blob: b71fb2c046555549e6662bf7c641d19aa8296c91 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;
* An AvlTreeMap implementation with support to store both key and value.
* This implementation also supports duplicate keys. The values of a same key
* will be stored in a AvlTree.
* @author <a href="">Apache Directory Project</a>
public class AvlTreeMapImpl<K, V> implements AvlTreeMap<K, V>
/** the root of the tree */
private LinkedAvlMapNode<K, V> root;
/** The Comparator used for comparing the keys */
private Comparator<K> keyComparator;
/** The Comparator used for comparing the values */
private Comparator<V> valueComparator;
/** node representing the start of the doubly linked list formed with the tree nodes */
private LinkedAvlMapNode<K, V> first;
/** node representing the end of the doubly linked list formed with the tree nodes */
private LinkedAvlMapNode<K, V> last;
/** flag to allow storing duplicate keys */
private boolean allowDuplicates;
/** size of the map */
private int size;
* Creates a new instance of AVLTreeMap without support for duplicate keys.
* @param keyComparator the comparator to be used for comparing keys
* @param valueComparator the comparator to be used for comparing values
public AvlTreeMapImpl( Comparator<K> keyComparator, Comparator<V> valueComparator )
this( keyComparator, valueComparator, false );
* Creates a new instance of AVLTreeMap without support for duplicate keys.
* @param keyComparator the comparator to be used for comparing keys
* @param valueComparator the comparator to be used for comparing values
* @param allowDuplicates are duplicates keyComparators allowed?
public AvlTreeMapImpl( Comparator<K> keyComparator, Comparator<V> valueComparator, boolean allowDuplicates )
this.keyComparator = keyComparator;
this.valueComparator = valueComparator;
this.allowDuplicates = allowDuplicates;
* {@inheritDoc}
public Comparator<K> getKeyComparator()
return keyComparator;
* {@inheritDoc}
public Comparator<V> getValueComparator()
return valueComparator;
* {@inheritDoc}
public V insert( K key, V value )
LinkedAvlMapNode<K, V> node, temp;
LinkedAvlMapNode<K, V> parent = null;
int c;
if ( root == null )
root = new LinkedAvlMapNode<K, V>( key, value );
first = root;
last = root;
return null;
node = new LinkedAvlMapNode<K, V>( key, value );
temp = root;
List<LinkedAvlMapNode<K, V>> treePath = new ArrayList<LinkedAvlMapNode<K, V>>();
while ( temp != null )
treePath.add( 0, temp ); // last node first, for the sake of balance factor computation
parent = temp;
c = key, temp.getKey() );
if ( c == 0 )
if ( allowDuplicates )
return insertDupKey( value, temp ); // key already exists add another value
// replace the existing value with the new value
return temp.value.setSingleton( value );
if ( c < 0 )
temp.isLeft = true;
temp = temp.getLeft();
temp.isLeft = false;
temp = temp.getRight();
if ( ( c = key, parent.getKey() ) ) < 0 )
parent.setLeft( node );
parent.setRight( node );
insertInList( node, parent, c );
treePath.add( 0, node );
balance( treePath );
return null;
private V insertDupKey( V value, LinkedAvlMapNode<K, V> existingNode )
AvlTree<V> dupsTree = null;
if ( existingNode.value.isOrderedSet() )
dupsTree = existingNode.value.getOrderedSet();
// create avlTree, insert singleton into it, then switch modes
dupsTree = new AvlTreeImpl<V>( valueComparator );
dupsTree.insert( existingNode.value.getSingleton() );
existingNode.value.switchToOrderedSet( dupsTree );
// check if value already exists
if ( dupsTree.find( value ) != null )
return value;
// insert value into duplicate key holder
dupsTree.insert( value );
return null;
private void removeFromList( LinkedAvlMapNode<K, V> node )
if ( == null && node.previous == null ) // should happen in case of tree having single node
first = last = null;
else if ( == null ) // last node
{ = null;
last = node.previous;
else if ( node.previous == null ) // first node
{ = null;
first =;
// somewhere in middle
{ =; = node.previous;
private void insertInList( LinkedAvlMapNode<K, V> node, LinkedAvlMapNode<K, V> parentNode, int pos )
if ( pos < 0 )
if ( last == null )
last = parentNode;
if ( parentNode.previous == null )
