blob: 48711ad5daaae184295ab6af4ad85723f0c2b09f [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
* Evaluates substring filter assertions on an entry.
* @author <a href="">Apache Directory Project</a>
public class SubstringEvaluator<ID extends Comparable<ID>> implements Evaluator<SubstringNode, Entry, ID>
/** Database used while evaluating candidates */
private final Store<Entry, ID> db;
/** Reference to the SchemaManager */
private final SchemaManager schemaManager;
/** The Substring expression */
private final SubstringNode node;
/** The regular expression generated for the SubstringNode pattern */
private final Pattern regex;
/** The AttributeType we will use for the evaluation */
private final MutableAttributeTypeImpl attributeType;
/** The associated normalizer */
private final Normalizer normalizer;
/** The index to use if any */
private final Index<String, Entry, ID> idx;
* Creates a new SubstringEvaluator for substring expressions.
* @param node the substring expression node
* @param db the database this evaluator uses
* @param schemaManager the schema manager
* @throws Exception if there are failures accessing resources and the db
public SubstringEvaluator( SubstringNode node, Store<Entry, ID> db, SchemaManager schemaManager )
throws Exception
this.db = db;
this.node = node;
this.schemaManager = schemaManager;
this.attributeType = node.getAttributeType();
MatchingRule rule = attributeType.getSubstring();
if ( rule == null )
rule = attributeType.getEquality();
if ( rule != null )
normalizer = rule.getNormalizer();
normalizer = new NoOpNormalizer( attributeType.getSyntaxOid() );
// compile the regular expression to search for a matching attribute
// if the attributeType is humanReadable
if ( attributeType.getSyntax().isHumanReadable() )
regex = node.getRegex( normalizer );
regex = null;
if ( db.hasIndexOn( attributeType ) )
idx = ( Index<String, Entry, ID> ) db.getIndex( attributeType );
idx = null;
public boolean evaluate( IndexEntry<?, Entry, ID> indexEntry ) throws Exception
if ( idx == null )
return evaluateWithoutIndex( ( IndexEntry<String, Entry, ID> ) indexEntry );
return evaluateWithIndex( indexEntry );
public boolean evaluateId( ID id ) throws Exception
if ( idx == null )
return evaluateWithoutIndex( id );
return evaluateWithIndex( id );
public boolean evaluateEntry( Entry entry ) throws Exception
if ( idx == null )
//noinspection unchecked
return evaluateWithoutIndex( entry );
return evaluateWithIndex( );
public Pattern getPattern()
return regex;
public SubstringNode getExpression()
return node;
private boolean evaluateWithIndex( IndexEntry<?, Entry, ID> indexEntry ) throws Exception
* Note that this is using the reverse half of the index giving a
* considerable performance improvement on this kind of operation.
* Otherwise we would have to scan the entire index if there were
* no reverse lookups.
Cursor<IndexEntry<String, Entry, ID>> entries = idx.reverseCursor( indexEntry.getId() );
// cycle through the attribute values testing for a match
while ( )
IndexEntry<String, Entry, ID> rec = entries.get();
// once match is found cleanup and return true
if ( regex.matcher( ( String ) rec.getValue() ).matches() )
return true;
// we fell through so a match was not found - assertion was false.
return false;
private boolean evaluateWithIndex( ) throws Exception
throw new UnsupportedOperationException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_721 ) );
private boolean evaluateWithIndex( ID id ) throws Exception
* Note that this is using the reverse half of the index giving a
* considerable performance improvement on this kind of operation.
* Otherwise we would have to scan the entire index if there were
* no reverse lookups.
Cursor<IndexEntry<String, Entry, ID>> entries = idx.reverseCursor( id );
// cycle through the attribute values testing for a match
while ( )
IndexEntry<String, Entry, ID> rec = entries.get();
// once match is found cleanup and return true
if ( regex.matcher( ( String ) rec.getValue() ).matches() )
return true;
// we fell through so a match was not found - assertion was false.
return false;
// TODO - determine if comaparator and index entry should have the Value
// wrapper or the raw normalized value
private boolean evaluateWithoutIndex( ID id ) throws Exception
return evaluateWithoutIndex( db.lookup( id ) );
// TODO - determine if comaparator and index entry should have the Value
// wrapper or the raw normalized value
private boolean evaluateWithoutIndex( Entry entry ) throws Exception
// get the attribute
EntryAttribute attr = entry.get( attributeType );
// if the attribute exists and the pattern matches return true
if ( attr != null )
* Cycle through the attribute values testing normalized version
* obtained from using the substring matching rule's normalizer.
