blob: 279399d57c56a42c1ec8b2f207b2e33bb71142e5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.anyOf;
import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.containsString;
import static org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertNull;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertTrue;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import org.apache.mina.util.AvailablePortFinder;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.TestInfo;
import org.junit.jupiter.params.ParameterizedTest;
* Tests the new connection wizard.
* @author <a href="">Apache Directory Project</a>
* @version $Rev$, $Date$
public class NewConnectionWizardTest extends AbstractTestBase
private NewConnectionWizardBot wizardBot;
private TestInfo testInfo;
public void beforeEach( TestInfo testInfo )
this.wizardBot = connectionsViewBot.openNewConnectionWizard();
this.testInfo = testInfo;
private String getConnectionName()
return testInfo.getTestMethod().map( Method::getName ).orElse( "null" ) + " "
+ testInfo.getDisplayName();
* Tests enabled and disabled widgets, depending on the provided input.
public void testEnabledDisabledWidgets()
assertTrue( wizardBot.isVisible() );
// check network parameter buttons
assertFalse( wizardBot.isViewCertificateButtonEnabled() );
assertFalse( wizardBot.isCheckNetworkParameterButtonEnabled() );
// ensure "Next >" and "Finish" buttons are disabled
assertFalse( wizardBot.isBackButtonEnabled() );
assertFalse( wizardBot.isNextButtonEnabled() );
assertFalse( wizardBot.isFinishButtonEnabled() );
assertTrue( wizardBot.isCancelButtonEnabled() );
// enter connection parameter
wizardBot.typeConnectionName( getConnectionName() );
wizardBot.typeHost( "" );
wizardBot.typePort( 389 );
// check network parameter buttons
assertFalse( wizardBot.isViewCertificateButtonEnabled() );
assertTrue( wizardBot.isCheckNetworkParameterButtonEnabled() );
// ensure "Next >" button is enabled
assertFalse( wizardBot.isBackButtonEnabled() );
assertTrue( wizardBot.isNextButtonEnabled() );
assertFalse( wizardBot.isFinishButtonEnabled() );
assertTrue( wizardBot.isCancelButtonEnabled() );
// clear host
wizardBot.typeHost( "" );
// check network parameter buttons
assertFalse( wizardBot.isViewCertificateButtonEnabled() );
assertFalse( wizardBot.isCheckNetworkParameterButtonEnabled() );
// ensure "Next >" is disabled
assertFalse( wizardBot.isBackButtonEnabled() );
assertFalse( wizardBot.isNextButtonEnabled() );
assertFalse( wizardBot.isFinishButtonEnabled() );
assertTrue( wizardBot.isCancelButtonEnabled() );
// enter host again
wizardBot.typeHost( "" );
// check network parameter buttons
assertFalse( wizardBot.isViewCertificateButtonEnabled() );
assertTrue( wizardBot.isCheckNetworkParameterButtonEnabled() );
// ensure "Next >" button is enabled
assertFalse( wizardBot.isBackButtonEnabled() );
assertTrue( wizardBot.isNextButtonEnabled() );
assertFalse( wizardBot.isFinishButtonEnabled() );
assertTrue( wizardBot.isCancelButtonEnabled() );
// set StartTLS encryption
// check network parameter buttons
assertTrue( wizardBot.isViewCertificateButtonEnabled() );
assertTrue( wizardBot.isCheckNetworkParameterButtonEnabled() );
// check wizard buttons
assertFalse( wizardBot.isBackButtonEnabled() );
assertTrue( wizardBot.isNextButtonEnabled() );
assertFalse( wizardBot.isFinishButtonEnabled() );
assertTrue( wizardBot.isCancelButtonEnabled() );
// set SSL encryption
// check network parameter buttons
assertTrue( wizardBot.isViewCertificateButtonEnabled() );
assertTrue( wizardBot.isCheckNetworkParameterButtonEnabled() );
// check wizard buttons
assertFalse( wizardBot.isBackButtonEnabled() );
assertTrue( wizardBot.isNextButtonEnabled() );
assertFalse( wizardBot.isFinishButtonEnabled() );
assertTrue( wizardBot.isCancelButtonEnabled() );
// set no encryption
// check network parameter buttons
assertFalse( wizardBot.isViewCertificateButtonEnabled() );
assertTrue( wizardBot.isCheckNetworkParameterButtonEnabled() );
// check wizard buttons
assertFalse( wizardBot.isBackButtonEnabled() );
assertTrue( wizardBot.isNextButtonEnabled() );
