blob: 49250a93e5210a76c6b46324c7267ca328fdad28 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.naming.Context;
import javax.naming.InvalidNameException;
import javax.naming.Name;
import javax.naming.NameNotFoundException;
import javax.naming.NameParser;
import javax.naming.NamingEnumeration;
import javax.naming.NamingException;
import javax.naming.Reference;
import javax.naming.Referenceable;
import javax.naming.event.EventContext;
import javax.naming.event.NamingListener;
import javax.naming.ldap.Control;
import javax.naming.spi.DirStateFactory;
import javax.naming.spi.DirectoryManager;
* A non-federated abstract Context implementation.
* @author <a href="">Apache Directory Project</a>
* @version $Rev$
public abstract class ServerContext implements EventContext
/** property key used for deleting the old RDN on a rename */
public static final String DELETE_OLD_RDN_PROP = "java.naming.ldap.deleteRDN";
/** The directory service which owns this context **/
private final DirectoryService service;
/** The interceptor proxy to the backend nexus */
private final PartitionNexus nexusProxy;
/** The cloned environment used by this Context */
private final Hashtable env;
/** The distinguished name of this Context */
private final LdapDN dn;
/** The set of registered NamingListeners */
private final Set listeners = new HashSet();
/** The Principal associated with this context */
private LdapPrincipal principal;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructors
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Must be called by all subclasses to initialize the nexus proxy and the
* environment settings to be used by this Context implementation. This
* specific contstructor relies on the presence of the {@link
* Context#PROVIDER_URL} key and value to determine the distinguished name
* of the newly created context. It also checks to make sure the
* referenced name actually exists within the system. This constructor
* is used for all InitialContext requests.
* @param service the parent service that manages this context
* @param env the environment properties used by this context.
* @throws NamingException if the environment parameters are not set
* correctly.
protected ServerContext(DirectoryService service, Hashtable env) throws NamingException
this.service = service;
// set references to cloned env and the proxy
this.nexusProxy = new PartitionNexusProxy( this, service );
DirectoryServiceConfiguration cfg = service.getConfiguration();
this.env = ( Hashtable ) cfg.getEnvironment().clone();
this.env.putAll( env );
LdapJndiProperties props = LdapJndiProperties.getLdapJndiProperties( this.env );
dn = props.getProviderDn();
// need to issue a bind operation here
this.nexusProxy.bind( props.getBindDn(), props.getCredentials(), props.getAuthenticationMechanisms(), props
.getSaslAuthId() );
if ( ! nexusProxy.hasEntry( dn ) )
throw new NameNotFoundException( dn + " does not exist" );
if ( dn.size() == 0 )
* Must be called by all subclasses to initialize the nexus proxy and the
* environment settings to be used by this Context implementation. This
* constructor is used to propagate new contexts from existing contexts.
* @param principal the directory user principal that is propagated
* @param dn the distinguished name of this context
protected ServerContext(DirectoryService service, LdapPrincipal principal, Name dn) throws NamingException
this.service = service;
this.dn = ( LdapDN ) dn.clone();
this.env = ( Hashtable ) service.getConfiguration().getEnvironment().clone();
this.env.put( PROVIDER_URL, dn.toString() );
this.nexusProxy = new PartitionNexusProxy( this, service );
this.principal = principal;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// New Impl Specific Public Methods
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Returns the {@link DirectoryService} which manages this context.
public DirectoryService getService()
return service;
* Gets the principal of the authenticated user which also happens to own
public LdapPrincipal getPrincipal()
return principal;
* Sets the principal of the authenticated user which also happens to own.
* This method can be invoked only once to keep this property safe. This
* method has been changed to be public but it can only be set by the
* AuthenticationService to prevent malicious code from changing the
* effective principal.
public void setPrincipal( AuthenticationService.TrustedPrincipalWrapper wrapper )
this.principal = wrapper.getPrincipal();
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Protected Accessor Methods
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Gets the RootNexus proxy.
* @return the proxy to the backend nexus.
protected PartitionNexus getNexusProxy()
return nexusProxy;
* Gets the distinguished name of the entry associated with this Context.
