blob: 5f47d15c1c5a3b443bac3836373b2c613105d441 [file] [log] [blame]
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
distributed with this work for additional information
regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
software distributed under the License is distributed on an
KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
specific language governing permissions and limitations
under the License.
<section id="preferences">
<section id="preferences_attributes">
<title>Attributes preferences</title>
In the Attributes preferences page you can configure general settings
for attributes.
<imagedata scale="50"
format="PNG" />
In the
<emphasis role="strong">Attribute Colors and Fonts</emphasis>
group you can define the style how attributes
and values are displayed within the Entry editor and the Search Result
By default non-text attributes are displayed in a user-friendly way
within the Entry editor and the Search Result editor. For example if
an attribute contains a timestamp it is displayed in your local
date format. When checking the option
<emphasis role="strong">Show raw values</emphasis>
the values are displayed as returned from directory.
<section id="preferences_value_editors">
<title>Value Editors preferences</title>
In the Value Editors preferences page you can configure which
value editor to use for an attribute.
<imagedata scale="50"
format="PNG" />
You can specify value editors by attribute type or by syntax.
If a value editor is specified by syntax the value editor is used
for all attriutes with this syntax. A value editor specified for an
attributes overwrites the syntax-setting.
<section id="preferences_browser_view">
<title>Browser preferences</title>
In the Browser preferences page you can configure the layout and
behaviour of the
<link linkend="tools_browser_view">LDAP Browser view</link>
and the Select DN dialog.
<imagedata scale="50"
format="PNG" />
<informaltable frame="all">
<tgroup cols="3">
<colspec colname="Option" colwidth="1*" />
<colspec colname="Description" colwidth="2*" />
<colspec colname="Default" colwidth="1*" />
Entry label
Choose one of
<emphasis role="strong">DN</emphasis>,
<emphasis role="strong">RDN</emphasis> or
<emphasis role="strong">RDN value</emphasis>
to be used as
label for entries in the DIT category.
If the checkbox is checked long labels with more
than the specified number of characters are
<entry>RDN with limit of 50 characters</entry>
Search Result label
Choose one of
<emphasis role="strong">DN</emphasis>,
<emphasis role="strong">RDN</emphasis> or
<emphasis role="strong">RDN value</emphasis>
to be used as
label for search results in the DIT category.
If the checkbox is checked long labels with more
than the specified number of characters are
<entry>DN with limit of 50 characters</entry>
If checked large subtrees and search results are
folded into virtual folders each with the given
number of entries.
<entry>enabled with folding size 100</entry>
Expand base entries when opening connection
If checked the base entries are expanded when
opening the connection.
Check for children
If checked the LDAP Browser tries to find out if
the fetched entries have children. Therefore the
operational attributes hasSubordinates, numSubordinates
and subordinateCount are requested from server.
Show alias and referral objects
If checked aliases and referrals and their target
entry are explicitly displayed.
<section id="preferences_entry_editor">
<title>Entry editor preferences</title>
In the Entry editor preferences page you can configure the behaviour of the
<link linkend="tools_entry_editor">Entry editor</link>.
<imagedata scale="50"
format="PNG" />
<informaltable frame="all">
<tgroup cols="3">
<colspec colname="Option" colwidth="1*" />
<colspec colname="Description" colwidth="2*" />
<colspec colname="Default" colwidth="1*" />
Show objectClass attribute
If checked the objectClass attribute is
Show must attribute
If checked the required attributes are
Show may attribute
If checked the optional attributes are
Show operational attribute
If checked the operational attributes are
Enable folding
If checked attributes with many values are
Folding threshold
The threshold when folding should be activated.
<section id="preferences_search_result_editor">
<title>Search Result editor preferences</title>
In the Search Result editor preferences page you configure the behaviour of the
<link linkend="tools_entry_editor">Search Result editor</link>.
<imagedata scale="50"
format="PNG" />
<informaltable frame="all">
<tgroup cols="3">
<colspec colname="Option" colwidth="1*" />
<colspec colname="Description" colwidth="2*" />
<colspec colname="Default" colwidth="1*" />
Show DN as first column
If checked the distinguished name of each
search result entry is displayed as first line.
<section id="preferences_text_formats">
<title>Text Formats preferences</title>
In the Text Formats preferences page you configure the text formats
of LDIF, CSV and Excel files.
<simplesect id="preferences_text_formats_ldif">
<para>In the LDIF tab you can configure the LDIF format.</para>
<imagedata scale="50"
format="PNG" />
<informaltable frame="all">
<tgroup cols="3">
<colspec colname="Option" colwidth="1*" />
<colspec colname="Description" colwidth="2*" />
<colspec colname="Default" colwidth="1*" />
Line Separator
Select the line spearator to use for LDIF files.
Possible values are
<emphasis role="strong">Windows</emphasis>,
<emphasis role="strong">Mac OS</emphasis> or
<emphasis role="strong">Unix</emphasis>
<entry>The platform specific line separator</entry>
Line length
The line length in LDIF files.
Space after colon
If checked a space in inserted between the colon and
the value.
<simplesect id="preferences_text_formats_table">
<title>CSV Copy</title>
<para>In the CSV Copy tab you can configure the format used when
copying CSV to clipboard (Copy Entry as CSV, Copy Table).</para>
<imagedata scale="50"
format="PNG" />
<informaltable frame="all">
<tgroup cols="3">
<colspec colname="Option" colwidth="1*" />
<colspec colname="Description" colwidth="2*" />
<colspec colname="Default" colwidth="1*" />
Attribute Delimiter
The character used to separate attributes.
Select default or one from the drop-down box
or enter a custom character.
