blob: 55e942b5d7c656805c3857427e790d4b6bf19937 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Test;
* Tests to make sure the schema checker is operating correctly.
* @author <a href="">Apache Directory Project</a>
* @version $Rev$, $Date$
public class SchemaCheckerTest
static SchemaManager schemaManager;
public static void setUp() throws Exception
String workingDirectory = System.getProperty( "workingDirectory" );
if ( workingDirectory == null )
String path = SchemaCheckerTest.class.getResource( "" ).getPath();
int targetPos = path.indexOf( "target" );
workingDirectory = path.substring( 0, targetPos + 6 );
File schemaRepository = new File( workingDirectory, "schema" );
SchemaLdifExtractor extractor = new DefaultSchemaLdifExtractor( new File( workingDirectory ) );
extractor.extractOrCopy( true );
LdifSchemaLoader loader = new LdifSchemaLoader( schemaRepository );
schemaManager = new DefaultSchemaManager( loader );
boolean loaded = schemaManager.loadAllEnabled();
if ( !loaded )
fail( "Schema load failed : " + LdapExceptionUtils.printErrors( schemaManager.getErrors() ) );
* Test case to check the schema checker operates correctly when modify
* operations replace objectClasses.
public void testPreventStructuralClassRemovalOnModifyReplace() throws Exception
DN name = new DN( "uid=akarasulu,ou=users,dc=example,dc=com" );
ModificationOperation mod = ModificationOperation.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE;
Entry modifyAttributes = new DefaultEntry( schemaManager );
AttributeType atCN = schemaManager.lookupAttributeTypeRegistry( "cn" );
modifyAttributes.put( new DefaultEntryAttribute( atCN ) );
// this should pass
SchemaChecker.preventStructuralClassRemovalOnModifyReplace( schemaManager.getObjectClassRegistry(), name, mod, modifyAttributes );
// this should succeed since person is still in replaced set and is structural
modifyAttributes.removeAttributes( atCN );
AttributeType atOC = schemaManager.lookupAttributeTypeRegistry( "objectClass" );
EntryAttribute objectClassesReplaced = new DefaultEntryAttribute( atOC );
objectClassesReplaced.add( "top" );
objectClassesReplaced.add( "person" );
modifyAttributes.put( objectClassesReplaced );
SchemaChecker.preventStructuralClassRemovalOnModifyReplace( schemaManager.getObjectClassRegistry(), name, mod, modifyAttributes );
// this should fail since only top is left
objectClassesReplaced = new DefaultEntryAttribute( atOC );
objectClassesReplaced.add( "top" );
modifyAttributes.put( objectClassesReplaced );
SchemaChecker.preventStructuralClassRemovalOnModifyReplace( schemaManager.getObjectClassRegistry(), name, mod, modifyAttributes );
fail( "should never get here due to an LdapSchemaViolationException" );
catch ( LdapSchemaViolationException e )
assertEquals( e.getResultCode(), ResultCodeEnum.OBJECT_CLASS_MODS_PROHIBITED );
// this should fail since the modify operation tries to delete all
// objectClass attribute values
modifyAttributes.removeAttributes( "cn" );
objectClassesReplaced = new DefaultEntryAttribute( atOC );
modifyAttributes.put( objectClassesReplaced );
SchemaChecker.preventStructuralClassRemovalOnModifyReplace( schemaManager.getObjectClassRegistry(), name, mod, modifyAttributes );
fail( "should never get here due to an LdapSchemaViolationException" );
catch ( LdapSchemaViolationException e )
assertEquals( e.getResultCode(), ResultCodeEnum.OBJECT_CLASS_MODS_PROHIBITED );
* Test case to check the schema checker operates correctly when modify
* operations remove objectClasses.