first = node;
{ = node;
node.previous = parentNode.previous;
} = parentNode;
parentNode.previous = node;
else if ( pos > 0 )
if ( == null )
last = node;
{ = node; =;
node.previous = parentNode; = node;
* {@inheritDoc}
public SingletonOrOrderedSet<V> remove( K key )
if ( key == null )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "key cannot be null" );
LinkedAvlMapNode<K, V> temp = null;
List<LinkedAvlMapNode<K, V>> treePath = new ArrayList<LinkedAvlMapNode<K, V>>();
treePath = find( key, root, treePath );
if ( treePath == null )
return null;
temp = treePath.remove( 0 );
if ( temp.isLeaf() && ( temp == root ) )
root = null;
balanceNodesAfterRemove( treePath, temp );
return temp.value;
* {@inheritDoc}
public V remove( K key, V value )
if ( key == null || value == null )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "key or value cannot be null" );
LinkedAvlMapNode<K, V> temp = null;
List<LinkedAvlMapNode<K, V>> treePath = new ArrayList<LinkedAvlMapNode<K, V>>();
treePath = find( key, root, treePath );
if ( treePath == null )
return null;
temp = treePath.remove( 0 );
// check if the value matches
if ( allowDuplicates )
if ( temp.value.isOrderedSet() )
AvlTree<V> dupsTree = temp.value.getOrderedSet();
V removedVal = dupsTree.remove( value );
// if the removal is successful and the tree is not empty
// we don't need to balance the tree, cause just one value
// of the same key was removed
// if the tree is empty because of the removal, the entire
// node will be removed which might require balancing, so we continue
// further down in this function
if ( ( removedVal != null ) && !dupsTree.isEmpty() )
return removedVal;//no need to balance
* if the value is not found then we should return
else if ( removedVal == null )
return removedVal;//no need to balance
if ( temp.value.getSingleton(), value ) != 0 )
return null;// no need to balance
if ( temp.isLeaf() && ( temp == root ) )
if ( allowDuplicates )
if ( temp.value.isSingleton() || temp.value.getOrderedSet().isEmpty() )
root = null;
// if dups are not allowed set root to null
root = null;
return value;
balanceNodesAfterRemove( treePath, temp );
return value;
* changes the order of nodes after a delete operation and then
* balances the tree
* @param treePath the path traversed to find the node temp
* @param delNode the node to be deleted
private void balanceNodesAfterRemove( List<LinkedAvlMapNode<K, V>> treePath, LinkedAvlMapNode<K, V> delNode )
LinkedAvlMapNode<K, V> y = null;
// remove from the doubly linked
removeFromList( delNode );
if ( delNode.isLeaf() )
if ( !treePath.isEmpty() )
detachNodes( delNode, treePath.get( 0 ) );
if ( delNode.left != null )
List<LinkedAvlMapNode<K, V>> leftTreePath = findMax( delNode.left );
y = leftTreePath.remove( 0 );
if ( leftTreePath.isEmpty() ) // y is the left child of root and y is a leaf
detachNodes( y, delNode );
detachNodes( y, leftTreePath.remove( 0 ) );
leftTreePath.addAll( treePath );
treePath = leftTreePath;
y.right = delNode.right; // assign the right here left will be assigned in replaceNode()
if ( delNode == root )
y.left = delNode.left;
root = y;
replaceNode( delNode, y, treePath.get( 0 ) );
else if ( delNode.right != null )
List<LinkedAvlMapNode<K, V>> rightTreePath = findMin( delNode.right );
y = rightTreePath.remove( 0 );
if ( rightTreePath.isEmpty() )
detachNodes( y, delNode ); // y is the right child of root and y is a leaf
detachNodes( y, rightTreePath.remove( 0 ) );
rightTreePath.addAll( treePath );
treePath = rightTreePath;
y.right = delNode.right; // assign the right here left will be assigned in replaceNode()
if ( delNode == root )
y.right = delNode.right;
root = y;
replaceNode( delNode, y, treePath.get( 0 ) );
treePath.add( 0, y ); // y can be null but getBalance returns 0 so np
balance( treePath );
* Balances the tree by visiting the nodes present in the List of nodes present in the
* treePath parameter.<br><br>
* This really does the balancing if the height of the tree is greater than 2 and the<br>
* balance factor is greater than +1 or less than -1.<br><br>
* For an excellent info please read the
* <a href="">Wikipedia article on AVL tree</a>.