* @return the distinguished name of this Context's entry.
protected Name getDn()
return dn;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// JNDI Context Interface Methods
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* @see javax.naming.Context#close()
public void close() throws NamingException
Iterator list = listeners.iterator();
while ( list.hasNext() )
( ( PartitionNexusProxy ) this.nexusProxy ).removeNamingListener( this, ( NamingListener ) list
.next() );
* @see javax.naming.Context#getNameInNamespace()
public String getNameInNamespace() throws NamingException
return dn.toString();
* @see javax.naming.Context#getEnvironment()
public Hashtable getEnvironment()
return env;
* @see javax.naming.Context#addToEnvironment(java.lang.String,
* java.lang.Object)
public Object addToEnvironment( String propName, Object propVal ) throws NamingException
return env.put( propName, propVal );
* @see javax.naming.Context#removeFromEnvironment(java.lang.String)
public Object removeFromEnvironment( String propName ) throws NamingException
return env.remove( propName );
* @see javax.naming.Context#createSubcontext(java.lang.String)
public Context createSubcontext( String name ) throws NamingException
return createSubcontext( new LdapDN( name ) );
* @see javax.naming.Context#createSubcontext(javax.naming.Name)
public Context createSubcontext( Name name ) throws NamingException
Attributes attributes = new LockableAttributesImpl();
LdapDN target = buildTarget( name );
Attribute attribute = new LockableAttributeImpl( "objectClass" );
attribute.add( "top" );
attribute.add( JavaLdapSupport.JCONTAINER_ATTR );
attributes.put( attribute );
// Now add the CN attribute, which is mandatory
Rdn rdn = target.getRdn();
if ( rdn != null )
if ( "cn".equals( rdn.getNormType() ) )
attributes.put( rdn.getUpType(), rdn.getValue() );
// No CN in the rdn, this is an error
throw new LdapSchemaViolationException( name + " does not contains the mandatory 'cn' attribute for JavaContainer ObjectClass!",
// No CN in the rdn, this is an error
throw new LdapSchemaViolationException( name + " does not contains the mandatory 'cn' attribute for JavaContainer ObjectClass!",
* Add the new context to the server which as a side effect adds
* operational attributes to the attributes refering instance which
* can them be used to initialize a new ServerLdapContext. Remember
* we need to copy over the controls as well to propagate the complete
* environment besides whats in the hashtable for env.
nexusProxy.add(target, attributes );
return new ServerLdapContext( service, principal, target );
* @see javax.naming.Context#destroySubcontext(java.lang.String)
public void destroySubcontext( String name ) throws NamingException
destroySubcontext( new LdapDN( name ) );
* @see javax.naming.Context#destroySubcontext(javax.naming.Name)
public void destroySubcontext( Name name ) throws NamingException
LdapDN target = buildTarget( name );
if ( target.size() == 0 )
throw new LdapNoPermissionException( "can't delete the rootDSE" );
nexusProxy.delete( target );
* @see javax.naming.Context#bind(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object)
public void bind( String name, Object obj ) throws NamingException
bind( new LdapDN( name ), obj );
private void injectRdnAttributeValues( LdapDN target, Attributes attributes ) throws NamingException
// Add all the RDN attributes and their values to this entry
Rdn rdn = target.getRdn( target.size() - 1 );
if ( rdn.size() == 1 )
attributes.put( rdn.getUpType(), rdn.getValue() );
for ( Iterator ii = rdn.iterator(); ii.hasNext(); /**/ )
AttributeTypeAndValue atav = ( AttributeTypeAndValue );
attributes.put( atav.getUpType(), atav.getValue() );
* @see javax.naming.Context#bind(javax.naming.Name, java.lang.Object)
public void bind( Name name, Object obj ) throws NamingException
// First, use state factories to do a transformation
DirStateFactory.Result res = DirectoryManager.getStateToBind( obj, name, this, env, null );
// let's be sure that the Attributes is case insensitive
Attributes outAttrs = AttributeUtils.toCaseInsensitive( res.getAttributes() );
if ( outAttrs != null )
LdapDN target = buildTarget( name );
nexusProxy.add( target, outAttrs );
// Check for Referenceable
if ( obj instanceof Referenceable )
throw new NamingException( "Do not know how to store Referenceables yet!" );
// Store different formats
if ( obj instanceof Reference )
// Store as ref and add outAttrs
throw new NamingException( "Do not know how to store References yet!" );
else if ( obj instanceof Serializable )
// Serialize and add outAttrs
Attributes attributes = new LockableAttributesImpl();
if ( outAttrs != null && outAttrs.size() > 0 )
NamingEnumeration list = outAttrs.getAll();
while ( list.hasMore() )
attributes.put( ( Attribute ) );
// Get target and inject all rdn attributes into entry
LdapDN target = buildTarget( name );
injectRdnAttributeValues( target, attributes );
// Serialize object into entry attributes and add it.
