blob: b6aa8fea5299effd5abdfe23f09fbc87134e32b3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Map;
import jdbm.RecordManager;
import jdbm.btree.BTree;
import jdbm.helper.Serializer;
import jdbm.helper.Tuple;
import jdbm.helper.TupleBrowser;
import jdbm.recman.BaseRecordManager;
import jdbm.recman.CacheRecordManager;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* A jdbm Btree wrapper that enables duplicate sorted keys using collections.
* @author <a href="">Apache Directory Project</a>
public class JdbmTable<K, V> extends AbstractTable<K, V>
/** A logger for this class */
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger( JdbmTable.class );
/** the key to store and retreive the count information */
private static final String SZSUFFIX = "_btree_sz";
/** the JDBM record manager for the file this table is managed in */
private final RecordManager recMan;
/** the wrappedCursor JDBM btree used in this Table */
private BTree<K, V> bt;
/** the limit at which we start using btree redirection for duplicates */
private int numDupLimit = JdbmIndex.DEFAULT_DUPLICATE_LIMIT;
/** a cache of duplicate BTrees */
private final Map<Long, BTree<K, V>> duplicateBtrees;
/** A Key serializer */
private final Serializer keySerializer;
/** A value serializer */
private final Serializer valueSerializer;
/** A marshaller used to serialize/deserialize values stored in the Table */
Marshaller<ArrayTree<V>> marshaller;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// C O N S T R U C T O R
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Creates a Jdbm BTree based tuple Table abstraction that enables
* duplicates.
* @param schemaManager The server schemaManager
* @param name the name of the table
* @param numDupLimit the size limit of duplicates before switching to BTrees for values instead of AvlTrees
* @param manager the record manager to be used for this table
* @param keyComparator a key comparator
* @param valueComparator a value comparator
* @param keySerializer a serializer to use for the keys instead of using
* default Java serialization which could be very expensive
* @param valueSerializer a serializer to use for the values instead of
* using default Java serialization which could be very expensive
* @throws IOException if the table's file cannot be created
public JdbmTable( SchemaManager schemaManager, String name, int numDupLimit, RecordManager manager,
Comparator<K> keyComparator, Comparator<V> valueComparator,
Serializer keySerializer, Serializer valueSerializer )
throws IOException
super( schemaManager, name, keyComparator, valueComparator );
if ( valueComparator == null )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_592 ) );
// TODO make the size of the duplicate btree cache configurable via constructor
duplicateBtrees = new SynchronizedLRUMap( 100 );
if ( valueSerializer != null )
marshaller = new ArrayMarshaller<V>( valueComparator,
new MarshallerSerializerBridge<V>( valueSerializer ) );
marshaller = new ArrayMarshaller<V>( valueComparator );
this.numDupLimit = numDupLimit;
this.recMan = manager;
this.keySerializer = keySerializer;
this.valueSerializer = valueSerializer;
this.allowsDuplicates = true;
long recId = recMan.getNamedObject( name );
if ( recId == 0 ) // Create new main BTree
// we do not use the value serializer in the btree since duplicates will use
// either BTreeRedirect objects or AvlTree objects whose marshalling is
// explicitly managed by this code. Value serialization is delegated to these
// marshallers.
bt = new BTree<K, V>( recMan, keyComparator, keySerializer, null );
recId = bt.getRecordId();
recMan.setNamedObject( name, recId );
recId = recMan.insert( 0 );
recMan.setNamedObject( name + SZSUFFIX, recId );
// Load existing BTree
bt = new BTree<K, V>().load( recMan, recId );
( ( SerializableComparator<K> ) bt.getComparator() ).setSchemaManager( schemaManager );
recId = recMan.getNamedObject( name + SZSUFFIX );
Object value = recMan.fetch( recId );
if ( value instanceof Integer )
count = ( ( Integer ) value ).longValue();
count = ( Long ) value;
* Creates a Jdbm BTree based tuple Table abstraction without duplicates
* enabled using a simple key comparator.
