blob: b9fa89711442fec971b5c870f6801cbb8c5f6f17 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import static;
import static;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import javax.naming.NameNotFoundException;
import javax.naming.NamingException;
import javax.naming.NoPermissionException;
import javax.naming.ldap.LdapContext;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
* Tests the modify() methods of the provider.
* @author <a href="">Apache Directory Project</a>
@RunWith ( FrameworkRunner.class )
@CreateDS(name = "ModifyAddIT")
"dn: m-oid=2.2.0, ou=attributeTypes, cn=apachemeta, ou=schema",
"objectclass: metaAttributeType",
"objectclass: metaTop",
"objectclass: top",
"m-oid: 2.2.0",
"m-name: integerAttribute",
"m-description: the precursor for all integer attributes",
"m-equality: integerMatch",
"m-ordering: integerOrderingMatch",
"m-length: 0",
"dn: ou=testing00,ou=system",
"objectClass: top",
"objectClass: organizationalUnit",
"objectClass: extensibleObject",
"ou: testing00",
"integerAttribute: 0",
"dn: ou=testing01,ou=system",
"objectClass: top",
"objectClass: organizationalUnit",
"objectClass: extensibleObject",
"ou: testing01",
"integerAttribute: 1",
"dn: ou=testing02,ou=system",
"objectClass: top",
"objectClass: organizationalUnit",
"objectClass: extensibleObject",
"ou: testing02",
"integerAttribute: 2",
"dn: ou=testing03,ou=system",
"objectClass: top",
"objectClass: organizationalUnit",
"objectClass: extensibleObject",
"ou: testing03",
"integerAttribute: 3",
"dn: ou=testing04,ou=system",
"objectClass: top",
"objectClass: organizationalUnit",
"objectClass: extensibleObject",
"ou: testing04",
"integerAttribute: 4",
"dn: ou=testing05,ou=system",
"objectClass: top",
"objectClass: organizationalUnit",
"objectClass: extensibleObject",
"ou: testing05",
"integerAttribute: 5",
"dn: ou=subtest,ou=testing01,ou=system",
"objectClass: top",
"objectClass: organizationalUnit",
"ou: subtest",
"dn: cn=Heather Nova, ou=system",
"objectClass: top",
"objectClass: person",
"cn: Heather Nova",
"sn: Nova",
"telephoneNumber: 1 801 555 1212 ",
"description: an American singer-songwriter",
"dn: cn=with-dn, ou=system",
"objectClass: top",
"objectClass: person",
"objectClass: organizationalPerson",
"objectClass: inetorgPerson",
"cn: singer",
"sn: manager",
"telephoneNumber: 1 801 555 1212 ",
"manager: cn=Heather Nova, ou=system"
public class ModifyAddIT extends AbstractLdapTestUnit
private static final String PERSON_DESCRIPTION = "an American singer-songwriter";
private static final String RDN_HEATHER_NOVA = "cn=Heather Nova";
* @param sysRoot the system root to add entries to
* @throws NamingException on errors
protected void createData( LdapContext sysRoot ) throws Exception
* Check ou=testing00,ou=system
DirContext ctx = ( DirContext ) sysRoot.lookup( "ou=testing00" );
assertNotNull( ctx );
Attributes attributes = ctx.getAttributes( "" );
assertNotNull( attributes );
assertEquals( "testing00", attributes.get( "ou" ).get() );
Attribute attribute = attributes.get( "objectClass" );
