blob: b12e29c15700c13dd4be9fc2016444a5169b9d55 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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* under the License.
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.naming.NamingException;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* A plain old java object implementation of an AttributeTypeRegistry.
* @author <a href="">Apache Directory Project</a>
* @version $Rev$
public class DefaultAttributeTypeRegistry implements AttributeTypeRegistry
/** static class logger */
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger( DefaultAttributeTypeRegistry.class );
/** Speedup for DEBUG mode */
private static final boolean IS_DEBUG = LOG.isDebugEnabled();
/** maps an OID to an AttributeType */
private final Map<String,AttributeType> byOid;
/** maps OIDs to a Set of descendants for that OID */
private final Map<String,Set<AttributeType>> oidToDescendantSet;
/** the registry used to resolve names to OIDs */
private final OidRegistry oidRegistry;
/** cached normalizer mapping */
private transient Map<String, OidNormalizer> mapping;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// C O N S T R U C T O R S
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Creates an empty DefaultAttributeTypeRegistry.
* @param oidRegistry used by this registry for OID to name resolution of
* dependencies and to automatically register and unregister it's aliases and OIDs
public DefaultAttributeTypeRegistry( OidRegistry oidRegistry )
this.byOid = new HashMap<String,AttributeType>();
this.oidToDescendantSet= new HashMap<String,Set<AttributeType>>();
this.oidRegistry = oidRegistry;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Service Methods
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
public void register( AttributeType attributeType ) throws NamingException
if ( byOid.containsKey( attributeType.getOid() ) )
throw new NamingException( "attributeType w/ OID " + attributeType.getOid()
+ " has already been registered!" );
String[] names = attributeType.getNames();
for ( String name : names )
oidRegistry.register( name, attributeType.getOid() );
oidRegistry.register( attributeType.getOid(), attributeType.getOid() );
if ( mapping != null )
addMappingFor( attributeType );
registerDescendants( attributeType );
byOid.put( attributeType.getOid(), attributeType );
if ( IS_DEBUG )
LOG.debug( "registed attributeType: " + attributeType );
public Set<String> getBinaryAttributes() throws NamingException
Set<String> binaries = new HashSet<String>();
Iterator<AttributeType> list = iterator();
while ( list.hasNext() )
AttributeType type =;
if ( ! type.getSyntax().isHumanReadable() )
// add the OID for the attributeType
binaries.add( type.getOid() );
// add the lowercased name for the names for the attributeType
String[] names = type.getNames();
for ( String name : names )
// @TODO do we really need to lowercase strings here?
binaries.add( StringTools.lowerCaseAscii( StringTools.trim( name ) ) );
return binaries;
public void registerDescendants( AttributeType attributeType ) throws NamingException
// add/create the descendent set for this attribute
oidToDescendantSet.put( attributeType.getOid(), new HashSet<AttributeType>( 5 ) );
// add this attribute to descendant list of other attributes in superior chain
onRegisterAddToAncestorDescendants( attributeType, attributeType.getSuperior() );
* Recursively adds a new attributeType to the descendant's list of all ancestors
* until top is reached. Top will not have the new type added.
* @param newType the new attributeType being added
* @param ancestor some anscestor from superior up to and including top
* @throws NamingException if there are resolution failures
protected void onRegisterAddToAncestorDescendants( AttributeType newType, AttributeType ancestor )
throws NamingException
if ( ancestor == null )
if ( ancestor.getName() != null && ancestor.getName().equals( SchemaConstants.TOP_OC ) )
Set<AttributeType> descendants = oidToDescendantSet.get( ancestor.getOid() );
if ( descendants == null )
descendants = new HashSet<AttributeType>( 5 );
oidToDescendantSet.put( ancestor.getOid(), descendants );
descendants.add( newType );
onRegisterAddToAncestorDescendants( newType, ancestor.getSuperior() );
public AttributeType lookup( String id ) throws NamingException
id = oidRegistry.getOid( id );
if ( !byOid.containsKey( id ) )
throw new NamingException( "attributeType w/ OID " + id + " not registered!" );
AttributeType attributeType = byOid.get( id );
if ( IS_DEBUG )
LOG.debug( "lookup with id" + id + "' of attributeType: " + attributeType );
return attributeType;
public boolean hasAttributeType( String id )
if ( oidRegistry.hasOid( id ) )
return byOid.containsKey( oidRegistry.getOid( id ) );
catch ( NamingException e )
return false;
return false;
public String getSchemaName( String id ) throws NamingException
id = oidRegistry.getOid( id );
AttributeType at = byOid.get( id );
if ( at != null )
return at.getSchema();
throw new NamingException( "OID " + id + " not found in oid to " + "AttributeType map!" );
public Iterator list()
return byOid.values().iterator();
private void removeMappingFor( AttributeType type ) throws NamingException
if ( type == null )
MatchingRule matchingRule = type.getEquality();
mapping.remove( type.getOid() );
String[] aliases = type.getNames();
for ( String aliase : aliases )
mapping.remove( aliase );
mapping.remove( aliase.toLowerCase() );
private void addMappingFor( AttributeType type ) throws NamingException
MatchingRule matchingRule = type.getEquality();
OidNormalizer oidNormalizer;
if ( matchingRule == null )
LOG.debug( "Attribute " + type.getName() + " does not have normalizer : using NoopNormalizer" );
oidNormalizer = new OidNormalizer( type.getOid(), new NoOpNormalizer() );
oidNormalizer = new OidNormalizer( type.getOid(), matchingRule.getNormalizer() );
mapping.put( type.getOid(), oidNormalizer );
String[] aliases = type.getNames();
for ( String aliase : aliases )
mapping.put( aliase, oidNormalizer );
mapping.put( aliase.toLowerCase(), oidNormalizer );
public Map<String,OidNormalizer> getNormalizerMapping() throws NamingException
if ( mapping == null )
mapping = new HashMap<String,OidNormalizer>( byOid.size() << 1 );
for ( AttributeType type : byOid.values() )
addMappingFor( type );
return Collections.unmodifiableMap( mapping );
public Iterator<AttributeType> descendants( String ancestorId ) throws NamingException
String oid = oidRegistry.getOid( ancestorId );
Set<AttributeType> descendants = oidToDescendantSet.get( oid );
if ( descendants == null )
//noinspection unchecked
return Collections.EMPTY_SET.iterator();
return descendants.iterator();
public boolean hasDescendants( String ancestorId ) throws NamingException
String oid = oidRegistry.getOid( ancestorId );
Set descendants = oidToDescendantSet.get( oid );
return descendants != null && !descendants.isEmpty();
public Iterator<AttributeType> iterator()
return byOid.values().iterator();
public void unregister( String numericOid ) throws NamingException
if ( ! Character.isDigit( numericOid.charAt( 0 ) ) )
throw new NamingException( "Looks like the arg is not a numeric OID" );
if ( mapping != null )
removeMappingFor( byOid.get( numericOid ));
byOid.remove( numericOid );
oidToDescendantSet.remove( numericOid );