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<section id="tools_csvexport_wizard">
<title>CSV Export wizard</title>
<para>This wizard is used to export entries to CSV files.</para>
To start the wizard choose one of the following options:
In the LDAP Browser view select an entry or a search
and choose
<emphasis role="strong">
Export >
<imagedata contentdepth="1em"
fileref="icons/export_csv.gif" format="GIF" />
CSV Export...
from context menu.
In the Connections view select a connection and
<emphasis role="strong">
Export >
<imagedata contentdepth="1em"
fileref="icons/export_csv.gif" format="GIF" />
CSV Export...
from context menu.
In the Workbench menu bar select
<emphasis role="strong">File > Export...</emphasis>
and choose
<emphasis role="strong">
<imagedata contentdepth="1em"
fileref="icons/export_csv.gif" format="GIF" />
<simplesect id="tools_csvexport_wizard_1">
<title>Data to Export</title>
On the Data to Export page you have to specify which
entries and attributes to export.
The layout of the page is similar to the
LDAP Search page
. In the <emphasis role="strong">Returning Attributes</emphasis> section
you can also choose the following option:
<informaltable frame="all">
<tgroup cols="3">
<colspec colname="Option" colwidth="1*" />
<colspec colname="Description" colwidth="2*" />
<colspec colname="Default" colwidth="1*" />
<entry>Export DN</entry>
Exports the distinguished name as first column in the CSV file.
<simplesect id="tools_csvexport_wizard_2">
<title>CSV File</title>
On the CSV File page you have to select the target CSV file.
<imagedata scale="50"
fileref="images/tools_csvexport_wizard_1.png" format="PNG" />
<informaltable frame="all">
<tgroup cols="3">
<colspec colname="Option" colwidth="1*" />
<colspec colname="Description" colwidth="2*" />
<colspec colname="Default" colwidth="1*" />
<entry>CSV File</entry>
The CSV file to export to. Type in the
full path or
<emphasis role="strong">
to select the path on the file system.
The drop-down list provides a history of
recently used files.
<entry>Overwrite existing CSV file</entry>
If the export file already exist, you
must permit to overwrite the file.
<entry>Text Formats</entry>
Opens the
Text Formats preferences
where you could modify the CSV format.