assertNotNull( attribute );
assertTrue( attribute.contains( "top" ) );
assertTrue( attribute.contains( "organizationalUnit" ) );
* check ou=testing01,ou=system
ctx = ( DirContext ) sysRoot.lookup( "ou=testing01" );
assertNotNull( ctx );
attributes = ctx.getAttributes( "" );
assertNotNull( attributes );
assertEquals( "testing01", attributes.get( "ou" ).get() );
attribute = attributes.get( "objectClass" );
assertNotNull( attribute );
assertTrue( attribute.contains( "top" ) );
assertTrue( attribute.contains( "organizationalUnit" ) );
* Check ou=testing02,ou=system
ctx = ( DirContext ) sysRoot.lookup( "ou=testing02" );
assertNotNull( ctx );
attributes = ctx.getAttributes( "" );
assertNotNull( attributes );
assertEquals( "testing02", attributes.get( "ou" ).get() );
attribute = attributes.get( "objectClass" );
assertNotNull( attribute );
assertTrue( attribute.contains( "top" ) );
assertTrue( attribute.contains( "organizationalUnit" ) );
* Check ou=subtest,ou=testing01,ou=system
ctx = ( DirContext ) sysRoot.lookup( "ou=subtest,ou=testing01" );
assertNotNull( ctx );
attributes = ctx.getAttributes( "" );
assertNotNull( attributes );
assertEquals( "subtest", attributes.get( "ou" ).get() );
attribute = attributes.get( "objectClass" );
assertNotNull( attribute );
assertTrue( attribute.contains( "top" ) );
assertTrue( attribute.contains( "organizationalUnit" ) );
* Check entry cn=Heather Nova, ou=system
ctx = ( DirContext ) sysRoot.lookup( RDN_HEATHER_NOVA );
assertNotNull( ctx );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Enable the nis schema
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// check if nis is disabled
LdapContext schemaRoot = getSchemaContext( getService() );
Attributes nisAttrs = schemaRoot.getAttributes( "cn=nis" );
boolean isNisDisabled = false;
if ( nisAttrs.get( "m-disabled" ) != null )
isNisDisabled = ( ( String ) nisAttrs.get( "m-disabled" ).get() ).equalsIgnoreCase( "TRUE" );
// if nis is disabled then enable it
if ( isNisDisabled )
Attribute disabled = new BasicAttribute( "m-disabled" );
ModificationItem[] mods = new ModificationItem[] {
new ModificationItem( DirContext.REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE, disabled ) };
schemaRoot.modifyAttributes( "cn=nis", mods );
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Add a bunch of nis groups
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
addNisPosixGroup( "testGroup0", 0 );
addNisPosixGroup( "testGroup1", 1 );
addNisPosixGroup( "testGroup2", 2 );
addNisPosixGroup( "testGroup4", 4 );
addNisPosixGroup( "testGroup5", 5 );
* Create a NIS group
private DirContext addNisPosixGroup( String name, int gid ) throws Exception
Attributes attrs = new BasicAttributes( "objectClass", "top", true );
attrs.get( "objectClass" ).add( "posixGroup" );
attrs.put( "cn", name );
attrs.put( "gidNumber", String.valueOf( gid ) );
return getSystemContext( getService() ).createSubcontext( "cn="+name+",ou=groups", attrs );
// Add operation
// 1 Entry exists
// 1.1 AT does not exist.
