blob: bf4f7f51c520b0ded3bcf78a39a5b7d45afe3cff [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* Represents 'Change Sequence Number' in LDUP specification.
* A CSN is a composition of a timestamp, a change count, a replica ID and a
* operation sequence number.
* It's described in
* The CSN syntax is :
* <pre>
* <CSN> ::= <timestamp> # <changeCount> # <replicaId> # <modifierNumber>
* <timestamp> ::= A GMT based time, YYYYMMDDhhmmss.SSSSSSZ
* <changeCount> ::= [0-9]+
* <replicaId> ::= [0-9][0-9][0-9]
* <modifierNumber> ::= [0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]
* </pre>
* It distinguishes a change made on an object on a server,
* and if two operations take place during the same timeStamp,
* the operation sequence number makes those operations distinct.
* @author <a href="">Apache Directory Project</a>
public class CSN implements Serializable, Comparable<CSN>
* Declares the Serial Version Uid.
* @see <a
* href="">Always
* Declare Serial Version Uid</a>
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
/** The logger for this class */
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger( CSN.class );
/** The timeStamp of this operation */
private final long timestamp;
/** The server identification */
private final int replicaId;
/** The operation number in a modification operation */
private final int operationNumber;
/** The changeCount to distinguish operations done in the same second */
private final int changeCount;
/** Stores the String representation of the CSN */
private transient String csnStr;
/** Stores the byte array representation of the CSN */
private transient byte[] csnBytes;
/** The Timestamp syntax. The last 'Z' is _not_ the Time Zone */
private static final SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat( "yyyyMMddHHmmss'.'SSSSSS'Z'" );
* Creates a new instance.
* <b>This method should be used only for deserializing a CSN</b>
* @param timestamp GMT timestamp of modification
* @param changeCount The operation increment
* @param replicaId Replica ID where modification occurred (<tt>[0-9]{1,3}</tt>)
* @param operationNumber Operation number in a modification operation.
* Currently, '000000'
/* No qualifier */ CSN( long timestamp, int changeCount, int replicaId, int operationNumber )
this.timestamp = timestamp;
this.replicaId = replicaId;
this.operationNumber = operationNumber;
this.changeCount = changeCount;
// Build the CSN string now
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder( 40 );
synchronized ( sdf )
sb.append( sdf.format( timestamp ) );
sb.append( '#' ).append( changeCount );
sb.append( '#' ).append( replicaId );
sb.append( "#000000" );
csnStr = sb.toString();
csnBytes = StringTools.getBytesUtf8( csnStr );
* Creates a new instance of SimpleCSN from a String.
* The string format must be :
* &lt;timestamp> # &lt;changeCount> # &lt;replica ID> # &lt;operation number>
* @param value The String containing the CSN
/* no qualifier */ CSN( String value ) throws InvalidCSNException
if ( StringTools.isEmpty( value ) )
String message = "The CSN must not be null or empty";
LOG.error( message );
throw new InvalidCSNException( message );
// Get the Timestamp
int sepTS = value.indexOf( '#' );
if ( sepTS < 0 )
String message = "Cannot find a '#' in the CSN '" + value + "'";
LOG.error( message );
throw new InvalidCSNException( message );
String timestampStr = value.substring( 0, sepTS ).trim();
synchronized ( sdf )
timestamp = sdf.parse( timestampStr ).getTime();
catch ( ParseException pe )
String message = "Cannot parse the timestamp: '" + timestampStr + "'";
LOG.error( message );
throw new InvalidCSNException( message );
// Get the changeCount. It should be an hex number prefixed with '0x'
int sepCC = value.indexOf( '#', sepTS + 1 );
if ( sepCC < 0 )
String message = "Missing a '#' in the CSN '" + value + "'";
LOG.error( message );
throw new InvalidCSNException( message );
String changeCountStr = value.substring( sepTS + 1, sepCC ).trim();
changeCount = Integer.parseInt( changeCountStr, 16 );
catch ( NumberFormatException nfe )
String message = "The changeCount '" + changeCountStr + "' is not a valid number";
LOG.error( message );
throw new InvalidCSNException( message );
// Get the replicaID
int sepRI = value.indexOf( '#', sepCC + 1 );
if ( sepRI < 0 )
