blob: 74f40dc9bb1431a5e1c0937cbaad186b26bfe8a2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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import java.util.Hashtable;
import javax.naming.NamingEnumeration;
import javax.naming.NamingException;
import javax.naming.ldap.InitialLdapContext;
import javax.naming.ldap.LdapContext;
* Testcase with different modify operations on a person entry. Each includes a
* single removal op only.
* @author <a href="">Apache Directory Project</a>
* @version $Rev$
public class ModifyRemoveTest extends AbstractServerTest
private LdapContext ctx = null;
public static final String RDN = "cn=Tori Amos";
* Creation of required attributes of a person entry.
protected Attributes getPersonAttributes( String sn, String cn )
Attributes attributes = new LockableAttributesImpl();
Attribute attribute = new LockableAttributeImpl( "objectClass" );
attribute.add( "top" );
attribute.add( "person" );
attributes.put( attribute );
attributes.put( "cn", cn );
attributes.put( "sn", sn );
return attributes;
* Creation of required attributes of an inetOrgPerson entry.
protected Attributes getInetOrgPersonAttributes( String sn, String cn )
Attributes attrs = new LockableAttributesImpl();
Attribute ocls = new LockableAttributeImpl( "objectClass" );
ocls.add( "top" );
ocls.add( "person" );
ocls.add( "organizationalPerson" );
ocls.add( "inetOrgPerson" );
attrs.put( ocls );
attrs.put( "cn", cn );
attrs.put( "sn", sn );
return attrs;
* Create context and a person entry.
public void setUp() throws Exception
Hashtable env = new Hashtable();
env.put( "java.naming.factory.initial", "com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory" );
env.put( "java.naming.provider.url", "ldap://localhost:" + port + "/ou=system" );
env.put( "", "uid=admin,ou=system" );
env.put( "", "secret" );
env.put( "", "simple" );
ctx = new InitialLdapContext( env, null );
assertNotNull( ctx );
// Create a person with description
Attributes attributes = this.getPersonAttributes( "Amos", "Tori Amos" );
attributes.put( "description", "an American singer-songwriter" );
ctx.createSubcontext( RDN, attributes );
* Remove person entry and close context.
public void tearDown() throws Exception
ctx.unbind( RDN );
ctx = null;
* Just a little test to check wether opening the connection and creation of
* the person succeeds succeeds.
public void testSetUpTearDown() throws NamingException
assertNotNull( ctx );
DirContext tori = ( DirContext ) ctx.lookup( RDN );
assertNotNull( tori );
* Remove an attribute, which is not required.
* Expected result: After successful deletion, attribute is not present in
* entry.
* @throws NamingException
public void testRemoveNotRequiredAttribute() throws NamingException
// Remove description Attribute
Attribute attr = new LockableAttributeImpl( "description" );
Attributes attrs = new LockableAttributesImpl();
attrs.put( attr );
ctx.modifyAttributes( RDN, DirContext.REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE, attrs );
// Verify, that attribute is deleted
attrs = ctx.getAttributes( RDN );
attr = attrs.get( "description" );
assertNull( attr );
* Remove two not required attributes.
* Expected result: After successful deletion, both attributes ar not
* present in entry.
* @throws NamingException
public void testRemoveTwoNotRequiredAttributes() throws NamingException
// add telephoneNumber to entry
Attributes tn = new LockableAttributesImpl( "telephoneNumber", "12345678" );
ctx.modifyAttributes( RDN, DirContext.ADD_ATTRIBUTE, tn );
// Remove description and telephoneNumber to Attribute
Attributes attrs = new LockableAttributesImpl();
attrs.put( new LockableAttributeImpl( "description" ) );
attrs.put( new LockableAttributeImpl( "telephoneNumber" ) );
ctx.modifyAttributes( RDN, DirContext.REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE, attrs );
// Verify, that attributes are deleted
attrs = ctx.getAttributes( RDN );
assertNull( attrs.get( "description" ) );
assertNull( attrs.get( "telephoneNumber" ) );
assertNotNull( attrs.get( "cn" ) );
assertNotNull( attrs.get( "sn" ) );
* Remove a required attribute. The sn attribute of the person entry is used
* here.
