DIR-339: Fix typo
diff --git a/source/apacheds/basic-ug/1.4.3-adding-partition.md b/source/apacheds/basic-ug/1.4.3-adding-partition.md
index 7666da9..108b827 100644
--- a/source/apacheds/basic-ug/1.4.3-adding-partition.md
+++ b/source/apacheds/basic-ug/1.4.3-adding-partition.md
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
 It is also possible to import a file to ApacheDS which only contains such an entry, of cause. Here is an example on how to procede for the seven seas :
-In the LDAP Browser of Directory Studio, right click on the DIT entry and select "Import \-> LDIF Import...". A file selections dialog appears. Browse to the LDIF file and click Finish. The entry (or entries, if you provide more of them) will be added to to partition.
+In the LDAP Browser of Directory Studio, right click on the DIT entry and select "Import \-> LDIF Import...". A file selections dialog appears. Browse to the LDIF file and click Finish. The entry (or entries, if you provide more of them) will be added to the partition.
 The following image depicts the partitions after reconnecting with Apache Directory Studio (_LDAP Browser_ view).