blob: 0fb06411814d7953258d03da6c5aeeab24b40935 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
* A class for holding the syncrepl consumer's configuration. the following parameters
* are part of the Syncrepl Consumer configuration :<br>
* <ul>
* <li>remoteHost : the remote server's name, defaults to 'localhost'</li>
* <li>remotePort : the remote server's LDAP port, defaults to 10389</li>
* <li>replUserDn : The replication User's DN</li>
* <li>replUserPassword : The replication User's password</li>
* <li>refreshNPersist : the replication mode, defaults to 'true'</li>
* <li>refreshInterval : the interval between replications when in refreshOnly mode, defaults to 60s</li>
* <li>baseDn : the base from which to fetch entries on the remote server</li>
* <li>filter : the filter to select entries,defaults to (ObjectClass=*)</li>
* <li>attributes : the list of attributes to replicate, defaults to all</li>
* <li>searchSizeLimit : the maximum number of entries to fetch, defaults to no limit</li>
* <li>searchTimeout : the maximum delay to wait for entries, defaults to no limit</li>
* <li>searchScope : the scope, defaults to SUBTREE</li>
* <li>aliasDerefMode : set the aliss derefence policy, defaults to NEVER </li>
* <li>replicaId : the replica identifier</li>
* <li>configEntryDn : the configuration entry's DN</li>
* <li>chaseReferrals : tells if we chase referrals, defaults to false</li>
* <li>cookie : the replication cookie</li>
* <li>useTls : the connection uses TLS, defaults to true</li>
* <li>strictCertVerification : strictly verify the certificate, defaults to true</li>
* <li>trustManager : the trustManager to use, defaults to @link{NoVerificationTrustManager}</li>
* <li></li>
* </ul>
* @author <a href="">Apache Directory Project</a>
public class SyncReplConfiguration implements ReplicationConsumerConfig
/** host name of the syncrepl remote server, default value is localhost */
private String remoteHost;
/** port number of the syncrepl provider server, default is 10389 */
private int remotePort;
/** The producer, as <host>:<port> */
private String producer;
/** replication user's Dn */
private String replUserDn;
/** password for binding with replication user dn */
private byte[] replUserPassword;
/** flag to represent refresh and persist or refresh only mode, defaults to true */
private boolean refreshNPersist = true;
/** time interval for successive sync requests, default is 60 seconds */
private long refreshInterval = 60L * 1000L;
/** the base Dn whose content will be searched for replicating */
private String baseDn;
/** the ldap filter for fetching the entries, default value is (objectClass=*) */
private String filter = LdapConstants.OBJECT_CLASS_STAR;
/** names of attributes to be replicated, default value is all user attributes */
private Set<String> attributes;
/** the maximum number of search results to be fetched
* default value is 0 (i.e no limit) */
private int searchSizeLimit = 0;
/** the timeout value to be used while doing a search
* default value is 0 (i.e no limit)*/
private int searchTimeout = 0;
/** the search scope, default is sub tree level */
private SearchScope searchScope = SearchScope.SUBTREE;
/** alias dereferencing mode, default is set to 'never deref aliases' */
private AliasDerefMode aliasDerefMode = AliasDerefMode.NEVER_DEREF_ALIASES;
/** the cookie received from server */
private byte[] cookie;
/** the replica's id */
private int replicaId;
/** The configuration entry DN */
private Dn configEntryDn = null;
/** flag to indicate whether to chase referrals or not, default is false hence passes ManageDsaITControl with syncsearch request*/
private boolean chaseReferrals = false;
/** flag to indicate the use of TLS, default is true */
private boolean useTls = true;
/** flag to indicate the use of strict certificate verification, default is true */
private boolean strictCertVerification = true;
/** the X509 certificate trust manager used, default value set to {@link NoVerificationTrustManager} */
private X509TrustManager trustManager = new NoVerificationTrustManager();
/** flag to indicate if this node is part of a MMR setup, default value is true */
private boolean mmrMode = true;
* Creates a new instance of SyncreplConfiguration
public SyncReplConfiguration()
attributes = new HashSet<>();
// the default list of attributes
attributes.add( SchemaConstants.ALL_USER_ATTRIBUTES );
remoteHost = Network.LOOPBACK_HOSTNAME;
remotePort = 10389;
producer = remoteHost + ":" + remotePort;
* @return the remote Host
public String getRemoteHost()
return remoteHost;
* @param remoteHost the remote Host to set
public void setRemoteHost( String remoteHost )
this.remoteHost = remoteHost;
producer = remoteHost + ":" + remotePort;
* A convenient method that concatenates the host and port of the producer
* @return The &lt;host&gt;:&lt;port&gt; the consumer is connected to
public String getProducer()
return producer;
* @return the port
public int getRemotePort()
return remotePort;
* @param remotePort the remote port to set
public void setRemotePort( int remotePort )
this.remotePort = remotePort;
producer = remoteHost + ":" + remotePort;
* @return the replication user's Dn
public String getReplUserDn()
return replUserDn;
* @param replUserdDn the Dn of the replication user
public void setReplUserDn( String replUserdDn )
this.replUserDn = replUserdDn;
* @return the replication user's password
public byte[] getReplUserPassword()
return replUserPassword;
* @param replUserPassword the replication user's password
public void setReplUserPassword( byte[] replUserPassword )
this.replUserPassword = replUserPassword;
* @return the refreshPersist
public boolean isRefreshNPersist()
return refreshNPersist;