assertFalse( wizardBot.isFinishButtonEnabled() );
assertTrue( wizardBot.isCancelButtonEnabled() );
// check default settings
assertTrue( wizardBot.isSimpleAuthenticationSelected() );
assertTrue( wizardBot.isUserEnabled() );
assertTrue( wizardBot.isPasswordEnabled() );
assertFalse( wizardBot.isRealmEnabled() );
assertTrue( wizardBot.isSavePasswordSelected() );
// ensure "<Back" is enabled, "Next >" and "Finish" is disabled
assertTrue( wizardBot.isBackButtonEnabled() );
assertFalse( wizardBot.isNextButtonEnabled() );
assertFalse( wizardBot.isFinishButtonEnabled() );
assertTrue( wizardBot.isCancelButtonEnabled() );
// enter authentication parameters
wizardBot.typeUser( "uid=admin,ou=system" );
wizardBot.typePassword( "secret" );
// ensure "<Back" is enabled, "Next >" and "Finish" is enabled
assertTrue( wizardBot.isBackButtonEnabled() );
assertTrue( wizardBot.isNextButtonEnabled() );
assertTrue( wizardBot.isFinishButtonEnabled() );
assertTrue( wizardBot.isCancelButtonEnabled() );
// clear user
wizardBot.typeUser( "" );
// ensure "<Back" is enabled, "Next >" and "Finish" is disabled
assertTrue( wizardBot.isBackButtonEnabled() );
assertFalse( wizardBot.isNextButtonEnabled() );
assertFalse( wizardBot.isFinishButtonEnabled() );
assertTrue( wizardBot.isCancelButtonEnabled() );
// enter user again
wizardBot.typeUser( "uid=admin,ou=system" );
// ensure "<Back" is enabled, "Next >" and "Finish" is enabled
assertTrue( wizardBot.isBackButtonEnabled() );
assertTrue( wizardBot.isNextButtonEnabled() );
assertTrue( wizardBot.isFinishButtonEnabled() );
assertTrue( wizardBot.isCancelButtonEnabled() );
// deselect password save
// ensure password field is disabled
assertFalse( wizardBot.isPasswordEnabled() );
// ensure "<Back" is enabled, "Next >" and "Finish" is enabled
assertTrue( wizardBot.isBackButtonEnabled() );
assertTrue( wizardBot.isNextButtonEnabled() );
assertTrue( wizardBot.isFinishButtonEnabled() );
assertTrue( wizardBot.isCancelButtonEnabled() );
// select password save
// ensure password field is enabled but empty
assertTrue( wizardBot.isPasswordEnabled() );
// ensure "<Back" is enabled, "Next >" and "Finish" is disabled
assertTrue( wizardBot.isBackButtonEnabled() );
assertFalse( wizardBot.isNextButtonEnabled() );
assertFalse( wizardBot.isFinishButtonEnabled() );
assertTrue( wizardBot.isCancelButtonEnabled() );
// enter authentication parameters again
wizardBot.typeUser( "uid=admin,ou=system" );
wizardBot.typePassword( "secret" );
// ensure "<Back" is enabled, "Next >" and "Finish" is enabled
assertTrue( wizardBot.isBackButtonEnabled() );
assertTrue( wizardBot.isNextButtonEnabled() );
assertTrue( wizardBot.isFinishButtonEnabled() );
assertTrue( wizardBot.isCancelButtonEnabled() );
// select no authentication
// ensure authentication parameter input fields are disabled
assertTrue( wizardBot.isNoAuthenticationSelected() );
assertFalse( wizardBot.isUserEnabled() );
assertFalse( wizardBot.isPasswordEnabled() );
assertFalse( wizardBot.isRealmEnabled() );
assertFalse( wizardBot.isSavePasswordEnabled() );
// select DIGEST-MD5
// ensure authentication parameter input fields are enabled, including SASL Realm field
assertTrue( wizardBot.isDigestMD5AuthenticationSelected() );
assertTrue( wizardBot.isUserEnabled() );
assertTrue( wizardBot.isPasswordEnabled() );
assertTrue( wizardBot.isSavePasswordEnabled() );
assertTrue( wizardBot.isRealmEnabled() );
// select CRAM-MD5
// ensure authentication parameter input fields are enabled, excluding SASL Realm field
assertTrue( wizardBot.isCramMD5AuthenticationSelected() );
assertTrue( wizardBot.isUserEnabled() );
assertTrue( wizardBot.isPasswordEnabled() );
assertTrue( wizardBot.isSavePasswordEnabled() );
assertFalse( wizardBot.isRealmEnabled() );
// select GSSAPI (Kerberos)
// ensure authentication parameter input fields are disabled by default
assertTrue( wizardBot.isGssApiAuthenticationSelected() );
assertFalse( wizardBot.isUserEnabled() );
assertFalse( wizardBot.isPasswordEnabled() );
assertFalse( wizardBot.isSavePasswordEnabled() );
assertFalse( wizardBot.isRealmEnabled() );
// by default "Use native TGT" is selected
