blob: bc7396d793be22d817904ecd5344769416f69522 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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* under the License.
import jdbm.RecordManager;
import jdbm.helper.ByteArraySerializer;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* A Jdbm based index implementation. It creates an Index for a give AttributeType.
* @author <a href="">Apache Directory Project</a>
public class JdbmIndex<K> extends AbstractIndex<K, String>
/** A logger for this class */
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger( JdbmIndex.class );
/** default duplicate limit before duplicate keys switch to using a btree for values */
public static final int DEFAULT_DUPLICATE_LIMIT = 512;
/** the key used for the forward btree name */
public static final String FORWARD_BTREE = "_forward";
/** the key used for the reverse btree name */
public static final String REVERSE_BTREE = "_reverse";
* the forward btree where the btree key is the value of the indexed attribute and
* the value of the btree is the entry id of the entry containing an attribute with
* that value
protected JdbmTable<K, String> forward;
* the reverse btree where the btree key is the entry id of the entry containing a
* value for the indexed attribute, and the btree value is the value of the indexed
* attribute
protected JdbmTable<String, K> reverse;
* the JDBM record manager for the file containing this index
protected RecordManager recMan;
* duplicate limit before duplicate keys switch to using a btree for values
protected int numDupLimit = DEFAULT_DUPLICATE_LIMIT;
/** a custom working directory path when specified in configuration */
protected File wkDirPath;
* NOTE: Duplicate Key Limit
* Jdbm cannot store duplicate keys: meaning it cannot have more than one value
* for the same key in the btree. Thus as a workaround we stuff values for the
* same key into a TreeSet. This is only effective up to some threshold after
* which we run into problems with serialization on and off disk. A threshold
* is used to determine when to switch from using a TreeSet to start using another
* btree in the same index file just for the values. This value only btree just
* has keys populated without a value for it's btree entries. When the switch
* occurs the value for the key in the index btree contains a pointer to the
* btree containing it's values.
* This numDupLimit is the threshold at which we switch from using in memory
* containers for values of the same key to using a btree for those values
* instead with indirection.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// C O N S T R U C T O R S
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Creates a JdbmIndex instance for a give AttributeId
* @param attributeId The Attribute ID
* @param withReverse If we have to create a reverse index
public JdbmIndex( String attributeId, boolean withReverse )
super( attributeId, withReverse );
initialized = false;
* Initialize the index for an Attribute, with a specific working directory (may be null).
* @param recMan The RecordManager
* @param schemaManager The schemaManager to use to get back the Attribute
* @param attributeType The attributeType this index is created for
* @throws LdapException If the initialization failed
* @throws IOException If the initialization failed
public void init( RecordManager recMan, SchemaManager schemaManager, AttributeType attributeType )
throws LdapException, IOException
LOG.debug( "Initializing an Index for attribute '{}'", attributeType.getName() );
this.attributeType = attributeType;
if ( attributeId == null )
setAttributeId( attributeType.getName() );
// see DIRSERVER-2002
// prevent the OOM when more than 50k users are loaded at a stretch
// adding this system property to make it configurable till JDBM gets replaced by Mavibot
String cacheSizeVal = System.getProperty( "jdbm.recman.cache.size", "100" );
int recCacheSize = Integer.parseInt( cacheSizeVal ); "Setting CacheRecondManager's cache size to {}", recCacheSize );
this.recMan = recMan;
initTables( schemaManager );
catch ( IOException e )
// clean up
close( null );
throw e;
initialized = true;
* Initializes the forward and reverse tables used by this Index.
* @param schemaManager The server schemaManager
* @throws IOException if we cannot initialize the forward and reverse
* tables
private void initTables( SchemaManager schemaManager ) throws IOException
SerializableComparator<K> comp;
MatchingRule mr = attributeType.getEquality();
if ( mr == null )
throw new IOException( I18n.err( I18n.ERR_574, attributeType.getName() ) );
comp = new SerializableComparator<>( mr.getOid() );
* The forward key/value map stores attribute values to master table
* primary keys. A value for an attribute can occur several times in
* different entries so the forward map can have more than one value.
UuidComparator.INSTANCE.setSchemaManager( schemaManager );
comp.setSchemaManager( schemaManager );
if ( mr.getSyntax().isHumanReadable() )
forward = new JdbmTable<>( schemaManager, attributeType.getOid() + FORWARD_BTREE, numDupLimit,
comp, UuidComparator.INSTANCE, StringSerializer.INSTANCE, UuidSerializer.INSTANCE );
forward = new JdbmTable<>( schemaManager, attributeType.getOid() + FORWARD_BTREE, numDupLimit,
comp, UuidComparator.INSTANCE, new ByteArraySerializer(), UuidSerializer.INSTANCE );
* Now the reverse map stores the primary key into the master table as
* the key and the values of attributes as the value. If an attribute
* is single valued according to its specification based on a schema
* then duplicate keys should not be allowed within the reverse table.
if ( withReverse )
if ( attributeType.isSingleValued() )
reverse = new JdbmTable<>( schemaManager, attributeType.getOid() + REVERSE_BTREE, recMan,
UuidComparator.INSTANCE, UuidSerializer.INSTANCE, null );
reverse = new JdbmTable<>( schemaManager, attributeType.getOid() + REVERSE_BTREE, numDupLimit,
UuidComparator.INSTANCE, comp, UuidSerializer.INSTANCE, null );
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// C O N F I G U R A T I O N M E T H O D S
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Gets the threshold at which point duplicate keys use btree indirection to store
* their values.
