Initialize the distributedlog repo
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c09deb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+## Overview
+DistributedLog (DL) is a high-performance, replicated log service, offering durability, replication and strong consistency
+as essentials for building reliable distributed systems.
+#### High Performance
+DL is able to provide milliseconds latency on durable writes with large number of concurrent logs.
+Also also handle high volume reads and writes per second from thousands of clients.
+#### Durable and Consistent
+Messages are persisted on disk and replicated to store multiple copies to prevent data loss.
+They are guaranteed to be consistent among writers and readers in terms of strict ordering.
+#### Efficient Fan-in and Fan-out
+DL provides an efficient serving layer that optimized for running in a multi-tenant datacenter
+environment such as Mesos or Yarn. The serving layer is able to support large scale writes fan-in
+and reads fan-out.
+#### Various Workloads
+DL supports various workloads from latency sensitive online transaction processing (OLTP) applications
+(e.g. WAL for distributed database and in-memory replicated state machines), real-time stream ingestion
+and computing to analytical processing.
+#### Multi Tenant
+DL is designed for I/O isolation in real-world workloads, to support large scale of number of logs for multi
+#### Layered Architecture
+DL has a modern layered-architecture design, that separates stateless serving tier from stateful storage tier.
+It allows scaling storage independent of scaling cpu and memory, to support large scale writes fan-in and
+reads fan-out.