* @param treePath the traversed list of LinkedAvlMapNodes after performing an insert/delete operation.
private void balance( List<LinkedAvlMapNode<K, V>> treePath )
LinkedAvlMapNode<K, V> parentNode = null;
int size = treePath.size();
for ( LinkedAvlMapNode<K, V> node : treePath )
int balFactor = getBalance( node );
if ( node != root && treePath.indexOf( node ) < ( size - 1 ) )
parentNode = treePath.get( treePath.indexOf( node ) + 1 );
if ( balFactor > 1 )
if ( getBalance( node.right ) <= -1 )
//------rotate double-left--------
rotateSingleRight( node.right, node );
rotateSingleLeft( node, parentNode );
// rotate single-left
rotateSingleLeft( node, parentNode );
else if ( balFactor < -1 )
if ( getBalance( node.left ) >= 1 )
//------rotate double-right--------
rotateSingleLeft( node.left, node );
rotateSingleRight( node, parentNode );
rotateSingleRight( node, parentNode );
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean isEmpty()
return root == null;
* {@inheritDoc}
//NOTE: This method is internally used by AVLTreeMarshaller
public int getSize()
return size;
* Set the root of the tree.
* Note : this method is used by the deserialization method
* @param root the root of the tree
/* no protection */void setRoot( LinkedAvlMapNode<K, V> root )
this.root = root;
* Set the first element of the tree
* Note : this method is used by the deserialization method
* @param first the first element to be added
/* no protection */void setFirst( LinkedAvlMapNode<K, V> first )
this.first = first;
* Set the last element of the tree
* Note : this method is used by the deserialization method
* @param last the last element to be added
/* no protection */void setLast( LinkedAvlMapNode<K, V> last )
this.last = last;
* {@inheritDoc}
public LinkedAvlMapNode<K, V> getRoot()
return root;
* {@inheritDoc}
public List<K> getKeys()
List<K> keys = new ArrayList<K>();
LinkedAvlMapNode<K, V> node = first;
while ( node != null )
keys.add( node.key );
node =;
return keys;
* {@inheritDoc}
public void printTree()
if ( isEmpty() )
System.out.println( "Tree is empty" );
getRoot().setDepth( 0 );
System.out.println( getRoot() );
visit( getRoot().getRight(), getRoot() );
visit( getRoot().getLeft(), getRoot() );
* {@inheritDoc}
public LinkedAvlMapNode<K, V> getFirst()
return first;
* {@inheritDoc}
public LinkedAvlMapNode<K, V> getLast()
return last;
* Rotate the node left side once.
* @param node the LinkedAvlMapNode to be rotated
* @param parentNode parent LinkedAvlMapNode of node
private void rotateSingleLeft( LinkedAvlMapNode<K, V> node, LinkedAvlMapNode<K, V> parentNode )
LinkedAvlMapNode<K, V> temp;
//------rotate single-left--------
temp = node.right;
node.right = temp.left;
temp.left = node;
if ( node == root )
root = temp;
else if ( parentNode != null )
if ( parentNode.left == node )
parentNode.left = temp;
else if ( parentNode.right == node )
parentNode.right = temp;
* Rotate the node right side once.