* @return the threshold for storing a keys values in another btree
public int getNumDupLimit()
return numDupLimit;
* Sets the threshold at which point duplicate keys use btree indirection to store
* their values.
* @param numDupLimit the threshold for storing a keys values in another btree
public void setNumDupLimit( int numDupLimit )
protect( "numDupLimit" );
this.numDupLimit = numDupLimit;
* Sets the working directory path to something other than the default. Sometimes more
* performance is gained by locating indices on separate disk spindles.
* @param wkDirPath optional working directory path
public void setWkDirPath( URI wkDirPath )
protect( "wkDirPath" );
this.wkDirPath = new File( wkDirPath );
* Gets the working directory path to something other than the default. Sometimes more
* performance is gained by locating indices on separate disk spindles.
* @return optional working directory path
public URI getWkDirPath()
return wkDirPath != null ? wkDirPath.toURI() : null;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Scan Count Methods
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* {@inheritDoc}
public long count( PartitionTxn partitionTxn ) throws LdapException
return forward.count( partitionTxn );
* {@inheritDoc}
public long count( PartitionTxn partitionTxn, K attrVal ) throws LdapException
return forward.count( partitionTxn, attrVal );
* {@inheritDoc}
public long greaterThanCount( PartitionTxn partitionTxn, K attrVal ) throws LdapException
return forward.greaterThanCount( partitionTxn, attrVal );
* {@inheritDoc}
public long lessThanCount( PartitionTxn partitionTxn, K attrVal ) throws LdapException
return forward.lessThanCount( partitionTxn, attrVal );
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Forward and Reverse Lookups
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* {@inheritDoc}
public String forwardLookup( PartitionTxn partitionTxn, K attrVal ) throws LdapException
return forward.get( partitionTxn, attrVal );
* {@inheritDoc}
public K reverseLookup( PartitionTxn partitionTxn, String id ) throws LdapException
if ( withReverse )
return reverse.get( partitionTxn, id );
return null;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Add/Drop Methods
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* {@inheritDoc}
public synchronized void add( PartitionTxn partitionTxn, K attrVal, String id ) throws LdapException
// The pair to be added must exists
forward.put( partitionTxn, attrVal, id );
if ( withReverse )
reverse.put( partitionTxn, id, attrVal );
* {@inheritDoc}
public synchronized void drop( PartitionTxn partitionTxn, K attrVal, String id ) throws LdapException
// The pair to be removed must exists
if ( forward.has( partitionTxn, attrVal, id ) )
forward.remove( partitionTxn, attrVal, id );
if ( withReverse )
reverse.remove( partitionTxn, id, attrVal );
* {@inheritDoc}
public void drop( PartitionTxn partitionTxn, String entryId ) throws LdapException
if ( withReverse )
if ( isDupsEnabled() )
// Build a cursor to iterate on all the keys referencing
// this entryId
Cursor<Tuple<String, K>> values = reverse.cursor( partitionTxn, entryId );
while ( )
// Remove the Key -> entryId from the index
forward.remove( partitionTxn, values.get().getValue(), entryId );
catch ( CursorException | IOException e )
throw new LdapOtherException( e.getMessage(), e );
K key = reverse.get( partitionTxn, entryId );
forward.remove( partitionTxn, key );
// Remove the id -> key from the reverse index
reverse.remove( partitionTxn, entryId );
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Index Cursor Operations
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
public Cursor<IndexEntry<K, String>> forwardCursor( PartitionTxn partitionTxn ) throws LdapException
return new IndexCursorAdaptor<>( partitionTxn, ( Cursor ) forward.cursor(), true );
public Cursor<IndexEntry<K, String>> forwardCursor( PartitionTxn partitionTxn, K key ) throws LdapException
return new IndexCursorAdaptor<>( partitionTxn, ( Cursor ) forward.cursor( partitionTxn, key ), true );
* {@inheritDoc}
public Cursor<K> reverseValueCursor( PartitionTxn partitionTxn, String id ) throws LdapException
if ( withReverse )
return reverse.valueCursor( partitionTxn, id );
return new EmptyCursor<>();
public Cursor<String> forwardValueCursor( PartitionTxn partitionTxn, K key ) throws LdapException
return forward.valueCursor( partitionTxn, key );
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Value Assertion (a.k.a Index Lookup) Methods //
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean forward( PartitionTxn partitionTxn, K attrVal ) throws LdapException
return forward.has( partitionTxn, attrVal );
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean forward( PartitionTxn partitionTxn, K attrVal, String id ) throws LdapException
return forward.has( partitionTxn, attrVal, id );
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean reverse( PartitionTxn partitionTxn, String id ) throws LdapException
if ( withReverse )
return reverse.has( partitionTxn, id );
return false;
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean reverse( PartitionTxn partitionTxn, String id, K attrVal ) throws LdapException
return forward.has( partitionTxn, attrVal, id );
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Maintenance Methods
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* {@inheritDoc}
public synchronized void close( PartitionTxn partitionTxn ) throws LdapException, IOException
if ( forward != null )
forward.close( partitionTxn );
if ( reverse != null )
reverse.close( partitionTxn );
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean isDupsEnabled()
if ( withReverse )
return reverse.isDupsEnabled();
return false;
* @see Object#toString()
public String toString()
return "Index<" + attributeId + ">";