases",
"support_title": "DolphinScheduler | DolphinScheduler Support",
"download_title": "DolphinScheduler | DolphinScheduler Download",
"description": "Apache DolphinScheduler is a distributed and extensible open-source workflow orchestration platform with powerful DAG visual interfaces.",
"keywords_default": "apache dolphinscheduler,dolphinscheduler,document,community,workflow scheduler,data orchestration,workflow orchestration,drag and drop workflow,DAG",
"keywords_docs": "dolphinscheduler document,dolphinscheduler documentation",
"keywords_community": "dolphinscheduler community,github,slack,twitter,subscribe,contribute,contributor,committer,guides",
"keywords_events": "dolphinscheduler events",
"keywords_blog": "dolphinscheduler blog,blog,release note,tech sharing,community trends,tutorial,use cases,events",
"keywords_support": "dolphinscheduler support,support,issue,faqs",
"keywords_use_case": "dolphinscheduler use case,user",
"keywords_download": "dolphinscheduler download,standalone,pseudo cluster,cluster,Kubernetes,cloud"