blob: 79e9632478b8c5a6685b1d00e5aad0aad59a85db [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.UUID;
import org.junit.Ignore;
import org.junit.runner.Description;
import org.junit.runner.notification.Failure;
import org.junit.runner.notification.RunNotifier;
import org.junit.runners.BlockJUnit4ClassRunner;
import org.junit.runners.model.FrameworkMethod;
import org.junit.runners.model.InitializationError;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* The class responsible for running all the tests. t read the annotations,
* initialize the DirectoryService, call each test and do the cleanup at the end.
* @author <a href="">Apache Directory Project</a>
public class FrameworkRunner extends BlockJUnit4ClassRunner
/** A logger for this class */
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger( FrameworkRunner.class );
/** The 'service' field in the run tests */
private static final String SET_SERVICE_METHOD_NAME = "setService";
/** The 'ldapServer' field in the run tests */
private static final String SET_LDAP_SERVER_METHOD_NAME = "setLdapServer";
/** The 'kdcServer' field in the run tests */
private static final String SET_KDC_SERVER_METHOD_NAME = "setKdcServer";
/** The filed used to tell the test that it is run in a suite */
private static final String IS_RUN_IN_SUITE_FIELD_NAME = "isRunInSuite";
/** The suite this class depend on, if any */
private FrameworkSuite suite;
/** The DirectoryService for this class, if any */
private DirectoryService classDS;
/** The LdapServer for this class, if any */
private LdapServer classLdapServer;
/** The KdcServer for this class, if any */
private KdcServer classKdcServer;
* Initialize the codec service
// Load the extension points
System.setProperty( StandaloneLdapApiService.DEFAULT_CONTROLS_LIST,
"," +
"," +
"," +
"," +
"," +
"" );
System.setProperty( StandaloneLdapApiService.EXTRA_CONTROLS_LIST,
"," +
"," +
"," +
"," +
"" );
System.setProperty( StandaloneLdapApiService.DEFAULT_EXTENDED_OPERATION_REQUESTS_LIST,
"," +
"," +
"," +
"" );
System.setProperty( StandaloneLdapApiService.DEFAULT_EXTENDED_OPERATION_RESPONSES_LIST,
"" );
* Creates a new instance of FrameworkRunner.
public FrameworkRunner( Class<?> clazz ) throws InitializationError
super( clazz );
* {@inheritDoc}
public void run( final RunNotifier notifier )
// Before running any test, check to see if we must create a class DS
// Get the LdapServerBuilder, if any
CreateLdapServer classLdapServerBuilder = getDescription().getAnnotation( CreateLdapServer.class );
classDS = DSAnnotationProcessor.getDirectoryService( getDescription() );
long revision = 0L;
DirectoryService directoryService = null;
if ( classDS != null )
// We have a class DS defined, update it
directoryService = classDS;
// Get the applyLdifs for each level and apply them
if ( suite != null )
DSAnnotationProcessor.applyLdifs( suite.getDescription(), classDS );
DSAnnotationProcessor.applyLdifs( getDescription(), classDS );
// No class DS. Do we have a Suite ?
if ( suite != null )
// yes. Do we have a suite DS ?
directoryService = suite.getDirectoryService();
if ( directoryService != null )
// yes : apply the class LDIFs only, and tag for reversion
revision = getCurrentRevision( directoryService );
// apply the class LDIFs
DSAnnotationProcessor.applyLdifs( getDescription(), directoryService );
// No : define a default DS for the suite then
DirectoryServiceFactory dsf = DefaultDirectoryServiceFactory.class.newInstance();
directoryService = dsf.getDirectoryService();
// enable CL explicitly cause we are not using DSAnnotationProcessor
directoryService.getChangeLog().setEnabled( true );
dsf.init( "default" + UUID.randomUUID().toString() );
// Stores it into the suite
suite.setDirectoryService( directoryService );
// Apply the suite LDIF first
DSAnnotationProcessor.applyLdifs( suite.getDescription(), directoryService );
// Then tag for reversion and apply the class LDIFs
revision = getCurrentRevision( directoryService );
DSAnnotationProcessor.applyLdifs( getDescription(), directoryService );
// No : define a default class DS then
DirectoryServiceFactory dsf = DefaultDirectoryServiceFactory.class.newInstance();
directoryService = dsf.getDirectoryService();
// enable CL explicitly cause we are not using DSAnnotationProcessor
directoryService.getChangeLog().setEnabled( true );
dsf.init( "default" + UUID.randomUUID().toString() );
// Stores the defaultDS in the classDS
classDS = directoryService;
// Apply the class LDIFs
DSAnnotationProcessor.applyLdifs( getDescription(), directoryService );
// check if it has a LdapServerBuilder
// then use the DS created above
if ( classLdapServerBuilder != null )
classLdapServer = ServerAnnotationProcessor.createLdapServer( getDescription(), directoryService );
else if ( ( suite != null ) && ( suite.getLdapServer() != null ) )
classLdapServer = suite.getLdapServer();
// set directoryService only if there is no class level DS
if ( directoryService == null )
directoryService = classLdapServer.getDirectoryService();
