blob: 08670e2a2c73dbf37efee7db85c2aa5a2698f0fb [file] [log] [blame]
{{ $filename := .Inner }}
<h1><a name="verifyIntegrity"></a>Verify the integrity of the file</h1>
The PGP signatures can be verified using PGP or GPG. First download the <a href="">KEYS</a>
as well as the <em>asc</em> signature file for the relevant distribution. Then verify the signatures using:
<div class="preformatted">
<div class="preformattedContent">
<pre>$ pgpk -a KEYS
$ gpgv {{ $filename }}.asc</pre>
<div class="preformatted">
<div class="preformattedContent">
<pre>$ pgp -ka KEYS
$ gpg {{ $filename }}.asc {{ $filename }}</pre>
<div class="preformatted">
<div class="preformattedContent">
<pre>$ gpg --import KEYS
$ gpg --verify {{ $filename }}.asc {{ $filename }}</pre>
<p>Alternatively, you can verify the checksums of the files (see the <a href="">How to verify downloaded files</a> page). </p>