* @param refreshNPersist the falg indicating to run the consumer in refreshAndPersist mode
public void setRefreshNPersist( boolean refreshNPersist )
this.refreshNPersist = refreshNPersist;
* @return the refresh interval
public long getRefreshInterval()
return refreshInterval;
* @param refreshInterval the consumerInterval to set
public void setRefreshInterval( long refreshInterval )
if ( refreshInterval <= 0 )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "refresh interval should be more than zero" );
this.refreshInterval = refreshInterval;
* @return the baseDn
public String getBaseDn()
return baseDn;
* @param baseDn the baseDn to set
public void setBaseDn( String baseDn )
this.baseDn = baseDn;
* @return the filter
public String getFilter()
return filter;
* @param filter the filter to set
public void setFilter( String filter )
this.filter = filter;
* @return the attributes
public String[] getAttributes()
return attributes.toArray( new String[]
{} );
* @param attrs the attributes to set
public void setAttributes( String[] attrs )
for ( String attr : attrs )
attributes.add( attr );
* @return the searchSizeLimit
public int getSearchSizeLimit()
return searchSizeLimit;
* @param searchSizeLimit the searchSizeLimit to set
public void setSearchSizeLimit( int searchSizeLimit )
if ( searchSizeLimit < 0 )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "search size limit value cannot be negative " + searchSizeLimit );
this.searchSizeLimit = searchSizeLimit;
* @return the searchTimeout
public int getSearchTimeout()
return searchTimeout;
* @param searchTimeout the searchTimeout to set
public void setSearchTimeout( int searchTimeout )
if ( searchTimeout < 0 )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "search timeout value cannot be negative " + searchTimeout );
this.searchTimeout = searchTimeout;
* @return the searchScope
public SearchScope getSearchScope()
return searchScope;
* @param searchScope the searchScope to set
public void setSearchScope( SearchScope searchScope )
this.searchScope = searchScope;
* @return the replicaId
public int getReplicaId()
return replicaId;
* @param replicaId the replicaId to set
public void setReplicaId( int replicaId )
this.replicaId = replicaId;
* @return The ALiasDerefMode parameter
public AliasDerefMode getAliasDerefMode()
return aliasDerefMode;
* @param aliasDerefMode Should be either NEVER_DEREF_ALIASES or DEREF_FINDING_BASE_OBJ
public void setAliasDerefMode( AliasDerefMode aliasDerefMode )
if ( aliasDerefMode != AliasDerefMode.NEVER_DEREF_ALIASES
&& aliasDerefMode != AliasDerefMode.DEREF_FINDING_BASE_OBJ )
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"alias deref mode should only be set to either 'NEVER_DEREF_ALIASES' or 'DEREF_FINDING_BASE_OBJ'" );
this.aliasDerefMode = aliasDerefMode;
* @return The replication cookie
public byte[] getCookie()
return cookie;
* @param cookie The cookie to set
public void setCookie( byte[] cookie )
this.cookie = cookie;
* Tells if we chase referrals
* @return true if we chase referals
public boolean isChaseReferrals()
return chaseReferrals;
* @param chaseReferrals Lust be false, always.
public void setChaseReferrals( boolean chaseReferrals )
if ( chaseReferrals )
throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "client-api currently doesn't support chasing referrals" );
this.chaseReferrals = chaseReferrals;
* @return The DN of the configuration entry
public Dn getConfigEntryDn()
return configEntryDn;
* @return true if we use TLS
public boolean isUseTls()
return useTls;
* set the option to turn on/off use of TLS
* @param useTls If we have to use TLS
public void setUseTls( boolean useTls )
this.useTls = useTls;
* @return true if the certificate verification is enforced
public boolean isStrictCertVerification()
return strictCertVerification;
* set the strict certificate verification
* @param strictCertVerification If we require a certificate validation
public void setStrictCertVerification( boolean strictCertVerification )
if ( strictCertVerification )
trustManager = ReplicationTrustManager.getInstance();
trustManager = new NoVerificationTrustManager();
this.strictCertVerification = strictCertVerification;
* @return The Trustmanager instance
public X509TrustManager getTrustManager()
return trustManager;
* @param configEntryDn the configEntryDn to set
public void setConfigEntryDn( Dn configEntryDn )
this.configEntryDn = configEntryDn;
* @return true if this node is part of MMR setup
public boolean isMmrMode()
return mmrMode;
* enable/disable MMR option
* @param mmrMode The type of replication
public void setMmrMode( boolean mmrMode )
this.mmrMode = mmrMode;
public String toString()
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append( "[" );
sb.append( "rid:" ).append( replicaId ).append( ", " );
sb.append( "base:'" ).append( baseDn ).append( "', " );
sb.append( "filter:" ).append( filter ).append( ", " );
sb.append( "scope:" ).append( searchScope ).append( ", " );
sb.append( "alias:" ).append( aliasDerefMode ).append( ", " );
sb.append( "chase referrals:" ).append( chaseReferrals ).append( ", " );
boolean isFirst = true;
if ( attributes != null )
sb.append( "attributes:{" );
for ( String attribute : attributes )
if ( isFirst )
isFirst = false;
sb.append( "/" );
sb.append( attribute );
sb.append( "}, " );
if ( refreshNPersist )
sb.append( "refresh:" ).append( refreshInterval ).append( ", " );
sb.append( "refreshOnly, " );
if ( mmrMode )
sb.append( "MMR, " );
sb.append( "MS, " );
sb.append( "provider:" ).append( producer ).append( ", " );
sb.append( "user:'" ).append( replUserDn ).append( "', " );
if ( strictCertVerification )
sb.append( "strict" ).append( ", " );
sb.append( "TLS:" ).append( useTls ).append( "]" );
return sb.toString();