String message = "Missing a '#' in the CSN '" + value + "'";
LOG.error( message );
throw new InvalidCSNException( message );
String replicaIdStr = value.substring( sepCC + 1, sepRI).trim();
if ( StringTools.isEmpty( replicaIdStr ) )
String message = "The replicaID must not be null or empty";
LOG.error( message );
throw new InvalidCSNException( message );
replicaId = Integer.parseInt( replicaIdStr, 16 );
catch ( NumberFormatException nfe )
String message = "The replicaID '" + replicaIdStr + "' is not a valid number";
LOG.error( message );
throw new InvalidCSNException( message );
// Get the modification number
if ( sepCC == value.length() )
String message = "The operationNumber is absent";
LOG.error( message );
throw new InvalidCSNException( message );
String operationNumberStr = value.substring( sepRI + 1 ).trim();
operationNumber = Integer.parseInt( operationNumberStr, 16 );
catch ( NumberFormatException nfe )
String message = "The operationNumber '" + operationNumberStr + "' is not a valid number";
LOG.error( message );
throw new InvalidCSNException( message );
csnStr = value;
csnBytes = StringTools.getBytesUtf8( csnStr );
* Creates a new instance of SimpleCSN from the serialized data
* @param value The byte array which contains the serialized CSN
/** Package protected */ CSN( byte[] value )
csnStr = StringTools.utf8ToString( value );
CSN csn = new CSN( csnStr );
timestamp = csn.timestamp;
changeCount = csn.changeCount;
replicaId = csn.replicaId;
operationNumber = csn.operationNumber;
csnBytes = new byte[value.length];
System.arraycopy( value, 0, csnBytes, 0, value.length );
* Get the CSN as a byte array.
* @return A byte array representing theCSN
public byte[] getBytes()
if ( csnBytes == null )
csnBytes = StringTools.getBytesUtf8( csnStr );
return csnBytes;
* @return The timestamp
public long getTimestamp()
return timestamp;
* @return The changeCount
public int getChangeCount()
return changeCount;
* @return The replicaId
public int getReplicaId()
return replicaId;
* @return The operation number
public int getOperationNumber()
return operationNumber;
* @return The CSN as a String
public String toString()
if ( csnStr == null )
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder( 40 );
synchronized( sdf )
buf.append( sdf.format( new Date( timestamp ) ) );
buf.append( '#' );
buf.append( "0x" ).append( Integer.toHexString( changeCount ) );
buf.append( '#' );
buf.append( replicaId );
buf.append( '#' );
buf.append( "0x" ).append( Integer.toHexString( operationNumber ) );
csnStr = buf.toString();
return csnStr;
* Returns a hash code value for the object.
* @return a hash code value for this object.
public int hashCode()
int h = 37;
h = h*17 + (int)(timestamp ^ (timestamp >>> 32));
h = h*17 + changeCount;
h = h*17 + replicaId;
h = h*17 + operationNumber;
return h;
* Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one
* @param o the reference object with which to compare.
* @return <code>true</code> if this object is the same as the obj argument;
* <code>false</code> otherwise.
public boolean equals( Object o )
if ( this == o )
return true;
if ( !( o instanceof CSN ) )
return false;
CSN that = ( CSN ) o;
( timestamp == that.timestamp ) &&
( changeCount == that.changeCount ) &&
( replicaId == that.replicaId ) &&
( operationNumber == that.operationNumber );
* Compares this object with the specified object for order. Returns a
* negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as this object is less
* than, equal to, or greater than the specified object.<p>
* @param o the Object to be compared.
* @return a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as this object
* is less than, equal to, or greater than the specified object.
public int compareTo( CSN csn )
if ( csn == null )
return 1;
// Compares the timestamp first
if ( this.timestamp < csn.timestamp )
return -1;
else if ( this.timestamp > csn.timestamp )
return 1;
// Then the change count
if ( this.changeCount < csn.changeCount )
return -1;
else if ( this.changeCount > csn.changeCount )
return 1;
// Then the replicaId
if ( this.replicaId < csn.replicaId)
return -1;
else if ( this.replicaId > csn.replicaId )
return 1;
// Last, not least, compares the operation number
if ( this.operationNumber < csn.operationNumber )
return -1;
else if ( this.operationNumber > csn.operationNumber )
return 1;
return 0;