assertTrue( wizardBot.isUseNativeTgtSelected() );
assertFalse( wizardBot.isObtainTgtFromKdcSelected() );
assertTrue( wizardBot.isUseNativeSystemConfigurationSelected() );
assertFalse( wizardBot.isUseConfigurationFileSelected() );
assertFalse( wizardBot.isUseManualConfigurationSelected() );
assertFalse( wizardBot.isKerberosRealmEnabled() );
assertFalse( wizardBot.isKdcHostEnabled() );
assertFalse( wizardBot.isKdcPortEnabled() );
// select GSSAPI (Kerberos) and "Obtain TGT from KDC"
// ensure authentication parameter input fields are enabled
assertTrue( wizardBot.isGssApiAuthenticationSelected() );
assertTrue( wizardBot.isUserEnabled() );
assertTrue( wizardBot.isPasswordEnabled() );
assertTrue( wizardBot.isSavePasswordEnabled() );
assertFalse( wizardBot.isRealmEnabled() );
assertFalse( wizardBot.isUseNativeTgtSelected() );
// select GSSAPI (Kerberos) and "Use configuration file"
assertFalse( wizardBot.isUseNativeSystemConfigurationSelected() );
assertTrue( wizardBot.isUseConfigurationFileSelected() );
assertFalse( wizardBot.isUseManualConfigurationSelected() );
assertFalse( wizardBot.isKerberosRealmEnabled() );
assertFalse( wizardBot.isKdcHostEnabled() );
assertFalse( wizardBot.isKdcPortEnabled() );
// select GSSAPI (Kerberos) and "Use manual configuration"
assertFalse( wizardBot.isUseNativeSystemConfigurationSelected() );
assertFalse( wizardBot.isUseConfigurationFileSelected() );
assertTrue( wizardBot.isUseManualConfigurationSelected() );
assertTrue( wizardBot.isKerberosRealmEnabled() );
assertTrue( wizardBot.isKdcHostEnabled() );
assertTrue( wizardBot.isKdcPortEnabled() );
assertFalse( wizardBot.isNextButtonEnabled() );
// select GSSAPI (Kerberos) and "Use native system configuration" again
assertTrue( wizardBot.isUseNativeSystemConfigurationSelected() );
assertFalse( wizardBot.isUseConfigurationFileSelected() );
assertFalse( wizardBot.isUseManualConfigurationSelected() );
assertFalse( wizardBot.isKerberosRealmEnabled() );
assertFalse( wizardBot.isKdcHostEnabled() );
assertFalse( wizardBot.isKdcPortEnabled() );
// check default settings
assertTrue( wizardBot.isGetBaseDnsFromRootDseSelected() );
assertFalse( wizardBot.isBaseDnEnabled() );
// ensure "<Back" and "Finish" is enabled, "Next >" enabled
assertTrue( wizardBot.isBackButtonEnabled() );
assertTrue( wizardBot.isNextButtonEnabled() );
assertTrue( wizardBot.isFinishButtonEnabled() );
assertTrue( wizardBot.isCancelButtonEnabled() );
// deselect get base DNs from Root DSE
assertFalse( wizardBot.isGetBaseDnsFromRootDseSelected() );
assertTrue( wizardBot.isBaseDnEnabled() );
// select get base DNs from Root DSE
assertTrue( wizardBot.isGetBaseDnsFromRootDseSelected() );
assertFalse( wizardBot.isBaseDnEnabled() );
* Creates a new connection using the new connection wizard.
public void testCreateConnection( TestLdapServer server )
// enter connection parameter
wizardBot.typeConnectionName( getConnectionName() );
wizardBot.typeHost( server.getHost() );
wizardBot.typePort( server.getPort() );
// jump to auth page
// enter authentication parameters
wizardBot.typeUser( server.getAdminDn() );
wizardBot.typePassword( server.getAdminPassword() );
// finish dialog
wizardBot.clickFinishButton( true );
connectionsViewBot.waitForConnection( getConnectionName() );
// ensure connection was created
ConnectionManager connectionManager = ConnectionCorePlugin.getDefault().getConnectionManager();
assertNotNull( connectionManager.getConnections() );
assertEquals( 1, connectionManager.getConnections().length );
Connection connection = connectionManager.getConnections()[0];
assertEquals( getConnectionName(), connection.getName() );
assertEquals( server.getHost(), connection.getHost() );
assertEquals( server.getPort(), connection.getPort() );
assertEquals( AuthenticationMethod.SIMPLE, connection.getAuthMethod() );
assertEquals( server.getAdminDn(), connection.getBindPrincipal() );
assertEquals( server.getAdminPassword(), connection.getBindPassword() );
// ensure connection is visible in Connections view
assertEquals( 1, connectionsViewBot.getCount() );
// close connection
* Tests the "Check Network Parameter" button.