JavaLdapSupport.serialize( attributes, obj );
nexusProxy.add( target, attributes );
else if ( obj instanceof DirContext )
// Grab attributes and merge with outAttrs
Attributes attributes = ( ( DirContext ) obj ).getAttributes( "" );
if ( outAttrs != null && outAttrs.size() > 0 )
NamingEnumeration list = outAttrs.getAll();
while ( list.hasMore() )
attributes.put( ( Attribute ) );
LdapDN target = buildTarget( name );
injectRdnAttributeValues( target, attributes );
nexusProxy.add( target, attributes );
throw new NamingException( "Can't find a way to bind: " + obj );
* @see javax.naming.Context#rename(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
public void rename( String oldName, String newName ) throws NamingException
rename( new LdapDN( oldName ), new LdapDN( newName ) );
* @see javax.naming.Context#rename(javax.naming.Name, javax.naming.Name)
public void rename( Name oldName, Name newName ) throws NamingException
LdapDN oldDn = buildTarget( oldName );
LdapDN newDn = buildTarget( newName );
if ( oldDn.size() == 0 )
throw new LdapNoPermissionException( "can't rename the rootDSE" );
// calculate parents
LdapDN oldBase = ( LdapDN ) oldName.clone();
oldBase.remove( oldName.size() - 1 );
LdapDN newBase = ( LdapDN ) newName.clone();
newBase.remove( newName.size() - 1 );
String newRdn = newName.get( newName.size() - 1 );
String oldRdn = oldName.get( oldName.size() - 1 );
boolean delOldRdn = true;
* Attempt to use the java.naming.ldap.deleteRDN environment property
* to get an override for the deleteOldRdn option to modifyRdn.
if ( null != env.get( DELETE_OLD_RDN_PROP ) )
String delOldRdnStr = ( String ) env.get( DELETE_OLD_RDN_PROP );
delOldRdn = !delOldRdnStr.equals( "false" );
delOldRdn = delOldRdn || delOldRdnStr.equals( "no" );
delOldRdn = delOldRdn || delOldRdnStr.equals( "0" );
* We need to determine if this rename operation corresponds to a simple
* RDN name change or a move operation. If the two names are the same
* except for the RDN then it is a simple modifyRdn operation. If the
* names differ in size or have a different baseDN then the operation is
* a move operation. Furthermore if the RDN in the move operation
* changes it is both an RDN change and a move operation.
if ( oldName.size() == newName.size() && oldBase.equals( newBase ) )
nexusProxy.modifyRn( oldDn, newRdn, delOldRdn );
LdapDN parent = ( LdapDN ) newDn.clone();
parent.remove( newDn.size() - 1 );
if ( newRdn.equalsIgnoreCase( oldRdn ) )
nexusProxy.move( oldDn, parent );
nexusProxy.move( oldDn, parent, newRdn, delOldRdn );
* @see javax.naming.Context#rebind(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object)
public void rebind( String name, Object obj ) throws NamingException
rebind( new LdapDN( name ), obj );
* @see javax.naming.Context#rebind(javax.naming.Name, java.lang.Object)
public void rebind( Name name, Object obj ) throws NamingException
LdapDN target = buildTarget( name );
if ( nexusProxy.hasEntry( target ) )
nexusProxy.delete( target );
bind( name, obj );
* @see javax.naming.Context#unbind(java.lang.String)
public void unbind( String name ) throws NamingException
unbind( new LdapDN( name ) );
* @see javax.naming.Context#unbind(javax.naming.Name)
public void unbind( Name name ) throws NamingException
nexusProxy.delete( buildTarget( name ) );
* @see javax.naming.Context#lookup(java.lang.String)
public Object lookup( String name ) throws NamingException
if ( StringTools.isEmpty( name ) )
return lookup( LdapDN.EMPTY_LDAPDN );
return lookup( new LdapDN( name ) );
* @see javax.naming.Context#lookup(javax.naming.Name)
public Object lookup( Name name ) throws NamingException
Object obj;
LdapDN target = buildTarget( name );
Attributes attributes = nexusProxy.lookup( target );
obj = DirectoryManager.getObjectInstance( null, name, this, env, attributes );
catch ( Exception e )
String msg = "Failed to create an object for " + target;
msg += " using object factories within the context's environment.";
NamingException ne = new NamingException( msg );
ne.setRootCause( e );
throw ne;
if ( obj != null )
return obj;
// First lets test and see if the entry is a serialized java object
if ( attributes.get( JavaLdapSupport.JCLASSNAME_ATTR ) != null )
// Give back serialized object and not a context
return JavaLdapSupport.deserialize( attributes );
// Initialize and return a context since the entry is not a java object
ServerLdapContext ctx = new ServerLdapContext( service, principal, target );
// Need to add controls to propagate extended ldap operational env
Control[] controls = ( ( ServerLdapContext ) this ).getRequestControls();
if ( null != controls )
ctx.setRequestControls( ( Control[] ) controls.clone() );
return ctx;
* @see javax.naming.Context#lookupLink(java.lang.String)
public Object lookupLink( String name ) throws NamingException
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
* @see javax.naming.Context#lookupLink(javax.naming.Name)
public Object lookupLink( Name name ) throws NamingException
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
* Non-federated implementation presuming the name argument is not a
* composite name spanning multiple namespaces but a compound name in
* the same LDAP namespace. Hence the parser returned is always the
* same as calling this method with the empty String.