// no need to inject the LDIF data that would have been done above
// if ApplyLdifs is present
if ( classKdcServer == null )
int minPort = getMinPort();
classKdcServer = ServerAnnotationProcessor.getKdcServer( getDescription(), directoryService,
minPort + 1 );
else if ( suite != null )
// TODO add suite level KdcServer support
if ( suite == null )
// print out information which partition factory we use
DirectoryServiceFactory dsFactory = DefaultDirectoryServiceFactory.class.newInstance();
PartitionFactory partitionFactory = dsFactory.getPartitionFactory();
LOG.debug( "Using partition factory {}", partitionFactory.getClass().getSimpleName() );
// Now run the class notifier );
if ( classLdapServer != null && ( ( suite == null ) || ( suite.getLdapServer() != classLdapServer ) ) )
if ( classKdcServer != null )
// cleanup classService if it is not the same as suite service or
// it is not null (this second case happens in the absence of a suite)
if ( classDS != null )
LOG.debug( "Shuting down DS for {}", classDS.getInstanceId() );
FileUtils.deleteDirectory( classDS.getInstanceLayout().getInstanceDirectory() );
// Revert the ldifs
// We use a class or suite DS, just revert the current test's modifications
revert( directoryService, revision );
catch ( Exception e )
LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_181, getTestClass().getName() ) );
LOG.error( e.getLocalizedMessage() );
notifier.fireTestFailure( new Failure( getDescription(), e ) );
// help GC to get rid of the directory service with all its references
suite = null;
classDS = null;
classLdapServer = null;
classKdcServer = null;
* Get the lower port out of all the transports
private int getMinPort()
int minPort = 0;
if ( suite != null )
LdapServer suiteServer = suite.getLdapServer();
if ( suiteServer != null )
for ( Transport transport : suiteServer.getTransports() )
if ( minPort <= transport.getPort() )
minPort = transport.getPort();
return minPort;
* {@inheritDoc}
protected void runChild( FrameworkMethod method, RunNotifier notifier )
/** The LdapServer for this method, if any */
LdapServer methodLdapServer = null;
/** The KdcServer for this method, if any */
KdcServer methodKdcServer = null;
// Don't run the test if the @Ignored annotation is used
if ( method.getAnnotation( Ignore.class ) != null )
Description description = describeChild( method );
notifier.fireTestIgnored( description );
// Get the applyLdifs for each level
Description suiteDescription = null;
if ( suite != null )
suiteDescription = suite.getDescription();
Description classDescription = getDescription();
Description methodDescription = describeChild( method );
// Before running any test, check to see if we must create a class DS
// Get the LdapServerBuilder, if any
CreateLdapServer methodLdapServerBuilder = methodDescription.getAnnotation( CreateLdapServer.class );
CreateKdcServer methodKdcServerBuilder = methodDescription.getAnnotation( CreateKdcServer.class );
// Ok, ready to run the test
DirectoryService directoryService = null;
// Set the revision to 0, we will revert only if it's set to another value
long revision = 0L;
// Check if this method has a dedicated DSBuilder
DirectoryService methodDS = DSAnnotationProcessor.getDirectoryService( methodDescription );
// give #1 priority to method level DS if present
if ( methodDS != null )
// Apply all the LDIFs
DSAnnotationProcessor.applyLdifs( suiteDescription, methodDS );
DSAnnotationProcessor.applyLdifs( classDescription, methodDS );
DSAnnotationProcessor.applyLdifs( methodDescription, methodDS );
directoryService = methodDS;
else if ( classDS != null )
directoryService = classDS;
// apply the method LDIFs, and tag for reversion
revision = getCurrentRevision( directoryService );
DSAnnotationProcessor.applyLdifs( methodDescription, directoryService );
// we don't support method level LdapServer so
// we check for the presence of Class level LdapServer first
else if ( classLdapServer != null )
directoryService = classLdapServer.getDirectoryService();
revision = getCurrentRevision( directoryService );
DSAnnotationProcessor.applyLdifs( methodDescription, directoryService );
else if ( classKdcServer != null )
directoryService = classKdcServer.getDirectoryService();
revision = getCurrentRevision( directoryService );
DSAnnotationProcessor.applyLdifs( methodDescription, directoryService );
else if ( suite != null )
directoryService = suite.getDirectoryService();
// apply the method LDIFs, and tag for reversion
revision = getCurrentRevision( directoryService );
DSAnnotationProcessor.applyLdifs( methodDescription, directoryService );
if ( methodLdapServerBuilder != null )
int minPort = getMinPort();
methodLdapServer = ServerAnnotationProcessor.createLdapServer( methodDescription, directoryService );
if ( methodKdcServerBuilder != null )
int minPort = getMinPort();
methodKdcServer = ServerAnnotationProcessor.getKdcServer( methodDescription, directoryService,
minPort + 1 );
// At this point, we know which service to use.
