blob: 80e32c197afc4e23ea0e1e6c8508359482f7ba3b [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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# under the License.
"""Test YAML workflow."""
import os
from pathlib import Path
from unittest.mock import patch
import pytest
from pydolphinscheduler import configuration, tasks
from pydolphinscheduler.core.parameter import ParameterType
from pydolphinscheduler.core.workflow import Workflow
from pydolphinscheduler.core.yaml_workflow import (
from pydolphinscheduler.exceptions import PyDSTaskNoFoundException
from pydolphinscheduler.models.datasource import TaskUsage
from tests.testing.path import path_yaml_example
from tests.testing.task import Task
"string_param, expect",
("$ENV{PROJECT_NAME}", "~/pydolphinscheduler"),
def test_parse_tool_env_exist(string_param, expect):
"""Test parsing the environment variable."""
os.environ["PROJECT_NAME"] = expect
assert expect == ParseTool.parse_string_param_if_env(string_param)
def test_parse_tool_env_not_exist():
"""Test parsing the not exist environment variable."""
key = "THIS_ENV_NOT_EXIST_0000000"
string_param = "$ENV{%s}" % key
expect = "$" + key
assert expect == ParseTool.parse_string_param_if_env(string_param)
"string_param, expect_key",
("${CONFIG.java_gateway.address}", "java_gateway.address"),
("${CONFIG.WORKFLOW_PROJECT}", "default.workflow.project"),
def test_parse_tool_config(string_param, expect_key):
"""Test parsing configuration."""
expect = configuration.get_single_config(expect_key)
assert expect == ParseTool.parse_string_param_if_config(string_param)
"string_param, key_path, expect",
("VARCHAR()", "input_params", ParameterType.VARCHAR()),
("FILE(data.txt)", "output_params", ParameterType.FILE("data.txt")),
(123, "output_params", 123),
(True, "output_params", True),
def test_parse_tool_parameter(string_param, key_path, expect):
"""Test parsing parameter."""
value = ParseTool.parse_string_param_if_parameter(string_param, key_path=key_path)
assert value == expect
def test_parse_possible_yaml_file():
"""Test parsing possible path."""
folder = Path(path_yaml_example)
file_name = "Shell.yaml"
path = folder.joinpath(file_name)
with open(path, "r") as f:
expect = "".join(f)
string_param = '$FILE{"%s"}' % file_name
content_ = ParseTool.parse_string_param_if_file(string_param, base_folder=folder)
assert expect == content_
def test_parse_tool_parse_possible_path_file():
"""Test parsing possible path."""
folder = Path(path_yaml_example)
file_name = "Shell.yaml"
path = folder.joinpath(file_name)
possible_path = ParseTool.get_possible_path(path, base_folder=folder)
assert path == possible_path
possible_path = ParseTool.get_possible_path(file_name, base_folder=folder)
assert path == possible_path
possible_path = ParseTool.get_possible_path(file_name, base_folder=".")
assert path != possible_path
"task_type, expect",
("shell", tasks.Shell),
("Shell", tasks.Shell),
("ShEll", tasks.Shell),
("Condition", tasks.Condition),
("DataX", tasks.DataX),
("CustomDataX", tasks.CustomDataX),
("Dependent", tasks.Dependent),
("Flink", tasks.Flink),
("Http", tasks.Http),
("MR", tasks.MR),
("Procedure", tasks.Procedure),
("Python", tasks.Python),
("Shell", tasks.Shell),
("Spark", tasks.Spark),
("Sql", tasks.Sql),
("SubWorkflow", tasks.SubWorkflow),
("Switch", tasks.Switch),
("SageMaker", tasks.SageMaker),
def test_get_task(task_type, expect):
"""Test get task function."""
assert expect == get_task_cls(task_type)
def test_get_error(task_type):
"""Test get task cls error."""
with pytest.raises(
match=f"not find task {task_type}",
# ("Switch.yaml"),
return_value=({"id": 1, "name": "test"}),
return_value=TaskUsage(id=1, type="MYSQL"),
"projectCode": 0,
"processDefinitionCode": 0,
"taskDefinitionCode": 0,
@patch.object(Workflow, "run")
@patch.object(Workflow, "submit")
def test_get_create_workflow(
prun, psubmit, dep_item, db_info, resource_info, yaml_file
"""Test create_workflow function to parse example YAML file."""
yaml_file_path = Path(path_yaml_example).joinpath(yaml_file)
with patch(
side_effect=Task("test_func_wrap", "func_wrap").gen_code_and_version,