blob: 7957b28e3ee564338b789d4e8dd81c2432d78669 [file] [log] [blame]
import React from 'react';
export default {
'en-us': {
barText: 'Community',
sidemenu: [
title: 'Community',
children: [
title: 'Community',
link: '/en-us/community/community.html',
events: {
title: 'Events & News',
list: [
img: '/img/2021-03-16/boyi.png',
title: '[ANNOUNCE] Welcome to our new committer: BoYiZhang',
content: '[ANNOUNCE] Welcome to our new committer: BoYiZhang',
dateStr: '2021-03-16',
link: '',
img: '/img/2020-05-26/live_online_20200526.jpeg',
title: 'live online: Apache DolphinScheduler(Incubating) 1.3.0 new feature and Roadmap',
content: 'live online: Apache DolphinScheduler(Incubating) 1.3.0 new feature and Roadmap,more than 700 people online',
dateStr: '2020-05-26',
link: '/zh-cn/blog/live_online_2020_05_26.html',
img: '/img/2019-12-08/941576036700_.pic_hd.jpg',
title: 'Apache ShardingSphere & DolphinScheduler joint Meetup',
content: 'Apache ShardingSphere & DolphinScheduler Meetup successfully held in Beijing on December 8, 2019',
dateStr: '2019-12-13',
link: '/en-us/blog/meetup_2019_12_08.html',
img: '/img/meetup_20191026.jpg',
title: 'Apache Dolphin Scheduler(Incubating) Meetup has been held successfully',
content: 'Apache Dolphin Scheduler(Incubating) Meetup has been held successfully in Shanghai 2019.10.26.',
dateStr: '2019-9-27',
link: '/en-us/blog/meetup_2019_10_26.html',
img: '/img/architecture.jpg',
title: 'A distributed and easy-to-extend visual workflow scheduler system.',
content: 'A distributed and easy-to-extend visual workflow scheduler system.',
dateStr: 'May 12nd,2018',
link: '/en-us/blog/architecture-design.html',
contacts: {
title: 'Talk To Us',
desc: 'Feel free to contact us via the following channel.',
list: [
img: '/img/mailinglist.png',
imgHover: '/img/mailinglist_hover.png',
title: 'Mailing List',
link: '',
// {
// img: '/img/alibaba.png',
// imgHover: '/img/alibaba_hover.png',
// title: '#Apache/DolphinScheduler',
// link: '',
// },
// {
// img: '/img/so-icon.png',
// imgHover: '/img/so-icon-hover.png',
// title: 'StackOverflow',
// link: ''
// },
img: '/img/twitter.png',
imgHover: '/img/twitter_hover.png',
title: '@ApacheDolphinScheduler',
link: '',
contributorGuide: {
title: 'Contributor Guide',
desc: 'Want to contribute to DolphinScheduler?',
list: [
img: '/img/mailinglist.png',
title: 'Mailing List',
content: <span>Subscribe <a href="">mailing list </a>and discussion your ideas with us.</span>,
img: '/img/issue.png',
title: 'Issue',
content: <span>Reporting issues via <a href="">GitHub issues</a>.</span>,
img: '/img/documents.png',
title: 'Documents',
content: <span>Improve the <a href="/en-us/docs/latest/user_doc/quick-start.html">documentation</a>.</span>,
img: '/img/pullrequest.png',
title: 'Pull Request',
content: <span>Send your awesome enhancement via <a href="">Pull requests.</a></span>,
'zh-cn': {
barText: '社区',
sidemenu: [
title: '社区',
children: [
title: '社区',
link: '/zh-cn/community/community.html',
events: {
title: '事件 & 新闻',
list: [
img: '/img/apache.jpg',
title: 'Wenjun Ruan:如何成为Apache DolphinScheduler Committer',
content: '7.29,Wenjun 同学正式成为Apache DolphinSchedulerCommitter,此文将为大家分享他的开源旅程,以及他是如何成为DolphinScheduler的Committer',
dateStr: '2021-07-29',
link: '/zh-cn/blog/new_committer_wenjun.html',
img: '/img/2020-05-26/live_online_20200526.jpeg',
title: 'Apache DolphinScheduler(Incubating) 1.3.0新特性及Roadmap路线直播',
content: 'Apache DolphinScheduler(Incubating) 1.3.0新特性及Roadmap路线在线直播,700多人在线',
dateStr: '2020-05-26',
link: '/zh-cn/blog/live_online_2020_05_26.html',
img: '/img/2019-12-08/941576036700_.pic_hd.jpg',
title: 'Apache ShardingSphere & DolphinScheduler联合Meetup成功举行',
content: 'Apache ShardingSphere & DolphinScheduler联合Meetup 2019年12月8日在北京成功举行。',
dateStr: '2019-12-13',
link: '/zh-cn/blog/meetup_2019_12_08.html',
img: '/img/meetup_20191026.jpg',
title: 'Apache Dolphin Scheduler(Incubating) Meetup 成功举行',
content: 'Apache Dolphin Scheduler(Incubating) Meetup 2019年10月26日在上海成功举行。',
dateStr: '2019-9-27',
link: '/zh-cn/blog/meetup_2019_10_26.html',
img: '/img/architecture.jpg',
title: '一个分布式易扩展的可视化DAG工作流任务调度系统',
content: '一个分布式易扩展的可视化DAG工作流任务调度系统',
dateStr: 'May 12nd,2018',
link: '/zh-cn/blog/architecture-design.html',
contacts: {
title: '联系我们',
desc: '有问题需要反馈?请通过以下方式联系我们。',
list: [
img: '/img/mailinglist.png',
imgHover: '/img/mailinglist_hover.png',
title: '邮件列表',
link: '',
// {
// img: '/img/alibaba.png',
// imgHover: '/img/alibaba_hover.png',
// title: 'Gitter',
// link: '',
// },
// {
// img: '/img/so-icon.png',
// imgHover: '/img/so-icon-hover.png',
// title: 'StackOverflow',
// link: ''
// },
img: '/img/twitter.png',
imgHover: '/img/twitter_hover.png',
title: '@ApacheDolphinScheduler',
link: '',
contributorGuide: {
title: '贡献指南',
desc: 'DolphinScheduler社区欢迎任何形式的贡献。',
list: [
img: '/img/mailinglist.png',
title: '邮件列表',
content: <span>订阅 <a href="">邮件列表 </a>参与讨论。</span>,
img: '/img/issue.png',
title: '报告缺陷',
content: <span>通过<a href=""> GitHub issues </a>报告缺陷。</span>,
img: '/img/documents.png',
title: '文档',
content: <span>优化DolphinScheduler <a href="/zh-cn/docs/latest/user_doc/quick-start.html"> 文档</a>。</span>,
img: '/img/pullrequest.png',
title: 'Pull Request',
content: <span>提交 <a href=""> Pull requests </a>来修复问题。</span>,