public void testPreventStructuralClassRemovalOnModifyRemove() throws Exception
DN name = new DN( "uid=akarasulu,ou=users,dc=example,dc=com" );
int mod = DirContext.REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE;
Attributes modifyAttributes = new AttributesImpl( true );
Attribute entryObjectClasses = new AttributeImpl( "objectClass" );
entryObjectClasses.add( "top" );
entryObjectClasses.add( "person" );
entryObjectClasses.add( "organizationalPerson" );
modifyAttributes.put( new AttributeImpl( "cn" ) );
ObjectClassRegistry ocRegistry = registries.getObjectClassRegistry();
// this should pass
SchemaChecker.preventStructuralClassRemovalOnModifyRemove( ocRegistry, name, mod, modifyAttributes,
entryObjectClasses );
// this should succeed since person is left and is structural
modifyAttributes.remove( "cn" );
Attribute objectClassesRemoved = new AttributeImpl( "objectClass" );
objectClassesRemoved.add( "person" );
modifyAttributes.put( objectClassesRemoved );
SchemaChecker.preventStructuralClassRemovalOnModifyRemove( ocRegistry, name, mod, modifyAttributes,
entryObjectClasses );
// this should fail since only top is left
modifyAttributes.remove( "cn" );
objectClassesRemoved = new AttributeImpl( "objectClass" );
objectClassesRemoved.add( "person" );
objectClassesRemoved.add( "organizationalPerson" );
modifyAttributes.put( objectClassesRemoved );
SchemaChecker.preventStructuralClassRemovalOnModifyRemove( ocRegistry, name, mod, modifyAttributes,
entryObjectClasses );
fail( "should never get here due to an LdapSchemaViolationException" );
catch ( LdapSchemaViolationException e )
assertEquals( e.getResultCode(), ResultCodeEnum.OBJECT_CLASS_MODS_PROHIBITED );
// this should fail since the modify operation tries to delete all
// objectClass attribute values
modifyAttributes.remove( "cn" );
objectClassesRemoved = new AttributeImpl( "objectClass" );
modifyAttributes.put( objectClassesRemoved );
SchemaChecker.preventStructuralClassRemovalOnModifyRemove( ocRegistry, name, mod, modifyAttributes,
entryObjectClasses );
fail( "should never get here due to an LdapSchemaViolationException" );
catch ( LdapSchemaViolationException e )
assertEquals( e.getResultCode(), ResultCodeEnum.OBJECT_CLASS_MODS_PROHIBITED );
* Test case to check the schema checker operates correctly when modify
* operations remove RDN attributes.
public void testPreventRdnChangeOnModifyRemove() throws Exception
ModificationOperation mod = ModificationOperation.REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE;
DN name = new DN( "ou=user,dc=example,dc=com" );
Entry attributes = new DefaultEntry( schemaManager, name );
attributes.put( "cn", "does not matter" );
// postive test which should pass
SchemaChecker.preventRdnChangeOnModifyRemove( name, mod, attributes, schemaManager );
// test should fail since we are removing the ou attribute
AttributeType OU_AT = schemaManager.lookupAttributeTypeRegistry( "ou" );
attributes.put( new DefaultEntryAttribute( "ou", OU_AT ) );
SchemaChecker.preventRdnChangeOnModifyRemove( name, mod, attributes, schemaManager );
fail( "should never get here due to a LdapSchemaViolationException being thrown" );
catch ( LdapSchemaViolationException e )
assertEquals( ResultCodeEnum.NOT_ALLOWED_ON_RDN, e.getResultCode() );
// test success using more than one attribute for the Rdn but not modifying rdn attribute
name = new DN( "ou=users+cn=system users,dc=example,dc=com" );
attributes = new DefaultEntry( schemaManager, name );
attributes.put( "sn", "does not matter" );
SchemaChecker.preventRdnChangeOnModifyRemove( name, mod, attributes, schemaManager );
// test for failure when modifying Rdn attribute in multi attribute Rdn
AttributeType CN_AT = schemaManager.lookupAttributeTypeRegistry( "cn" );
attributes.put( new DefaultEntryAttribute( "cn", CN_AT ) );
SchemaChecker.preventRdnChangeOnModifyRemove( name, mod, attributes, schemaManager );
fail( "should never get here due to a LdapSchemaViolationException being thrown" );
catch ( LdapSchemaViolationException e )
assertEquals( ResultCodeEnum.NOT_ALLOWED_ON_RDN, e.getResultCode() );
// should succeed since the value being deleted from the rdn attribute is
// is not used when composing the Rdn
attributes = new DefaultEntry( schemaManager, name );
attributes.put( "ou", "container" );
SchemaChecker.preventRdnChangeOnModifyRemove( name, mod, attributes, schemaManager );
// now let's make it fail again just by providing the right value for ou (users)
attributes = new DefaultEntry( schemaManager, name );
attributes.put( "ou", "users" );
SchemaChecker.preventRdnChangeOnModifyRemove( name, mod, attributes, schemaManager );
fail( "should never get here due to a LdapSchemaViolationException being thrown" );
catch ( LdapSchemaViolationException e )
assertEquals( ResultCodeEnum.NOT_ALLOWED_ON_RDN, e.getResultCode() );
* Test case to check the schema checker operates correctly when modify
* operations replace RDN attributes.
