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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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import java.util.Comparator;
* Class to serialize the AvlTree node data.
* @author <a href="">Apache Directory Project</a>
public class AvlTreeMarshaller<E> implements Marshaller<AvlTree<E>>
/** used for serialized form of an empty AvlTree */
private static final byte[] EMPTY_TREE = new byte[1];
/** marshaller to be used for marshalling the keys */
private Marshaller<E> keyMarshaller;
/** key Comparator for the AvlTree */
private Comparator<E> comparator;
* Creates a new instance of AvlTreeMarshaller with a custom key
* Marshaller.
* @param comparator Comparator to be used for key comparision
* @param keyMarshaller marshaller for keys
public AvlTreeMarshaller( Comparator<E> comparator, Marshaller<E> keyMarshaller )
this.comparator = comparator;
this.keyMarshaller = keyMarshaller;
* Creates a new instance of AvlTreeMarshaller with the default key
* Marshaller which uses Java Serialization.
* @param comparator Comparator to be used for key comparision
public AvlTreeMarshaller( Comparator<E> comparator )
this.comparator = comparator;
this.keyMarshaller = ( Marshaller<E> ) DefaultMarshaller.INSTANCE;
* Marshals the given tree to bytes
* @param tree the tree to be marshalled
public byte[] serialize( AvlTree<E> tree )
if ( tree.isEmpty() )
return EMPTY_TREE;
LinkedAvlNode<E> x = tree.getFirst().next;
while ( x != null )
x.setIndex( x.previous.getIndex() + 1 );
x =;
byte[] data = null;
try ( ByteArrayOutputStream byteStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream( byteStream ) )
out.writeByte( 0 ); // represents the start of AvlTree byte stream
out.writeInt( tree.getSize() );
writeTree( tree.getRoot(), out );
data = byteStream.toByteArray();
catch ( IOException e )
return data;
* writes the content of the AVLTree to an output stream.
* The current format is
* AvlTree = [0(zero-byte-value)][node] // the '0' (zero) is to distinguish AvlTree from BTreeRedirect which starts with 1 (one)
* node = [size] [data-length] [data] [index] [child-marker] [node] [child-marker] [node]
* @param node the node to be marshalled to bytes
* @param out OutputStream
* @throws IOException on write failures of serialized tree to stream
private void writeTree( LinkedAvlNode<E> node, DataOutputStream out ) throws IOException
byte[] data = keyMarshaller.serialize( node.getKey() );
out.writeInt( data.length ); // data-length
out.write( data ); // data
out.writeInt( node.getIndex() ); // index
if ( node.getLeft() != null )
out.writeInt( 2 ); // left
writeTree( node.getLeft(), out );
out.writeInt( 0 );
if ( node.getRight() != null )
out.writeInt( 4 ); // right
writeTree( node.getRight(), out );
out.writeInt( 0 );
* Creates an AVLTree from given bytes of data.
* @param data byte array to be converted into AVLTree
public AvlTree<E> deserialize( byte[] data ) throws IOException
if ( data == null || data.length == 0 )
throw new IOException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_439 ) );
if ( data.length == 1 && data[0] == 0 )
return new AvlTreeImpl<E>( comparator );
ByteArrayInputStream bin = new ByteArrayInputStream( data );
DataInputStream din = new DataInputStream( bin );
byte startByte = din.readByte();
if ( startByte != 0 )
throw new IOException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_443 ) );
int size = din.readInt();
LinkedAvlNode[] nodes = new LinkedAvlNode[size];
LinkedAvlNode<E> root = readTree( din, null, nodes );
AvlTreeImpl<E> tree = new AvlTreeImpl<E>( comparator );
tree.setRoot( root );
tree.setFirst( nodes[0] );
// Update the size
tree.setSize( size );
if ( nodes.length >= 1 )
tree.setLast( nodes[nodes.length - 1] );
for ( int i = 0; i < nodes.length - 1; i++ )
nodes[i].setNext( nodes[i + 1] );
nodes[i + 1].setPrevious( nodes[i] );
return tree;
* Reads the data from given InputStream and creates the LinkedAvlNodes to
* form the tree node = [size] [data-length] [data] [index] [child-marker]
* [node] [child-marker] [node].
* @param in the input stream to deserialize from
* @param node the node to deserialize
* @return the deserialized AvlTree node
* @throws IOException on failures to deserialize or read from the stream
public LinkedAvlNode<E> readTree( DataInputStream in, LinkedAvlNode<E> node, LinkedAvlNode[] nodes )
throws IOException
int dLen = in.readInt();
byte[] data = new byte[dLen];
//noinspection ResultOfMethodCallIgnored
in.readFully( data );
E key = keyMarshaller.deserialize( data );
node = new LinkedAvlNode( key );
int index = in.readInt();
nodes[index] = node;
int childMarker = in.readInt();
if ( childMarker == 2 )
node.setLeft( readTree( in, node.getLeft(), nodes ) );
childMarker = in.readInt();
if ( childMarker == 4 )
node.setRight( readTree( in, node.getRight(), nodes ) );
return node;