blob: dea3efecf28db747faa09c2bae409cf3a60c2467 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
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import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* A DN factory.
* @author <a href="">Apache Directory Project</a>
public class DNFactory
/** a map of <DN-upName, DN> tuples */
// NOTE: currently a map is used, will eventually be replaced with ehCache if thie experiment succeeds
private static final Map<String, DN> DN_CACHE = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, DN>();
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger( DNFactory.class );
private static SchemaManager schemaManager;
// stat counters
private static int hitCount = 0;
private static int missCount = 0;
* searches the cache first for a possible DN value based on the given 'upName' match.
* If a DN is present in the cache will return it (after normalizing if required)
* otherwise will create a new DN instance and stores in the cache before returning it
* Note that the DN cache is maintained by using user provided DN name as key
* @param dn the upName of the DN
* @param schemaManager the schema manager (optional)
* @return a DN
* @throws LdapInvalidDnException
public static DN create( String dn, SchemaManager schemaManager ) throws LdapInvalidDnException
if ( dn == null )
return null;
if( dn.trim().length() == 0 )
return DN.EMPTY_DN;
synchronized ( dn )
DN cachedDN = DN_CACHE.get( dn );
if ( cachedDN == null )
LOG.debug( "DN {} not found in the cache, creating", dn );
cachedDN = new DN( dn, schemaManager );
DN_CACHE.put( dn, cachedDN );
if ( !cachedDN.isNormalized() && ( schemaManager != null ) )
cachedDN.normalize( schemaManager.getNormalizerMapping() );
LOG.debug( "DN {} found in the cache", dn );
// System.out.println( "DN cache hit - " + hitCount + ", miss - " + missCount + " and is normalized = "
// + cachedDN.isNormalized() );
return cachedDN;
public static DN create( String... upRdns ) throws LdapInvalidDnException
return create( schemaManager, upRdns );
public static DN create( SchemaManager schemaManager, String... upRdns ) throws LdapInvalidDnException
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for ( String s : upRdns )
sb.append( s ).append( ',' );
String dn = sb.toString();
dn = dn.substring( 0, dn.length() - 1 );
return create( dn, schemaManager );
public static DN create( DN dn ) throws LdapInvalidDnException
return create( dn.getName(), schemaManager );
public static DN create( DN dn, SchemaManager schemaManager ) throws LdapInvalidDnException
return create( dn.getName(), schemaManager );
public static DN create( String dn ) throws LdapInvalidDnException
return create( dn, schemaManager );
public static void setSchemaManager( SchemaManager schemaManager )
DNFactory.schemaManager = schemaManager;