public void testPreventRdnChangeOnModifyReplace() throws Exception
ModificationOperation mod = ModificationOperation.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE;
DN name = new DN( "ou=user,dc=example,dc=com" );
Entry attributes = new DefaultEntry( schemaManager, name );
attributes.put( "cn", "does not matter" );
// postive test which should pass
SchemaChecker.preventRdnChangeOnModifyReplace( name, mod, attributes, schemaManager );
// test should fail since we are removing the ou attribute
attributes.put( "ou", (String)null );
SchemaChecker.preventRdnChangeOnModifyReplace( name, mod, attributes, schemaManager );
fail( "should never get here due to a LdapSchemaViolationException being thrown" );
catch ( LdapSchemaViolationException e )
assertEquals( ResultCodeEnum.NOT_ALLOWED_ON_RDN, e.getResultCode() );
// test success using more than one attribute for the Rdn but not modifying rdn attribute
name = new DN( "ou=users+cn=system users,dc=example,dc=com" );
attributes = new DefaultEntry( schemaManager, name );
attributes.put( "sn", "does not matter" );
SchemaChecker.preventRdnChangeOnModifyReplace( name, mod, attributes, schemaManager );
// test for failure when modifying Rdn attribute in multi attribute Rdn
attributes.put("cn", (String)null );
SchemaChecker.preventRdnChangeOnModifyReplace( name, mod, attributes, schemaManager );
fail( "should never get here due to a LdapSchemaViolationException being thrown" );
catch ( LdapSchemaViolationException e )
assertEquals( ResultCodeEnum.NOT_ALLOWED_ON_RDN, e.getResultCode() );
// should succeed since the values being replaced from the rdn attribute is
// is includes the old Rdn attribute value
attributes = new DefaultEntry( schemaManager, name );
attributes.put( "ou", "container" );
attributes.put( "ou", "users" );
SchemaChecker.preventRdnChangeOnModifyReplace( name, mod, attributes, schemaManager );
// now let's make it fail by not including the old value for ou (users)
attributes = new DefaultEntry( schemaManager, name );
attributes.put( "ou", "container" );
SchemaChecker.preventRdnChangeOnModifyReplace( name, mod, attributes, schemaManager );
fail( "should never get here due to a LdapSchemaViolationException being thrown" );
catch ( LdapSchemaViolationException e )
assertEquals( ResultCodeEnum.NOT_ALLOWED_ON_RDN, e.getResultCode() );
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Single Attribute Test Cases
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Test case to check the schema checker operates correctly when modify
* operations replace objectClasses.
public void testPreventStructuralClassRemovalOnModifyReplaceAttribute() throws Exception
AttributeType OBJECT_CLASS = schemaManager.lookupAttributeTypeRegistry( "objectClass" );
AttributeType CN_AT = schemaManager.lookupAttributeTypeRegistry( "cn" );
// this should pass
DN name = new DN( "uid=akarasulu,ou=users,dc=example,dc=com" );
ModificationOperation mod = ModificationOperation.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE;
SchemaChecker.preventStructuralClassRemovalOnModifyReplace( schemaManager, name, mod,
new DefaultEntryAttribute( "cn", CN_AT ) );
// this should succeed since person is still in replaced set and is structural
EntryAttribute objectClassesReplaced = new DefaultEntryAttribute( "objectClass", OBJECT_CLASS );
objectClassesReplaced.add( "top" );
objectClassesReplaced.add( "person" );
SchemaChecker.preventStructuralClassRemovalOnModifyReplace( schemaManager, name, mod, objectClassesReplaced );
// this should fail since only top is left
objectClassesReplaced = new DefaultEntryAttribute( "objectClass", OBJECT_CLASS );
objectClassesReplaced.add( "top" );
SchemaChecker.preventStructuralClassRemovalOnModifyReplace( schemaManager, name, mod, objectClassesReplaced );
fail( "should never get here due to an LdapSchemaViolationException" );
catch ( LdapSchemaViolationException e )
assertEquals( e.getResultCode(), ResultCodeEnum.OBJECT_CLASS_MODS_PROHIBITED );
// this should fail since the modify operation tries to delete all
// objectClass attribute values
objectClassesReplaced = new DefaultEntryAttribute( "objectClass", OBJECT_CLASS );
SchemaChecker.preventStructuralClassRemovalOnModifyReplace( schemaManager, name, mod, objectClassesReplaced );
fail( "should never get here due to an LdapSchemaViolationException" );
catch ( LdapSchemaViolationException e )
assertEquals( e.getResultCode(), ResultCodeEnum.OBJECT_CLASS_MODS_PROHIBITED );
* Test case to check the schema checker operates correctly when modify
* operations remove objectClasses.