public void testCheckNetworkParameterButtonOK( TestLdapServer server ) throws UnknownHostException
// enter connection parameter with host name
wizardBot.typeConnectionName( getConnectionName() );
wizardBot.typeHost( server.getHost() );
wizardBot.typePort( server.getPort() );
// click "Check Network Parameter" button
String result1 = wizardBot.clickCheckNetworkParameterButton();
assertNull( result1, "Expected OK" );
// enter connection parameter with IPv4 address
wizardBot.typeHost( InetAddress.getByName( server.getHost() ).getHostAddress() );
wizardBot.typePort( server.getPort() );
// click "Check Network Parameter" button
String result2 = wizardBot.clickCheckNetworkParameterButton();
assertNull( result2, "Expected OK" );
// Don't know why this doesn't work with SWTBot.
// When testing manually it works.
// // enter connection parameter with IPv6 address
// wizardBot.typeHost( "[::1]" );
// wizardBot.typePort( ldapService.getPort() );
// // click "Check Network Parameter" button
// String result3 = wizardBot.clickCheckNetworkParameterButton();
// assertNull( "Expected OK", result3 );
* Tests the "Check Network Parameter" button.
public void testCheckNetworkParameterButtonNotOK()
// enter connection parameter with invalid port
wizardBot.typeConnectionName( getConnectionName() );
wizardBot.typeHost( Constants.LOCALHOST );
wizardBot.typePort( AvailablePortFinder.getNextAvailable( 1024 ) );
// click "Check Network Parameter" button and get the result
String result1 = wizardBot.clickCheckNetworkParameterButton();
assertNotNull( result1 );
// LDAP API: Connection refused
// JNDI: The connection failed
assertThat( result1,
anyOf( containsString( "Connection refused" ), containsString( "The connection failed" ) ) );
// enter connection parameter with invalid host name
String hostname = "qwertzuiop.asdfghjkl.yxcvbnm";
wizardBot.typeHost( hostname );
wizardBot.typePort( 389 );
// click "Check Network Parameter" button and get the result
String result2 = wizardBot.clickCheckNetworkParameterButton();
assertNotNull( "Expected Error", result2 );
// LDAP API: could not be resolved
// JNDI: The connection failed
assertThat( result2,
anyOf( containsString( "could not be resolved" ), containsString( "The connection failed" ) ) );
assertThat( "Unknown host name must occur in error message", result2, containsString( hostname ) );
// disabled this test because it does not work properly
// as it depends from the network connection settings.
// // enter connection parameter with non-routed IP address
// String ipAddress = "";
// wizardBot.typeHost( ipAddress );
// wizardBot.typePort( ldapServer.getPort() );
// // click "Check Network Parameter" button and get the result
// String result3 = wizardBot.clickCheckNetworkParameterButton();
// assertNotNull( "Expected Error", result3 );
// assertTrue( "'No route to host' or 'Network is unreachable' message must occur in error message", //
// result3.contains( "No route to host" ) || result3.contains( "Network is unreachable" ) );
// assertTrue( "IP address must occur in error message", result3.contains( ipAddress ) );
* Tests the "Check Authentication" button.
public void testCheckAuthenticationButtonOK( TestLdapServer server )
// enter connection parameter
wizardBot.typeConnectionName( getConnectionName() );
wizardBot.typeHost( server.getHost() );
wizardBot.typePort( server.getPort() );
// enter correct authentication parameter
wizardBot.typeUser( server.getAdminDn() );
wizardBot.typePassword( server.getAdminPassword() );
// click "Check Network Parameter" button
String result = wizardBot.clickCheckAuthenticationButton();
assertNull( result, "Expected OK" );
* Tests the "Check Authentication" button.
public void testCheckAuthenticationButtonNotOK( TestLdapServer server )
// enter connection parameter
wizardBot.typeConnectionName( getConnectionName() );
wizardBot.typeHost( server.getHost() );
wizardBot.typePort( server.getPort() );
// enter incorrect authentication parameter
wizardBot.typeUser( server.getAdminDn() );
wizardBot.typePassword( "secret45" );
// click "Check Network Parameter" button
String result = wizardBot.clickCheckAuthenticationButton();
assertNotNull( result );
assertThat( result, containsString( "[LDAP result code 49 - invalidCredentials]" ) );