* Expected Result: Deletion fails with NamingException (Schema Violation).
* @throws NamingException
public void testRemoveRequiredAttribute() throws NamingException
// Remove sn attribute
Attribute attr = new LockableAttributeImpl( "sn" );
Attributes attrs = new LockableAttributesImpl();
attrs.put( attr );
ctx.modifyAttributes( RDN, DirContext.REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE, attrs );
fail( "Deletion of required attribute should fail." );
catch ( SchemaViolationException e )
// expected behaviour
* Remove a required attribute from RDN.
* Expected Result: Deletion fails with SchemaViolationException.
* @throws NamingException
public void testRemovePartOfRdn() throws NamingException
// Remove sn attribute
Attribute attr = new LockableAttributeImpl( "cn" );
Attributes attrs = new LockableAttributesImpl();
attrs.put( attr );
ctx.modifyAttributes( RDN, DirContext.REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE, attrs );
fail( "Deletion of RDN attribute should fail." );
catch ( SchemaViolationException e )
// expected behaviour
* Remove a not required attribute from RDN.
* Expected Result: Deletion fails with SchemaViolationException.
* @throws NamingException
public void testRemovePartOfRdnNotRequired() throws NamingException
// Change RDN to another attribute
String newRdn = "description=an American singer-songwriter";
ctx.addToEnvironment( "java.naming.ldap.deleteRDN", "false" );
ctx.rename( RDN, newRdn );
// Remove description, which is now RDN attribute
Attribute attr = new LockableAttributeImpl( "description" );
Attributes attrs = new LockableAttributesImpl();
attrs.put( attr );
ctx.modifyAttributes( newRdn, DirContext.REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE, attrs );
fail( "Deletion of RDN attribute should fail." );
catch ( SchemaViolationException e )
// expected behaviour
// Change RDN back to original
ctx.addToEnvironment( "java.naming.ldap.deleteRDN", "false" );
ctx.rename( newRdn, RDN );
* Remove a an attribute which is not present on the entry, but in the
* schema.
* Expected result: Deletion fails with NoSuchAttributeException
* @throws NamingException
public void testRemoveAttributeNotPresent() throws NamingException
// Remove telephoneNumber Attribute
Attribute attr = new LockableAttributeImpl( "telephoneNumber" );
Attributes attrs = new LockableAttributesImpl();
attrs.put( attr );
ctx.modifyAttributes( RDN, DirContext.REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE, attrs );
fail( "Deletion of attribute, which is not present in the entry, should fail." );
catch ( NoSuchAttributeException e )
// expected behaviour
* Remove a an attribute which is not present in the schema.
* Expected result: Deletion fails with NoSuchAttributeException
* @throws NamingException
public void testRemoveAttributeNotValid() throws NamingException
// Remove phantasy attribute
Attribute attr = new LockableAttributeImpl( "XXX" );
Attributes attrs = new LockableAttributesImpl();
attrs.put( attr );
ctx.modifyAttributes( RDN, DirContext.REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE, attrs );
fail( "Deletion of an invalid attribute should fail." );
catch ( NoSuchAttributeException e )
// expected behaviour
catch ( InvalidAttributeIdentifierException e )
// expected behaviour
* Create a person entry and try to remove an attribute value
public void testReplaceNonExistingAttribute() throws NamingException
// Create an entry
Attributes attrs = getInetOrgPersonAttributes( "Bush", "Kate Bush" );
attrs.put( "givenname", "Kate" );
String rdn = "cn=Kate Bush";
ctx.createSubcontext( rdn, attrs );
// replace attribute givenName with empty value (=> deletion)
Attribute attr = new LockableAttributeImpl( "givenname" );
ModificationItemImpl item = new ModificationItemImpl( DirContext.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE, attr );
ctx.modifyAttributes( rdn, new ModificationItemImpl[] { item } );
SearchControls sctls = new SearchControls();
sctls.setSearchScope( SearchControls.ONELEVEL_SCOPE );
String filter = "(cn=Kate Bush)";