public void testPreventStructuralClassRemovalOnModifyRemoveAttribute() throws Exception
DN name = new DN( "uid=akarasulu,ou=users,dc=example,dc=com" );
ModificationOperation mod = ModificationOperation.REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE;
AttributeType ocAt = schemaManager.lookupAttributeTypeRegistry( "objectClass" );
EntryAttribute entryObjectClasses = new DefaultEntryAttribute( "objectClass", ocAt );
entryObjectClasses.add( "top", "person", "organizationalPerson" );
// this should pass
new DefaultEntryAttribute( "cn", schemaManager.lookupAttributeTypeRegistry( "cn" ) ),
entryObjectClasses );
// this should succeed since person is left and is structural
EntryAttribute objectClassesRemoved = new DefaultEntryAttribute(
"objectClass", ocAt );
objectClassesRemoved.add( "person" );
SchemaChecker.preventStructuralClassRemovalOnModifyRemove( schemaManager, name, mod, objectClassesRemoved,
entryObjectClasses );
// this should fail since only top is left
objectClassesRemoved = new DefaultEntryAttribute( "objectClass", ocAt );
objectClassesRemoved.add( "person", "organizationalPerson" );
SchemaChecker.preventStructuralClassRemovalOnModifyRemove( schemaManager, name, mod, objectClassesRemoved,
entryObjectClasses );
fail( "should never get here due to an LdapSchemaViolationException" );
catch ( LdapSchemaViolationException e )
assertEquals( e.getResultCode(), ResultCodeEnum.OBJECT_CLASS_MODS_PROHIBITED );
// this should fail since the modify operation tries to delete all
// objectClass attribute values
objectClassesRemoved = new DefaultEntryAttribute( "objectClass", ocAt );
SchemaChecker.preventStructuralClassRemovalOnModifyRemove( schemaManager, name, mod, objectClassesRemoved,
entryObjectClasses );
fail( "should never get here due to an LdapSchemaViolationException" );
catch ( LdapSchemaViolationException e )
assertEquals( e.getResultCode(), ResultCodeEnum.OBJECT_CLASS_MODS_PROHIBITED );
* Test case to check the schema checker operates correctly when modify
* operations remove RDN attributes.
public void testPreventRdnChangeOnModifyRemoveAttribute() throws Exception
Map<String, OidNormalizer> oidNormalizers = schemaManager.getAttributeTypeRegistry().getNormalizerMapping();
ModificationOperation mod = ModificationOperation.REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE;
DN name = new DN( "ou=user,dc=example,dc=com" ).normalize( oidNormalizers );
AttributeType cnAt = schemaManager.lookupAttributeTypeRegistry( "cn" );
AttributeType ouAt = schemaManager.lookupAttributeTypeRegistry( "ou" );
AttributeType snAt = schemaManager.lookupAttributeTypeRegistry( "sn" );
// postive test which should pass
SchemaChecker.preventRdnChangeOnModifyRemove( name, mod,
new DefaultEntryAttribute( "cn", cnAt, "does not matter" ), schemaManager );
// test should fail since we are removing the ou attribute
SchemaChecker.preventRdnChangeOnModifyRemove( name, mod,
new DefaultEntryAttribute( "ou", ouAt ), schemaManager );
fail( "should never get here due to a LdapSchemaViolationException being thrown" );
catch ( LdapSchemaViolationException e )
assertEquals( ResultCodeEnum.NOT_ALLOWED_ON_RDN, e.getResultCode() );
// test success using more than one attribute for the Rdn but not modifying rdn attribute
name = new DN( "ou=users+cn=system users,dc=example,dc=com" );
name.normalize( oidNormalizers );
SchemaChecker.preventRdnChangeOnModifyRemove( name, mod,
new DefaultEntryAttribute( "sn", snAt, "does not matter" ), schemaManager );
// test for failure when modifying Rdn attribute in multi attribute Rdn
SchemaChecker.preventRdnChangeOnModifyRemove( name, mod,
new DefaultEntryAttribute( "cn", cnAt ), schemaManager );
fail( "should never get here due to a LdapSchemaViolationException being thrown" );
catch ( LdapSchemaViolationException e )
assertEquals( ResultCodeEnum.NOT_ALLOWED_ON_RDN, e.getResultCode() );
// should succeed since the value being deleted from the rdn attribute is
// is not used when composing the Rdn
SchemaChecker.preventRdnChangeOnModifyRemove( name, mod,
new DefaultEntryAttribute( "ou", ouAt, "container" ), schemaManager );
// now let's make it fail again just by providing the right value for ou (users)
SchemaChecker.preventRdnChangeOnModifyRemove( name, mod,
new DefaultEntryAttribute( "ou", ouAt, "users" ), schemaManager );
fail( "should never get here due to a LdapSchemaViolationException being thrown" );
catch ( LdapSchemaViolationException e )
assertEquals( ResultCodeEnum.NOT_ALLOWED_ON_RDN, e.getResultCode() );
// /**
// * Test case to check the schema checker operates correctly when modify
// * operations replace RDN attributes.
