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<section id="tools_value_editors">
<title>Value Editors</title>
<section id="tools_value_editors_concept">
An LDAP entry contains different attribute types with different syntaxes:
objectClasses, names, passwords, images, etc.
To handle the different data types Value Editors are used.
Value Editors know how to edit a value .
The default Value Editor for an attibute is determined using the following
<orderedlist numeration="arabic">
<para>If a Value Editor for the attribute type is specified, this one is used.</para>
<para>If a Value Editor for the attribute's syntax is specified, this one is used.</para>
<para>If the attribute is binary according to its syntax, the Binary Editor is used.</para>
<para>If the attribute is string according to its syntax, the Text Editor is used.</para>
The default Value Editor could be specified by attribute type or syntax in the
<link linkend="preferences_value_editors">Value Editors preferences</link>
Another task of a Value Editor is to provide the displayed value for the
Entry editor and Search Result editor. Especially binary data can't be
displayed "as-is".
<section id="tools_value_editors_inplacetexteditor">
<title>In-Place Text Editor</title>
The In-Place Text Editor is the default editor for string values without line breaks.
<simplesect id="tools_value_editors_inplacetexteditor_display">
<title>Display value</title>
Values are displayed as stored in directory:
<imagedata contentdepth="1em"
fileref="images/tools_value_editors_1b.png" format="PNG" />
<simplesect id="tools_value_editors_inplacetexteditor_edit">
<title>Edit value</title>
Values are edited directly within the entry editor or search result editor.
To save the new value press <emphasis role="strong">Enter</emphasis>
or click somewhere outside the edit field. To cancel the modification press
<emphasis role="strong">Esc</emphasis>.
<imagedata contentdepth="1em"
fileref="images/tools_value_editors_1a.png" format="PNG" />
<section id="tools_value_editors_texteditor">
<title>Text Editor</title>
The Text Editor is the default editor for string values with line breaks.
<simplesect id="tools_value_editors_texteditor_display">
<title>Display value</title>
Values are displayed as stored in directory:
<imagedata contentdepth="3em"
fileref="images/tools_value_editors_2b.png" format="PNG" />
<simplesect id="tools_value_editors_texteditor_edit">
<title>Edit value</title>
Values are edited in a dialog which provides a simple text area. To
finish editing press <emphasis role="strong">OK</emphasis> to save
the new value or <emphasis role="strong">Cancel</emphasis> to
discard your modification.
<imagedata scale="50"
fileref="images/tools_value_editors_2a.png" format="PNG" />
<section id="tools_value_editors_hexeditor">
<title>Hex Editor</title>
The Hex Editor is the default editor for binary values.
<simplesect id="tools_value_editors_hexeditor_display">
<title>Display value</title>
The displayed value "Binary Data" indicates that the value
contains binary data, additional the size in bytes is shown.
<imagedata contentdepth="1em"
fileref="images/tools_value_editors_3b.png" format="PNG" />
<simplesect id="tools_value_editors_hexeditor_edit">
<title>Edit value</title>
The Hex Editor dialog displays the binary data as hex.
To create or modify a value load the binary data from a file using the
<emphasis role="strong">Load data...</emphasis> button.
<imagedata scale="50"
fileref="images/tools_value_editors_3a.png" format="PNG" />
<simplesect id="tools_value_editors_hexeditor_save">
<title>Save value</title>
You could also save the current binary data to a file with the
<emphasis role="strong">Save data...</emphasis> button.
<section id="tools_value_editors_passwordeditor">
<title>Password Editor</title>
The Password Editor is the default editor for passwords.
<simplesect id="tools_value_editors_passwordeditor_display">
<title>Display value</title>
The real password isn't displayed but only the encryption method.
<imagedata contentdepth="6em"
fileref="images/tools_value_editors_4c.png" format="PNG" />
<simplesect id="tools_value_editors_passwordeditor_details">
In the <emphasis role="strong">Current Passord</emphasis> tab you see
some details about the password.
The current password could also be verified. Enter the compare password
into the <emphasis role="strong">Verify Password</emphasis> field.
The <emphasis role="strong">Verify</emphasis> function compares the
current password with the hashed value of the entered password.
The <emphasis role="strong">Bind</emphasis> function binds to the
directory using the DN of the current entry and the entered password.
<imagedata scale="50"
fileref="images/tools_value_editors_4a.png" format="PNG" />
<simplesect id="tools_value_editors_passwordeditor_edit">
<title>Edit value</title>
In the <emphasis role="strong">New Passord</emphasis> tab you can enter a new passord.
