blob: e768a2dd9e56e6299a2c722a930d296ee1463391 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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# distributed with this work for additional information
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"""Test Task shell."""
from pathlib import Path
from unittest.mock import patch
import pytest
from pydolphinscheduler.resources_plugin import Local
from import Shell
from pydolphinscheduler.utils import file
from tests.testing.file import delete_file
file_name = ""
file_content = 'echo "test res_local"'
res_plugin_prefix = Path(__file__).parent
file_path = res_plugin_prefix.joinpath(file_name)
def setup_crt_first():
"""Set up and teardown about create file first and then delete it."""
file.write(content=file_content, to_path=file_path)
"attr, expect",
{"command": "test script"},
"rawScript": "test script",
"localParams": [],
"resourceList": [],
"dependence": {},
"waitStartTimeout": {},
"conditionResult": {"successNode": [""], "failedNode": [""]},
return_value=(123, 1),
def test_property_task_params(mock_code_version, attr, expect):
"""Test task shell task property."""
task = Shell("test-shell-task-params", **attr)
assert expect == task.task_params
def test_shell_get_define():
"""Test task shell function get_define."""
code = 123
version = 1
name = "test_shell_get_define"
command = "echo test shell"
expect_task_params = {
"resourceList": [],
"localParams": [],
"rawScript": command,
"dependence": {},
"conditionResult": {"successNode": [""], "failedNode": [""]},
"waitStartTimeout": {},
with patch(
return_value=(code, version),
shell = Shell(name, command)
assert shell.task_params == expect_task_params
"attr, expect",
"name": "test-local-res-command-content",
"command": file_name,
"resource_plugin": Local(str(res_plugin_prefix)),
return_value=(123, 1),
def test_resources_local_shell_command_content(
mock_code_version, attr, expect, setup_crt_first
"""Test task shell task command content through the local resource plug-in."""
task = Shell(**attr)
assert expect == getattr(task, "raw_script")
{"cpu_quota": 1, "memory_max": 10},
{"memory_max": 15},
def test_shell_get_define_cpu_and_memory(resource_limit):
"""Test task shell function get_define with resource limit."""
code = 123
version = 1
name = "test_shell_get_define_cpu_and_memory"
command = "echo test shell with resource limit"
with patch(
return_value=(code, version),
shell = Shell(name, command, **resource_limit)
assert "cpuQuota" in shell.get_define()
assert "memoryMax" in shell.get_define()
if "cpuQuota" in resource_limit:
assert shell.get_define()["cpuQuota"] == resource_limit.get("cpu_quota")
if "memoryMax" in resource_limit:
assert shell.get_define()["memoryMax"] == resource_limit.get("memory_max")