// - new valid Ava, new AT is in MAY
// - new valid Ava, new AT is not in MAY => error
// - new valid Ava, new AT is not in MAY, but OC contains extensibleOC
// - new valid Ava, new AT is not in MAY, but OC contains extensibleOC, legal empty value
// - new invalid Ava, not existing AT => error
// - new invalid Ava, existing AT, two values in a single valued AT => error
// - new invalid Ava, not existing AT, extensibleObject in OCs => error
// - new invalid Ava (Value is invalid per syntax), AT is in MAY => error
// - new invalid Ava (Value is invalid per syntax), AT is not in MAY, but OC contains extensibleOC => error
// - new OperationalAttribute => error
// - new OperationalAttribute, OC contains extensibleOC => error
* Add a new AT with a valid Value in the entry, the AT is part of the MAY
public void testModifyAddExistingEntryNotExistingATValidAVA() throws Exception
LdapContext sysRoot = getSystemContext( getService() );
createData( sysRoot );
// A new description attribute value
String newValue = "ou=test";
Attributes attrs = new BasicAttributes( "seeAlso", newValue, true );
sysRoot.modifyAttributes( RDN_HEATHER_NOVA, DirContext.ADD_ATTRIBUTE, attrs );
// Verify that the attribute value has been added
attrs = sysRoot.getAttributes( RDN_HEATHER_NOVA );
Attribute attr = attrs.get( "seeAlso" );
assertNotNull( attr );
assertTrue( attr.contains( newValue ) );
assertEquals( 1, attr.size() );
* Add a new AT with a valid Value in the entry, the AT is not part of the MAY or MUST,
* and the OC does not contain the extensibleObject OC
@Test( expected = SchemaViolationException.class )
public void testModifyAddExistingEntryNotExistingATNotInMayValidAVA() throws Exception
LdapContext sysRoot = getSystemContext( getService() );
createData( sysRoot );
// A valid AT not in MUST or MAY
Attributes attrs = new BasicAttributes( "crossCertificatePair", "12345", true );
sysRoot.modifyAttributes( RDN_HEATHER_NOVA, DirContext.ADD_ATTRIBUTE, attrs );
* Add a new AT with a valid Value in the entry, the AT is not part of the MAY or MUST,
* and the OC contains the extensibleObject OC
public void testModifyAddExistingEntryNotExistingATNotInMayExtensibleObjectOCValidAVA() throws Exception
LdapContext sysRoot = getSystemContext( getService() );
createData( sysRoot );
// A valid AT not in MUST or MAY, but the extensibleObject OC is present in the OCs
Attributes attrs = new BasicAttributes( "crossCertificatePair", "12345", true );
// Add the Ava
sysRoot.modifyAttributes( "ou=testing01", DirContext.ADD_ATTRIBUTE, attrs );
// Verify that the attribute value has been added
attrs = sysRoot.getAttributes( "ou=testing01" );
Attribute attr = attrs.get( "crossCertificatePair" );
assertNotNull( attr );
assertTrue( attr.contains( "12345".getBytes() ) );
assertEquals( 1, attr.size() );
* Add a new AT with an empty Value in the entry, the AT is not part of the MAY or MUST,
* and the OC contains the extensibleObject OC
public void testModifyAddExistingEntryNotExistingAtEmptyValue() throws Exception
LdapContext sysRoot = getSystemContext( getService() );
createData( sysRoot );
// A valid AT not in MUST or MAY, but the extensibleObject OC is present in the OCs
// The value is empty
Attributes attrs = new BasicAttributes( "crossCertificatePair", StringConstants.EMPTY_BYTES, true );
// Add the Ava
sysRoot.modifyAttributes( "ou=testing01", DirContext.ADD_ATTRIBUTE, attrs );
// Verify that the attribute value has been added
attrs = sysRoot.getAttributes( "ou=testing01" );