<entry>Tabulator (ASCII 9)</entry>
Value Delimiter
The character used to separate values of
multi-valued attributes.
Select default or one from the drop-down box
or enter a custom character.
<entry>Pipe (|)</entry>
Quote Character
Each attribute is enclosed by this quote character.
Select default or one from the drop-down box
or enter a custom character.
<entry>Double Quote (")</entry>
Line Separator
Select the line spearator to use.
Possible values are
<emphasis role="strong">Windows</emphasis>,
<emphasis role="strong">Mac OS</emphasis> or
<emphasis role="strong">Unix</emphasis>
<entry>The platform specific line separator</entry>
Binary Encoding
When copying binary values they must be encoded. Choose
<listitem>Ignore: if binary values should not be copied.</listitem>
<listitem>BASE-64: to copy the binary values BASE-64 encoded.</listitem>
<listitem>HEX: to copy the HEX representation of each byte.</listitem>
<simplesect id="preferences_text_formats_csv">
<title>CSV Export</title>
<para>In the CSV Export tab you can configure the format used when
exporting to CSV.</para>
<imagedata scale="50"
format="PNG" />
<informaltable frame="all">
<tgroup cols="3">
<colspec colname="Option" colwidth="1*" />
<colspec colname="Description" colwidth="2*" />
<colspec colname="Default" colwidth="1*" />
Attribute Delimiter
The character used to separate attributes.
Select default or one from the drop-down box
or enter a custom character.
<entry>Comma (,)</entry>
Value Delimiter
The character used to separate values of
multi-valued attributes.
Select default or one from the drop-down box
or enter a custom character.
<entry>Pipe (|)</entry>
Quote Character
Each attribute is enclosed by this quote character.
Select default or one from the drop-down box
or enter a custom character.
<entry>Double Quote (")</entry>
Line Separator
Select the line spearator to use.
Possible values are
<emphasis role="strong">Windows</emphasis>,
<emphasis role="strong">Mac OS</emphasis> or
<emphasis role="strong">Unix</emphasis>
<entry>The platform specific line separator</entry>
Binary Encoding
When exporting binary values they must be encoded. Choose
<listitem>Ignore: if binary values should not be exported.</listitem>
<listitem>BASE-64: to export the binary values BASE-64 encoded.</listitem>
<listitem>HEX: to export the HEX representation of each byte.</listitem>
File Encoding
The file encoding used to when exporting to CSV.
Select default or one from the drop-down box.
<entry>The platform specific file encoding</entry>
<simplesect id="preferences_text_formats_excel">
<title>Excel Export</title>
<para>In the Excel Export tab you can configure the format used when
exporting to Excel.</para>
<imagedata scale="50"
format="PNG" />
<informaltable frame="all">
<tgroup cols="3">
<colspec colname="Option" colwidth="1*" />
<colspec colname="Description" colwidth="2*" />
<colspec colname="Default" colwidth="1*" />
Value Delimiter
The character used to separate values of
multi-valued attributes.
Select default or one from the drop-down box
or enter a custom character.
<entry>Pipe (|)</entry>
Binary Encoding
When exporting binary values they must be encoded. Choose
<listitem>Ignore: if binary values should not be exported.</listitem>
<listitem>BASE-64: to export the binary values BASE-64 encoded.</listitem>
<listitem>HEX: to export the HEX representation of each byte.</listitem>
<section id="preferences_ldif_editor">
<title>LDIF Editor preferences</title>
On the LDIF Editor preference pages you can configure the LDIF editor.
<simplesect id="preferences_ldif_editor_main">
<title>LDIF Editor</title>
<para>On the LDIF Editor main preference page you can configure
common settings.</para>
<imagedata scale="50"
format="PNG" />
<informaltable frame="all">
<tgroup cols="3">
<colspec colname="Option" colwidth="1*" />
<colspec colname="Description" colwidth="2*" />
<colspec colname="Default" colwidth="1*" />
Text Editors
Opens the general text editor preferences.
Text Formats
Opens the LDIF text format preferences.
Enable Folding
Enables folding for multi-lined comments,
mulit-lined values and records.
Initially fold: Comments
Folds multi-lined comments when opening
the LDIF editor.
Initially fold: Records
Folds records when opening the LDIF editor.
Initially fold: Wrapped lines
Folds multi-lined values when opening
the LDIF editor.
Select whole attribute or value on double click
If checked the whole attribute description or value
is selected on double click.
<simplesect id="preferences_ldif_editor_content_assistent">
<title>Content Assistant</title>
<para>On the Content Assistant preference page you can configure
content assistent settings.</para>
<imagedata scale="50"
format="PNG" />
<informaltable frame="all">
<tgroup cols="3">
<colspec colname="Option" colwidth="1*" />
<colspec colname="Description" colwidth="2*" />
<colspec colname="Default" colwidth="1*" />
Insert single proposal automatically
If checked single proposals are inserted
automatically when invoking Strg+Space.
Enable auto activation
If checked the content assistant is activated
after you pause typing for the defined period.
<entry>on and 200ms</entry>
Smart insert attribute name in modification items
If checked attribute names are inserted in
modification items when a new line is started.
<simplesect id="preferences_ldif_editor_syntax_coloring">
<title>Syntax Coloring</title>
<para>On the Syntax Coloring preference page you can configure
fonts and colors.</para>
<imagedata scale="50"
format="PNG" />
To modify color and font options select a element from the list. The color could be
changed by invoking the color button. The font options could be changed by
toggeling the Bold, Italic, Strikethrough and Underline check boxes.
Changes are immediately displayed in the preview.