* The test uses the comparator obtained from the appropriate
* substring matching rule.
for ( Value<?> value : attr )
value.normalize( normalizer );
String strValue = ( String ) value.getNormalizedValue();
// Once match is found cleanup and return true
if ( regex.matcher( strValue ).matches() )
return true;
// Fall through as we didn't find any matching value for this attribute.
// We will have to check in the potential descendant, if any.
// If we do not have the attribute, loop through the descendant
// May be the node Attribute has descendant ?
if ( schemaManager.getAttributeTypeRegistry().hasDescendants( attributeType ) )
// TODO check to see if descendant handling is necessary for the
// index so we can match properly even when for example a name
// attribute is used instead of more specific commonName
Iterator<MutableAttributeTypeImpl> descendants = schemaManager.getAttributeTypeRegistry().descendants( attributeType );
while ( descendants.hasNext() )
MutableAttributeTypeImpl descendant =;
attr = entry.get( descendant );
if ( null != attr )
* Cycle through the attribute values testing normalized version
* obtained from using the substring matching rule's normalizer.
* The test uses the comparator obtained from the appropriate
* substring matching rule.
for ( Value<?> value : attr )
value.normalize( normalizer );
String strValue = ( String ) value.getNormalizedValue();
// Once match is found cleanup and return true
if ( regex.matcher( strValue ).matches() )
return true;
// we fell through so a match was not found - assertion was false.
return false;
// TODO - determine if comaparator and index entry should have the Value
// wrapper or the raw normalized value
private boolean evaluateWithoutIndex( IndexEntry<String, Entry, ID> indexEntry ) throws Exception
Entry entry = indexEntry.getObject();
// resuscitate the entry if it has not been and set entry in IndexEntry
if ( null == entry )
entry = db.lookup( indexEntry.getId() );
indexEntry.setObject( entry );
* Don't make a call here to evaluateWithoutIndex( Entry ) for
* code reuse since we do want to set the value on the indexEntry on
* matches.
// get the attribute
EntryAttribute attr = entry.get( attributeType );
// if the attribute exists and the pattern matches return true
if ( attr != null )
* Cycle through the attribute values testing normalized version
* obtained from using the substring matching rule's normalizer.
* The test uses the comparator obtained from the appropriate
* substring matching rule.
if ( attr.isHR() )
for ( Value<?> value : attr )
value.normalize( normalizer );
String strValue = ( String ) value.getNormalizedValue();
// Once match is found cleanup and return true
if ( regex.matcher( strValue ).matches() )
// before returning we set the normalized value
indexEntry.setValue( strValue );
return true;
// Slightly more complex. We won't be able to use a regex to check
// the value.
for ( Value<?> value : attr )
value.normalize( normalizer );
byte[] byteValue = (byte[])value.getNormalizedValue();
// Once match is found cleanup and return true
// @TODO : implement this check.
if ( check( byteValue ) )
// before returning we set the normalized value
indexEntry.setValue( byteValue );
return true;
// Fall through as we didn't find any matching value for this attribute.
// We will have to check in the potential descendant, if any.
// If we do not have the attribute, loop through the descendant
// May be the node Attribute has descendant ?
if ( schemaManager.getAttributeTypeRegistry().hasDescendants( attributeType ) )
// TODO check to see if descendant handling is necessary for the
// index so we can match properly even when for example a name
// attribute is used instead of more specific commonName
Iterator<MutableAttributeTypeImpl> descendants = schemaManager.getAttributeTypeRegistry().descendants( attributeType );
while ( descendants.hasNext() )
MutableAttributeTypeImpl descendant =;
attr = entry.get( descendant );
if ( null != attr )
* Cycle through the attribute values testing normalized version
* obtained from using the substring matching rule's normalizer.
* The test uses the comparator obtained from the appropriate
* substring matching rule.
for ( Value<?> value : attr )
value.normalize( normalizer );
String strValue = ( String ) value.getNormalizedValue();
// Once match is found cleanup and return true
if ( regex.matcher( strValue ).matches() )
// before returning we set the normalized value
indexEntry.setValue( strValue );
return true;
// we fell through so a match was not found - assertion was false.
return false;