* @param node the LinkedAvlMapNode to be rotated
* @param parentNode parent LinkedAvlMapNode of node
private void rotateSingleRight( LinkedAvlMapNode<K, V> node, LinkedAvlMapNode<K, V> parentNode )
LinkedAvlMapNode<K, V> temp;
//------rotate single-right--------
temp = node.left;
node.left = temp.right;
temp.right = node;
if ( node == root )
root = temp;
else if ( parentNode != null )
if ( parentNode.left == node )
parentNode.left = temp;
else if ( parentNode.right == node )
parentNode.right = temp;
when the 'parentNode' param is null then the node under rotation is a child of ROOT.
Most likely this condition executes when the root node is deleted and balancing is required.
else if ( root != null && root.left == node )
root.left = temp;
// no need to check for right node
* Detach a LinkedAvlMapNode from its parent
* @param node the LinkedAvlMapNode to be detached
* @param parentNode the parent LinkedAvlMapNode of the node
private void detachNodes( LinkedAvlMapNode<K, V> node, LinkedAvlMapNode<K, V> parentNode )
if ( parentNode != null )
if ( node == parentNode.left )
parentNode.left = node.left;
else if ( node == parentNode.right )
parentNode.right = node.left;
* Replace a LinkedAvlMapNode to be removed with a new existing LinkedAvlMapNode
* @param deleteNode the LinkedAvlMapNode to be deleted
* @param replaceNode the LinkedAvlMapNode to replace the deleteNode
* @param parentNode the parent LinkedAvlMapNode of deleteNode
private void replaceNode( LinkedAvlMapNode<K, V> deleteNode, LinkedAvlMapNode<K, V> replaceNode,
LinkedAvlMapNode<K, V> parentNode )
if ( parentNode != null )
replaceNode.left = deleteNode.left;
if ( deleteNode == parentNode.left )
parentNode.left = replaceNode;
else if ( deleteNode == parentNode.right )
parentNode.right = replaceNode;
* Find a LinkedAvlMapNode with the given key value in the tree starting from the startNode.
* @param key the key to find
* @param startNode starting node of a subtree/tree
* @param path the list to be filled with traversed nodes
* @return the list of traversed LinkedAvlMapNodes.
private List<LinkedAvlMapNode<K, V>> find( K key, LinkedAvlMapNode<K, V> startNode,
List<LinkedAvlMapNode<K, V>> path )
int c;
if ( startNode == null )
return null;
path.add( 0, startNode );
c = key, startNode.key );
if ( c == 0 )
return path;
else if ( c > 0 )
return find( key, startNode.right, path );
else if ( c < 0 )
return find( key, startNode.left, path );
return null;
* {@inheritDoc}
public LinkedAvlMapNode<K, V> findGreater( K key )
LinkedAvlMapNode<K, V> result = fetchNonNullNode( key, root, root );
if ( result == null )
return null;
else if ( key, result.key ) < 0 )
return result;
* {@inheritDoc}
public LinkedAvlMapNode<K, V> findGreaterOrEqual( K key )
LinkedAvlMapNode<K, V> result = fetchNonNullNode( key, root, root );
if ( result == null )
return null;
else if ( key, result.key ) <= 0 )
return result;
* {@inheritDoc}
public LinkedAvlMapNode<K, V> findLess( K key )
LinkedAvlMapNode<K, V> result = fetchNonNullNode( key, root, root );
if ( result == null )
return null;
else if ( key, result.key ) > 0 )
return result;
return result.previous;
* {@inheritDoc}
public LinkedAvlMapNode<K, V> findLessOrEqual( K key )
LinkedAvlMapNode<K, V> result = fetchNonNullNode( key, root, root );
if ( result == null )
return null;
else if ( key, result.key ) >= 0 )
return result;
return result.previous;
* This method returns the last visited non-null node in case if the node with the given key
* is not present. This method should not be used as general purpose lookup method.