Attribute attr = attrs.get( "crossCertificatePair" );
assertNotNull( attr );
assertTrue( attr.contains( StringConstants.EMPTY_BYTES ) );
assertEquals( 1, attr.size() );
* Add a new single valued AT with 2 Values in the entry
@Test( expected = InvalidAttributeValueException.class )
public void testModifyAddExistingEntrySingleValuedATWithTwoValues() throws Exception
LdapContext sysRoot = getSystemContext( getService() );
createData( sysRoot );
Attribute attr = new BasicAttribute( "c" );
attr.add( "FR" );
attr.add( "US" );
Attributes attrs = new BasicAttributes( "c", true );
attrs.put( attr );
// Add the Ava
sysRoot.modifyAttributes( "ou=testing01", DirContext.ADD_ATTRIBUTE, attrs );
* Add a bad AT in the entry, the OC does not contain the extensibleObject OC
@Test( expected = InvalidAttributesException.class )
public void testModifyAddExistingEntryNotExistingATInvalidAVA() throws Exception
LdapContext sysRoot = getSystemContext( getService() );
createData( sysRoot );
// An invalid AT
Attributes attrs = new BasicAttributes( "badAttr", "12345", true );
sysRoot.modifyAttributes( RDN_HEATHER_NOVA, DirContext.ADD_ATTRIBUTE, attrs );
* Add a bad AT in the entry, the OC contains the extensibleObject OC
@Test( expected = InvalidAttributesException.class )
public void testModifyAddExistingEntryNotExistingATInvalidAVAExtensibleObjectInOcs() throws Exception
LdapContext sysRoot = getSystemContext( getService() );
createData( sysRoot );
// An invalid AT
Attributes attrs = new BasicAttributes( "badAttr", "12345", true );
sysRoot.modifyAttributes( "ou=testing01", DirContext.ADD_ATTRIBUTE, attrs );
* Add a AT part of the MAY/MUST, with an invalid value
@Test( expected = InvalidAttributeValueException.class )
public void testModifyAddExistingEntryExistingATInvalidValue() throws Exception
LdapContext sysRoot = getSystemContext( getService() );
createData( sysRoot );
// An invalid AT value
Attributes attrs = new BasicAttributes( "seeAlso", "AAA", true );
sysRoot.modifyAttributes( RDN_HEATHER_NOVA, DirContext.ADD_ATTRIBUTE, attrs );
* Add a AT not part of the MAY/MUST, with an invalid value, in an entry with the
* extensibleObject OC
@Test( expected = InvalidAttributeValueException.class )
public void testModifyAddExistingEntryExistingATInvalidValueExtensibleObjectInOcs() throws Exception
LdapContext sysRoot = getSystemContext( getService() );
createData( sysRoot );
// An invalid AT value
Attributes attrs = new BasicAttributes( "mobile", "AAA", true );
sysRoot.modifyAttributes( "ou=testing01", DirContext.ADD_ATTRIBUTE, attrs );
* Add an operational AT in an entry with no extensibleObject OC
@Test( expected = NoPermissionException.class )
public void testModifyAddExistingEntryOperationalAttribute() throws Exception
LdapContext sysRoot = getSystemContext( getService() );
createData( sysRoot );
// An operationalAttribute
Attributes attrs = new BasicAttributes( "subschemaSubentry", "cn=anotherSchema", true );
sysRoot.modifyAttributes( RDN_HEATHER_NOVA, DirContext.ADD_ATTRIBUTE, attrs );
* Add an operational AT in an entry the extensibleObject OC
@Test( expected = NoPermissionException.class )
public void testModifyAddExistingEntryOperationalAttributeExtensibleObjectInOcs() throws Exception
LdapContext sysRoot = getSystemContext( getService() );
createData( sysRoot );
// An operational attribute
Attributes attrs = new BasicAttributes( "subschemaSubentry", "cn=anotherSchema", true );
sysRoot.modifyAttributes( "ou=testing01", DirContext.ADD_ATTRIBUTE, attrs );
// 1 Entry exists
// 1.2 AT exists.