* @param schemaManager The server schemaManager
* @param name the name of the table
* @param manager the record manager to be used for this table
* @param keyComparator a tuple comparator
* @param keySerializer a serializer to use for the keys instead of using
* default Java serialization which could be very expensive
* @param valueSerializer a serializer to use for the values instead of
* using default Java serialization which could be very expensive
* @throws IOException if the table's file cannot be created
public JdbmTable( SchemaManager schemaManager, String name, RecordManager manager, Comparator<K> keyComparator,
Serializer keySerializer, Serializer valueSerializer )
throws IOException
super( schemaManager, name, keyComparator, null );
this.duplicateBtrees = null;
this.numDupLimit = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
this.recMan = manager;
this.keySerializer = keySerializer;
this.valueSerializer = valueSerializer;
this.allowsDuplicates = false;
long recId = recMan.getNamedObject( name );
if ( recId != 0 )
bt = new BTree<K, V>().load( recMan, recId );
( ( SerializableComparator<K> ) bt.getComparator() ).setSchemaManager( schemaManager );
bt.setValueSerializer( valueSerializer );
recId = recMan.getNamedObject( name + SZSUFFIX );
Object value = recMan.fetch( recId );
if ( value instanceof Integer )
count = ( ( Integer ) value ).longValue();
count = ( Long ) value;
bt = new BTree<K, V>( recMan, keyComparator, keySerializer, valueSerializer );
recId = bt.getRecordId();
recMan.setNamedObject( name, recId );
recId = recMan.insert( 0 );
recMan.setNamedObject( name + SZSUFFIX, recId );
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Simple Table Properties
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
public Serializer getKeySerializer()
return keySerializer;
public Serializer getValueSerializer()
return valueSerializer;
* @see
public boolean isDupsEnabled()
return allowsDuplicates;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Count Overloads
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* @see Table#greaterThanCount(Object)
public long greaterThanCount( K key ) throws IOException
// take a best guess
return Math.min( count, 10L );
* @see Table#lessThanCount(Object)
public long lessThanCount( K key ) throws IOException
// take a best guess
return Math.min( count, 10L );
* @see
public long count( K key ) throws LdapException
if ( key == null )
return 0L;
if ( !allowsDuplicates )
if ( null == bt.find( key ) )
return 0L;
return 1L;
DupsContainer<V> values = getDupsContainer( ( byte[] ) bt.find( key ) );
if ( values.isArrayTree() )
return values.getArrayTree().size();
return getBTree( values.getBTreeRedirect() ).size();
catch ( IOException ioe )
throw new LdapOtherException( ioe.getMessage() );
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// get/has/put/remove Methods and Overloads
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
public V get( K key ) throws LdapException
if ( key == null )
return null;
if ( !allowsDuplicates )
return bt.find( key );
DupsContainer<V> values = getDupsContainer( ( byte[] ) bt.find( key ) );
if ( values.isArrayTree() )
ArrayTree<V> set = values.getArrayTree();
if ( set.getFirst() == null )
return null;
return set.getFirst();
// Handle values if they are stored in another BTree
BTree tree = getBTree( values.getBTreeRedirect() );
jdbm.helper.Tuple tuple = new jdbm.helper.Tuple();
TupleBrowser<K, V> browser = tree.browse();
browser.getNext( tuple );
return ( V ) tuple.getKey();
catch ( IOException ioe )
throw new LdapOtherException( ioe.getMessage() );
* @see Table#hasGreaterOrEqual(Object,Object)
public boolean hasGreaterOrEqual( K key, V val ) throws LdapException
if ( key == null )
return false;
if ( !allowsDuplicates )
throw new UnsupportedOperationException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_593 ) );
DupsContainer<V> values = getDupsContainer( ( byte[] ) bt.find( key ) );
if ( values.isArrayTree() )
ArrayTree<V> set = values.getArrayTree();
V result = set.findGreaterOrEqual( val );
return result != null;
// last option is to try a btree with BTreeRedirects
BTree<K, V> tree = getBTree( values.getBTreeRedirect() );
return tree.size() != 0 && btreeHas( tree, val, true );
catch ( IOException ioe )
throw new LdapOtherException( ioe.getMessage() );
* @see Table#hasLessOrEqual(Object,Object)
public boolean hasLessOrEqual( K key, V val ) throws LdapException
if ( key == null )
return false;
if ( !allowsDuplicates )
throw new UnsupportedOperationException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_593 ) );
DupsContainer<V> values = getDupsContainer( ( byte[] ) bt.find( key ) );
if ( values.isArrayTree() )
ArrayTree<V> set = values.getArrayTree();
V result = set.findLessOrEqual( val );
return result != null;
// last option is to try a btree with BTreeRedirects
BTree<K, V> tree = getBTree( values.getBTreeRedirect() );
return tree.size() != 0 && btreeHas( tree, val, false );
catch ( IOException ioe )
throw new LdapOtherException( ioe.getMessage() );
* @see
public boolean hasGreaterOrEqual( K key ) throws IOException
// See if we can find the border between keys greater than and less
// than in the set of keys. This will be the spot we search from.