String base = "";
NamingEnumeration enm = base, filter, sctls );
if ( enm.hasMore() )
SearchResult sr = ( SearchResult );
attrs = sr.getAttributes();
Attribute cn = sr.getAttributes().get( "cn" );
assertNotNull( cn );
assertTrue( cn.contains( "Kate Bush" ) );
// Check whether attribute has been removed
Attribute givenName = sr.getAttributes().get( "givenname" );
assertNull( givenName );
fail( "entry not found" );
ctx.destroySubcontext( rdn );
* Create a person entry and try to remove an attribute value from the RDN
* by Replacement
public void testReplaceRdnByEmptyValueAttribute() throws NamingException
// Create an entry
Attributes attrs = getPersonAttributes( "Bush", "Kate Bush" );
String rdn = "cn=Kate Bush";
ctx.createSubcontext( rdn, attrs );
// replace attribute cn with empty value (=> deletion)
Attribute attr = new LockableAttributeImpl( "cn" );
ModificationItemImpl item = new ModificationItemImpl( DirContext.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE, attr );
ctx.modifyAttributes( rdn, new ModificationItemImpl[]
{ item } );
fail( "modify should fail" );
catch ( SchemaViolationException e )
// Expected behaviour
ctx.destroySubcontext( rdn );
* Create a person entry and try to remove an attribute from the RDN
public void testRemoveRdnAttribute() throws NamingException
// Create an entry
Attributes attrs = getPersonAttributes( "Bush", "Kate Bush" );
String rdn = "cn=Kate Bush";
ctx.createSubcontext( rdn, attrs );
// replace attribute cn with empty value (=> deletion)
Attribute attr = new LockableAttributeImpl( "cn" );
ModificationItemImpl item = new ModificationItemImpl( DirContext.REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE, attr );
ctx.modifyAttributes( rdn, new ModificationItemImpl[]
{ item } );
fail( "modify should fail" );
catch ( SchemaViolationException e )
// Expected behaviour
ctx.destroySubcontext( rdn );
* Create a person entry and try to remove an attribute from the RDN
public void testRemoveRdnAttributeValue() throws NamingException
// Create an entry
Attributes attrs = getPersonAttributes( "Bush", "Kate Bush" );
String rdn = "cn=Kate Bush";
ctx.createSubcontext( rdn, attrs );
// replace attribute cn with empty value (=> deletion)
Attribute attr = new LockableAttributeImpl( "cn", "Kate Bush" );
ModificationItemImpl item = new ModificationItemImpl( DirContext.REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE, attr );
ctx.modifyAttributes( rdn, new ModificationItemImpl[]
{ item } );
fail( "modify should fail" );
catch ( SchemaViolationException e )
// Expected behaviour
ctx.destroySubcontext( rdn );
* Create a person entry and try to remove objectClass attribute
public void testDeleteOclAttrWithTopPersonOrganizationalpersonInetorgperson() throws NamingException {
// Create an entry
Attributes attrs = getInetOrgPersonAttributes("Bush", "Kate Bush");
String rdn = "cn=Kate Bush";
ctx.createSubcontext(rdn, attrs);
ModificationItemImpl delModOp = new ModificationItemImpl(DirContext.REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE, new LockableAttributeImpl("objectclass", ""));
try {
ctx.modifyAttributes(rdn, new ModificationItemImpl[] { delModOp });
fail("deletion of objectclass should fail");
} catch (SchemaViolationException e) {
// expected
} catch (NoSuchAttributeException e) {
// expected
} catch (InvalidAttributeValueException e) {
// expected
* Create a person entry and try to remove objectClass attribute. A variant
* which works.
public void testDeleteOclAttrWithTopPersonOrganizationalpersonInetorgpersonVariant() throws NamingException {
// Create an entry
Attributes attrs = getInetOrgPersonAttributes("Bush", "Kate Bush");
String rdn = "cn=Kate Bush";
ctx.createSubcontext(rdn, attrs);
ModificationItemImpl delModOp = new ModificationItemImpl(DirContext.REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE, new LockableAttributeImpl("objectclass"));
try {
ctx.modifyAttributes(rdn, new ModificationItemImpl[] { delModOp });
fail("deletion of objectclass should fail");
} catch (SchemaViolationException e) {
// expected