// Inject it into the class
Method setService = getTestClass().getJavaClass().getMethod( SET_SERVICE_METHOD_NAME,
DirectoryService.class );
setService.invoke( getTestClass().getJavaClass(), directoryService );
// if we run this class in a suite, tell it to the test
Field runInSuiteField = getTestClass().getJavaClass().getField( IS_RUN_IN_SUITE_FIELD_NAME );
runInSuiteField.set( getTestClass().getJavaClass(), suite != null );
Method setLdapServer = getTestClass().getJavaClass().getMethod( SET_LDAP_SERVER_METHOD_NAME,
LdapServer.class );
Method setKdcServer = getTestClass().getJavaClass().getMethod( SET_KDC_SERVER_METHOD_NAME, KdcServer.class );
DirectoryService oldLdapServerDirService = null;
DirectoryService oldKdcServerDirService = null;
if ( methodLdapServer != null )
// setting the directoryService is required to inject the correct level DS instance in the class or suite level LdapServer
methodLdapServer.setDirectoryService( directoryService );
setLdapServer.invoke( getTestClass().getJavaClass(), methodLdapServer );
else if ( classLdapServer != null )
oldLdapServerDirService = classLdapServer.getDirectoryService();
// setting the directoryService is required to inject the correct level DS instance in the class or suite level LdapServer
classLdapServer.setDirectoryService( directoryService );
setLdapServer.invoke( getTestClass().getJavaClass(), classLdapServer );
if ( methodKdcServer != null )
// setting the directoryService is required to inject the correct level DS instance in the class or suite level KdcServer
methodKdcServer.setDirectoryService( directoryService );
setKdcServer.invoke( getTestClass().getJavaClass(), methodKdcServer );
else if ( classKdcServer != null )
oldKdcServerDirService = classKdcServer.getDirectoryService();
// setting the directoryService is required to inject the correct level DS instance in the class or suite level KdcServer
classKdcServer.setDirectoryService( directoryService );
setKdcServer.invoke( getTestClass().getJavaClass(), classKdcServer );
// Run the test
super.runChild( method, notifier );
if ( methodLdapServer != null )
if ( oldLdapServerDirService != null )
classLdapServer.setDirectoryService( oldLdapServerDirService );
if ( oldKdcServerDirService != null )
classKdcServer.setDirectoryService( oldKdcServerDirService );
// Cleanup the methodDS if it has been created
if ( methodDS != null )
LOG.debug( "Shuting down DS for {}", methodDS.getInstanceId() );
FileUtils.deleteDirectory( methodDS.getInstanceLayout().getInstanceDirectory() );
// We use a class or suite DS, just revert the current test's modifications
revert( directoryService, revision );
catch ( Exception e )
LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_182, method.getName() ) );
LOG.error( "", e );
notifier.fireTestFailure( new Failure( getDescription(), e ) );
* Set the Suite reference into this class
* @param suite The suite this classd is contained into
public void setSuite( FrameworkSuite suite )
this.suite = suite;
* @return The Suite this class is contained nto, if any
public FrameworkSuite getSuite()
return suite;
private long getCurrentRevision( DirectoryService dirService ) throws Exception
if ( ( dirService != null ) && ( dirService.getChangeLog().isEnabled() ) )
long revision = dirService.getChangeLog().getCurrentRevision();
LOG.debug( "Create revision {}", revision );
return revision;
return 0;
private void revert( DirectoryService dirService, long revision ) throws Exception
if ( dirService == null )
ChangeLog cl = dirService.getChangeLog();
if ( cl.isEnabled() && ( revision < cl.getCurrentRevision() ) )
LOG.debug( "Revert revision {}", revision );
dirService.revert( revision );