Split Ambari plugin from dolphinscheduler to independent repo

ref: apache/dolphinscheduler#7036
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
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+# Apache Ambari plugin of Apache DolphinScheduler
+## ⚠️⚠️Important⚠️⚠️
+⚠️⚠️ **NOTE** ⚠️⚠️: Apache Ambari plugin only support installation DolphinScheduler for version 1.3.0 - 1.3.9.
+The reason we split to this repo as below:
+* Ambari plug-in is a deployment plugin and not update for two years, and only support DolphinScheduler 1.3.x.
+  DolphinScheduler 2.0 have quit different between 1.3.x and it seem not work in 2.0 anymore.
+You could find more detail in mail thread: https://lists.apache.org/thread/5l2zy28q1l5tl87q84h8qsw59z5vg2ly
+## Note
+* This document is intended for users with a basic understanding of Ambari
+* This document is a description of adding the Dolphin Scheduler service to the installed Ambari service
+* This document is based on version 2.5.2 of Ambari
+## Installation preparation
+### Prepare the RPM packages
+# Only support version 1.3.0 - 1.3.9, we here use 1.3.3 as example
+git clone --depth 1 --branch ${DOLPHINSCHEDULER_VERSION} git@github.com:apache/dolphinscheduler.git dolphinscheduler_${DOLPHINSCHEDULER_VERSION}_ambari
+cd dolphinscheduler_${DOLPHINSCHEDULER_VERSION}_ambari
+# It is generated by executing the command, the project root directory (In the directory: dolphinscheduler-dist/target/rpm/apache-dolphinscheduler/RPMS/noarch )
+mvn -U clean install  -Prpmbuild  -Dmaven.test.skip=true -X
+### Create an installation for DS,who have read and write access to the installation directory (/opt/soft)
+### Install with rpm package
+* Manual installation (recommended):
+   * Copy the prepared RPM packages to each node of the cluster.
+   * Execute with DS installation user: `rpm -ivh apache-dolphinscheduler-xxx.noarch.rpm`
+   * Mysql-connector-java packaged using the default POM file will not be included.
+   * The RPM package was packaged in the project with the installation path of /opt/soft.
+     If you use mysql as the database, you need add it manually.
+* Automatic installation with ambari
+   * Each node of the cluster needs to configure the local yum source
+   * Copy the prepared RPM packages to each node local yum source
+### Copy plug-in directory
+* copy directory ambari_plugin/common-services/DOLPHIN to ambari-server/resources/common-services/
+* copy directory ambari_plugin/statcks/DOLPHIN to ambari-server/resources/stacks/HDP/2.6/services/--stack version is selected based on the actual situation
+### Initializes the database information
+-- Create the database for the Dolphin Scheduler:dolphinscheduler
+-- Initialize the user and password for the dolphinscheduler database and assign permissions
+-- Replace the {user} in the SQL statement below with the user of the dolphinscheduler database
+GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON dolphinscheduler.* TO '{user}'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '{password}';
+GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON dolphinscheduler.* TO '{user}'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY
+flush privileges;
+## Ambari Install Dolphin Scheduler
+**NOTE: You have to install zookeeper first**
+### Install  Dolphin Scheduler on ambari web interface
+### Select the nodes for the Dolphin Scheduler's Master installation
+### Configure the Dolphin Scheduler's nodes for Worker, Api, Logger, Alert installation
+### Set the installation users of the Dolphin Scheduler service (created in step 1) and the user groups they belong to
+### System Env Optimization will export some system environment config. Modify according to actual situation
+### Configure the database information (same as in the initialization database in step 1)
+### Configure additional information if needed
+### Perform the next steps as normal
+### The interface after successful installation
+## Add components to the node through Ambari -- for example, add a DS Worker
+***NOTE***: DS Logger is the installation dependent component of DS Worker in Dolphin's Ambari installation
+(need to add installation first; Prevent the Job log on the corresponding Worker from being checked)
+### Locate the component node to add -- for example, node ark3
+### Add components -- the drop-down list is all addable
+### Confirm component addition
+### After adding DS Worker and DS Logger components
+### Start the component
+## Remove the component from the node with Ambari
+### Stop the component in the corresponding node
+### Remove components