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title: Setup & Run Example
top-nav-group: quickstart
top-nav-pos: 1
top-nav-title: Setup & Run Example
layout: default
.. contents:: Get a DistributedLog cluster up running locally and run the example program in a few simple steps.
Quick Start
This tutorial assumes you are starting from fresh and have no existing BookKeeper or ZooKeeper data.
If you already have an existing BookKeeper or ZooKeeper cluster, you can checkout the deploy_ section
for more details on how to deploy a production cluster.
.. _deploy: ../operations/deployment
Step 1: Download the binary
Download_ the stable version of `DistributedLog` and un-zip it.
.. _Download: ../download
// Download the binary `distributedlog-all-${gitsha}.zip`
> unzip distributedlog-all-${gitsha}.zip
Step 2: Start ZooKeeper & BookKeeper
DistributedLog uses `ZooKeeper` as the metadata store and `BookKeeper` as the log segment store. So
you need to first start a zookeeper server and a few bookies if you don't already have one. You can
use the `dlog` script in `distributedlog-service` package to get a standalone bookkeeper sandbox. It
starts a zookeeper server and `N` bookies (N is 3 by default).
// Start the local sandbox instance at port `7000`
> ./distributedlog-service/bin/dlog local 7000
DistributedLog Sandbox is running now. You could access distributedlog://
Step 3: Create a DistributedLog namespace
Before using distributedlog, you need to create a distributedlog namespace to store your own list of
streams. The zkServer for the local sandbox is `` and the bookkeeper's ledgers path is
`/ledgers`. You could create a namespace pointing to the corresponding bookkeeper cluster.
> ./distributedlog-service/bin/dlog admin bind -l /ledgers -s -c distributedlog://
No bookkeeper is bound to distributedlog://
Created binding on distributedlog://
If you don't want to create a separated namespace, you could use the default namespace `distributedlog://`.
Step 4: Create some log streams
Let's create 5 log streams, prefixed with `messaging-stream-`.
> ./distributedlog-service/bin/dlog tool create -u distributedlog:// -r messaging-stream- -e 1-5
We can now see the streams if we run the `list` command from the tool.
> ./distributedlog-service/bin/dlog tool list -u distributedlog://
Streams under distributedlog:// :
Step 5: Start a write proxy
Now, lets start a write proxy server that serves writes to distributedlog namespace `distributedlog://`. The server listens on 8000 to accept fan-in write requests.
> ./distributedlog-service/bin/ start writeproxy -p 8000 --shard-id 1 -sp 8001 -u distributedlog:// -mx -c `pwd`/distributedlog-service/conf/distributedlog_proxy.conf
From 0.3.51-RC1 and onwards, use the below command to start the write proxy
> WP_SHARD_ID=1 WP_SERVICE_PORT=8000 WP_STATS_PORT=8001 WP_NAMESPACE='distributedlog://' ./distributedlog-service/bin/ start writeproxy
Step 6: Tail reading records
The distributedlog tutorial has a multi-streams reader that will dump out received records to standard output.
> ./distributedlog-tutorials/distributedlog-basic/bin/runner run com.twitter.distributedlog.basic.MultiReader distributedlog:// messaging-stream-1,messaging-stream-2,messaging-stream-3,messaging-stream-4,messaging-stream-5
Step 7: Write some records
The distributedlog tutorial also has a multi-streams writer that will take input from a console and write it out
as records to the distributedlog write proxy. Each line will be sent as a separate record.
Run the writer and type a few lines into the console to send to the server.
> ./distributedlog-tutorials/distributedlog-basic/bin/runner run com.twitter.distributedlog.basic.ConsoleProxyMultiWriter 'inet!' messaging-stream-1,messaging-stream-2,messaging-stream-3,messaging-stream-4,messaging-stream-5
If you have each of the above commands running in a different terminal then you should now be able to type messages into the writer terminal and see them appear in the reader terminal.