* @see javax.naming.Context#getNameParser(java.lang.String)
public NameParser getNameParser( String name ) throws NamingException
return new NameParser()
public Name parse( String name ) throws NamingException
return new LdapDN( name );
* Non-federated implementation presuming the name argument is not a
* composite name spanning multiple namespaces but a compound name in
* the same LDAP namespace. Hence the parser returned is always the
* same as calling this method with the empty String Name.
* @see javax.naming.Context#getNameParser(javax.naming.Name)
public NameParser getNameParser( Name name ) throws NamingException
return new NameParser()
public Name parse( String name ) throws NamingException
return new LdapDN( name );
* @see javax.naming.Context#list(java.lang.String)
public NamingEnumeration list( String name ) throws NamingException
return list( new LdapDN( name ) );
* @see javax.naming.Context#list(javax.naming.Name)
public NamingEnumeration list( Name name ) throws NamingException
return nexusProxy.list( buildTarget( name ) );
* @see javax.naming.Context#listBindings(java.lang.String)
public NamingEnumeration listBindings( String name ) throws NamingException
return listBindings( new LdapDN( name ) );
* @see javax.naming.Context#listBindings(javax.naming.Name)
public NamingEnumeration listBindings( Name name ) throws NamingException
// Conduct a special one level search at base for all objects
LdapDN base = buildTarget( name );
PresenceNode filter = new PresenceNode( "objectClass" );
SearchControls ctls = new SearchControls();
ctls.setSearchScope( SearchControls.ONELEVEL_SCOPE );
return base, getEnvironment(), filter, ctls );
* @see javax.naming.Context#composeName(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
public String composeName( String name, String prefix ) throws NamingException
return composeName( new LdapDN( name ), new LdapDN( prefix ) ).toString();
* @see javax.naming.Context#composeName(javax.naming.Name,
* javax.naming.Name)
public Name composeName( Name name, Name prefix ) throws NamingException
// No prefix reduces to name, or the name relative to this context
if ( prefix == null || prefix.size() == 0 )
return name;
* Example: This context is ou=people and say name is the relative
* name of uid=jwalker and the prefix is dc=domain. Then we must
* compose the name relative to prefix which would be:
* uid=jwalker,ou=people,dc=domain.
* The following general algorithm generates the right name:
* 1). Find the Dn for name and walk it from the head to tail
* trying to match for the head of prefix.
* 2). Remove name components from the Dn until a match for the
* head of the prefix is found.
* 3). Return the remainder of the fqn or Dn after chewing off some
// 1). Find the Dn for name and walk it from the head to tail
Name fqn = buildTarget( name );
String head = prefix.get( 0 );
// 2). Walk the fqn trying to match for the head of the prefix
while ( fqn.size() > 0 )
// match found end loop
if ( fqn.get( 0 ).equalsIgnoreCase( head ) )
return fqn;
// 2). Remove name components from the Dn until a match
fqn.remove( 0 );
String msg = "The prefix '" + prefix + "' is not an ancestor of this ";
msg += "entry '" + dn + "'";
throw new NamingException( msg );
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// EventContext implementations
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
public void addNamingListener( Name name, int scope, NamingListener namingListener ) throws NamingException
ExprNode filter = new PresenceNode( "objectClass" );
SearchControls controls = new SearchControls();
controls.setSearchScope( scope );
( ( PartitionNexusProxy ) this.nexusProxy ).addNamingListener( this, buildTarget( name ), filter,
controls, namingListener );
listeners.add( namingListener );
public void addNamingListener( String name, int scope, NamingListener namingListener ) throws NamingException
addNamingListener( new LdapDN( name ), scope, namingListener );
public void removeNamingListener( NamingListener namingListener ) throws NamingException
( ( PartitionNexusProxy ) this.nexusProxy ).removeNamingListener( this, namingListener );
listeners.remove( namingListener );
public boolean targetMustExist() throws NamingException
return false;
* Allows subclasses to register and unregister listeners.
* @return the set of listeners used for tracking registered name listeners.
protected Set getListeners()
return listeners;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Utility Methods to Reduce Code
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Clones this context's DN and adds the components of the name relative to
* this context to the left hand side of this context's cloned DN.
* @param relativeName a name relative to this context.
* @return the name of the target
* @throws InvalidNameException if relativeName is not a valid name in
* the LDAP namespace.
LdapDN buildTarget( Name relativeName ) throws InvalidNameException
LdapDN target = ( LdapDN ) dn.clone();
// Add to left hand side of cloned DN the relative name arg
target.addAll( target.size(), relativeName );
return target;