blob: 7920f2115fd4aff050b16721ae50bb655266083b [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
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PasswordDialog.AuthenticationSuccessful=L''authentification a r\u00E9ussi.
PasswordDialog.BindDn=Bind DN:
PasswordDialog.CheckAuthentication=Contr\u00F4le de l''authentification
PasswordDialog.CurrentPassword=Mot de passe actuel
PasswordDialog.EnterNewPassword=Entrez le nouveau mot de passe:
PasswordDialog.ConfirmNewPassword=Confirmation nouveau mot de passe:
PasswordDialog.HashMethod=M\u00E9thode de hachage:
PasswordDialog.NewPassword=Nouveau mot de passe
PasswordDialog.NewSalt=Nouvel 'assaisonnement'
PasswordDialog.PasswordEditor=Editeur de mot de passe
PasswordDialog.PasswordHex=Mot de passe (Hex):
PasswordDialog.PasswordPreview=Aper\u00E7u du mot de passe:
PasswordDialog.PasswordVerification=V\u00E9rification du mot de passe
PasswordDialog.PasswordVerificationFailed=Echec de la v\u00E9rification du mot de passe
PasswordDialog.PasswordVerifiedSuccessfully=Le mot de passe a \u00E9t\u00E9 v\u00E9rifi\u00E9 avec succ\u00E8s
PasswordDialog.SaltHex='Assaisonnement' (Hex):
PasswordDialog.SelectHashMethod=S\u00E9lectionnez la m\u00E9thode de hachage:
PasswordDialog.ShowCurrentPasswordDetails=Afficher les d\u00E9tails concernant le mot de passe courant
PasswordDialog.ShowNewPasswordDetails=Afficher les d\u00E9tails concernant le nouveau mot de passe
PasswordDialog.ShowTestPasswordDetails=Afficher les d\u00E9tails concernant le mot de passe de test
PasswordDialog.VerifyPassword=V\u00E9rifier le mot de passe:
PasswordValueEditor.EmptyPassword=Mot de passe vide
PasswordValueEditor.HashedPassword=Mot de passe hach\u00E9 {0}
PasswordValueEditor.PlainTextPassword=Mot de passe sous forme de texte brut