jdbm.helper.Tuple tuple = bt.findGreaterOrEqual( key );
// Test for equality first since it satisfies both greater/less than
if ( null != tuple && ( K ) tuple.getKey(), key ) == 0 )
return true;
// Greater searches are easy and quick thanks to findGreaterOrEqual
// A null return above means there were no equal or greater keys
if ( null == tuple )
return false;
// Not Null! - we found a tuple with equal or greater key value
return true;
* @see Table#hasLessOrEqual(Object)
public boolean hasLessOrEqual( K key ) throws IOException
// Can only find greater than or equal to with JDBM so we find that
// and work backwards to see if we can find one less than the key
Tuple<K, V> tuple = bt.findGreaterOrEqual( key );
// Test for equality first since it satisfies equal to condition
if ( null != tuple && tuple.getKey(), key ) == 0 )
return true;
if ( null == tuple )
* Jdbm failed to find a key greater than or equal to the argument
* which means all the keys in the table are less than the
* supplied key argument. We can hence return true if the table
* contains any Tuples.
return count > 0;
* We have the next tuple whose key is the next greater than the
* key argument supplied. We use this key to advance a browser to
* that tuple and scan down to lesser Tuples until we hit one
* that is less than the key argument supplied. Usually this will
* be the previous tuple if it exists.
TupleBrowser browser = bt.browse( tuple.getKey() );
if ( browser.getPrevious( tuple ) )
return true;
return false;
* @see,
* java.lang.Object)
public boolean has( K key, V value ) throws LdapException
if ( key == null )
return false;
if ( !allowsDuplicates )
V stored = bt.find( key );
return null != stored && stored.equals( value );
DupsContainer<V> values = getDupsContainer( ( byte[] ) bt.find( key ) );
if ( values.isArrayTree() )
return values.getArrayTree().find( value ) != null;
return getBTree( values.getBTreeRedirect() ).find( value ) != null;
catch ( IOException ioe )
throw new LdapOtherException( ioe.getMessage() );
* @see Table#has(java.lang.Object)
public boolean has( K key ) throws IOException
return key != null && bt.find( key ) != null;
* @see,
* java.lang.Object)
public synchronized void put( K key, V value ) throws Exception
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( "---> Add {} = {}", name, key );
if ( ( value == null ) || ( key == null ) )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_594 ) );
V replaced;
if ( !allowsDuplicates )
replaced = ( V ) bt.insert( key, value, true );
if ( null == replaced )
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( "<--- Add ONE {} = {}", name, key );
commit( recMan );
DupsContainer<V> values = getDupsContainer( ( byte[] ) bt.find( key ) );
if ( values.isArrayTree() )
ArrayTree<V> set = values.getArrayTree();
replaced = set.insert( value );
if ( replaced != null )// if the value already present returns the same value
if ( set.size() > numDupLimit )
BTree tree = convertToBTree( set );
BTreeRedirect redirect = new BTreeRedirect( tree.getRecordId() );
bt.insert( key, ( V ) BTreeRedirectMarshaller.INSTANCE.serialize( redirect ), true );
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( "<--- Add new BTREE {} = {}", name, key );
bt.insert( key, ( V ) marshaller.serialize( set ), true );
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( "<--- Add AVL {} = {}", name, key );
commit( recMan );
BTree tree = getBTree( values.getBTreeRedirect() );
replaced = ( V ) tree.insert( value, StringConstants.EMPTY_BYTES, true );
if ( replaced == null )
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( "<--- Add BTREE {} = {}", name, key );
commit( recMan );
catch ( Exception e )
LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_131, key, name ), e );
throw e;
* @see,
* java.lang.Object)
public synchronized void remove( K key, V value ) throws IOException
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( "---> Remove " + name + " = " + key + ", " + value );
if ( key == null )
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( "<--- Remove NULL key " + name );
if ( !allowsDuplicates )
V oldValue = bt.find( key );
// Remove the value only if it is the same as value.
