blob: eb5c3b35299f1ea8f24da5248c74158c1cc6b694 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2004 The Apache Software Foundation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.ldap.server.jndi;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import javax.naming.Context;
import javax.naming.InitialContext;
import javax.naming.Name;
import javax.naming.NameParser;
import javax.naming.NamingEnumeration;
import javax.naming.NamingException;
import javax.naming.ldap.Control;
import javax.naming.ldap.ExtendedRequest;
import javax.naming.ldap.ExtendedResponse;
import javax.naming.ldap.LdapContext;
import org.apache.ldap.common.exception.LdapServiceUnavailableException;
import org.apache.ldap.common.message.ResultCodeEnum;
import org.apache.ldap.server.configuration.SyncConfiguration;
* A do nothing placeholder context whose methods throw ConfigurationExceptions.
* JNDI provider returns this context when your specify {@link SyncConfiguration}
* in JNDI environment. By returning a non-null Context we prevent an unnecessary
* exception being thrown by {@link InitialContext} and any one of its subclasses.
* @author <a href="">Apache Directory Project</a>
* @version $Rev$, $Date$
class DeadContext implements LdapContext
private final String EXCEPTION_MSG = "Context operation unavailable when " +
"invoked after Eve provider has been shutdown";
public Control[] getConnectControls() throws NamingException
throw new LdapServiceUnavailableException( EXCEPTION_MSG, ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE );
public Control[] getRequestControls() throws NamingException
throw new LdapServiceUnavailableException( EXCEPTION_MSG, ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE );
public Control[] getResponseControls() throws NamingException
throw new LdapServiceUnavailableException( EXCEPTION_MSG, ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE );
public void reconnect( Control[] connCtls ) throws NamingException
throw new LdapServiceUnavailableException( EXCEPTION_MSG, ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE );
public void setRequestControls( Control[] requestControls ) throws NamingException
throw new LdapServiceUnavailableException( EXCEPTION_MSG, ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE );
public ExtendedResponse extendedOperation( ExtendedRequest request ) throws NamingException
throw new LdapServiceUnavailableException( EXCEPTION_MSG, ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE );
public LdapContext newInstance( Control[] requestControls ) throws NamingException
throw new LdapServiceUnavailableException( EXCEPTION_MSG, ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE );
public Attributes getAttributes( String name ) throws NamingException
throw new LdapServiceUnavailableException( EXCEPTION_MSG, ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE );
public void modifyAttributes( String name, int mod_op, Attributes attrs ) throws NamingException
throw new LdapServiceUnavailableException( EXCEPTION_MSG, ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE );
public Attributes getAttributes( Name name ) throws NamingException
throw new LdapServiceUnavailableException( EXCEPTION_MSG, ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE );
public void modifyAttributes( Name name, int mod_op, Attributes attrs ) throws NamingException
throw new LdapServiceUnavailableException( EXCEPTION_MSG, ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE );
public DirContext getSchema( String name ) throws NamingException
throw new LdapServiceUnavailableException( EXCEPTION_MSG, ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE );
public DirContext getSchemaClassDefinition( String name ) throws NamingException
throw new LdapServiceUnavailableException( EXCEPTION_MSG, ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE );
public DirContext getSchema( Name name ) throws NamingException
throw new LdapServiceUnavailableException( EXCEPTION_MSG, ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE );
public DirContext getSchemaClassDefinition( Name name ) throws NamingException
throw new LdapServiceUnavailableException( EXCEPTION_MSG, ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE );
public void modifyAttributes( String name, ModificationItem[] mods ) throws NamingException
throw new LdapServiceUnavailableException( EXCEPTION_MSG, ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE );
public void modifyAttributes( Name name, ModificationItem[] mods ) throws NamingException
throw new LdapServiceUnavailableException( EXCEPTION_MSG, ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE );
public NamingEnumeration search( String name, Attributes matchingAttributes ) throws NamingException
throw new LdapServiceUnavailableException( EXCEPTION_MSG, ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE );
public NamingEnumeration search( Name name, Attributes matchingAttributes ) throws NamingException
throw new LdapServiceUnavailableException( EXCEPTION_MSG, ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE );
public void bind( String name, Object obj, Attributes attrs ) throws NamingException
throw new LdapServiceUnavailableException( EXCEPTION_MSG, ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE );
public void rebind( String name, Object obj, Attributes attrs ) throws NamingException
throw new LdapServiceUnavailableException( EXCEPTION_MSG, ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE );
public void bind( Name name, Object obj, Attributes attrs ) throws NamingException
throw new LdapServiceUnavailableException( EXCEPTION_MSG, ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE );
public void rebind( Name name, Object obj, Attributes attrs ) throws NamingException
throw new LdapServiceUnavailableException( EXCEPTION_MSG, ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE );
public Attributes getAttributes( String name, String[] attrIds ) throws NamingException
throw new LdapServiceUnavailableException( EXCEPTION_MSG, ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE );
public Attributes getAttributes( Name name, String[] attrIds ) throws NamingException
throw new LdapServiceUnavailableException( EXCEPTION_MSG, ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE );
public DirContext createSubcontext( String name, Attributes attrs ) throws NamingException
throw new LdapServiceUnavailableException( EXCEPTION_MSG, ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE );
public DirContext createSubcontext( Name name, Attributes attrs ) throws NamingException
throw new LdapServiceUnavailableException( EXCEPTION_MSG, ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE );
public NamingEnumeration search( String name, Attributes matchingAttributes, String[] attributesToReturn ) throws NamingException
throw new LdapServiceUnavailableException( EXCEPTION_MSG, ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE );
public NamingEnumeration search( Name name, Attributes matchingAttributes, String[] attributesToReturn ) throws NamingException
throw new LdapServiceUnavailableException( EXCEPTION_MSG, ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE );
public NamingEnumeration search( String name, String filter, SearchControls cons ) throws NamingException
throw new LdapServiceUnavailableException( EXCEPTION_MSG, ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE );
public NamingEnumeration search( Name name, String filter, SearchControls cons ) throws NamingException
throw new LdapServiceUnavailableException( EXCEPTION_MSG, ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE );
public NamingEnumeration search( String name, String filterExpr, Object[] filterArgs, SearchControls cons ) throws NamingException
throw new LdapServiceUnavailableException( EXCEPTION_MSG, ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE );
public NamingEnumeration search( Name name, String filterExpr, Object[] filterArgs, SearchControls cons ) throws NamingException
throw new LdapServiceUnavailableException( EXCEPTION_MSG, ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE );
public void close() throws NamingException
throw new LdapServiceUnavailableException( EXCEPTION_MSG, ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE );
public String getNameInNamespace() throws NamingException
throw new LdapServiceUnavailableException( EXCEPTION_MSG, ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE );
public void destroySubcontext( String name ) throws NamingException
throw new LdapServiceUnavailableException( EXCEPTION_MSG, ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE );
public void unbind( String name ) throws NamingException
throw new LdapServiceUnavailableException( EXCEPTION_MSG, ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE );
public Hashtable getEnvironment() throws NamingException
throw new LdapServiceUnavailableException( EXCEPTION_MSG, ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE );
public void destroySubcontext( Name name ) throws NamingException
throw new LdapServiceUnavailableException( EXCEPTION_MSG, ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE );
public void unbind( Name name ) throws NamingException
throw new LdapServiceUnavailableException( EXCEPTION_MSG, ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE );
public Object lookup( String name ) throws NamingException
throw new LdapServiceUnavailableException( EXCEPTION_MSG, ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE );
public Object lookupLink( String name ) throws NamingException
throw new LdapServiceUnavailableException( EXCEPTION_MSG, ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE );
public Object removeFromEnvironment( String propName ) throws NamingException
throw new LdapServiceUnavailableException( EXCEPTION_MSG, ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE );
public void bind( String name, Object obj ) throws NamingException
throw new LdapServiceUnavailableException( EXCEPTION_MSG, ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE );
public void rebind( String name, Object obj ) throws NamingException
throw new LdapServiceUnavailableException( EXCEPTION_MSG, ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE );
public Object lookup( Name name ) throws NamingException
throw new LdapServiceUnavailableException( EXCEPTION_MSG, ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE );
public Object lookupLink( Name name ) throws NamingException
throw new LdapServiceUnavailableException( EXCEPTION_MSG, ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE );
public void bind( Name name, Object obj ) throws NamingException
throw new LdapServiceUnavailableException( EXCEPTION_MSG, ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE );
public void rebind( Name name, Object obj ) throws NamingException
throw new LdapServiceUnavailableException( EXCEPTION_MSG, ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE );
public void rename( String oldName, String newName ) throws NamingException
throw new LdapServiceUnavailableException( EXCEPTION_MSG, ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE );
public Context createSubcontext( String name ) throws NamingException
throw new LdapServiceUnavailableException( EXCEPTION_MSG, ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE );
public Context createSubcontext( Name name ) throws NamingException
throw new LdapServiceUnavailableException( EXCEPTION_MSG, ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE );
public void rename( Name oldName, Name newName ) throws NamingException
throw new LdapServiceUnavailableException( EXCEPTION_MSG, ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE );
public NameParser getNameParser( String name ) throws NamingException
throw new LdapServiceUnavailableException( EXCEPTION_MSG, ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE );
public NameParser getNameParser( Name name ) throws NamingException
throw new LdapServiceUnavailableException( EXCEPTION_MSG, ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE );
public NamingEnumeration list( String name ) throws NamingException
throw new LdapServiceUnavailableException( EXCEPTION_MSG, ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE );
public NamingEnumeration listBindings( String name ) throws NamingException
throw new LdapServiceUnavailableException( EXCEPTION_MSG, ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE );
public NamingEnumeration list( Name name ) throws NamingException
throw new LdapServiceUnavailableException( EXCEPTION_MSG, ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE );
public NamingEnumeration listBindings( Name name ) throws NamingException
throw new LdapServiceUnavailableException( EXCEPTION_MSG, ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE );
public Object addToEnvironment( String propName, Object propVal ) throws NamingException
throw new LdapServiceUnavailableException( EXCEPTION_MSG, ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE );
public String composeName( String name, String prefix ) throws NamingException
throw new LdapServiceUnavailableException( EXCEPTION_MSG, ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE );
public Name composeName( Name name, Name prefix ) throws NamingException
throw new LdapServiceUnavailableException( EXCEPTION_MSG, ResultCodeEnum.UNAVAILABLE );