* Add a new AT with a valid Value in the entry, the AT is part of the MAY
public void testModifyAddExistingEntryExistingATValidAVA() throws Exception
LdapContext sysRoot = getSystemContext( getService() );
createData( sysRoot );
// A new description attribute value
String newValue = "test";
Attributes attrs = new BasicAttributes( "description", newValue, true );
sysRoot.modifyAttributes( RDN_HEATHER_NOVA, DirContext.ADD_ATTRIBUTE, attrs );
// Verify that the attribute value has been added
attrs = sysRoot.getAttributes( RDN_HEATHER_NOVA );
Attribute attr = attrs.get( "description" );
assertNotNull( attr );
assertTrue( attr.contains( newValue ) );
assertTrue( attr.contains( PERSON_DESCRIPTION ) );
assertEquals( 2, attr.size() );
* Add a new AT with a valid Value in the entry, the AT is part of the MAY,
* the value already exists
@Test( expected = AttributeInUseException.class )
public void testModifyAddExistingEntryExistingATExistingValue() throws Exception
LdapContext sysRoot = getSystemContext( getService() );
createData( sysRoot );
Attributes attrs = new BasicAttributes( "description", PERSON_DESCRIPTION, true );
sysRoot.modifyAttributes( RDN_HEATHER_NOVA, DirContext.ADD_ATTRIBUTE, attrs );
* Add an empty value in an existing AT in the entry, the AT is not part of the MAY or MUST,
* and the OC contains the extensibleObject OC
public void testModifyAddExistingEntryExistingAtEmptyValue() throws Exception
LdapContext sysRoot = getSystemContext( getService() );
createData( sysRoot );
Attributes attrs = new BasicAttributes( "crossCertificatePair", "12345".getBytes(), true );
// Add the first Ava
sysRoot.modifyAttributes( "ou=testing01", DirContext.ADD_ATTRIBUTE, attrs );
attrs = new BasicAttributes( "crossCertificatePair", StringConstants.EMPTY_BYTES, true );
// Add the second Ava
sysRoot.modifyAttributes( "ou=testing01", DirContext.ADD_ATTRIBUTE, attrs );
// Verify that the attribute value has been added
attrs = sysRoot.getAttributes( "ou=testing01" );
Attribute attr = attrs.get( "crossCertificatePair" );
assertNotNull( attr );
assertTrue( attr.contains( "12345".getBytes() ) );
assertTrue( attr.contains( StringConstants.EMPTY_BYTES ) );
assertEquals( 2, attr.size() );
* Add a new value in a single valued AT
@Test( expected = InvalidAttributeValueException.class )
public void testModifyAddExistingEntryExistingSingleValuedAT() throws Exception
LdapContext sysRoot = getSystemContext( getService() );
createData( sysRoot );
// The initial value
Attributes attrs = new BasicAttributes( "c", "FR", true );
// Add the Ava
sysRoot.modifyAttributes( "ou=testing01", DirContext.ADD_ATTRIBUTE, attrs );
// Add another value
Attributes attrs2 = new BasicAttributes( "c", "US", true );
// Add the Ava
sysRoot.modifyAttributes( "ou=testing01", DirContext.ADD_ATTRIBUTE, attrs2 );
* Add the existing value in a single valued AT
@Test( expected = AttributeInUseException.class )
public void testModifyAddExistingEntryExistingSingleValuedATExistingValue() throws Exception
LdapContext sysRoot = getSystemContext( getService() );
createData( sysRoot );
// The initial value
Attributes attrs = new BasicAttributes( "c", "FR", true );
// Add the Ava
sysRoot.modifyAttributes( "ou=testing01", DirContext.ADD_ATTRIBUTE, attrs );
// Add another value
Attributes attrs2 = new BasicAttributes( "c", "FR", true );
// Add the Ava
sysRoot.modifyAttributes( "ou=testing01", DirContext.ADD_ATTRIBUTE, attrs2 );
* Add an invalue in a existing AT
@Test( expected = InvalidAttributeValueException.class )
public void testModifyAddExistingEntryExistingATBadValue() throws Exception
LdapContext sysRoot = getSystemContext( getService() );
createData( sysRoot );
// The added value
Attributes attrs = new BasicAttributes( "telephoneNumber", "BAD", true );
// Add the Ava
sysRoot.modifyAttributes( "ou=testing01", DirContext.ADD_ATTRIBUTE, attrs );
// 1 Entry exists
// 1.3 Entry is an alias
// 1 Entry exists
// 1.4 Entry is a referral.
// 1 Entry exists
// 1.2 Entry is a schema element.
// 1 Entry exists
// 1.2 The added AT is ObjectClass.
// 2 Entry does not exist
* Add an AT in an entry which does not exist
@Test( expected = NameNotFoundException.class )
public void testModifyAddNotExistingEntry() throws Exception
LdapContext sysRoot = getSystemContext( getService() );
createData( sysRoot );
// An operational attribute
Attributes attrs = new BasicAttributes( "cn", "test", true );
sysRoot.modifyAttributes( "ou=absent", DirContext.ADD_ATTRIBUTE, attrs );