if ( ( oldValue != null ) && oldValue.equals( value ) )
bt.remove( key );
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( "<--- Remove ONE " + name + " = " + key + ", " + value );
commit( recMan );
DupsContainer<V> values = getDupsContainer( ( byte[] ) bt.find( key ) );
if ( values.isArrayTree() )
ArrayTree<V> set = values.getArrayTree();
// If removal succeeds then remove if set is empty else replace it
if ( set.remove( value ) != null )
if ( set.isEmpty() )
bt.remove( key );
bt.insert( key, ( V ) marshaller.serialize( set ), true );
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( "<--- Remove AVL " + name + " = " + key + ", " + value );
commit( recMan );
// if the number of duplicates falls below the numDupLimit value
BTree tree = getBTree( values.getBTreeRedirect() );
if ( tree.find( value ) != null && tree.remove( value ) != null )
* If we drop below the duplicate limit then we revert from using
* a Jdbm BTree to using an in memory AvlTree.
if ( tree.size() <= numDupLimit )
ArrayTree<V> avlTree = convertToArrayTree( tree );
bt.insert( key, ( V ) marshaller.serialize( avlTree ), true );
recMan.delete( tree.getRecordId() );
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( "<--- Remove BTREE " + name + " = " + key + ", " + value );
commit( recMan );
catch ( Exception e )
LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_132, key, value, name ), e );
* @see Table#remove(Object)
public synchronized void remove( K key )
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( "---> Remove {} = {}", name, key );
if ( key == null )
Object returned = bt.remove( key );
if ( null == returned )
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( "<--- Remove AVL {} = {} (not found)", name, key );
if ( !allowsDuplicates )
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( "<--- Remove ONE {} = {}", name, key );
commit( recMan );
byte[] serialized = ( byte[] ) returned;
if ( BTreeRedirectMarshaller.isRedirect( serialized ) )
BTree tree = getBTree( BTreeRedirectMarshaller.INSTANCE.deserialize( serialized ) );
this.count -= tree.size();
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( "<--- Remove BTree {} = {}", name, key );
recMan.delete( tree.getRecordId() );
duplicateBtrees.remove( tree.getRecordId() );
commit( recMan );
ArrayTree<V> set = marshaller.deserialize( serialized );
this.count -= set.size();
if ( LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
LOG.debug( "<--- Remove AVL {} = {}", name, key );
commit( recMan );
catch ( Exception e )
LOG.error( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_133, key, name ), e );
public Cursor<<K, V>> cursor() throws LdapException
if ( allowsDuplicates )
return new DupsCursor<K, V>( this );
return new NoDupsCursor<K, V>( this );
public Cursor<<K, V>> cursor( K key ) throws Exception
if ( key == null )
return new EmptyCursor<<K, V>>();
V raw = bt.find( key );
if ( null == raw )
return new EmptyCursor<<K, V>>();
if ( !allowsDuplicates )
return new SingletonCursor<<K, V>>(
new<K, V>( key, raw ) );
byte[] serialized = ( byte[] ) raw;
if ( BTreeRedirectMarshaller.isRedirect( serialized ) )
BTree tree = getBTree( BTreeRedirectMarshaller.INSTANCE.deserialize( serialized ) );
return new KeyTupleBTreeCursor<K, V>( tree, key, valueComparator );
ArrayTree<V> set = marshaller.deserialize( serialized );
return new KeyTupleArrayCursor<K, V>( set, key );
public Cursor<V> valueCursor( K key ) throws Exception
if ( key == null )
return new EmptyCursor<V>();
V raw = bt.find( key );
if ( null == raw )
return new EmptyCursor<V>();
if ( !allowsDuplicates )
return new SingletonCursor<V>( raw );
byte[] serialized = ( byte[] ) raw;
if ( BTreeRedirectMarshaller.isRedirect( serialized ) )
BTree tree = getBTree( BTreeRedirectMarshaller.INSTANCE.deserialize( serialized ) );
return new KeyBTreeCursor<V>( tree, valueComparator );
return new ArrayTreeCursor<V>( marshaller.deserialize( serialized ) );
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Maintenance Operations
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* @see Table#close()
public synchronized void close() throws IOException
* Synchronizes the buffers with disk.