// */
// public void testPreventRdnChangeOnModifyReplaceAttribute() throws Exception
// {
// int mod = DirContext.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE;
// DN name = new DN( "ou=user,dc=example,dc=com" );
// // postive test which should pass
// SchemaChecker.preventRdnChangeOnModifyReplace( name, mod, new AttributeImpl( "cn", "does not matter" ), registries.getOidRegistry() );
// // test should fail since we are removing the ou attribute
// try
// {
// SchemaChecker.preventRdnChangeOnModifyReplace( name, mod, new AttributeImpl( "ou" ), registries.getOidRegistry() );
// fail( "should never get here due to a LdapSchemaViolationException being thrown" );
// }
// catch ( LdapSchemaViolationException e )
// {
// assertEquals( ResultCodeEnum.NOT_ALLOWED_ON_RDN, e.getResultCode() );
// }
// // test success using more than one attribute for the Rdn but not modifying rdn attribute
// name = new DN( "ou=users+cn=system users,dc=example,dc=com" );
// SchemaChecker.preventRdnChangeOnModifyReplace( name, mod, new AttributeImpl( "sn", "does not matter" ), registries.getOidRegistry() );
// // test for failure when modifying Rdn attribute in multi attribute Rdn
// try
// {
// SchemaChecker.preventRdnChangeOnModifyReplace( name, mod, new AttributeImpl( "cn" ), registries.getOidRegistry() );
// fail( "should never get here due to a LdapSchemaViolationException being thrown" );
// }
// catch ( LdapSchemaViolationException e )
// {
// assertEquals( ResultCodeEnum.NOT_ALLOWED_ON_RDN, e.getResultCode() );
// }
// // should succeed since the values being replaced from the rdn attribute is
// // is includes the old Rdn attribute value
// Attribute attribute = new AttributeImpl( "ou" );
// attribute.add( "container" );
// attribute.add( "users" );
// SchemaChecker.preventRdnChangeOnModifyReplace( name, mod, attribute, registries.getOidRegistry() );
// // now let's make it fail by not including the old value for ou (users)
// attribute = new AttributeImpl( "ou" );
// attribute.add( "container" );
// try
// {
// SchemaChecker.preventRdnChangeOnModifyReplace( name, mod, attribute, registries.getOidRegistry() );
// fail( "should never get here due to a LdapSchemaViolationException being thrown" );
// }
// catch ( LdapSchemaViolationException e )
// {
// assertEquals( ResultCodeEnum.NOT_ALLOWED_ON_RDN, e.getResultCode() );
// }
// }
class MockOidRegistry extends OidRegistry
public String getOid( String name ) throws LdapException
return StringTools.deepTrimToLower( name );
public boolean hasOid( String id )
return true;
public String getPrimaryName( String oid ) throws LdapException
return oid;
public List<String> getNameSet( String oid ) throws LdapException
return Collections.singletonList( oid );
public Iterator<String> list()
return Collections.EMPTY_LIST.iterator();
public void register( String name, String oid )
public Map getOidByName()
return null;
public Map getNameByOid()
return null;
public void unregister( String numericOid ) throws LdapException