Type in the password in the input field and select a hash (encryption) method.
The preview field shows the resulting password.
<imagedata scale="50"
fileref="images/tools_value_editors_4b.png" format="PNG" />
<section id="tools_value_editors_imageeditor">
<title>Image Editor</title>
The Image Editor is the default editor for images.
<simplesect id="tools_value_editors_imageeditor_display">
<title>Display value</title>
The image type, width, height and size in bytes is used as display value.
<imagedata contentdepth="1em"
fileref="images/tools_value_editors_5c.png" format="PNG" />
<simplesect id="tools_value_editors_imageeditor_details">
In the <emphasis role="strong">Current Image</emphasis> tab you see
the image and some details about it.
You could also save the current image to a file with the
<emphasis role="strong">Save...</emphasis> button.
<imagedata scale="50"
fileref="images/tools_value_editors_5a.png" format="PNG" />
<simplesect id="tools_value_editors_imageeditor_edit">
<title>Edit value</title>
In the <emphasis role="strong">New Image</emphasis> tab you can load a new
image from a file using the <emphasis role="strong">Browse...</emphasis>
<imagedata scale="50"
fileref="images/tools_value_editors_5b.png" format="PNG" />
<section id="tools_value_editors_objectclasseditor">
<title>Object Class Editor</title>
The Object Class Editor is the default editor for the objectClass attribute.
<simplesect id="tools_value_editors_objectclasseditor_display">
<title>Display value</title>
The objectClass name and the type of object class (structural, auxiliary, abstract)
is used as display value.
<imagedata contentdepth="3em"
fileref="images/tools_value_editors_6b.png" format="PNG" />
<simplesect id="tools_value_editors_objectclasseditor_edit">
<title>Edit value</title>
In the Object Class Editor dialog you can select the available
object classes from a drop-down list.
<imagedata scale="50"
fileref="images/tools_value_editors_6a.png" format="PNG" />
<section id="tools_value_editors_addresseditor">
<title>Address Editor</title>
The Address Editor is the default editor for attributes with postal address syntax.
In the postal address syntax the dollar character '$' is used as line separator.
<simplesect id="tools_value_editors_addresseditor_display">
<title>Display value</title>
Values are displayed as stored in directory, dollar characters are replaced by
<imagedata contentdepth="1em"
fileref="images/tools_value_editors_7b.png" format="PNG" />
<simplesect id="tools_value_editors_addresseditor_edit">
<title>Edit value</title>
Values are edited in a dialog which provides a simple text area. Dollar
characters are replaced by line breaks.
<imagedata scale="50"
fileref="images/tools_value_editors_7a.png" format="PNG" />
<section id="tools_value_editors_dneditor">
<title>DN Editor</title>
The DN Editor is the default editor for attributes with distinguished name syntax.
<simplesect id="tools_value_editors_dneditor_display">
<title>Display value</title>
Values are displayed as stored in directory.
<imagedata contentdepth="1em"
fileref="images/tools_value_editors_8c.png" format="PNG" />
<simplesect id="tools_value_editors_dneditor_edit">
<title>Edit value</title>
The edit dialog looks as follows:
<imagedata scale="50"
fileref="images/tools_value_editors_8a.png" format="PNG" />
To edit the DN you can use the following options:
You could manually edit the DN in the input field.
You could choose a previously used DN from
drop-down list.
By clicking
<imagedata contentdepth="1em" fileref="icons/parent.gif"
format="GIF" />
<emphasis role="strong">Parent</emphasis>
the parent DN of the current DN appears
in the input field.
<emphasis role="strong">Browse..</emphasis> opens
a DN Selector, similar to the LDAP Browser. You can browse
and filter to find an entry. When selecting an entry its DN appears
int the input field.
<imagedata scale="50"
fileref="images/tools_value_editors_8b.png" format="PNG" />
<section id="tools_value_editors_timestampeditor">
<title>Timestamp Editor</title>
The Timestamp Editor is the default editor for attributes with generalized time syntax.
<simplesect id="tools_value_editors_timestampeditor_display">
<title>Display value</title>
The values are converted to local time.
<imagedata contentdepth="1em"
fileref="images/tools_value_editors_9a.png" format="PNG" />
<simplesect id="tools_value_editors_timestampeditor_edit">
<title>Edit value</title>
The In-Place Text Editor is used to edit values.