* @throws IOException if errors are encountered on the flush
public synchronized void sync() throws IOException
long recId = recMan.getNamedObject( name + SZSUFFIX );
recMan.update( recId, count );
// Commit
// And flush the journal
if ( ( commitNumber.get() % 2000 ) == 0 )
BaseRecordManager baseRecordManager = null;
if ( recMan instanceof CacheRecordManager )
baseRecordManager = ( ( BaseRecordManager ) ( ( CacheRecordManager ) recMan ).getRecordManager() );
baseRecordManager = ( ( BaseRecordManager ) recMan );
public Marshaller<ArrayTree<V>> getMarshaller()
return marshaller;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Private/Package Utility Methods
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Added to check that we actually switch from one data structure to the
* B+Tree structure on disk for duplicates that go beyond the threshold.
boolean isKeyUsingBTree( K key ) throws Exception
if ( key == null )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "key is null" );
if ( !allowsDuplicates )
return false;
DupsContainer<V> values = getDupsContainer( ( byte[] ) bt.find( key ) );
if ( values.isBTreeRedirect() )
return true;
return false;
DupsContainer<V> getDupsContainer( byte[] serialized ) throws LdapException
if ( serialized == null )
return new DupsContainer<V>( new ArrayTree<V>( valueComparator ) );
if ( BTreeRedirectMarshaller.isRedirect( serialized ) )
return new DupsContainer<V>( BTreeRedirectMarshaller.INSTANCE.deserialize( serialized ) );
catch ( IOException ioe )
throw new LdapOtherException( ioe.getMessage() );
return new DupsContainer<V>( marshaller.deserialize( serialized ) );
catch ( IOException ioe )
throw new LdapOtherException( ioe.getMessage() );
* Returns the main BTree used by this table.
* @return the main JDBM BTree used by this table
BTree getBTree()
return bt;
BTree getBTree( BTreeRedirect redirect ) throws IOException
if ( duplicateBtrees.containsKey( redirect.getRecId() ) )
return duplicateBtrees.get( redirect.getRecId() );
BTree<K, V> tree = new BTree<K, V>().load( recMan, redirect.getRecId() );
( ( SerializableComparator<K> ) tree.getComparator() ).setSchemaManager( schemaManager );
duplicateBtrees.put( redirect.getRecId(), tree );
return tree;
private boolean btreeHas( BTree tree, V key, boolean isGreaterThan ) throws IOException
jdbm.helper.Tuple tuple = new jdbm.helper.Tuple();
TupleBrowser browser = tree.browse( key );
if ( isGreaterThan )
return browser.getNext( tuple );
if ( browser.getPrevious( tuple ) )
return true;
* getPrevious() above fails which means the browser has is
* before the first Tuple of the btree. A call to getNext()
* should work every time.
browser.getNext( tuple );
* Since the browser is positioned now on the Tuple with the
* smallest key we just need to check if it equals this key
* which is the only chance for returning true.
V firstKey = ( V ) tuple.getKey();
return key, firstKey ) == 0;
private ArrayTree<V> convertToArrayTree( BTree bTree ) throws IOException
ArrayTree<V> avlTree = new ArrayTree<V>( valueComparator );
TupleBrowser browser = bTree.browse();
jdbm.helper.Tuple tuple = new jdbm.helper.Tuple();
while ( browser.getNext( tuple ) )
avlTree.insert( ( V ) tuple.getKey() );
return avlTree;
private BTree<V, K> convertToBTree( ArrayTree<V> arrayTree ) throws Exception
BTree<V, K> bTree;
if ( valueSerializer != null )
bTree = new BTree<V, K>( recMan, valueComparator, valueSerializer, null );
bTree = new BTree<V, K>( recMan, valueComparator );
Cursor<V> keys = new ArrayTreeCursor<V>( arrayTree );
while ( )
bTree.insert( keys.get(), ( K ) StringConstants.EMPTY_BYTES, true );
return bTree;
* Commit the modification on disk
* @param recordManager The recordManager used for the commit
private void commit( RecordManager recordManager ) throws IOException
if ( commitNumber.incrementAndGet() % 2000 == 0 )