* This is written to assist the findGreater, findLess methods.
private LinkedAvlMapNode<K, V> fetchNonNullNode( K key, LinkedAvlMapNode<K, V> startNode,
LinkedAvlMapNode<K, V> parent )
if ( startNode == null )
return parent;
int c = key, startNode.key );
parent = startNode;
if ( c > 0 )
return fetchNonNullNode( key, startNode.right, parent );
else if ( c < 0 )
return fetchNonNullNode( key, startNode.left, parent );
return startNode;
* {@inheritDoc}
public LinkedAvlMapNode<K, V> find( K key )
return find( key, root );
* {@inheritDoc}
public LinkedAvlMapNode<K, V> find( K key, V value )
if ( key == null || value == null )
return null;
LinkedAvlMapNode<K, V> node = find( key, root );
if ( node == null )
return null;
if ( node.value.isOrderedSet() )
AvlTree<V> dupsTree = node.value.getOrderedSet();
if ( dupsTree.find( value ) == null )
return null;
if ( node.value.getSingleton(), value ) != 0 )
return null;
return node;
private LinkedAvlMapNode<K, V> find( K key, LinkedAvlMapNode<K, V> startNode )
int c;
if ( startNode == null )
return null;
c = key, startNode.key );
if ( c > 0 )
startNode.isLeft = false;
return find( key, startNode.right );
else if ( c < 0 )
startNode.isLeft = true;
return find( key, startNode.left );
return startNode;
* Find the LinkedAvlMapNode having the max key value in the tree starting from the startNode.
* @param startNode starting node of a subtree/tree
* @return the list of traversed LinkedAvlMapNodes.
private List<LinkedAvlMapNode<K, V>> findMax( LinkedAvlMapNode<K, V> startNode )
LinkedAvlMapNode<K, V> x = startNode;
LinkedAvlMapNode<K, V> y = null;
List<LinkedAvlMapNode<K, V>> path;
if ( x == null )
return null;
while ( x.right != null )
x.isLeft = false;
y = x;
x = x.right;
path = new ArrayList<LinkedAvlMapNode<K, V>>( 2 );
path.add( x );
if ( y != null )
path.add( y );
return path;
* Find the LinkedAvlMapNode having the min key value in the tree starting from the startNode.
* @param startNode starting node of a subtree/tree
* @return the list of traversed LinkedAvlMapNodes.
private List<LinkedAvlMapNode<K, V>> findMin( LinkedAvlMapNode<K, V> startNode )
LinkedAvlMapNode<K, V> x = startNode;
LinkedAvlMapNode<K, V> y = null;
List<LinkedAvlMapNode<K, V>> path;
if ( x == null )
return null;
while ( x.left != null )
x.isLeft = true;
y = x;
x = x.left;
path = new ArrayList<LinkedAvlMapNode<K, V>>( 2 );
path.add( x );
if ( y != null )
path.add( y );
return path;
* Get balance-factor of the given LinkedAvlMapNode.
* @param node a LinkedAvlMapNode
* @return balance-factor of the node
private int getBalance( LinkedAvlMapNode<K, V> node )
if ( node == null )
return 0;
return node.getBalance();
private void visit( LinkedAvlMapNode<K, V> node, LinkedAvlMapNode<K, V> parentNode )
if ( node == null )
if ( !node.isLeaf() )
node.setDepth( parentNode.getDepth() + 1 );
for ( int i = 0; i < parentNode.getDepth(); i++ )
System.out.print( "| " );
String type = "";
if ( node == parentNode.left )
type = "L";
else if ( node == parentNode.right )
type = "R";
System.out.println( "|--" + node + type );
if ( node.getRight() != null )
visit( node.getRight(), node );
if ( node.getLeft() != null )
visit( node.getLeft(), node );
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean isDupsAllowed()
return allowDuplicates;
* removes all the nodes from the tree
public void removeAll()
LinkedAvlMapNode<K, V> tmp;
while ( first != null )
tmp = first;
first =;
tmp = null;
last = null;
root = null;
size = 0;